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  • Genetic testing kits promised us a futuristic look into our DNA, all with the simplicity and convenience of a box delivered right to our front doors.

    基因檢測試劑盒向我們許諾,我們將以未來派的眼光來審視自己的 DNA,而所有這一切都將通過一個直接送到家門口的盒子來實現,簡單而方便。

  • But what happens when the companies behind the promises start to implode?


  • From misleading health guidance to shocking privacy breaches, consumer genetic testing failures are starting to pile up.


  • In this video, we'll dive deep into the dark side of consumer DNA testing, expose the cracks in the science, including my own personal experience, and unpack the fallout from the recent 23andMe debacle.

    在本視頻中,我們將深入探討消費者 DNA 檢測的陰暗面,揭露科學中的漏洞,包括我自己的親身經歷,並解讀最近 23andMe 事件的影響。

  • And huge thanks to Ground News for sponsoring this video.

    衷心感謝 Ground News 贊助本視頻。

  • Consumer Reports warns while these tests can be helpful, some may find their results troubling.


  • These home testing kits initially gained popularity by promising to give you some information about where your ancestry stemmed from.


  • You probably know how it works, at least at the basic level.


  • You spit into a plastic tube, mail it off, and then a few weeks later, you get a DNA report with information about your background, inherited trades, et cetera.

    你往塑料管裡吐口水,然後寄出去,幾周後,你就會得到一份 DNA 報告,其中包含有關你的背景、遺傳行業等資訊。

  • Early on, like many others, I was curious about my own origins and actually reached out to one of the big companies to partner up and help me investigate.


  • But in the middle of the project, they abruptly shifted their focus from my family tree to the bigger financial pie in the game, health insights.


  • They wanted me as a doctor to promote at-home genetic health testing.


  • This was new to me, so I needed to look more deeply into what was being offered.


  • When I dove in and actually looked at their data, I found that the health insights they were giving were usually incomplete or completely inactionable.


  • For example, how valuable would it be to know that I'm at low risk for developing type 2 diabetes?

    例如,如果我知道自己罹患 2 型糖尿病的風險很低,這會有多大價值?

  • Should I be eating more unhealthy now?


  • Or another way, how useful is it to know that I'm at high risk for developing Alzheimer's disease?


  • There's really no action I can take given that result, and now I'm forever scarred with that anxiety-provoking news.


  • Then came all the issues for cancer testing.


  • It seemed like that home testing kit was a legit test to rule out genetic cancers, but in reality, they were giving me results without testing all the potential mutations and sequences to make it a truly valuable test to use in lieu of proper genetic counseling.


  • To me, this form of middle ground, entertainment-esque testing only created more confusion and certainly didn't replace a true meeting with a genetic specialist, so I killed the deal, and I've been very wary about these type of tests ever since.


  • In fact, I've warned numerous patients and loved ones for years about the potential issues, and today, it turns out I was right.


  • Almost all my concerns have come to life with the recent disaster at 23andMe.

    最近 23andMe 公司的災難幾乎讓我所有的擔憂都變成了現實。

  • Despite my early negativity of the industry, 23andMe started as a huge success story, once valued more than $6 billion.

    儘管我早期對該行業持否定態度,但 23andMe 一開始就是一個巨大的成功故事,估值一度超過 60 億美元。

  • The 18-year-old company basically launched an entirely new industry, supplied data for studies on genetically-influenced diseases, and helped cops solve cold cases, but lately, things haven't been going so well.

    這家有 18 年曆史的公司基本上開創了一個全新的行業,為受基因影響的疾病研究提供數據,並幫助警察破獲懸案。

  • All of the company's board members quit, and the company announced plans to lay off 40% of its employees and discontinue its therapeutics division, which had been working to develop cancer drugs.

    公司董事會成員全部辭職,公司宣佈計劃裁員 40%,並終止一直致力於開發抗癌藥物的治療部門。

  • Why?


  • Well, let's start with the fact that the science doesn't live up to the hype of the marketing.


  • Initially, the FDA actually banned 23andMe from selling tests that included health information because they couldn't reliably predict disease risk.

    最初,FDA 實際上禁止 23andMe 出售包含健康資訊的測試,因為它們不能可靠地預測疾病風險。

  • The FDA said consumers were being misled into thinking their results were clinically valid, and also that the test results were too complex for people to interpret on their own.


  • I actually agree, because for example, if you were interested in genetic planning, let's say, or ruling out a genetic condition, these tests were not a replacement for a proper medical-grade test and visit with a geneticist.


  • Sadly, the FDA was pressured into backtracking on this ban, saying 23andMe tests came with clear enough disclaimers for consumers to know that the reports are basically just for fun and shouldn't be used to make medical decisions.

    令人遺憾的是,FDA 迫於壓力在這一禁令上打了退堂鼓,稱 23andMe 測試附有足夠明確的免責聲明,讓消費者知道這些報告基本上只是為了好玩,不應被用來做出醫療決定。

  • Okay, sure, there are disclaimers, but the marketing for these direct-to-consumer genetic tests is really good.


  • So good that even if companies don't say, take your results seriously, people still do.

    好到即使公司不說 "認真對待您的成果",人們也會這麼做。

  • Do I have a cancer that is genetic?


  • Do I have a heart condition that's gonna kill me in my sleep?


  • Actually, if you're worried that you're genetically predisposed to a serious disease, whether it's a cancer, a neurodegenerative disorder, or anything else with a hereditary component, then your first move should be talking to a doctor not buying an at-home test.


  • Then the hacking began.


  • Last year, hackers were able to access genetic data for almost 7 million 23andMe users.

    去年,黑客獲取了近 700 萬 23andMe 用戶的基因數據。

  • Criminals broke into the accounts of people who reused usernames and passwords on previously hacked sites.


  • Those hackers were then able to steal files with ancestry info for those who've opted in into a DNA relatives feature that allows related users to automatically share data with each other.

    這些黑客隨後竊取了那些選擇了 DNA 親屬功能的用戶的祖先資訊文件,該功能允許相關用戶自動分享彼此的數據。

  • Hackers basically got access to your entire family tree and for some reason, specifically went after users with Chinese or Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry and then sold that data on the dark web.


  • While this hack affected a lot of people, it actually wasn't the worst case scenario.


  • They got profile information, but thankfully they didn't steal the full genetic codes.


  • There's even more risks to discuss, but first, as you can tell, I went deep researching for this video, a lot of which was done on Ground News, an app and website that combines the world's news in one place, allowing me to compare coverage and verify sources of information.

    還有更多的風險需要討論,但首先,正如你所知道的,我為這個視頻做了深入的研究,其中很多是在 Ground News 上完成的,這是一個將全球新聞整合在一起的應用程序和網站,允許我比較報道內容並驗證資訊來源。

  • Remember when I said 23andMe had cut 40% of its workforce and ended its therapeutics division?

    還記得我說過 23andMe 已經裁員 40% 並結束了治療部門嗎?

  • I actually read that story on Ground News, which provides so much more insight to the story than just the words in the article.

    實際上,我是在 "地面新聞 "上讀到這篇報道的,它提供了比文章中的文字更多的資訊。

  • For example, they show me that over 50 outlets have covered this story, the bias distribution of the coverage so I know if the story is slanting in one direction politically, and the factuality rating that tells me how trustworthy these sources actually are.

    例如,它們會告訴我有超過 50 家媒體報道了這一新聞,報道的傾向性分佈讓我知道新聞是否有政治傾向,以及事實性評級告訴我這些消息來源的可信度有多高。

  • I love comparing the coverage to see which outlets are sharing each other's reporting, all of which helps me form the most accurate opinion on what's happening in the news.


  • Their blind spot feature is also pretty great in that it can show me stories that I may have missed and fill in critical gaps of my understanding of a story.


  • Like this 23andMe story actually has almost no coverage from conservative media outlets, making it a blind spot candidate for people who follow those outlets.

    就像這篇 23andMe 的報道實際上幾乎沒有來自保守派媒體的報道,這讓關注這些媒體的人成為了盲點候選人。

  • Echo chambers are a huge no-no.


  • Go to slash Dr. Mike or scan the QR code to subscribe now.

    請訪問 slash Dr. Mike 或掃描二維碼立即訂閱。

  • My link actually saves you 50% on their top tier vantage plan, the same one I use, making it less than $5 a month.

    我的鏈接實際上為您節省了他們頂級 vantage 計劃的 50% 費用,我用的也是這個計劃,每月不到 5 美元。

  • It's also their biggest discount of the year, so check them out today or even gift it to a loved one.


  • All right, back to the genetic data.


  • Probably the most relevant concern I have is about third-party data sharing. 23andMe isn't a healthcare organization, so they're not required to protect your health info the same way hospitals or even health insurance companies are, aka no HIPAA.

    我最擔心的可能是第三方數據共享。23andMe 不是醫療機構,是以他們不需要像醫院甚至醫療保險公司那樣保護你的健康資訊,也就是不需要 HIPAA。

  • It's allowed to share user data externally and can even change the sharing policies at any time.


  • Originally, 23andMe shared genetic data with other companies and institutions unless users specifically said they couldn't.

    最初,23andMe 與其他公司和機構共享基因數據,除非用戶明確表示不能共享。

  • By default, they were sharing your data without you even knowing.


  • Thankfully, this policy did change in 2018, and now you do need to give consent before your data goes somewhere else.

    值得慶幸的是,這項政策在 2018 年確實有所改變,現在您確實需要在您的數據轉到其他地方之前徵得同意。

  • But there are several types of consent.


  • You can agree to let the company share your data with all third parties, like insurance companies and big pharma.


  • One positive thing here is that health insurance companies can deny coverage or charge people more based on their genetic testing results.


  • Genetic discrimination has been prohibited by federal law since 2008, but that's only health insurance.

    自 2008 年以來,聯邦法律一直禁止基因歧視,但這只是醫療保險。

  • In many cases, companies that sell disability or long-term care insurance are allowed to factor genetic information into their policies.


  • Now, if you don't consent to all third-party sharing, you could still agree to let 23andMe share your data with researchers for studies.

    現在,如果你不同意所有第三方共享,你仍然可以同意讓 23andMe 與研究人員共享你的數據用於研究。

  • This can allow you to participate in research with your data pooled into a group or let researchers use your individual-level genetic data, both pooled and individual-level data are de-identified using a code or algorithm before being included in research to help protect the user's identity.


  • However, some genetic privacy experts say it's theoretically possible for users to be traced back to their genetic data.


  • In general, these privacy risks related to at-home genetic tests are new, but they're getting a ton of attention right now because of the 23andMe spiral.

    總的來說,這些與家庭基因測試有關的隱私風險是新出現的,但由於 23andMe 的漩渦,它們現在得到了大量關注。

  • What troubles me most is if the company goes under or gets sold, who will own all that genetic data?


  • Their user agreement states that if the company is acquired, user data will likely go to the company that buys it.


  • And if that happened, the new owner could keep their current privacy policies or it could change them.


  • It would be their choice.


  • Right now, privacy laws in about 12 states would require customers to give consent before 23andMe could transfer their data to a new owner, but most states don't go that far and there's no federal law to that effect.

    目前,約有 12 個州的隱私法要求客戶在 23andMe 將其數據轉移給新主人之前必須先徵得同意,但大多數州都沒有這麼做,也沒有相關的聯邦法律。

  • So what can 23andMe users actually do?

    那麼,23andMe 用戶到底能做些什麼呢?

  • For starters, remove consent from all types of third-party sharing.


  • The other critical step is deleting your data ASAP.


  • The website actually has instructions on how to do it.


  • One caveat though, 23andMe outsources its genotyping to labs and they are obligated to keep customer's genetic info as raw data with their sex and date of birth for a couple of years before deleting it so it's not instant.

    但有一點需要注意,23andMe 將基因分型工作外包給實驗室,他們有義務將客戶的基因資訊作為原始數據與性別和出生日期一起保存幾年,然後再刪除,所以這並不是即時的。

  • My advice here, before you share genetic data with any company, think really carefully if it's worth the potential risks, review all user agreements and consent policies with a magnifying glass and consider asking your doctor if a proper geneticist referral is better for you.


  • Your DNA is the most personal data you have.

    您的 DNA 是您擁有的最個人化的數據。

  • It's not just an identifier.


  • It's who you are.


  • Why do we get hiccups and how do you get rid of them?


  • Click here to learn that and as always, stay happy and healthy.


Genetic testing kits promised us a futuristic look into our DNA, all with the simplicity and convenience of a box delivered right to our front doors.

基因檢測試劑盒向我們許諾,我們將以未來派的眼光來審視自己的 DNA,而所有這一切都將通過一個直接送到家門口的盒子來實現,簡單而方便。

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