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  • This video is brought to you by Rhinoshield.

    本視頻由 Rhinoshield 為您帶來。

  • Today, I'm going to take you through the first 25 things that you should do with your brand new iPhone 16 Pro or iPhone 16 Pro Max.

    今天,我將帶你瞭解使用全新 iPhone 16 Pro 或 iPhone 16 Pro Max 時應該做的前 25 件事。

  • Now, these tips and tricks are going to help you find hidden new features, preserve battery health, extend your battery life, and maximize your iPhone's performance and unlock the full potential of iOS 18.

    現在,這些技巧和竅門將幫助你找到隱藏的新功能,保護電池健康,延長電池使用時間,最大限度地發揮 iPhone 的性能,釋放 iOS 18 的全部潛能。

  • But before we start, I am giving away this brand new iPhone 16 in Ultramarine.

    但在開始之前,我要贈送這臺全新群青色 iPhone 16。

  • For a chance to win, be sure to like this video, subscribe to the channel, and comment your favorite feature of the iPhone 16 Pro with your Instagram username, and then follow me on Instagram at TheOdd1sToTheBone, where I will announce the winner on the 31st of October.

    要獲得獲獎機會,請務必喜歡這段視頻、訂閱該頻道,並用您的 Instagram 用戶名評論您最喜歡的 iPhone 16 Pro 功能,然後在 Instagram 上關注我,我將在 10 月 31 日公佈獲獎者名單。

  • Alright, so the first thing I want to show you is how to protect the incredible display of your new iPhone 16 Pro or Pro Max.

    好了,首先我要向你展示的是如何保護新 iPhone 16 Pro 或 Pro Max 令人難以置信的顯示屏。

  • Now, these phones come with OLED displays, and OLED displays, unfortunately, can be prone to what is called burn-in over time, in which pixels or certain parts of the image, like, for example, icons or your clock, will become permanently imprinted in your display, and there is, unfortunately, no fix to this other than to buy a new screen.

    現在,這些手機配備了 OLED 顯示屏,不幸的是,OLED 顯示屏隨著時間的推移很容易出現所謂的 "燒損 "現象,像素或影像的某些部分,例如圖標或時鐘,會永久地印在顯示屏上。

  • However, there are two really crucial settings, and you can make sure are set right, and this is going to go a long way to preventing burn-in from happening on your phone.


  • So, let me show you what these are.


  • The first setting has to do with your auto-lock timer.


  • Now, to change this, we're going to go into settings, and then we're going to scroll to where we find display and brightness, and then in here, we're going to scroll down to where we find the auto-lock timer.


  • And there's one setting here that you want to make sure you avoid, and that is the bottom one, never.

    這裡有一個設置要確保避免,那就是最下面的 "永不"。

  • You want to make sure that it is never set to this option, and that you always want a shorter time, like, for example, two minutes or even 30 seconds, especially for security reasons.

    你要確保它永遠不會被設置為這個選項,你總是想要一個較短的時間,比如兩分鐘甚至 30 秒,特別是出於安全原因。

  • That's going to be great, too.


  • That way, if you ever, you know, have your phone unlocked somewhere, knowing that it will auto-lock very quickly, even if you forget to do so, can be great as well, also good for your battery life.


  • But most importantly, it's going to help protect your display from burn-in.


  • As the two main causes for burn-in are going to be, one, being on a static image for an extended period, and that's exactly what this setting here addresses, and the second has to do with brightness, but we'll take a look at that next.


  • But here, to prevent your screen from being on a static image for an extended period of time, make sure that your auto-lock setting is set to a short time.


  • Again, I recommend anywhere from three minutes down to 30 seconds.

    同樣,我建議從三分鐘到 30 秒不等。

  • I have mine set here a bit later, but that's only because I'm recording a video.


  • Right, and then, as I mentioned, the second setting has to do with your brightness.


  • Now, the second thing that will cause burn-in is being on a high-brightness screen for an extended period of time, as that's going to cause more warmth on your display, and it's going to increase the chances of burn-in developing.


  • So, to avoid this from happening, you want to make sure that auto-brightness is turned on.


  • Now, by default, this will be on.


  • However, you can choose to turn this off as well.


  • If you've turned it off, you don't know how to turn it back on, let me show you.


  • If you just want to make sure and check that it is on, what you want to do is go into Settings, and tap on Accessibility, tap on Display and Text Size, and then scroll all the way down here to where we find auto-brightness.


  • Now, again, I have mine off here for the video, but normally speaking, I always have auto-brightness on on all of my phones, and you can also actually ask Siri to turn this on for you.

    在視頻中,我再次關閉了自動亮度,但通常情況下,我的所有手機都會開啟自動亮度,你也可以讓 Siri 幫你開啟自動亮度。

  • Awesome, so these two settings are going to go a long way to protecting this beautiful display of your iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max.

    太棒了,這兩項設置將大大有助於保護 iPhone 16 Pro 和 16 Pro Max 的漂亮顯示屏。

  • Now, the next thing I want to take a look at is a new feature on these phones, and that is the Camera Control button that you see here on the right-hand side.


  • So, let me give you a quick tutorial on how this works and show you some of its best features.


  • Okay, so first of all, here is the Action button right here.

    好的,首先,這裡是 "操作 "按鈕。

  • What we're going to do is press it once, and as you can see, we're automatically going to launch the Camera app here.


  • So, I got my iPhone 16 as a subject for this portion of the video.

    於是,我把 iPhone 16 作為這部分視頻的拍攝對象。

  • So, what you can do here right away is in the Camera app, you can click on the Camera Control, and that is going to take a photo.

    所以,你現在可以做的就是在相機應用中點擊 "相機控制",這樣就可以拍照了。

  • You actually have to physically click, and you'll feel that feedback in the phone as well.


  • Quite nice, a bit like taking a picture on a proper camera.


  • However, you can do much more with this.


  • So, what you can also do is apply a little bit of pressure and then scroll either to the left or right side, and as you can see, I'm now zooming in to my photo.


  • This is a really unique way to zoom into your picture using this Camera Control.


  • It gives you pretty precise control.


  • I would say the one thing you do have to make sure to remember is to really apply a little bit of pressure before you're able to zoom.


  • For example, if I take my finger and just rest it and start scrolling, as you can see, it doesn't do anything.


  • You first have to apply that bit of pressure, and then you can start to zoom.


  • Now, you can actually take this even further as the Camera Capture, the Camera Control offers even more functionality.

    現在,您還可以通過 "相機捕捉 "和 "相機控制 "實現更多功能。

  • So, if you double tap it here to Firm Presses, as you can see, it brings up this secondary menu, and here you can choose between different functions for this Camera Control.

    是以,如果你雙擊這裡的 "堅定按壓",如你所見,就會彈出二級菜單,在這裡你可以為相機控制選擇不同的功能。

  • So, you can switch between your camera styles, switch between your cameras.


  • You can also change things like your aperture, as well as your depth.


  • So, you can really go quite far in how to control this and change these settings.


  • Now, personally, I do prefer using the zoom.


  • I think this is going to be the best function for the Camera Control, but you can really fine-tune it to go for exactly what it is you want.

    我認為這將是 "相機控制 "的最佳功能,但您也可以對其進行微調,以達到您想要的效果。

  • Now, there is one setting that I do recommend you look into and fine-tune, and that is to choose which application you want to launch when you press that Camera Control.

    現在,有一項設置我建議你進行研究和微調,那就是選擇按下 "相機控制 "時要啟動的應用程序。

  • You can see here that, by default, it's going to open up the regular camera app, but what if, say, you use a different application to take your photos or you want to open and post straight to a social media app?


  • Well, to do this, you can go into Settings, and then over on the main page of Settings here, we go ahead and scroll down to where we find the camera.

    要做到這一點,你可以進入 "設置",然後在 "設置 "的主頁上,繼續向下滾動,找到攝像頭。

  • So, we'll tap on that and then tap on Camera Control.

    是以,我們將點擊它,然後點擊 "相機控制"。

  • That's going to be your first option, and here you can choose which application you want to open.


  • So, for example, let's say I instead wanted to go to Instagram.

    例如,假設我想訪問 Instagram。

  • You can see here that if I press the Camera Control, it's automatically going to open up Instagram and immediately bring me to the viewer to allow me to quickly to post a story.

    你可以看到,如果我按下 "相機控制",它就會自動打開 Instagram,並立即將我帶入查看器,讓我可以快速發佈新聞。

  • Great, so that is a quick look at the new Camera Control.


  • Now, later on in the video, I'm also going to show you more camera features and really show you how to make the camera specifically on the 16 Pro and Pro Max even better, so be sure to stay tuned for that.

    現在,在視頻的稍後部分,我還將向你展示更多的相機功能,並告訴你如何讓 16 Pro 和 Pro Max 的相機變得更好,請務必繼續關注。

  • But before we get to that, I want to show you the brand new Control Center.


  • Now, as you can see, this has got a complete overhaul today with iOS 18, and it's really different and allows you to customize every single element.

    現在,正如你所看到的,iOS 18 對這一功能進行了全面革新,它真的與眾不同,允許你自定義每一個元素。

  • So it's going to be divided into three main pages.


  • So first, we have this sort of overview page, then you can scroll down here to your Media Controls, and then lastly, you have your connectivity options as well.


  • But every page and every control that you see here is now customizable, and I'm so happy to see this as you can really fine-tune it to your liking.


  • You can see I've already changed mine a little bit here, but to change it, you want to press and hold on any empty space in your Control Center, and as you can see, you now have the option to remove anything you want.


  • You can also add a control, so we can tap on Add Control here, and you can see there's such an extensive list and selection to choose from.


  • Super, super cool.


  • And what I also like is you can also resize controls.


  • So let's say here I have a music player.


  • I can go ahead and make that larger.


  • I can make it smaller, and I can, of course, freely move it and drag it around wherever I like.


  • It's actually to really customize it to get the most out of your Control Center.


  • Now, I want to talk about the App Store, the place that we download all of our apps from, so a really key part of the phone.

    現在,我想談談 App Store,這是我們下載所有應用程序的地方,也是手機的關鍵部分。

  • But there's a few really crucial settings that I changed from day one with any new iPhone, as that really makes the App Store experience much better and downloading apps to your phone.

    但有幾項非常關鍵的設置,我從使用新 iPhone 的第一天起就進行了更改,因為這些設置確實能讓 App Store 體驗更好,並能將應用程序下載到手機上。

  • So I really recommend you go through these.


  • So first of all, let's take a look at how the App Store downloads apps.

    首先,讓我們來看看 App Store 是如何下載應用程序的。

  • So let's go ahead and go into Settings here, and then we're going to scroll down to where we find the App Store.

    讓我們進入 "設置",然後向下滾動到 "應用商店"。

  • There it is.


  • And then if we scroll down, first of all, we have the option to turn on or off automatic app downloads.


  • Now, this is something that you can turn on if you like, or I suggest you actually turn this off.


  • So let's say, for example, you have another device like your iPad or your Apple Watch, and you download an app on either of those devices.

    比如說,你有另一部設備,如 iPad 或 Apple Watch,並在其中任何一部設備上下載了一個應用程序。

  • Do you want that app to also automatically be downloaded to your iPhone?

    您希望該應用程序也自動下載到 iPhone 上嗎?

  • Chances are you don't.


  • Personally, I don't.


  • I download apps on my iPad that are specific to the iPad, and I don't want them taking up storage on my iPhone.

    我在 iPad 上下載 iPad 專用的應用程序,不想讓它們佔用 iPhone 的存儲空間。

  • So I choose to turn this first option off.


  • Now, an option that I recommend you keep on is the automatic app updates.


  • Now, this is super useful as it does these updates primarily overnight when your phone is charging and you're not using the apps.


  • And this makes sure that your applications are always up to date with the latest features and also security patches to make sure that they are running well.


  • And the same goes here for in-app content for apps that you already have.


  • And then if we scroll down here, we have the ability to turn on or off in-app ratings and reviews.


  • Now, personally, I like to leave reviews for applications when I want to, but I don't like to be prompted to do so.


  • So if we turn this option off, you will no longer be bugged with that notification asking you to leave a rating for an application.


  • And finally, here we have the ability to turn on or off offload unused applications.


  • So this takes a look at applications that you may have on your phone taking up storage, but you haven't used in a while.


  • And it's not going to offload the app data to make sure to free up some space on your phone.


  • However, when you then want to reuse that application, you're first going to have to download it again from the cloud.


  • And if, say, you were traveling, you're in an airplane, you're not going to be able to use that app.


  • So this is something that I prefer to turn off.


  • And instead, I just audit my apps every once in a while and see if there's anything I can remove.


  • So next, I want to take a look at the battery.


  • Now, this is, of course, a core component of any phone, particularly a new phone.


  • And you want to make sure that you have great battery health from day one.


  • So the first thing I recommend to do with any new phone is to check the battery health.


  • So to do this, in settings, we're going to scroll to where we find battery.


  • And you want to tap on that.


  • And then in here, we can tap on battery health.

    然後在這裡,我們可以點擊 "電池健康狀況"。

  • Now here, there's two important indicators that you want to check.


  • First of all, is your maximum capacity.


  • This is going to be your battery health.


  • And you want this to be at 100%, at least if you've bought your phone new.

    如果您的手機是新買的,您希望它的性能達到 100%。

  • And then second to that, we have the cycle count.


  • And this here is going to determine how many times your battery has fully charged and fully depleted.


  • Now, when you buy a new phone, it should be very low, ideally at 0 or 1, maybe 2.

    現在,當你購買一部新手機時,它的價格應該很低,最好是 0 或 1,也許是 2。

  • But if it's higher than that, you definitely want to send it back to Apple, as it may mean your battery is not fully new, or at least not performing to where it should.


  • Also, a useful statistic to check here is if, say, you are buying a phone used, as this will give you an idea of the quality and the health and the usage of that battery inside.


  • This video is mostly about software.


  • But when it comes to hardware, I do have one very important tip.


  • And that is to get some good protection.


  • And this is where RhinoShield comes in.


  • RhinoShield is known for creating super durable and customizable cases, and they have some new exciting products for the iPhone 16.

    RhinoShield 以製造超級耐用和可定製的保護殼而聞名,他們為 iPhone 16 推出了一些令人興奮的新產品。

  • All RhinoShield cases offer 11 foot of drop protection, thanks to their proprietary shock spread technology.

    所有 RhinoShield 保護殼均採用專有的衝擊擴散技術,可提供 11 英尺的跌落保護。

  • The cases also feature double the magnetic strength compared to other MagSafe products for top-notch magnetic pull force.

    與其他 MagSafe 產品相比,這些保護套還具有雙倍磁力,可提供一流的磁拉力。

  • And important to me, the buttons are clicky and feel solid to use.


  • Plus, their anti-yellowing clear case comes with a lifetime warranty.


  • But my favorite feature of the RhinoShield cases is the endless customization options you have to find your perfect case, including some new designs that use retexture technology for durable and sustainable printing.

    不過,RhinoShield 保護殼最吸引我的地方是它有無窮無盡的定製選項,包括一些使用再紋理技術進行耐用和可持續印刷的新設計,讓你找到最適合自己的保護殼。

  • You can see that here on the clear cases and the jelly tint cases.


  • I especially like these jelly tint cases, which come in such a range of colors to match your styles and the colors of the iPhone 16.

    我特別喜歡這些果凍色調的保護套,它們有多種顏色可供選擇,可以與你的風格和 iPhone 16 的顏色相匹配。

  • The classic solid suit case now also comes in five new awesome colors.


  • You can also personalize your case with customizable buttons, camera rings, and unique print designs.


  • And if you want 360 degree protection for your new or current phone, RhinoShield also offers the 3D Impact Screen Protector Pro.

    如果您想為您的新手機或現有手機提供 360 度保護,RhinoShield 還提供 3D Impact Screen Protector Pro。

  • So whether you've just got your iPhone 16 or are looking to add a new look to your current phone, RhinoShield has you covered.

    是以,無論您是剛拿到 iPhone 16,還是想為現有手機添加新外觀,RhinoShield 都能滿足您的需求。

  • And if you use my link in the description with code DEON, you get 10% off your order.

    如果您在描述中使用我的鏈接,並輸入代碼 DEON,您的訂單將獲得 10% 的折扣。

  • So now that we know how to check the battery health, let's talk about how to preserve the battery health.


  • If we go back in the same page here, by the way, you also here have the option to turn on and off the battery percentage in the top right corner, something that I personally like to have on.


  • The one really important setting that goes a long way to preserving your battery health, and that is also new in iOS 18, sits beneath that.

    在這一設置的下方,有一個非常重要的設置,它對保護電池健康有很大幫助,也是 iOS 18 的新功能。

  • So in the same page, if we tap onto where we find charging, here we have two options.

    是以,在同一頁面中,如果我們點擊 "充電",這裡有兩個選項。

  • First of all, we have the ability to set a charge limit.


  • And then secondly, we have the ability to turn on or off optimized battery charging.


  • Now let me briefly talk you through each of these and tell you what they do.


  • So first of all, with the charge limit, as you can see, we can actually set a limit to where the battery charges.


  • For example, I can have it charge up to 80% and never go beyond that.

    例如,我可以讓它充電到 80%,但永遠不會超過這個值。

  • Now, why would you want to do this?


  • Well, lithium ion batteries, such as the ones that are in the iPhone, best hold their charge up to around 80 to 90%.

    鋰離子電池,如 iPhone 中的鋰離子電池,其最佳電量可保持在 80% 至 90% 左右。

  • So having that charge limit is going to lessen the wear on the battery over time and help your battery last longer.


  • Of course, the downside here is that you do sacrifice either 5 to 20% of your battery life.

    當然,這樣做的缺點是會犧牲 5% 到 20% 的電池壽命。

  • And this is something that personally, I find too big a sacrifice.


  • So instead, I prefer to use the alternative.


  • And that here is the option to turn on optimized battery charging.


  • You can see that you can have both on at the same time.


  • You have to choose.


  • I prefer optimized battery charging.


  • What this basically does is it learns your charging habits.


  • So let's say you plug in your phone at 11 p.m. before bed.

    比方說,你在晚上 11 點睡覺前插上手機。

  • It's first going to charge from zero up to 80%.

    它首先會從零充電到 80%。

  • However, then wait for the remaining 20% till closer to when you typically unplug your phone, let's say 6 or 7 a.m.

    不過,剩下的 20% 要等到接近你通常拔掉手機的時間,比如早上 6、7 點。

  • And this means it's going to charge more slowly and also produce less heat and thus produce less wear on the battery.


  • So I think the second option here really gives you the best of both as you're still limiting the wear on the battery.


  • However, you still have full access to the capacity of your battery.


  • And for this next section, we're going back to the camera as I want to show you the new photographic styles with iOS 18.

    下一節,我們將回到相機,因為我想向你展示 iOS 18 的全新攝影風格。

  • So what you have to do here is on the top left corner, you'll find this new icon here, this little square with a dot in it.


  • And if we go ahead and tap that, as you can see, we now have a series of undertones as well as moods to choose from here.


  • So the undertones really are going to be more meant for changing things like the skin tone in an image where the moods are going to be full-on proper color grades, right?


  • There are more effects, as you can see, much more drastic changes to the pictures.


  • And what is really neat is you can customize these heavily as well.


  • So if we take a look here at the tone and color values in the top right, you'll see them adjust as I move this little touch pad here around on the right.


  • You can see if I can move that, I can make it brighter, darker.


  • I can change the hue as well as the tone and the color.


  • And you can really customize this to your taste.


  • And you can also change the palette here beneath it with this slider.


  • This is going to sort of change the intensity of the effect, whether you want it to be more opaque or more apparent as well.


  • And you can simply press this button here to take a picture or of course use that camera control.


  • Now, basically with photo styles here, it really allows you to, with these new photographic styles, make a much more fine-tuned image that's really unique to your style.


  • And I think it's really great, particularly these undertones.


  • I find this to be really interesting to use in portrait shots.


  • And what is also neat is you can actually apply these filters after the fact.


  • So to give you an example here, in the photos app, I have this picture that I took earlier.


  • What I can do is go ahead and tap on edit.


  • And right here I have styles.


  • And as you can see, I can go ahead and change these right after or after taking the picture as well.


  • So they don't have to be changed while you're taking it, which I think is great as I prefer to do this after as it really gives you the opportunity to fine-tune and to really experiment with what it is that you want to add.


  • So really great to see.


  • And again, you have the same controls here with that little touch pad to be able to change the intensity, the color, as well as the palette.


  • Really gives you all this control even after taking the picture, which I think is really neat.


  • For this video, I really want to put extra emphasis on the incredible camera system here of the 16 Pro.

    在這段視頻中,我想特別強調一下 16 Pro 令人難以置信的攝像系統。

  • So I got one more camera bit to look at.


  • And those are a few settings that actually make the camera experience and the camera quality even better on your 16 Pro and Pro Max.

    這些設置能讓 16 Pro 和 Pro Max 的拍照體驗和拍照品質變得更好。

  • So first of all, let's take a look at saving and preserving your camera setup.


  • Don't you hate it?


  • Whenever you open your camera app, all the settings you had dialed in completely disappear.


  • Well, this is a way to preserve them for the next time you open the application.


  • So to do this, we're going to jump into settings and then we're going to tap onto camera.


  • And then we're going to go to the preserve settings menu here.


  • You'll find this on the bottom here.


  • And then in here, we can individually control what settings or what setup we want to preserve and keep for the next time we open up the application.


  • So for example, I have things like the camera mode.


  • You'll see here that if I switch to video and I were to close the application, open the camera again, boom, we are back in video.

    你會看到,如果我切換到視頻,然後關閉應用程序,再次打開攝像頭,"砰 "的一聲,我們又回到了視頻狀態。

  • Super great.


  • And secondly, we also have the ability to preserve the photographic style.


  • If you like fine-tuned one that you really like and you want to like consistently shoot in that style, you can turn that on as well.


  • Same thing here for creative controls and other things like your live photo settings as well.


  • So really great to not have to constantly change these settings, set them once and then forget them.


  • Ooh, this next one is really great.


  • So the cameras on the iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max are actually capable of shooting 48 megapixel photos.

    是以,iPhone 16 Pro 和 16 Pro Max 的攝像頭實際上能夠拍攝 4800 萬像素的照片。

  • However, out of the box, they actually don't shoot in 48 megapixels and instead shoot at either 12 or 24, depending on your settings.

    不過,開箱後,它們實際上並不是以 4800 萬像素拍攝,而是以 1200 萬或 2400 萬像素拍攝,具體取決於您的設置。

  • So you have to unlock this mode to get the full quality, full resolution 48 megapixel photos.

    是以,您必須解鎖該模式,才能獲得全品質、全分辨率的 4800 萬像素照片。

  • So in settings, we're going to go back into camera here and then we're going to tap onto formats.


  • And here there's a couple settings you want to change.


  • So first of all, you want to make sure that ProRAW and resolution control are turned on.

    是以,首先要確保 ProRAW 和分辨率控制已打開。

  • And this will now give you the ability to change the resolution of your photo.


  • So once you have this turned on, what we're going to do is go back into the camera app here and let's go back to photo mode.


  • And up here you see this RAW Max.

    在這裡,你可以看到這個 RAW Max。

  • It may also say RAW JPEG or JPEG Max, depending on which iPhone you're using.

    也可能顯示 RAW JPEG 或 JPEG Max,這取決於你使用的 iPhone。

  • I believe on the 16, it will be JPEG Max.

    我相信在 16 英寸上,它將是 JPEG Max。

  • But here on the Pro, it is going to be RAW Max.

    但在 Pro 上,它將是 RAW Max。

  • And if we tap that, as you can see, that's now been enabled.


  • And let me show you here.


  • Now what we're going to do is take a 48 megapixel photo.

    現在我們要做的就是拍攝一張 4800 萬像素的照片。

  • So I'll quickly take a picture here of the iPhone 16.

    所以,我很快就會給 iPhone 16 拍一張照片。

  • And here we go.


  • As you can see, I've got a picture here of my iPhone 16.

    如你所見,我這裡有一張 iPhone 16 的照片。

  • And if I scroll up, as you can see, that's going to be a 48 megapixel photo.

    如果我向上滾動,你可以看到,這將是一張 4800 萬像素的照片。

  • So we're now taking full advantage of every megapixel that the camera on the 16 Pro has to offer.

    是以,我們現在可以充分利用 16 Pro 相機的每一百萬像素。

  • Now, one thing to bear in mind is that, of course, your file sizes are going to be larger when you are shooting in 48 megapixels.

    現在,需要注意的一點是,當您以 4800 萬像素拍攝時,文件大小當然會更大。

  • So my suggestion is to use this only for special occasions or for times where you really need that extra detail.


  • Otherwise, it's great to tune down the resolution to save storage as you go.


  • A couple more neat camera features that I want to quickly run through on the iPhone 16 Pros is that one, when you are shooting video, you now have the ability to keep playing music in the background.

    我還想快速介紹一下 iPhone 16 Pros 的幾項出色的拍照功能:其一,當你拍攝視頻時,現在可以在背景中繼續播放音樂。

  • So if, say, you have music on with your AirPods, they won't interrupt your video and vice versa, which is great.

    是以,如果你用 AirPods 播放音樂,它們就不會打斷你的視頻,反之亦然,這非常好。

  • And you also have the ability, as you can see, to pause a video recording midway through and then continue it.


  • And this will be saved as one clip, as opposed to having multiple clips on your phone.


  • This, I think, is great for creating content for social media.


  • And lastly, we now also have the ability to change the playback speed right within the Photos app.


  • So as you can see here, I have a quick clip.


  • Now, this is shot in 120 FPS, which you can now do on the in 4K on the iPhone 16 Pro here.

    現在,這是以 120 FPS 的速度拍攝的,你現在可以在 iPhone 16 Pro 上以 4K 的速度進行拍攝。

  • And as you can see, if I go ahead and tap onto edit here on the top here, I have this little retime control.

    正如你所看到的,如果我繼續點擊頂部的 "編輯 "按鈕,就會出現這個小的重定時控件。

  • So I can go ahead and tap that and I can change the playback speed to either 25%, which is going to be in 30 FPS, 50 or even 20 to get that cinematic 24 FPS.

    是以,我可以繼續點擊它,然後將回放速度改為 25%(30 FPS)、50% 或 20%(24 FPS)。

  • Let me show you real quick what 25 looks like.

    讓我向你展示一下 25 號的樣子。

  • So it's going to play back at a quarter of the speed.


  • As you can see, that's going to be in super slow motion and you can do this right on your iPhone without needing to render or to load or anything, which is really cool to see.

    正如你所看到的,這將是一個超級慢動作,你可以直接在 iPhone 上完成,無需渲染或加載任何東西,這真是酷斃了。

  • A lot of fun.


  • If you want to say preview some slow footage that you have just shot while we're here in the photos app, let me show you how to improve it.

    如果你想在照片 app 中預覽剛剛拍攝的慢鏡頭,讓我來教你如何改進它。

  • So chances are if you've just opened up the photos app for the first time on your new iPhone, it's going to look very different.

    是以,如果你第一次在新 iPhone 上打開照片 app,很可能會發現它與以往大不相同。

  • So instead of just being a gallery like it has been for, well, as long as I can remember, we now have all these additional settings or sections rather that you may or may not like.


  • However, what I do think is important is that you fine tune it and really have only the parts that you want so it doesn't declutter or doesn't clutter up too much and get too full.


  • So what you can do is if we scroll all the way to the bottom here, we have the option to customize and reorder.


  • So if I go ahead and tap on that, you can see that we can change not only which sections we want.


  • So you can see I've actually turned off just about half of them, but we can also reorder them.


  • So if, say, you have certain things that you want at the top, you can go ahead and reorder them in your order of priority.


  • And this will give you a more cleaner setup with the things you want to see as opposed to being filled with things that you don't really need.


  • And then the final photo related thing I want to show you is how to send the best quality photos in iMessages and make sure that your photo does not get compressed and lose its quality.

    最後,我要告訴你的與照片有關的事情是,如何在 iMessages 中發送品質最好的照片,並確保你的照片不會被壓縮而失去品質。

  • So to ensure that you're sending full quality photos, what you want to do is go into settings and then we're going to scroll down here to the bottom where we find apps.


  • And then in here, you want to scroll to where you find your messages app.


  • There it is.


  • And then we're going to scroll all the way to the bottom here to where we find a low quality image mode.


  • And you want to make sure that that is turned off.


  • This way, your photos will not be compressed and you get to send the full resolution photos, which is so important to get every detail of those precious memories sent to your loved ones or your friends or significant other.


  • Many applications such as WhatsApp or Messenger will always really compress your images and you lose a lot of quality.

    許多應用程序(如 WhatsApp 或 Messenger)都會對圖片進行壓縮,導致圖片品質大打折扣。

  • And I think it's great here that with iMessage, you have the option to send the full quality photo.

    我覺得 iMessage 能讓你選擇發送完整品質的照片,這一點很棒。

  • And the same goes for videos.


  • While we're here in messages, let me show you a couple more really neat tips and tricks.


  • So first of all, with iOS 18, we now have the ability to finally schedule a message to send in the future.

    是以,首先,在 iOS 18 中,我們現在終於可以安排在未來發送信息了。

  • So as opposed to tapping send there to send the message.

    是以,與點擊 "發送 "來發送信息不同。

  • Now we can tap on this little plus sign.


  • Then you want to scroll down here or in this first menu, depending on where you have it.


  • You want to look for this send later option.


  • I believe by default, this will be further down the list.


  • If this is something you find yourself using often, you can actually tap and hold it and then bring it up to bring it closer for easy access in the future.


  • What you want to do is simply tap on that.


  • And then right here, we can go ahead and schedule that message.


  • So let's say I wanted to send here at 8 p.m. tonight.

    比方說,我想在今晚 8 點發送到這裡。

  • Go ahead and tap on send.


  • And as you can see, that will then sort of be in my drafts folder until it is sent.


  • Really useful feature to have.


  • And one thing you probably didn't notice I have in my iMessages app is this little row here, which is going to give you predictive text.

    你可能沒注意到,我的 iMessages 應用程序中有這麼一行小字,它將為你提供預測文本。

  • So based on what you're typing, it's going to sort of predict whatever word you type next.


  • Now, personally, I found myself just typing my words out.


  • Usually I don't think I find this to be quick enough.


  • Plus, it takes up quite a little bit of the screen space, and I'd rather have that dedicated to the conversation so I can see more of the chats as opposed to this extra menu here.


  • So there is a way to remove the predictive text and give you a more cleaner look in your messages.


  • And the way to do that is you want to go into your settings application, and then we are going to go into general and then scroll down here to where we find keyboard.


  • And in keyboard here, you have the option to turn off predictive text.


  • It's going to be the third option here.


  • And as you can see with that off, it gives you a much cleaner layout in the messages app.

    正如你所看到的,關閉該功能後,資訊 app 的佈局會更簡潔。

  • And again, it gives you more screen space for your conversations.


  • All right.


  • So another cool feature with iOS 18 is we now have the ability to change your lock screen control.

    iOS 18 的另一個很酷的功能是,我們現在可以更改鎖屏控制。

  • So as you can see, normally you would have a camera control here.


  • But of course, with your camera control button, you no longer need to have access to that as well.


  • You can already access it via the button or you can just swipe to the right as well.


  • So really, it's great to be able to assign a different control to this bottom right one or the left one for that matter.


  • So to do this, you want to tap and hold on your lock screen.


  • Then we're going to tap on to customize, then tap on the lock screen once more.

    然後點擊 "自定義",再次點擊 "鎖屏"。

  • And here, as you can see, we can remove the control and we can leave it blank or we can add a new control of our choosing.


  • And we have a lot of system functions here to choose from, including the ability to launch specific applications, even shortcuts.


  • So really, the sky's the limit with the customization abilities.


  • Personally, I keep it simple.


  • I like to have my torch as well as my calculator.


  • So once you're happy with that, simply tap on done, tap into it.

    滿意後,只需點擊 "完成",就可以了。

  • And as you can see, your new control is now saved.


  • Next, I want to show you how to lock and also hide applications on your iPhone 16 Pro.

    接下來,我要向你展示如何鎖定和隱藏 iPhone 16 Pro 上的應用程序。

  • So let's go ahead and find an application that we want to lock here.


  • Let's say this game, Monopoly Deal.

    比方說,這個遊戲叫 "大富翁交易"。

  • Great game, by the way.


  • If we go ahead and press and hold on an application, we get this secondary menu here and a new option that's going to say require face ID.

    如果我們繼續按住一個應用程序,就會得到這個二級菜單和一個新的選項,上面寫著需要臉部 ID。

  • And we can go ahead and turn on either require face ID or hide and require face ID.

    我們可以繼續打開 "要求臉部 ID "或 "隱藏並要求臉部 ID"。

  • So first, require face ID.


  • As you can see here, that's going to require face ID to authenticate.

    正如你在這裡看到的,這將需要人臉 ID 來驗證。

  • So next time I open this application, you first need to scan face ID before it launches.

    是以,下次我打開這個應用程序時,首先需要掃描臉部 ID,然後才能啟動。

  • Now, the second option that I want to show you, the second option I want to show you is hide and require face ID.

    現在,我要向你們展示的第二個選項是隱藏和要求臉部 ID。

  • So if I go ahead and tap that, scan my face once more.


  • As you can see, the application will now disappear from my home screen.


  • However, the application is still on my phone.


  • So to find it, we're going to scroll all the way to the right here till you get to your app library.


  • And then you want to scroll all the way down to the bottom to where you have this hidden folder here.


  • If we tap onto that folder, it's going to scan my face here.


  • And there we go.


  • The app will now reveal itself and I can finally launch that application.


  • So it's just an additional step for any application.


  • Let's say you want to hide and also require face ID to access.

    比方說,您想隱藏身份,還需要人臉 ID 才能訪問。

  • For this next one, we're going to jump into Safari, where I want to show you something really cool.

    接下來,我們將跳轉到 Safari,我想在這裡向大家展示一些非常酷的東西。

  • And that's the ability to hide ads or any distracting items here on a web page.


  • So for example, here you can see I'm on the shopping website and we have a prompt here to download the app.


  • We also have a little delivery order thing, but this was all wasted space and there's a very easy way to remove this.


  • So what we're going to do is tap on this little icon here next to your URL bar on the left hand side.

    是以,我們要做的就是點擊左側 URL 欄旁邊的這個小圖標。

  • And this will allow us to hide distracting items.


  • If we go in and tap on that here, we can then tap anywhere on the display.


  • So I can go in and select an entire section and then tap on hide and watch this.


  • It just disappears off screen.


  • I can go ahead and tap done.

    我可以繼續點 "完成 "了。

  • And as you can see, this website now looks much cleaner.


  • This is especially great if say you are browsing an article online and you are bombarded with ads or newsletter, sign up requests, all this information.


  • You can just hide it like so.


  • And what is also great, you can see if I refresh this page, those things stay hidden.


  • Now, this won't be permanent for everything.


  • Certain dynamic elements on a web page will unfortunately come back.


  • But most things that I've tried this on are going to be static.


  • And for that, it is going to be permanent and gives you a much cleaner and more pleasant browsing experience.


  • And I want to go back to battery.


  • So we take a look at how to check your battery health.


  • We take a look at how to preserve your battery health.


  • But what about maximizing your battery life?


  • Well, this is where the top three battery saving tips that I have are going to come in.


  • So first thing, we're going to take a look at saving battery with mail.


  • So if we go into your settings application here, and then we're going to scroll down to where we find apps at the bottom here, and then we're going to find the mail application.


  • So scroll down to M right there, tap on mail, and then you want to tap on mail accounts on the first option here.

    向下滾動到 M,點擊郵件,然後在第一個選項中點擊郵件賬戶。

  • And right here, we're going to determine how often you want mail to check for new emails.


  • Now, if we tap on to fetch new data, you have the ability to change this either to every 15 minutes, 30 minutes hourly, manually or automatically.

    現在,如果我們點擊獲取新數據,你可以將其改為每 15 分鐘、每小時 30 分鐘、手動或自動獲取。

  • Now, this is going to make a huge difference on your battery as if you have your iPhone checking for new emails every 15 minutes, particularly if you have multiple accounts like I do, that's going to really eat up a lot of battery over the day.

    如果你的 iPhone 每隔 15 分鐘就會檢查是否有新郵件,尤其是像我這樣擁有多個賬戶的用戶,那麼一天下來電池電量就會消耗很多。

  • So my suggestion is to set this to hourly or even manually.


  • So only when you refresh your mailbox manually, that's going to save you a lot of battery.


  • I think hourly here is a sweet spot as it's still going to give you somewhat up to date on your emails.


  • But at the same time, it's not going to be checking them so often as this here really eats up your battery life, not to mention your data as well.


  • And then the second big battery saving tip that I have is to limit the number of notifications that you have coming into your phone.


  • I've said this before many times in my videos, but it remains true for your iPhone or Android phone for that matter.

    這句話我在視頻中已經說過很多次了,但對於 iPhone 或 Android 手機來說,這句話依然適用。

  • The amount of notifications you have coming in is going to have a huge impact on your battery life, right?


  • Every time a notification comes in, your screen turns on, your speaker activates and your vibration motor goes off.


  • And if you have over 100 notifications coming in per day, that's really going to add up.

    如果你每天收到的通知超過 100 個,那就真的會增加很多。

  • So let's go and take a look how to change this.


  • So within the settings app, you want to scroll to where we find notifications.


  • And then here, if we scroll down, you can simply go through all of your applications and audit and see which applications should be sending you notifications and which should not.


  • Now, by default, almost all applications are going to want to send you notifications.


  • But in reality, most really don't need to.


  • And in that case, I just tap here, tap on allow notifications and turn that off.


  • And this application will no longer be sending me notifications.


  • Now, my suggestion is to only allow notifications from important applications, like, for example, messaging apps or finance apps.


  • That way, when your phone goes off, you know it is something important and not some shopping app reminding you that you have items in your basket.


  • And that brings me to the third battery saving tip, and that has to do with your background app refresh.


  • So if we go back to the main page here of settings, tap onto general and then we're going to scroll to where we find background app refresh.


  • Tap on that.


  • And just like with notifications, you want to audit and go through which applications you want to allow to run in the background and which you don't.


  • Now, by default, it's going to be on for pretty much all applications.


  • But this too is going to really eat up a lot of battery over time.


  • And personally, I only like to keep it on for certain productivity messaging applications, also things like maps apps.


  • But other things I turn off as they don't need to be running in the background using my battery.


  • And this here brings me to a really important section of the video.


  • Let's take a look at making your iPhone more private.

    讓我們來看看如何讓你的 iPhone 更私密。

  • So first, let's take a look at limiting your location services.


  • So what we're going to do here is jump into settings and then we're going to scroll to where we find privacy.

    是以,我們要做的就是跳轉到設置,然後滾動到 "隱私 "選項。

  • There it is.


  • And then we're going to tap onto privacy and security.


  • And then here, the first option we have location services.


  • Now here, really important when you're scrolling through this list, there's one thing you want to make sure that you never see.


  • And that is the word always.

    這就是 "始終 "一詞。

  • There is no application on your iPhone that realistically should have always access to your location or that should always know where you are.

    實際上,iPhone 上沒有任何應用程序可以隨時獲取你的位置資訊,也沒有任何應用程序可以隨時知道你在哪裡。

  • To pick on Instagram here, if we tap on that, you'll see that it will actually give you the option to always allow it to have access to your notification.

    如果我們點擊 Instagram,你會發現它實際上會為你提供始終允許它訪問你的通知的選項。

  • And by default, it is going to ask you to do that.


  • However, what I recommend is that you turn on only to allow it to see your notification while you are using the application.


  • For example, say if you want to tag your location in a story or in a post, it can be useful then.


  • But even then, I don't share my precise location.


  • So you have the option here to share only your vague, your rough location.


  • So say you're on holiday somewhere, you only want to send or share rather the location of the town, not necessarily the street or the address.


  • So with your location, I suggest you go through each application and see whether it needs to have your location to begin with.


  • For example, here, I hate ironing.


  • Great application, but it doesn't need to have my notification or location.


  • The same thing goes for Shazam.

    Shazam 也是如此。

  • It doesn't need to know where I am either.


  • So then I just turn these off and the ones that do need it, I only allow while I'm using the application.


  • Now, next, I want to take a look at tracking.


  • Now, if you've downloaded an application from the app store, you may have had a request on screen to allow or disallow an application to track you.


  • Personally, I don't even want the application to give me the option to ask me that.


  • So if you turn off this feature here in setting or the setting here in tracking, the application won't even have the option to ask you.


  • It's not even going to be asking and you don't have to worry about it and apps will not be tracking you.


  • Now, new to iOS 18, if we scroll down here, we also have the ability to monitor or to audit rather which applications have access to which contacts.

    在 iOS 18 中,如果我們向下滾動,還可以監控或審計哪些應用程序可以訪問哪些聯繫人。

  • So you can choose whether they have access to either your full list of contacts or limited access.


  • So you can create specific groups, for example, for work applications or things like that.


  • If you want to keep that separate from your personal context, you can do that.


  • So really great to see this with iOS 18.

    是以,在 iOS 18 中看到這一點真的很棒。

  • Three other parts that I really encourage you to look through are going to be, first of all, your photos where you can also give either full access or limited access to certain photos in your library.


  • You can see that I've set most here to limited access.


  • So for example, Instagram, they will only have access to a specific set or album of photos as opposed to having full access to my library.

    是以,以 Instagram 為例,他們只能訪問特定的照片集或相冊,而不能完全訪問我的資料庫。

  • This is really great.


  • So you can only give it access to photos that you upload and they don't need access to all of your library.


  • So my advice really is for most applications, limit the access as opposed to giving full access.


  • And the same thing here can be said for things like your camera, as well as your microphone.


  • These are other two that I really recommend you check.


  • Now, finally, all the way at the bottom here, we have the option to turn on or off whether you want to send any analytics and improvements data to Apple.


  • Now, as you can see here, I have turned all of mine off.


  • Not only does this save battery, but it's also good for privacy.


  • I think there's no reason for this data to be sent back to Apple or other application developers.


  • So I just turn these off.


  • And then from privacy, let's take a look at some safety features.


  • First of all, you want to make sure that crash detection is activated.


  • Now, crash detection is going to detect whether you are ever in a car crash and it's automatically going to prompt you to dial emergency services.


  • If you don't respond, it'll actually dial it on its own.


  • So you don't actually need an Apple Watch for this.

    是以,你實際上並不需要 Apple Watch 就能做到這一點。

  • Your iPhone is capable of doing this too, but you want to make sure that this setting is on.

    你的 iPhone 也能做到這一點,但你要確保該設置處於開啟狀態。

  • So over in the settings page, you want to scroll down to where we find emergency SOS.


  • And then here you want to make sure that call after a serious crash is turned on.


  • Now, another feature that I do suggest turning on as well it's grayed out on this phone because this doesn't have a SIM card currently, but is the call with five button presses.

    現在,我建議大家打開另一項功能,因為這款手機目前沒有 SIM 卡,所以這項功能也是灰色的。

  • So if we go ahead and turn this on, this is also going to give you the option to call emergency services with five presses here of your side button.


  • And we've now made it to the bonus quick tip section of this video.


  • First, I want to show you how to change the flashlight direction and brightness.


  • If we go ahead and trigger the torch or the flashlight here in this menu, as you can see, we can now change the brightness by sliding up and down.


  • You can see here it becomes more dim or brighter.


  • And we can also change the direction.


  • We can make it more focused or broader.


  • As you can see here, if you look at my backdrop here, swiping to the left makes it more narrow and then swiping it to the right makes it more broader.


  • If, say, you want to light your entire room or want to light a specific portion.


  • So pretty cool to see this control here in your flashlight settings.


  • Now, it's also going to save depending on where you leave it.


  • So really cool to see.


  • And this menu here will pop up every time you activate your flashlight.


  • Let's say there's a website that you frequently visit, but they don't have an application and you want more easy access to that website.


  • Well, what you can actually do is save a website to your homepage.


  • So let's say here, for example, I have Google Flights and I tap on the share menu here in the bottom of the screen.

    比方說,我有 Google Flights,然後點擊螢幕下方的共享菜單。

  • Then I'm going to scroll up here.


  • And as you can see, I'm going to tap onto add to home screen.


  • And then from here, we can rename the application or the website.


  • And we also see the icon under which that's going to appear.


  • So if I go ahead and tap on add here, and then as you can see on my home screen, I now have a Google Flights looking like application.


  • Now, this really is just a shortcut to the website.


  • And then every time I tap it, it's going to open up that website.


  • It doesn't take up any storage at all either, but it's super useful and a handy way to kind of store an applicant or store a website on your home screen.


  • One more tip in Safari, a quick way to switch between your open tabs instead of going to the tab switcher every time is to simply swipe left and right here across the URL bar.

    在 Safari 中還有一個小竅門,那就是在打開的標籤頁之間快速切換,而不用每次都去切換標籤頁,只需在 URL 欄左右輕掃即可。

  • And as you can see, this is a super easy and quick way to switch between your open websites and tabs.


  • And what is also cool is you can also swipe along the bottom of the display by the home bar here to the left or right to quickly cycle between your open applications.


  • Super useful without having to first open up the app switcher.


  • You can quickly cycle between two apps like so.


  • Really love this feature.


  • And by the way, this also works on the iPad.

    順便說一句,這也適用於 iPad。

  • Now, I don't know about you, but personally, when I'm typing, I love to have the Haptic keyboard turned on, which gives you a slight little vibration with every press of the button.


  • Almost feels a little bit like you have a physical keyboard.


  • Brings me back to the good old Blackberry days.


  • Well, I say good old, I don't really want to go back, but they were still good times.


  • And I do like to have a more tactile feel with the keyboard.


  • So with that, there is an option you can turn on in settings to turn on those haptic feedback.


  • So to do this, we're going to go into the settings application here and then we're going to scroll to where we find sound and haptics.


  • And then in here, we can go ahead and scroll down to where we find the keyboard feedback.


  • And we have the option to turn on or off the haptics, which is going to give you that little click sensation, that slight vibration with every press.


  • We can also turn on the sound.


  • This is something I turn off and I recommend you turn off too.


  • You don't want others to hear you typing, but the haptics are nice to give you that click sensation.

    你不想讓別人聽到你打字的聲音,但觸覺很好,能給你 "嗒嗒 "的感覺。

  • And finally, in messages, let's say you are walking down a busy road and you only have one hand free and you just can't reach the other end of the keyboard.


  • There is a way to activate a one handed keyboard.


  • So if you press and hold on the globe icon here, you can actually move the keyboard either to the left or to the right of the display.


  • As you can see, that's going to make it much easier to reach the other side, especially if you only have one hand available.


  • And then to re-expand the keyboard, simply press on the arrow here on the right, and that's going to expand the keyboard once more.


  • And there it is.


  • The first 25 things that you should do with your brand new iPhone 16 Pro.

    使用全新 iPhone 16 Pro 的前 25 件事。

  • Let me know if you have any questions at all.


  • And again, whether you just got your new 16 Pro or looking to add a new look to your current phone, be sure to check out RhinoShield with my link in the description and use code Dion10 to get 10% off your order.

    再次提醒,無論您是剛拿到新款 16 Pro 還是想給現有手機換個新外觀,請務必通過我在描述中提供的鏈接查看 RhinoShield,並使用代碼 Dion10 獲得 10% 的折扣。

  • And if you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you check out my 25 iPhone settings to change video, which I'll leave linked on screen right now.

    如果你還沒看過,我強烈建議你看看我的 25 個 iPhone 設置更改視頻,我現在就把它鏈接到螢幕上。

  • Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video.


  • Take care.


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