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  • The shoes I wear are these, Dansko.


  • I'm fully a Dansko convert.

    我已經完全皈依 Dansko 了。

  • I wear Dansko.

    我穿 Dansko。

  • Dansko.


  • Dansko's.


  • Or Dansko's because I'm really 5'9".

    或者是 Dansko,因為我真的有一米九。

  • Real estate is usually built up, up, up, up, up.


  • Like, all our shelves are insanely high.


  • This helps me reach the things I need to reach.


  • I like them because they're comfortable and they have an arc and they're not slit.


  • They've got this nice velcro strap, which I really like.


  • They're not quite as tall as regular Dansko's, which I also like.

    它們不像普通的 Dansko 鞋那麼高,我也很喜歡。

  • But most importantly, they are very squishy.


  • I've never had less back pain with any other shoe.


  • They're notoriously known as ankle breakers.

    他們是出了名的 "崴腳者"。

  • The heel's very high, so if you roll it over, it tends to fall all the way down.


  • I don't wear Dansko's because I think they're terrifying.


  • I wear Birkenstock Tokyo Super Grips because they're like ninja slippers.

    我穿 Birkenstock Tokyo Super Grips,因為它就像忍者拖鞋。

  • Very low, you can move around a lot in them and not feel like you're ever gonna roll your ankle, which is great, because rolling your ankle sucks.


  • The shoes I wear in the kitchen are Tokyo Birkenstock because they're super comfortable, quite durable.

    我在廚房裡穿的鞋是 Tokyo Birkenstock,因為它超級舒適,而且相當耐用。

  • They just work for me.


  • The shoes I wear in the kitchen are Birkenstocks.

    我在廚房裡穿的鞋是 Birkenstocks。

  • They are the most comfortable shoes, especially for women with high arches.


  • My experience with Birkenstocks, they're comfortable, but then, especially when you throw water on the floor when you're cleaning, they get ruined easily.

    我穿 Birkenstocks 的經驗是,它們很舒服,但後來,尤其是當你打掃衛生時把水潑到地板上時,它們就很容易被弄壞。

  • The worst shoe that I've used are the Birkies that come in all the different colors.

    我用過的最差的鞋是有各種顏色的 Birkies。

  • They were awful, and I think I threw them out after like maybe six months.


  • I don't wear the Birkins or whatever.

    我不戴 Birkins 或其他什麼東西。

  • Why not?


  • Why not?


  • It's too German for me.


  • I don't like it.


  • We love Gucci, really, because they're vintage and they feel like slippers, nice leather, and the most important is my feet don't smell.

    我們喜歡 Gucci,真的,因為它們是復古款,摸起來像拖鞋,皮質很好,最重要的是我的腳沒有味道。

  • So the shoes I wear in the kitchen always are the frickin' Schkapendels, you see?

    所以,我在廚房裡穿的鞋總是那雙該死的 Schkapendels 鞋,你明白嗎?

  • These are Schkapendels.

    這些是 Schkapendels。

  • If you don't know what Schkapendels are, wake up and dye right, go read a book, do something, comb your hair.

    如果你不知道什麼是 Schkapendels,那就醒醒吧,好好染染髮,去讀讀書,做做事,梳梳頭。

  • I don't know, you gotta do something with yourself, but maybe it's up to Google.


  • The shoes I've been wearing inside the kitchen are made by Mies.


  • They last a little bit longer than Birkenstocks, so that's good for me.

    它們比 Birkenstocks 更耐穿,所以對我來說很好。

  • The inserts, they kind of come out just like this, kind of just run the whole thing through the dish machine.


  • Actually, I've done it before.


  • It works really well, and then these inserts,


  • I can just throw in the washing machine.


  • Well, I wear Dr. Schultz with extra inlays because I'm flat-footed and the long hours really kind of catch up with you.


  • As chef de cuisine here, I'm generally on my feet for anywhere between 12 to 14 hours a day.

    作為這裡的廚師長,我每天一般要工作 12 到 14 個小時。

  • I'm usually on my feet no less than 10 hours.

    我通常要站立不少於 10 個小時。

  • It can range from eight to 12 hours.

    時間從 8 小時到 12 小時不等。

  • 12 hours a day.

    每天 12 小時。

  • The shoes I wear in the kitchen at Cozy are these Brooks Adrenalines.

    我在 Cozy 的廚房裡穿的鞋是這雙 Brooks Adrenalines。

  • The truth is that I've worn a lot of different types of shoes.


  • I'm in the kitchen three or four days a week, mostly in the expo line, so I'm not super worried about liquids or anything, but my feet are, like, flat, archless.


  • I tried the Dansko thing, not comfortable.

    我試過 Dansko 的東西,不舒服。

  • I was on Hocus for a while.

    我在 Hocus 上待過一段時間。

  • Right now, these are the answer.


  • As general manager here at Linden Street Pizzeria,


  • I like to wear my Hocus.

    我喜歡戴著 Hocus。

  • First of all, I got it at a discount.


  • Secondly, they're super-duper comfortable.


  • This is actually my second pair.


  • And when I wear them, it gives me an extra inch.


  • I wear two different kinds of shoes in the kitchen.


  • Hoca and my Birkenstocks.

    Hoca 和我的 Birkenstocks。

  • My Hocas are, like, my everyday if I'm bouncing in and out of the kitchen.


  • My Birkenstocks is if I'm planted and I will be in the kitchen for a long period of time,

    我的 Birkenstocks 是我在廚房裡長時間穿的、

  • I'll put those on.


  • I just started wearing my Bloodstones in the kitchen, and I love them so much that I wear them every day.


  • They can go through puddles, they can go through, you know, kitchen slop.


  • They're sturdy as hell, they're waterproof, and they're comfortable.


  • They're so comfortable.


  • Another pair of shoes I've tried, which I sometimes still wear, are my Bloodstones.

    我試過的另一雙鞋是我的 "血石 "鞋,有時我還穿著它。

  • They're boots I got for her when I was farming, and they're okay.


  • The kitchen shoes I wear at Sobre Masa are the slip-resistant bands.

    我在 Sobre Masa 穿的廚房鞋是防滑帶的。

  • I actually normally use Bloodstones, but I thought it'd be fun to change it up.


  • Who knows, I think I might be going back to Bloodstones.


  • I miss the boots.


  • And also, sometimes these do get a little bit wet, which is an inconvenience.


  • These are the shoes that I wear in the kitchen, my Nikes.


  • And then, right before service,


  • I like to switch them out into my Converse, just because standing on your feet for 15 hours,

    我喜歡把它們換成匡威鞋,因為要站 15 個小時、

  • I like a midpoint where I just jump into a relatively newer pair to just give me a refresher.


  • As the head chef of One One, these are the shoes I wear.

    作為 One One 的主廚,我穿的就是這雙鞋。

  • They're the New Balance Arishis.

    它們是新百倫 Arishis。

  • When I first needed a new pair of kitchen shoes a few years ago,


  • I kind of just searched women's kitchen shoes, and this is one of the first ones that popped up.


  • But I really, really like them.


  • They're super, super light.


  • They're really breathable, and they're obviously non-slip.


  • I would say the one downside, though, with the breathability,


  • I did spill hot soup on it once, and it did burn my foot.


  • But that does prove that it's very breathable.


  • I used to wear Doc Martens for a while, but the sole actually split after a few months, because whenever I kneel down to turn on something or anything, eventually it just kind of broke, and it seems not like an everyday kitchen shoe.

    我曾經穿過一段時間的 Doc Martens,但幾個月後鞋底就裂開了,因為每當我跪在地上打開什麼東西或其他東西時,鞋底就會裂開,這似乎不像是日常的廚房用鞋。

  • Prior to being introduced to Birkenstocks by my daughters,

    在女兒們介紹我穿 Birkenstocks 之前、

  • I was wearing Crocs.


  • Yeah, that was a lot of back pain and a lot of hurt.


  • I hate Crocs.

    我討厭 Crocs。

  • I'm sorry.


  • I tried Crocs before.

    我以前試過 Crocs。

  • I don't like them.


  • They're not as comfortable.


  • They're cute, but they're not comfortable.


  • Crocs sent me to the chiropractor, so those weren't great.


  • Usually when you wear Crocs and other types of shoes, it's not really good for stability, because it's kind of flat feet.

    通常情況下,當你穿 Crocs 或其他類型的鞋子時,穩定性並不好,因為那是一種扁平足。

  • The shoes I wear in the kitchen are sports Crocs, but the real answer to the shoes I wear in the kitchen is that I finally threw away my 10-year-old white clogs about a month ago, maybe more, because they were gone, and it was time.

    我在廚房裡穿的鞋子是運動鞋 Crocs,但我在廚房裡穿的鞋子的真正答案是,大約一個月前,也許更早,我終於扔掉了我那雙穿了 10 年的白色木屐鞋,因為它們已經沒了,是時候了。

  • So I might be converted to Crocs.

    所以,我可能會改穿 Crocs 鞋。

  • I really love these.


  • I got them off of eBay because I liked these colors, and then realized that they only had them in Japan.

    我從 eBay 上買的,因為我喜歡這些顏色,後來才知道只有日本才有。

  • I normally would not try to reach so far, but I love them.


  • They're super comfy, non-slip, no notes.


  • I went away from Dance Goes because my friend Chris Crawford has incredible style, and she had these, and I was like, that's so cool, and so I was imitating her.

    我離開《舞林大會》,是因為我的朋友克里斯-克勞福德(Chris Crawford)擁有令人難以置信的風格,她有這些東西,我就想,太酷了,於是我就模仿她。

  • I resold them probably twice.


  • The good thing is even if I have splash of oil going into the leather, it makes it even more shiny.


  • I think why I like to wear them, because they go with everything I wear.


  • I do own a pair of rubber Birkenstocks as well, because Dance Goes and shorts just looks crazy, so I try not to do that look too often, but now it's cold again, it's wintertime, so long pants in Dance Goes is an okay look for me, but with the shorts, I just couldn't do it.

    我也有一雙橡膠 Birkenstocks,因為《舞林大會》和短褲看起來很瘋狂,所以我儘量不經常穿這種造型,但現在又冷了,是冬天,所以長褲穿《舞林大會》對我來說還可以,但穿短褲,我就做不到了。

  • These last me about like six months or so, but I got scapping deals up to the watch though.


  • I got them like up to the ceiling in my place.




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