字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Oh it could be like a soap holder. 這個可以當肥皂架 Well, I grew up at the hospital. 我是在醫院長大的 So I was very curious like when the nurse was like taking my blood 護士為我抽血時 我總是非常好奇 and I was like why are you taking my blood? 「你抽血要做什麼?」 What test are you doing? 「你在測試什麼嗎?」 What are you looking for? 「你在找什麼?」 How does it work? How does the test work? 「要怎麼做?這實驗是怎麼回事?」 I thought that was really cool. 一切對我來說都很新鮮 So then I started asking questions and that’s kind of how my interest started. 我問東問西 為日後興趣埋下了種子 My name is Gabby Salinas, well, Gabriela Salinas. 我是蓋比˙沙林納-蓋比菈˙沙林納 I currently work at the hospital on the malaria project 我在一家醫院研究瘧疾 and our efforts are towards discovering new treatments. 目標是尋找新療法 Malaria is the number one, single killer in the world of pediatrics. 瘧疾是小兒科界的頭號殺手 Ah yeah she was showing me her schedule. 我有看過她一天的行程 And all these classes are like all these hard classes, 她上的課不是普通難 and then she had to go to work, and then lab. 之後還得去工作、下班之後再回到實驗室 The day she ate breakfast she didn’t eat lunch. 她常常吃了早餐就不吃午餐 The day she ate lunch she didn’t eat breakfast. 吃了午餐就沒吃早餐 This is a crazy woman. 她經歷充沛的讓你無法想像 I’m originally from Bolivia and I have a twin brother 我來自玻利維亞 有個雙胞胎兄弟 and we were always getting into trouble. 我們惹出的麻煩不計其數 They were terrible. Terrible. 這姐弟倆調皮搗蛋到不行 She dared me to jump out of the roof. I, you know, I got stitches. 她賭我不敢從屋頂跳出去 最後我頭上就多了幾針 I got kicked out of kindergarten. 我還被幼稚園退學過 I think Gabriela, she gives the orders and Alejandro do the work. 我猜蓋比菈發號施令 而艾列卓負責執行 When I was seven, we were always getting scrapes and you know, cuts and just bumps and bruises. 我7歲的時候 身上的刮傷、腫塊、瘀青沒少過 My dad was an air force so we were riding our bikes on the plane’s lane. 我爸是空軍 我們常在飛機跑道上騎腳踏車 It was riding on skates and we had a rope tied from the bike and he was pulling me. 我站在滑板上 他騎腳踏車用線拉著我跑 My dad had told us not to do that, of course we had to do it, 爸爸叫我們別那樣玩 我們當然就非玩不可 and she fell and she cut her knee up. 結果她摔下來 裂了膝蓋 This fall felt different 這一摔似乎有什麼不對勁了 and I started having pain in my leg and it got progressively worse. 我開始覺得腳痛 日益嚴重 My mobility got worse. I lost my ability to walk. 行動能力持續惡化 最後我無法行走 In Bolivia, we don’t know exactly what she had. 玻利維亞沒人知道這是什麼狀況 Like a mother, I’m feeling that it’s something serious. 身為母親的直覺告訴我事情大條了 My dad flies up to New York with my sister cuz my aunt lived there. 爸和姊飛到嬸嬸住的紐約 And in New York they diagnosed me with Ewing’s Sarcoma. 我在那兒被確診為尤文氏肉瘤 It’s a bone cancer in her back. 那是種發於背部的骨癌 And they said without treatment that I’d only had few weeks to live 若不治療 我只剩幾周可活 and we needed 250,000 dollars for the treatment. 治療要花去25萬美元 At that moment, my mom said that she had never felt so hopeless in her life. 媽媽說她從沒像當時那般絕望過 She’s like, “I can’t believe my child is going to die, 她說: 「我不敢相信我的孩子就要這樣死了 not because a treatment doesn’t exist, but because I can’t afford the treatment.” 不是因為絕症,而是因為我們沒錢醫她」 My dad calls his sister and tells her, you know, what’s going on. 我爸打給他姊姊 說明出了什麼事 She was at work. 她當時在上班 A reporter from the New York Daily News was there and asked her why she was upset, 有個紐約每日新聞的記者問她為何悶悶不樂 and he wrote up the story as to what was happening. 之後他寫了一篇我的故事 The next day, that story was front page, 報導隔天上了頭版 and Marlo Thomas who’s the daughter of Danny Thomas, found at the hospital at St. Jude, 麥露˙湯瑪斯-聖猶達醫院創辦人丹尼˙湯瑪斯的女兒 連繫了我們 contacted us and said, “I have a place that you can go to and you will not receive a single bill.” 她說: 「我知道一個地方,可能有幫助,不花你們分毫」 So from Bolivia to New York, to Memphis, Tennessee. 我們從玻利維亞來到紐約 現在又要前往田納西州曼非斯 Here we go! 來吧! How does this work? 這要怎麼玩? Monopoly. – It’s gonna fall. -贏家只有一個 -一定會垮掉 They are such a strong family. They are a role model for how you confront adversity. 這個家族非常堅強 是所有遭逢變故者的學習榜樣 I’ve known Gabby about 18 years now. 我認識蓋比18年了 Gone through another diagnosis of cancer, been with her family through some other trauma and accident that the family had. 她二度罹癌 又碰上天外飛來的橫禍和家庭創傷 I was only 8 when the accident happened. 意外發生時我只有8歲 We went to New York to get out of the hospital, 我們去紐約辦出院手續 cuz you know, that year, we’re like living at the hospital. 那年我們全家人基本上是住在醫院 And then, on the way back we got into a car accident. 回家時出了車禍 Our car flipped. 車子翻了 We went from one side of the inner state to the other side of the inner state. 我們從州際公路的這端彈到另一端 And my dad and my sister were killed in the accident and my mom was paralyzed. 爸爸和妹妹死於那場車禍 媽媽則變成癱瘓 And being a kid and thinking, my worst nightmare just came true. 年幼的我想著最糟糕的惡夢成真了 It was, it was very difficult for her. 那個打擊讓她心裡很不好過 And I was pregnant with Danny. 我當時又懷了丹尼 My name is Danny Thomas Omar Salinas. 我是丹尼˙湯瑪斯˙奧馬˙沙林納 I know the story pretty well, but yeah. 我清楚故事的來龍去脈 不過… Cancer girl tried to revive her dad. 骨癌女試圖救回父親 The Bolivian girl whose battle with cancer captured New York’s heart last year. 去年玻利維亞女孩與病魔的對抗 讓紐約人為之動容 Ignoring her shattered right hand, family members said, 家族成員形容: 不顧自己傷重的右手 Gabriela Salinas managed to climb out of the wreckage of her family’s car and crawl to her dad. 蓋比菈˙沙林納從車體殘骸掙脫出來 爬向爸爸 Her cries of “daddy, daddy” were met only by a comforting smile that slowly spread across her father’s face, 她的哭喊卻只換來爸爸臉上逐漸蔓開的虛弱微笑 a solid goodbye from the man who loved her more than life itself. 就此與愛她勝過自己生命的爸爸天人永隔 I definitely get my discipline from him. 他教會我許多事 We did so much physical therapy cuz I wanted to walk so bad. 我太渴望再度行走 所以接受了數不清的物理治療 He’s like, “you’re gonna walk again.” I was like, okay. 他說: 「妳一定可以恢復的」 我想: 「好 一定沒問題」 And there’s times when I was like, I don’t want to do the physical therapy 當然也有想放棄的時候 but he would push me and that’s what I needed at that moment. 但他總激勵我堅持下去 That same mindset that has been with me all the way through. 這樣不放棄的心態、想法伴隨我一路走來 It’s my way of carrying his memory. 這是我緬懷與思念他的方式 Why do you have a brace? 妳為什麼要穿支架? The tumor that I had in my back did a lot of damage to my left leg, 背裡的腫瘤嚴重影響了我的左腳 so I have to wear it to walk better. 我需要支架才能好好走路 But I don’t wear it when I wear cute shoes though. 可是如果我想穿漂亮鞋子 就不會戴支架 Cuz it doesn’t fit into cute shoes. 因為它和美鞋完全不搭 Girls suffer a lot for cute shoes. 為了穿上美美的鞋子 女生可是很願意忍耐的 Some people, they have normal lives. 有些人的生活正常到不能再正常 But I think that, it’s the same what the doctors tell Gabriela one time. 醫生也這麼跟蓋比菈說過 When she had the second cancer. 二度罹癌時 醫生說: he said, “Gabriela, I cannot explain why persons, they don’t have cancer in his whole life, 「蓋比菈 我想不透為何有人活了一輩子沒得到半個癌症, and you have two in 15 years.” 妳卻15年內得了兩個」 When she had the second cancer, 第二次患上癌症時 we think that it would be easy, but I was not. 我們以為情況不會再那麼惡劣 我心情卻沉到谷底 Because she needed to be alone, 因為使用放射性碘治療 because it’s a radioactive iodine, 她只能獨自一人 and that’s more hard than to lose hair. 那比掉髮更叫人難受 It’s more hard than everything, 無法陪在她身邊 not to be with her. 比什麼都叫人難受 I have to say, okay, I’ve had two types of radiation. 「我總共接受了兩種放射性治療、 I’ve had surgery and I’ve had chemo. 一堆手術加化療」 I guarantee I threw up more than all y’all combined. I can tell you that. 我敢說你們全部加起來的次數還沒有我吐的多 That makes you win again. 你又贏了 Winning, you’re winning. 你是冠軍 我們都輸了 And I lost my hair. 我還掉光了頭髮 Where do you get your inspiration? 妳的靈感來源是什麼? My inspiration is my mom. 我媽 She doesn’t let anything get her down and just keep pushing through everything. 她不讓任何事擊垮自己 努力把每件事做到最好 Sounds a lot like you too though. 聽起來跟妳好像 Really? 是嗎? It’s like a lot of qualities of why I admire you and look up to you, 那些特質正是我欣賞、敬佩妳的原因 they are the same things you were describing about your mom. 妳媽媽也有同樣個性呢 Well, I think you are very sweet. 妳過獎了 I have never given Gabby something to do that she didn’t get done. 我給的任務 蓋比全都使命必達 It didn’t matter to her what needed happen, how hard she had to work, what she had learned. 對她來說 結果如何、得多用功、要額外學什麼通通不重要 There are not a whole lot of people in the world who push that hard on everything they do. 世界上能這樣對每件事都恪盡心力的人並不多 I just really love what I do. 我只是真的很喜歡這份工作 I know that what I do makes a difference further down the road. 我知道這些努力長遠來看是有意義的 I think that’s one of the reasons why I’m so passionate about it. 我想那是我保有熱情的原因之一 And I know that the sciences in Jude is moving faster than anywhere else, 我知道猶達這兒的科學比其他地區都更快地發展著 and I kind of want to be involved in that. 而我想要參與其中 Nothing gets in Gabby’s way. 沒什麼能阻擋蓋比 If there’s any barrier, she goes around it, over it, whatever she needs to do. 若真有阻礙 她勇敢面對、竭盡全力去克服 She is one determined young woman. 她是個毅力決心兼具的女人 Cancer didn’t stop her. 生病無法讓她放棄 It tried, you know. It got close, you know. 癌症毫不留情的在她身上肆虐 It got her, you know, not walking. 狠狠折磨她、害她不能走路 In the midst of tragedy, there is always hope, 絕望困境當中 必有一線曙光 and you should never give up. 你永遠不該輕易放棄 My sister, she always seems to think that, this is nothing. I’m going to get through it. 我姐似乎總如此認為: 「小意思 我會一一解決的」 I look up to her as my hero. 她是我的英雄 I mean, like if I had someone I wanted to be like, it’d be Gabby. 如果你問我想成為怎樣的人 答案一定是蓋比 My mom said, don’t let anything or anyone take away your happiness. 我媽說別讓任何事或任何人剝奪妳快樂的權利 There’s two things that you can do, 妳有兩個選擇 crying or laughing. 「哭」或是「笑」 We choose laughing. 我們選擇了笑 I think I’m like a well-built house. 我覺得我是幢堅固的房子 I’m strong but being strong doesn’t make any storm weak. 房子很穩固 但無法免於狂風暴雨的侵襲 Going through cancer I was still upset, 癌症、躲不掉的化療 still went through the chemo, didn’t feel like doing it sometimes. 依然讓我沮喪 灰心又低潮 But I knew that I was going to get through it and that I was going to be fine. 不過我知道自己可以挺過去 最後都會沒事的
A2 初級 中文 玻利維亞 治療 湯瑪斯 癌症 爸爸 丹尼 兩次癌症和一次可怕的事故並沒有阻止Gabby。 (Two Cancers and a Horrific Accident Didn't Stop Gabby.) 622 34 Go Tutor 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字