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  • The goal of in vitro fertilization is to create an embryo that will result in a healthy, genetically normal infant.


  • Through ovarian stimulation, we aim to produce many eggs, which will hopefully grow into a small group of embryos.


  • But when there are many embryos to choose from, how do we know which ones are the best?


  • There are several ways to pick an embryo.


  • Traditionally, the embryologist uses morphology, the size and appearance of the embryo, to determine which embryos are suitable for transfer and freezing.


  • Using morphology for embryo selection is not harmful to the embryo and carries no additional cost.


  • However, morphology is subjective.


  • An embryo with a lower grade may still result in pregnancy, and a high grade embryo may not.


  • Another way to select between embryos is through pre-implantation genetic testing.


  • In order to make a typical baby, an embryo must be created from an equal amount of genetic material contributed by the sperm and the egg.


  • We are all made up of a unique set of DNA, which we inherit from our genetic parents.

    我們每個人都由一套獨特的 DNA 組成,這套 DNA 是我們從遺傳父母那裡繼承來的。

  • DNA is organized into genes, and genes are packaged into larger structures called chromosomes.

    DNA 被組織成基因,基因被包裝成稱為染色體的較大結構。

  • If you think of each person as a library, the chromosomes are the books that make up the library, genes are the sentences within the books, and DNA is the individual letters.

    如果把每個人看作一個圖書館,那麼染色體就是組成圖書館的書籍,基因就是書中的句子,而 DNA 則是各個字母。

  • Each of us typically has 46 chromosomes arranged into 23 pairs, termed euploid.

    我們每個人通常有 46 條染色體,排列成 23 對,稱為整倍體。

  • We all have two copies of every chromosome, one copy from the egg, and one from the sperm.


  • The first 22 pairs of chromosomes are numbered 1 through 22 based on size.

    前 22 對染色體根據大小編號為 1 到 22。

  • The 23rd pair are sex chromosomes, XX for female or XY for male.

    第 23 對是性染色體,XX 代表女性,XY 代表男性。

  • Genetic diseases can result from errors in part of a chromosome or the entire chromosome.


  • The most common cause of miscarriages and IVF failure is an embryo having too many or too few chromosomes.


  • This is called aneuploid.


  • Although this problem can arise from either the sperm or the egg, it is more common in eggs from women over 35 to 40 years old.

    雖然精子或卵子都可能出現這種問題,但這種問題在 35 至 40 歲以上女性的卵子中更為常見。

  • IVF can help this problem by creating more eggs, increasing the pool of embryos we have to choose from.


  • Then if we can identify the embryos that contain too many or too few chromosomes, we would avoid selecting those embryos.


  • This is pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy, or PGTA.


  • PGTA is the modern terminology, but in the past has also been referred to as PGS or TCS.

    PGT-A 是現代術語,但在過去也被稱為 PGS 或 CCS。

  • Here's how it works.


  • All good quality embryos that make it to the blastocyst stage by day 5 or 6 are biopsied.

    所有在第 5 或第 6 天進入囊胚期的優質胚胎都要進行切片。

  • A few cells are removed from the trophectoderm, or placenta, of each embryo.


  • Embryo damage is very rare.


  • The embryo is then frozen and stored in our labs.


  • The biopsy cells are sent to a genetics facility that analyzes the DNA to determine if the embryo contains the normal 46 chromosomes.

    切片細胞被送往遺傳學機構,由該機構對 DNA 進行分析,以確定胚胎是否含有正常的 46 條染色體。

  • This allows for the transfer of a chromosomally normal embryo, which will have a potentially higher chance of implantation than an untested embryo where we don't know the chromosomal makeup.


  • It's important to note that PGTA increases cost by $4,000 or more, and there's a small chance that the genetic tests may return with no result.

    值得注意的是,PGT-A 會使費用增加 4,000 美元或更多,而且基因檢測有可能沒有結果。

  • PGTA is a useful test, but even a chromosomally normal embryo does not guarantee pregnancy, nor does it completely prevent miscarriage.

    PGT-A 是一種有用的檢測方法,但即使是染色體正常的胚胎也不能保證懷孕,也不能完全避免流產。

  • Pregnancy rates for PGTA-tested euploid embryos are upwards of 60 to 70%.

    經 PGT-A 檢測的整倍體胚胎的懷孕率高達 60% 至 70%。

  • You will need to undergo a frozen embryo transfer cycle to transfer the normal embryo into the uterus.


  • PGTA is most beneficial for women who are over 37 to 38 years old and have multiple embryos.

    PGT-A 對 37 至 38 歲以上、擁有多個胚胎的女性最有益。

  • Once pregnant, prenatal genetic screening is still recommended because, although it's very accurate, there is a chance that PGTA can be incorrect.

    一旦懷孕,仍建議進行產前基因篩檢,因為雖然產前基因篩檢非常準確,但 PGT-A 也有可能不正確。

  • Even though PGTA does not create better quality embryos, it can provide valuable information and help to identify the euploid embryo sooner.

    儘管 PGT-A 並不能製造出品質更好的胚胎,但它可以提供有價值的資訊,並有助於更快地識別整倍體胚胎。

  • At PCRM, we perform a high number of PGTA cycles, and our genetic counselors would be happy to meet with you and answer your questions.

    在 PCRM,我們進行了大量的 PGT-A 循環,我們的遺傳諮詢師非常樂意與您會面並回答您的問題。

The goal of in vitro fertilization is to create an embryo that will result in a healthy, genetically normal infant.


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