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  • On my quest to find an opening that anyone can play to dominate, I crafted a guiding tier list that you can use to absolutely crush everybody.


  • I thought it was a stupid question to even ask, but I found a surprisingly clear answer.


  • There is one glorious gambit that was mentioned by Grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura and Levi.


  • It's also the opening that AlphaZero, one of the strongest chess computers of all time is playing.

    這也是有史以來最強的國際象棋計算機之一 AlphaZero 正在下的開局。

  • If you want to achieve a position that is stronger than Arnold Schwarzenegger's massive arms, wearing full diamond armor and a diamond sword enchanted with sharpness 3, you should try the Evans Gambit.

    如果你想比阿諾德-施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)的巨臂還要強壯,穿上全套鑽石鎧甲,手持鋒利 3 級的鑽石劍,那你就應該試試埃文斯賭局(Evans Gambit)。

  • There's only one problem with this opening.


  • Before I explain the issue, let me explain why you should play it anyway.


  • You start the game with E4, Knight F3 attacking the pawn, they defend it and you play Bishop to C4.

    你以 E4 開局,馬 F3 攻兵,對方防守,你下象至 C4。

  • They develop their Bishop too and you sacrifice your pawn.


  • The best and most common moves for Black are Bishop takes.


  • You attack the Bishop and they retreat.


  • Now you attack the center, ready to castle and having a crushing space advantage that will slowly turn into a devastating difficulty for your opponent.


  • However, there is one problem.


  • Don't get me wrong, you should definitely study this opening.


  • Hikaru, Levi and AlphaZero can not be wrong all at the same time.

    Hikaru、Levi 和 AlphaZero 不可能同時出錯。

  • It's an S tier opening for sure.

    這肯定是一個 S 級開局。

  • But this opening requires Black to play these specific moves.


  • So we need a backup plan.


  • They're quite common moves and you might see them a lot, but every other game they might play something else.


  • We open the game with E4, hoping that we can pull off the Evans Gambit.

    我們以 E4 開局,希望能走出埃文斯騙局。

  • What if they didn't respond with E5?

    如果他們沒有迴應 E5 呢?

  • Another common move is E6.

    另一個常見棋步是 E6。

  • The first thing you do is hit the subscribe button.


  • After that you play the French Defense Advance Variation.


  • Hikaru played this opening until he reached 2300.

    Hikaru 一直下到 2300 點。

  • Take over the center and the most common move for Black is D5.

    佔領中央,黑方最常見的棋步是 D5。

  • Now you push your E pawn, again leaving you with a space advantage allowing you to develop your piece as well.

    現在你推你的 E 兵,再次給你留下空間優勢,讓你也能發展你的棋子。

  • Although your opponent might play something like C6 instead of E6, which we will cover next, I would definitely say this is an A tier opening.

    雖然對手可能會下 C6 而不是 E6(我們接下來會介紹),但我絕對會說這是一個 A 級開局。

  • Not as useful as the Evans Gambit, but probably the easiest and best thing you can do against E6.

    這招不如埃文斯陷阱有用,但可能是對付 E6 最簡單也是最好的辦法。

  • Next one is Karokan.

    下一個是 Karokan。

  • Another absolute S tier opening you should 100% know.

    你應該百分百知道的另一個絕對的 S 級開局。

  • You can use this opening as both White and Black.


  • It's an S tier response to E4, the most common opening move.

    這是對 E4 的 S 級迴應,也是最常見的開局棋步。

  • But it's also good to know this opening is White in case your opponent uses the Karokan Defense.


  • E4 C6 and White plays D4 to which Black responds D5.


  • There are multiple variations White can play, such as the Advance and Exchange variation.


  • It's really worth studying both of them and maybe also the Knight C3 variation.

    這兩款遊戲都非常值得研究,也許還有騎士 C3 的變體。

  • Since you want to play this opening as White and Black.


  • The next opening is even higher than S tier.

    下一個開口比 S 級還要高。

  • It's Magnus Carlsen tier.


  • It's the strongest of all.


  • Pretty much nobody is playing this opening at all.


  • Only one time in chess history somebody played this opening against Magnus Carlsen and he drawed the game in 6 moves.

    在國際象棋歷史上,只有一次有人用這個開局對陣馬格努斯-卡爾森,結果他在 6 步之內就和棋了。

  • Yes.


  • The greatest player of all time drawed the game in 6 moves because he didn't want to face this opening.


  • I'm talking about the legendary Nakamura Carlsen double Bon Cloud attack.


  • The Bon Cloud attack goes E4.

    邦雲攻擊為 E4。

  • King E2.

    國王 E2。

  • Hikaru and Carlsen played this as a joke and drawed the game.

    Hikaru 和卡爾森把這當做一個玩笑,結果和棋了。

  • It's the worst possible move.


  • Let me show you how to play against C5 because the Bon Cloud is trash.

    讓我來教你如何對抗 C5,因為邦雲是垃圾。

  • Bad opening.


  • Go to hell.


  • E4 and they play C5.

    E4 和他們演奏 C5。

  • The Sicilian defense.


  • As White you kind of want to learn the Knight F3 variation so you know how to play against it.


  • But if you're Black, just play the Karo-Kan against E4 instead.

    但如果你是黑方,只需對 E4 下 Karo-Kan 即可。

  • The Sicilian is cool but not that common.


  • The next opening is more likely to happen.


  • This one is A tier.

    這個是 A 級。

  • Just vaguely learn the main line.


  • If they play D5, you take and they take with the Queen.

    如果他們玩 D5,你拿皇后,他們拿皇后。

  • You scare off the Queen.


  • It's called the Scandinavian.


  • If Black plays D5 just remember these moves and continue with logical save moves that look good.


  • Definitely a useful opening.


  • But as Black I would still recommend you play the Karo-Kan.


  • It's just the 1S tier Black opening.

    這只是 1S 級黑色開口。

  • Now which one should you actually play as White and Black?


  • As White, you open the game with E4 and try to pull off the Evans Gambit.

    作為白方,你以 E4 開局,並嘗試下出埃文斯手勢。

  • Not again Dios mio.


  • Why always a sacrifice pawn?


  • If they play E6, you play the French Advance.

    如果他們玩 E6,你就玩法國先遣軍。

  • If they play C6, you're in the Karo-Kan.

    如果他們玩 C6,你就在卡洛-坎。

  • If they play C5, you're in the Sicilian.

    如果他們下 C5,你就下西西里。

  • If they play D5, you take and attack the Queen.

    如果他們下 D5,你就吃掉並攻擊皇后。

  • If they play anything else, they're probably an idiot anyway and you can beat them with sheer brain power.


  • As Black, you play Karo-Kan against E4 and the King's Indian defense against anything else.

    作為黑方,你要下卡洛坎對付 E4,下印度王防禦對付任何其他棋步。

  • The King's Indian is basically the easiest way to have a solid response to almost everything White can do.


  • Our final question.


  • What if they play E5, but the Evans Gambit is not possible?

    如果他們下 E5,但埃文斯騙局不可能實現呢?

  • This is the last Infinity Stone we need to genuinely master the opening.


  • I'll show you what to do.


  • Obviously you can not learn every single opening, there are hundreds.


  • Also by the way don't learn all these openings at once.


  • Just pick one that you like and then keep learning the other ones at your own speed.


  • If you go for the glorious and greatest of all Evans Gambit but they play something else, don't worry, they can't really stop you if you know your moves.


  • Just watch this in-depth guide right now that explains everything you need to know in a very simple manner and subscribe.


On my quest to find an opening that anyone can play to dominate, I crafted a guiding tier list that you can use to absolutely crush everybody.


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