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  • During the boom of climate investing, there's a surprising industry that's expected to rake in the green.


  • It's garbage.


  • North America's biggest landfill operator, which manages your waste, is known as WM.

    北美最大的垃圾填埋場運營商被稱為 WM,它負責管理您的垃圾。

  • It's best known for collecting trash and putting it in a landfill.


  • If you've lived in America and you've thrown something away, chances are they have handled your trash.


  • But beginning in 2026, the company says sustainability-focused ventures will reach 15 percent of its total profit, or about $740 million a year.

    但該公司表示,從 2026 年開始,以可持續發展為重點的投資項目將達到總利潤的 15%,即每年約 7.4 億美元。

  • Here's how the company plans to profit from government tax credits and a market that's hungry for renewable energy and recycled materials.


  • This is the economics of WM.

    這就是 WM 的經濟學。

  • Over the next four years, WM plans to invest $1.2 billion into making fuel from rotting garbage.

    未來四年,WM 公司計劃投資 12 億美元,利用腐爛的垃圾製造燃料。

  • When the trash that ends up in a landfill decomposes, it releases a slew of gases.


  • One of them is methane, known commercially as natural gas, which is more environmentally harmful to the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.


  • Landfill owners would previously capture methane and burn it off to prevent it from seeping into the atmosphere.


  • Now, they collect the gases, and nearby plants separate the methane, which is piped into power plants for electricity or into homes for heating and cooking.


  • WM already operates 66 landfill gas plants all over the country.

    WM 公司已在全國營運著 66 家垃圾填埋氣工廠。

  • Landfill gas is much more expensive to produce than gas drilled by energy companies.


  • But thanks to federal tax breaks and other incentives to reduce pollution, landfill gas has become economically viable for producers and buyers.


  • WM expects to receive $250 million in tax credits installing gasworks at 18 of its landfills, thanks to last year's climate, tax and health care bill.

    得益於去年的氣候、稅收和醫療保健法案,WM 預計將獲得 2.5 億美元的稅收減免,用於在其 18 個垃圾填埋場安裝燃氣設備。

  • The climate bill really was a bit more of a catalyst to do it faster.


  • Waste management is pursuing these projects because they're immensely profitable right now.


  • And it's made projects at smaller landfills, which will be less productive than large landfills, it's brought them into the money.


  • They're now economical.


  • WM says this expansion will allow it to produce eight times more gas than it does now and will generate $500 million in additional profit for 2026, not counting the tax breaks.

    WM 公司表示,此次擴建將使其天然氣產量比現在多出八倍,並將在 2026 年帶來 5 億美元的額外利潤,這還不包括稅收減免。

  • Currently, natural gas from landfills only accounts for less than 1 percent of the U.S. natural gas supply.

    目前,垃圾填埋場產生的天然氣僅佔美國天然氣供應量的不到 1%。

  • But because of the growing demand, the number of renewable natural gas projects, including landfills, has nearly doubled in the past five years and production has significantly increased.


  • WM's competitors are also cashing in with their own landfill gas plants.

    WM 公司的競爭對手也在利用自己的垃圾填埋氣工廠賺錢。

  • Republic Services is planning to open a total of 77 renewable energy projects and reported that about 88 percent of its landfills are covered in biogas collection systems.

    共和服務公司(Republic Services)計劃開設總共 77 個可再生能源項目,並報告稱其垃圾填埋場約有 88% 覆蓋了沼氣收集系統。

  • But WM's not just investing in landfills.

    但 WM 不僅僅是投資垃圾填埋場。

  • The waste management company is making large investments in upgrading its recycling plants, like this one outside of Cleveland.


  • Our 100,000 square foot facility is built to manage 12,000 tons a month of recycling.

    我們的設施佔地 100,000 平方英尺,每月可管理 12,000 噸回收物。

  • These investments are helping plants to increase recycling recovery rates, and the company expects the new tech to add $240 million to its bottom line over the next four years.

    這些投資正在幫助工廠提高回收利用率,公司預計新技術將在未來四年內為公司增加 2.4 億美元的收入。

  • The WM Cleveland facility prior was a commercial recycling plant, so we could not offer single stream commercial recycling.

    WM 克利夫蘭工廠之前是一家商業回收廠,是以我們不能提供單一的商業回收。

  • This investment now has opened up our capacity to both residential and commercial recycling.


  • We're able to provide single stream recycling for them.


  • One of WM's upgrades involves automating its recycling plants with optical sorters powered by A.I.

    WM 的升級項目之一是利用人工智能驅動的光學分揀機實現回收工廠的自動化。

  • So behind me is one of 12 optical scanners within our process system.

    我身後是我們流程系統中 12 臺光學掃描儀中的一臺。

  • The optical scanners are made to pick 900 to 1,000 pics per minute.

    光學掃描儀每分鐘可掃描 900 至 1 000 張照片。

  • Through programming and imaging, it identifies a specific product and there's an air jet that then identifies that product onto a conveyor over to the baler to be baled for the end user.


  • It makes the sorting go a lot faster.


  • It removes human error.


  • And what they found is that it really boosts not only the quantity of what they call recovered materials, but they're getting a better quality.


  • It's cleaner.


  • It's not a jumble of other stuff in there.


  • So they're spending a lot of money to automate these recycling facilities in order to boost efficiency.


  • Where we have made these investments, we're lowering our operating costs by reducing some of the labor intensity of the business.


  • All that stuff goes to these facilities where it's sorted into different materials, you know, mixed paper, corrugated cardboard, clear bottles.


  • That all gets separated.


  • That's a very intense labor, not a very pleasant job.


  • These companies have a really hard time keeping people in those jobs.


  • And these optical sorters have already begun to increase revenue.


  • Recyclables have become an increasingly valuable commodity themselves as more companies promise to use recycled packaging.


  • There's a big shortage of the materials, of recycled material, that companies like Coca-Cola or Amazon or whoever uses a lot of plastic and paper can reuse for new packaging.


  • So the race is on to really get that stuff out of the waste stream.


  • And companies are willing to pay up for those materials, even though they're more expensive, because they've told their investors and their customers they're going to clean up their act.


  • Plus, more cleanly sorted recyclables fetch a higher price.


  • WM says the optical sorters are able to increase blended commodity value by about 15 percent per ton.

    WM 稱,光學分揀機可將每噸混合商品的價值提高約 15%。

  • And the company expects that it will be able to recover 25 percent more reusable materials by 2025.

    公司預計,到 2025 年,可再利用材料的回收率將提高 25%。

  • We're continuously looking at that algorithm to make sure that we capture more material long term.


  • And sustainability investments are even going back to one of WM's core businesses, collections.

    可持續發展投資甚至又回到了 WM 的核心業務之一--收款。

  • People need to do the job right at the start.


  • And we have a technology that we use called Smart Truck that helps us with that.

    我們有一項名為 "智能卡車 "的技術,可以幫助我們做到這一點。

  • Smart Trucks come equipped with cameras.


  • When the truck tips recyclables into its hopper, its tech captures footage of the materials for a team of technicians to review.


  • These technicians scan for any objects that can't be recycled and monitor the amount of recyclables.


  • If WM detects misplaced recyclables or overflowing bins, it sends a notification to its commercial and residential customers informing them of the issue.

    如果 WM 發現可回收物品放錯地方或垃圾箱溢出,就會向商業和住宅客戶發送通知,告知他們相關問題。

  • In our regions where we have that Smart Truck technology, we've seen residue reduce roughly 20 percent.

    在我們擁有智能卡車技術的地區,殘留物大約減少了 20%。

  • In those markets.


  • So that's key.


  • Let's just say a really dirty pizza box mixed in with paper.


  • You know that good paper or good cardboard gets contaminated and then it can't be recycled.


  • Much of this technology is already in place today.


  • We definitely think about the materials that are in our landfills as just that.


  • Materials, they're a resource.


  • What we think of as trash, a lot of it is really some of the hottest commodities of the green economy.


  • Microsoft Mechanics


During the boom of climate investing, there's a surprising industry that's expected to rake in the green.


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