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  • If war were to break out in the Pacific tomorrow, the United States Marines would be asked to do the job nobody else can, load into amphibious vehicles and swim out to defend hundreds of islands around the Pacific.


  • But there's only one problem, their current amphibious transports are more than five decades old.


  • That's why the Marines just received their first batch of next generation amphibious combat vehicles, the ACV, proving that Gen Z Marines get all the cool new gear.

    這就是為什麼海軍陸戰隊剛剛接收了第一批下一代兩棲作戰車 ACV,證明 Z 世代海軍陸戰隊獲得了所有很酷的新裝備。

  • Why is the old AAV being replaced?

    為什麼要替換舊的 AAV?

  • And how does the new vehicle fit into the Marines' larger plans?


  • Grab a box of crayons to munch on and let's find out.


  • I think amphibious operations are one of the most difficult to pull off because so much can go wrong.


  • We're talking about a 35 ton piece of tin box steel floating and swimming through the ocean while simultaneously sending 30 Mike Mike explosive rounds on target.

    我們說的是一個 35 噸重的鐵皮盒子在海洋中漂浮游動,同時向目標發射 30 枚邁克-邁克爆炸彈。

  • For Marines to do their job correctly, they need to be able to trust that they're loading into a seaworthy vehicle.


  • For the Marines, it's sink or swim, and sink is not an option.


  • But before we get into that, I want to tell you about how flavored air is an industry that's quickly becoming the leading alternative to vaping and smoking, and it's led by today's video sponsor, fume.

    但在談這個問題之前,我想先向大家介紹一下調味空氣是如何迅速成為替代吸食和吸菸的主要行業的,而今天的視頻贊助商 fume 正是這一行業的領頭羊。

  • We all have bad habits.


  • I picked up a really bad habit when I was deployed to Iraq, for instance, I was trying to take the edge off things.


  • But now there's a better alternative that helps you kick your bad habit in an enjoyable way.


  • And your friends might not even be able to tell the difference.


  • Fume is the safe way to satisfy your oral fixation without electronics, vapor, or combustion.


  • Fume has served over 300,000 customers, and you can be the next success story.

    Fume 已為 30 多萬客戶提供了服務,您也可以成為下一個成功案例。

  • For a limited time, use my code TASKPURPOSE to get your free topper, the perfect accessory to your fume device.

    在有限的時間內,使用我的代碼 TASKPURPOSE 即可獲得免費的頂蓋,這是您的通風設備的完美配件。

  • Slip it onto the mouthpiece for a softer, warmer feel.


  • And it's chewable for those of us who love to fidget, and it's reusable.


  • Head to, that's, and use code TASKPURPOSE, or scan the QR code on the screen right now to get your free fume topper when you order your journey pack today.

    前往,即,使用代碼 TASKPURPOSE,或立即掃描螢幕上的二維碼,即可在今天訂購旅行裝時免費獲得煙燻蓋。

  • The first thing we need to understand is how Marine Corps amphibious and mechanized operations work because it's a little bit different than the Army.


  • The U.S.


  • Marine Corps has about 400 of the LAV-25s and 1,300 of the old AAVs for their total complement of amphibious vehicles, but these serve two distinct and very different purposes.

    海軍陸戰隊擁有約 400 輛 LAV-25 和 1,300 輛老式 AAV 兩棲戰車,但它們的用途截然不同。

  • The LAV, for instance, has a powerful 25mm cannon, and it's useful for reconnaissance missions and getting from point A to point B and dropping Marines off while laying down plenty of hate, but they only have thin welded steel for armor, which means they can only stop like a 7.62x39mm round from an AK-47.

    例如,LAV 有一門威力強大的 25 毫米大炮,在執行偵察任務、從 A 點到 B 點、把陸戰隊員送走的同時,還能給他們帶來大量仇恨,但它們只有薄薄的焊接鋼板作為裝甲,這意味著它們只能像 AK-47 那樣擋住 7.62x39 毫米的子彈。

  • Higher powered armor piercing, full powered small arms will punch right through.


  • That's just the base original version of the LAV, of course there are more heavily armored variants.

    這只是 LAV 的基本原始版本,當然還有裝甲更強的變體。

  • They're also pretty small with room for only half a squad of 6 dismounts, but all this has the plus side of keeping the weight really low at 13 tons.

    它們的體積也非常小,只能容納半隊 6 名下馬兵,但這也有好處,那就是重量非常輕,只有 13 噸。

  • LAV-25s are amphibious in that they can cross small rivers and they can get to shore from the beach, but they're not true amphibious assault vehicles.

    LAV-25 是兩棲戰車,可以跨越小河,也可以從海灘上岸,但不是真正的兩棲突擊戰車。

  • For example, they would probably sink pretty easily to the bottom of the ocean if you tried to swim one through tough surf from a landing ship in the ocean 22km or 15 miles from shore.

    例如,在距離海岸 22 千米或 15 英里的海域,如果你試圖從一艘登陸艦上游泳穿過猛烈的海浪,它們可能會很容易沉入海底。

  • That's where the Marine's AAV comes in.

    這就是海軍陸戰隊 AAV 的用武之地。

  • It's job is to transport a full squad of 13 Marines dismounted over rough choppy waves for long distances.

    它的任務是在波濤洶湧的波浪中長途運輸一個由 13 名海軍陸戰隊員組成的下馬運輸隊。

  • That's called ship to shore capability.


  • This is the vehicle that the next generation ACV will ultimately replace this role because the fleet is starting to show its age at this point.

    下一代 ACV 最終將取代該車的角色,因為車隊目前已開始顯現出老化現象。

  • An incident in 2020 for example left 9 Marines dead after an AAV sank.

    例如,2020 年發生的一起事件就導致 9 名海軍陸戰隊員在一艘 AAV 沉沒後喪生。

  • This destroyed some Marines trust in it.


  • The old AAV is tracked so it requires more maintenance and its armor is lacking especially in the underbelly against landmines.

    老式的 AAV 是履帶式的,是以需要更多的維護,而且其裝甲不足,尤其是腹下的防地雷裝甲。

  • We've seen how effective landmines have been on the global war on terror and more recently in the war in Ukraine.


  • The AAV is combat proven though.

    不過,AAV 是經過實戰檢驗的。

  • It was used in amphibious operations during the invasion of Granada and Panama proving their worth again in Iraq as a land vehicle.


  • But one of the downsides is that it's limited to having a .50 caliber machine gun and Mark 19 grenade launcher instead of a true cannon.

    但其缺點之一是,它只能擁有一挺 .50 口徑機槍和 Mark 19 榴彈發射器,而不是真正的大炮。

  • And worse yet, those weapon platforms aren't stabilized.


  • So you need to come to a complete stop before firing them.


  • You might as well wave a giant red flag like how a lot of my goth ex-girlfriends were.


  • So in light of these aging capabilities, the United States Marine Corps contacted General Dynamics Land Systems a long long time ago back in 1996 to start designing the next generation Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle or the EFV.

    鑑於這些老化的能力,美國海軍陸戰隊早在 1996 年就與通用動力陸地系統公司聯繫,開始設計下一代遠征戰車(EFV)。

  • The main things on the wish list for that was the ship to shore capability full squad while also having more firepower.


  • I want to have my crayon and eat it too.


  • But with the global war on terror starting in 2001 and rising budget concerns, it meant that they canceled the project by 2011 to focus on the current mission that they had on hand instead.

    但隨著 2001 年全球反恐戰爭的打響和預算問題的日益突出,這意味著他們在 2011 年取消了該項目,轉而專注於手頭的當前任務。

  • Pour some out for the old EFV and all the good times we could have had together.

    為老 EFV 和我們一起度過的美好時光倒上一些。

  • However, by 2013, relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China was starting to really sour.

    然而,到 2013 年,美國和中華人民共和國之間的關係開始真正惡化。

  • The Chinese military appeared to be increasingly militarizing islands around Taiwan.


  • Amphibious operations are back on the menu, boys.


  • This gave the Marines a new purpose in life.


  • It's like Batman needing Joker or peanut butter needing jelly.


  • Initially, the Marine ACV program was actually supposed to be a smaller support vehicle for the heavier canceled EFV.

    最初,海軍陸戰隊 ACV 項目實際上是為被取消的重型 EFV 提供較小的輔助車輛。

  • In 2011, they continued the ACV vehicle, but as their main effort.

    2011 年,他們繼續使用 ACV 車輛,但將其作為主要工作。

  • Instead of designing a brand new vehicle from scratch, they looked to adapt a already existing off-the-shelf solution.


  • So the Marines went shopping all around town.


  • That's a movie I would see.


  • The Marines go shopping.


  • And they picked out their favorite one, which was produced by an Italian company called Iveco.


  • They modified their existing Super AV.

    他們修改了現有的超級 AV。

  • It's hard to find details on the ACV because it's classified.

    很難找到 ACV 的詳細信息,因為它屬於機密。

  • It's a Marine Corps vehicle, but you can still search the Super AV and you can get a better understanding of its abilities and where it came from.

    它是海軍陸戰隊的車輛,但你仍然可以搜索超級 AV,你可以更好地瞭解它的能力和它的來源。

  • The Super AV was based on a 1999 design for the Brazilian Army.

    超級 AV 是根據 1999 年為巴西軍隊設計的。

  • Then in 2010, it was upgraded and adapted for fielding in the Italian military.

    2010 年,意大利軍隊對其進行了升級和改裝。

  • By 2018, the United States Marines had confirmed that the Super AV was their pick to replace the AAV.

    到 2018 年,美國海軍陸戰隊已確認 "超級 AV "是他們取代 "AAV "的選擇。

  • It's interesting because Iveco, the Italian defense company, also creates armored designs for China and Russia's military, which is part of the reason why I think they split the production off to BAE Systems and sold them the rights to produce the vehicle.

    有趣的是,意大利國防公司依維柯也為中國和俄羅斯軍方設計裝甲車,這也是我認為他們將生產分拆給 BAE 系統公司並將生產權出售給他們的部分原因。

  • They're now manufactured and produced in York, Pennsylvania at their manufacturing plant there.


  • And they were also modified and upgraded to fit the Marine Corps' purposes.


  • Heavily modified.


  • Now I'd like to know which one of you jarheads is responsible for writing the phrase, make peace or die, on the bow of one of the new ACVs, because I absolutely love it.

    現在我想知道,是你們中的哪一個 "甕頭 "把 "要麼和平,要麼死亡 "這句話寫在了新款 ACV 的車頭上,因為我非常喜歡這句話。

  • I'm going to start a petition to make that the slogan of the entire US military.


  • In December 2020, the vehicle went into full rate production, meaning 80 would be pumped out at that York, Pennsylvania plant every year.

    2020 年 12 月,該車進入全速生產階段,這意味著賓夕法尼亞州約克工廠每年將生產 80 輛。

  • It could carry 13 Marines plus 3 crew and 2 days worth of supplies and ammo into battle.

    它可以搭載 13 名海軍陸戰隊員和 3 名乘員以及兩天的補給和彈藥投入戰鬥。

  • For context, this thing is pretty damn big.


  • Even though it's not boxy looking like its predecessor, it carries 13 dismounts in the dismounted vehicle of any US military vehicle right now.

    儘管它的外形不像前身那樣方方正正,但在目前所有美軍車輛中,它能搭載 13 名下馬者。

  • The new force design 2030 plan would see thousands of Marines landed onto hundreds of different small islands around the Philippines and Taiwan in the event of war.

    根據新的 "2030 力量設計 "計劃,一旦發生戰爭,數千名海軍陸戰隊員將登陸菲律賓和臺灣周圍的數百個不同小島。

  • Many of these landings would likely be uncontested, but they require them being able to get there quickly and being able to set up an independent small base of operations on them.


  • They also need to be less detectable, which is why it's nice that unlike the AAV, the new ACV doesn't expel a giant plume of black smoke when the engine starts up.

    它們還需要不易被察覺,這就是為什麼新型 ACV 與 AAV 不同,在發動機啟動時不會冒出大量黑煙的原因。

  • It has a more quiet running engine.


  • That's why its survivability has been enhanced so that it can take more of a beating from the enemy in these austere environments.


  • The new ACV has stronger armor rated to stop .50 caliber bullets thanks to its bolt-on armor plate.

    新型 ACV 的裝甲更堅固,其螺栓裝甲板可阻擋 50 口徑子彈。

  • Overall, BAE Systems estimates that the ACV's protection is more than three times greater than the old AAV.

    據 BAE 系統公司估計,總體而言,ACV 的防護能力是舊式 AAV 的三倍多。

  • One squad of Marines nicknamed their vehicle Cerberus, which in Greek mythology is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the underworld, preventing the dead from leaving and stopping the living from entering without permission.


  • I thought the Marines were supposed to be a bunch of knuckle-dragging, cold-blooded dudes murking everything left and right.


  • Now they're referencing Greek mythology while they slay.


  • God help me if we find a Marine that's pretentious out there.


  • No, I'm kidding.


  • I love it.


  • But its most important aspect is its boom-boom.


  • If you were out in the middle of nowhere and you were stuck on a deserted island, what are the three things that you would take with you?


  • For me, it's a 30mm cannon, next-generation armor-piercing rounds, and my Dunkin' Donuts coffee.

    對我來說,這是一門 30 毫米大炮、新一代穿甲彈和我的 Dunkin' Donuts 咖啡。

  • Because why drink coffee when you can drink watered-down caffeine liquid?


  • One of the four main different variants of the ACV is the 30mm autocannon version.

    ACV 的四個主要變型之一是 30 毫米自動加農炮型。

  • This will be the biggest, most powerful direct-fire support that the Marine infantry have organic to them now.


  • It has a 30mm Mark 44 Bushmaster II chaingun and an unmanned turret developed by the Norwegian company Kongsberg.

    它有一門 30 毫米 Mark 44 Bushmaster II 榴彈炮和一個由挪威康斯伯格公司開發的無人炮塔。

  • The unmanned turret keeps weight and size down, which in turn allows the ACV-30 to still have enough room to carry troops and retain stability in rough seas.

    無人炮塔減輕了重量,縮小了尺寸,從而使 ACV-30 仍有足夠的空間運載部隊,並在波濤洶湧的海面上保持穩定。

  • It packs 50% more firepower than the LAV's 25mm version.

    它的火力比 LAV 的 25 毫米版本多 50%。

  • This is the same type of 30mm as the famous Gatling gun on the A-10 Warthog.

    這種 30 毫米口徑的火炮與 A-10 Warthog 上著名的加特林炮是同一種型號。

  • The Tungsten Mark 258 discarding sabot round has some insane capabilities.

    鎢質 Mark 258 拋棄式馬刀彈具有非常強大的功能。

  • Publicly available sources claim that it can penetrate 100mm of armor at 1km.

    公開資料顯示,它可以在 1 千米範圍內穿透 100 毫米的裝甲。

  • That may not be enough to take on main battle tanks from the front, but anything short of that is in serious trouble.


  • Some have floated the idea that you could use these platforms to punch holes in smaller enemy naval vessels from the shore, sinking the enemy ships from 4km away if they dare to get close to the littoral.

    有些人提出了這樣的想法:如果敵軍艦艇敢於靠近瀕海地區,你可以利用這些平臺從岸上對敵軍較小的海軍艦艇進行穿刺,在 4 千米外將其擊沉。

  • So far we know at least 12 of these vehicles have already been forward deployed to Okinawa already.

    到目前為止,我們知道至少有 12 輛這樣的車輛已經部署到沖繩。

  • But not everyone loves them.


  • They've had their fair share of criticisms that they've faced.


  • Many Marines wish that the EFV had been produced instead.

    許多海軍陸戰隊員希望當時生產的是 EFV。

  • There was a report created by the Pentagon Operational Testing and Evaluation Arm which tests new weapon systems.


  • They claim that the new Marine ACV had some vulnerabilities in its survivability.

    他們聲稱,新型陸戰隊 ACV 的生存能力存在一些漏洞。

  • We don't know exactly what that means because that part was classified, but we can assume that they weren't happy with its protection.


  • What we do know is that regular Marine grunts find it to be uncomfortable because of the new blast mitigating seats.


  • Blast mitigating seats were installed on my old Stryker before I got out of the Army.

    在我退伍前,我的舊 "斯特賴克 "坦克上就安裝了防爆座椅。

  • They have some plies and give to them, it goes up and down so in the case of an explosion it would prevent you from snapping your neck on the roof.


  • But they're also tight and designed really for someone not wearing body armor.


  • So the report found that it's uncomfortable to be in the vehicle.


  • We probably spent $12 million to get that report from someone at the DoD just so that they could tell us that it sucks to be inside of an armored vehicle.

    我們可能花了 1200 萬美元從國防部的某個人那裡拿到這份報告,就是為了讓他們告訴我們,在裝甲車裡的感覺糟透了。

  • No kidding?


  • Next can you get a $6 million report on how a veggie omelette MRE tastes awful?

    接下來,你能得到一份價值 600 萬美元的報告,說明素食煎蛋 MRE 的難吃程度嗎?

  • However the report does also point out that quote during gunnery live fire against stationary targets, ACV sections hit 91% of the targets when the ACV was stationary and 97% of the targets when the vehicle was on the move.

    不過,報告也指出,在對固定目標進行實彈射擊時,ACV 車組在靜止狀態下擊中了 91% 的目標,在行進狀態下擊中了 97% 的目標。

  • Which highlighted its advantages versus the old AAV.

    這凸顯了它與舊的 AAV 相比的優勢。

  • It also might seem somewhat unusual to pick a wheel design, right, when it's going to be called upon to traverse wet beach, sand, and marshy terrain.


  • Traditionally tracked vehicles are better amphibious beach assaults.


  • But the belief is that times have changed since the 1970s and so too has our technology.

    但我們相信,自 20 世紀 70 年代以來,時代已經發生了變化,我們的技術也是如此。

  • And new wheeled vehicle tech developed since then can address that shortcoming.


  • It's inline drive technology lets all four wheels on each side pull at the same time.


  • Similar to how tracked vehicles actually work.


  • Add in the higher ground clearance and tire inflation system and now wheeled vehicles in the new age have come a long way.


  • The idea is you get the benefits of more maneuverability and being able to traverse over sandy beachheads while not having the pain in the ass of tracked vehicle maintenance.


  • The new ACV can scoot at 65 miles per hour on land.

    新型 ACV 可在陸地上以每小時 65 英里的速度行駛。

  • That's 20 miles per hour faster than the older tracked AAV and has a better range of 352 miles compared to the AAV's 300 miles.

    這比老式的履帶式 AAV 每小時快 20 英里,而且續航能力更強,可達 352 英里,而 AAV 只有 300 英里。

  • That means no need to do more than close the hatches, extend the splash guard, and the ACV is ready to swim basically right out the box.

    這意味著,ACV 除了關閉艙門、加長防濺罩外,無需做更多工作,基本上開箱即可游泳。

  • This 690 horsepower engine drives two small thrusters at the back of the hull that provide power and maneuverability to the 35 ton vehicle while it's in the water.

    這臺 690 馬力的發動機可驅動船體後部的兩個小型推進器,為 35 噸重的船體提供動力,使其在水中更加靈活。

  • During testing, the ACV handled waves up to 9 feet with no problem, meaning even heavy surf is no obstacle for United States Marines.

    在測試過程中,ACV 可以輕鬆應對高達 9 英尺的海浪,這意味著即使是大浪對美國海軍陸戰隊員來說也不是障礙。

  • Currently, there are seven MEUs that deploy around the world ready to respond to a crisis at any moment.

    目前,有七支 MEU 部署在世界各地,隨時準備應對危機。

  • Six are located in the continental United States, three on the east coast, three on the west coast.


  • Then there's one forward deployed, it's an MEU located in Okinawa, Japan.

    還有一個前沿部署,是位於日本沖繩的一個 MEU。

  • Each MEU has about 2,200 Marines that are embarked across several amphibious ships.

    每個 MEU 大約有 2,200 名海軍陸戰隊員,分乘多艘兩棲艦艇。

  • There are several methods for asphalting an island.


  • One is to swim directly from the well deck of a ship to the shore, but that places the ship within missile range.


  • Another is to load these ACVs onto connector vessels like a landing craft, which can swim 200 miles and drop them 22 kilometers from the shore.

    另一種方法是將這些 ACV 裝到像登陸艇這樣的連接器船上,登陸艇可以遊 200 英里,並將它們投放到離海岸 22 公里的地方。

  • Marine amphibious operations are carefully orchestrated sequence of actions, all of which are designed to get Marines from their ships at sea to the shore.


  • Ultimately, the goal is to control the beachhead.


  • To understand why Marines are going with the ACV, we have to look at their larger strategy with the vehicle and how its capabilities fit into that.

    要了解海軍陸戰隊為什麼要使用 ACV,我們就必須瞭解他們使用這種車輛的更大戰略,以及這種車輛的性能如何與這一戰略相匹配。

  • In May 2023, they released their tentative manual on what they're calling the Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations.

    2023 年 5 月,他們發佈了名為 "遠征高級基地行動 "的暫定手冊。

  • According to them, it's a form of expeditionary warfare that involves the employment of mobile, low signature, operationally relevant, and relatively easy to maintain and sustain naval expeditionary forces from a series of austere temporary locations ashore within a contested area in order to conduct sea denial, support sea control, or enable fleet sustainment.


  • Okay, let me explain that in ways that even I can understand.


  • So one of the other four variants is the command and control vehicle version.


  • They need Marines to be able to act as their own command node out in the island with one of these vehicles that stands in as a battalion level command center.


  • But there has been some trouble with that.


  • A 2023 report showed that the command version was not operationally effective as a mobile command post.

    2023 年的一份報告顯示,作為移動指揮所,該指揮版本在操作上並不有效。

  • The reason for this was because it lacked enough secure beyond the line of site voice and data nets to support it.


  • It means that it needs to be able to talk back to the ships located beyond line of sight.


  • However, that has since been resolved in newer versions.


  • This will let you set up expeditionary advanced base operations in the ACV with its advanced technology and communication systems is a key part of that strategy to work.

    這將讓您在 ACV 中建立遠征先進基地行動,其先進的技術和通信系統是該戰略發揮作用的關鍵部分。

  • It has radios that are powerful enough to avoid enemy jamming and electronic warfare that the old AAVs can't handle.

    它的無線電功能強大,足以避開敵人的干擾和電子戰,而老式 AAV 卻無法應對這些干擾和電子戰。

  • Force design 2030 involves trimming the core by 12,000 personnel along with tossing out Abrams tanks and tubed artillery.

    2030 年的部隊設計包括將核心人員減少 12000 人,同時淘汰艾布拉姆斯坦克和管狀火炮。

  • The Marines had initially planned to order over 1,100 of the ACVs.

    海軍陸戰隊最初計劃訂購 1100 多輛 ACV。

  • Instead, they'll be grabbing about half that it looks like at 632 for this period of time.

    相反,在這段時間裡,他們會搶到 632 看起來的一半左右。

  • And the vehicles are going to cost roughly 250 million bucks.

    這些車輛大約需要 2.5 億美元。

  • They might order more in the future, though.


  • There have also been a number of high profile incidents with the vehicle.


  • In December of 2023, for instance, an ACV rolled over during a training at night.

    例如,2023 年 12 月,一輛 ACV 在夜間訓練中翻車。

  • One Marine was killed. 11 were injured during that incident.

    一名海軍陸戰隊員喪生。11 人在事件中受傷。

  • Two other ACVs also rolled over or became disabled during surf training in July 2022.

    另外兩輛 ACV 也在 2022 年 7 月的衝浪訓練中翻車或致殘。

  • This was a very not good, bad press report that tainted the ACVs public image and made a lot of Marines nervous that they were being issued an unsafe vehicle.

    這是一篇非常不好的負面新聞報道,玷汙了 ACV 的公眾形象,讓很多海軍陸戰隊員感到緊張,擔心他們被配發了一輛不安全的車輛。

  • Subsequent investigations found no flaws in the vehicles themselves, so leadership implemented new training procedures for ACV drivers.

    隨後的調查發現車輛本身沒有缺陷,是以領導層對 ACV 駕駛員實施了新的培訓程序。

  • This kind of sounds like a cop out to me because the Marine Corps leadership at least have a plan.


  • At first, it sounds like they're blaming the lower enlisted guys for these rollovers.


  • I mean, I don't know what exactly is the case, but we're going to look into it a little more here because these rollovers, they do happen all the time, unfortunately.


  • Even Humvees aren't immune and rollovers accounted for 66 out of 104 fatal accidents in the Marine Corps from 2010 to 2019.

    即使是悍馬車也不能倖免,在海軍陸戰隊 2010 年至 2019 年發生的 104 起致命事故中,翻車就佔了 66 起。

  • You definitely don't have to worry about the AAV rolling over as much.

    你絕對不用擔心 AAV 會翻倍。

  • It's boxy, low center of gravity, and it's got tracks, unless you're taking it legitimately off-roading off mountainsides.


  • The ACV is certainly a very different beast, higher off the ground and much faster.

    ACV 當然是一種截然不同的野獸,離地更高,速度更快。

  • So I'm not surprised there are a number of growing pains in transitioning between such different systems.


  • The ACV represents a significant leap forward for the Marine Corps and its amphibious capabilities, bringing increased firepower, protection, and mobility to future operations.

    ACV 代表著海軍陸戰隊及其兩棲能力的重大飛躍,為未來行動帶來了更強的火力、保護和機動性。

  • Despite some early challenges, the ACV is set to play a critical role in the Marine Corps' evolving strategy, ensuring Marines are able to get to the beach and bring the party straight to the enemy.

    儘管在早期遇到了一些挑戰,但 ACV 將在海軍陸戰隊不斷髮展的戰略中發揮關鍵作用,確保海軍陸戰隊員能夠到達海灘,將隊伍直接開到敵人面前。

If war were to break out in the Pacific tomorrow, the United States Marines would be asked to do the job nobody else can, load into amphibious vehicles and swim out to defend hundreds of islands around the Pacific.


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