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  • In today's 10-minute chess opening video, you're going to learn the Sicilian defense for the black pieces, but if I'm being completely honest, what I always tell people is you should not be playing the Sicilian until you're at least 2,000, which might sound completely different than something you've been told before or crazy, but it's one of the most complex and interesting and just crazy systems that's out there.

    在今天的 10 分鐘國際象棋開局視頻中,你將學習黑棋的西西里防禦,但老實說,我總是告訴人們,你至少要下到 2000 歲才可以下西西里,這聽起來可能與你以前聽過的完全不同,或者很瘋狂,但它是最複雜、最有趣、最瘋狂的系統之一。

  • So e4, c5, and from here, the Sicilian takes about three or four different turns.


  • Knight f3 followed by the move pawn to d4 is the open Sicilian, inviting a trade in the center and then turning into one of the many, many mainline Sicilians that exists.

    馬 f3 後移兵至 d4 是開放的西西里式,可以在中央進行交易,然後變成眾多西西里式主線中的一種。

  • After that, you have the closed Sicilian, which is essentially a setup where white does not play the move d4.

    之後是封閉西西里,本質上是白棋不走 d4 這步棋的佈局。

  • White can do that by playing knight c3 followed by g3 and bishop g2, or the grand prix attack with f4 and eventual bishop g2 or f4-bishop c4, or even some other tricky sidelines with bishop c4, bishop b5, and not moving the pawns.


  • And then there's the gambits, obviously.


  • There's the Smith-Mora gambit with d4 takes and then c3, not to mention the wing gambit and the delayed wing gambit with a3-b4.

    還有史密斯-莫拉(Smith-Mora)博弈法,先下 d4,再下 c3,更不用說翼博弈法和延遲翼博弈法(a3-b4)了。

  • And then there's basically the sidelines.


  • For example, the elephant Sicilian, which when white tries to play d4 and reinforce with a pawn, not to mention also b3, which I like to play and I recommend, and so on and so forth.

    例如大象西西里,當白棋試圖下 d4 並用兵增援時,更不用說我喜歡下並推薦的 b3 了,等等等等。

  • So how on earth does one deal with all this?


  • Well, first you need to pick what you want to play against the open Sicilian.


  • And in picking that, you may want to play something that has overlap with systems in the closed Sicilian and the other sidelines.


  • So for example, a Sicilian dragon, an accelerated dragon, is when you play knight c6, g6, and bishop g7.

    舉例來說,西西里龍,也就是加速龍,是指馬下 c6、g6,象下 g7。

  • You delay the movement of this knight.


  • So that might look something like knight f3, knight c6, but even here you need to deal with the Rosso Limo, which is a mainline Sicilian at this point and has been played by, you know, in the last World Championship match between Caruana and Magnus in a bunch of games.

    是以,這可能看起來像馬 f3、馬 c6,但即使在這裡,你也需要對付羅索-利莫(Rosso Limo),這在目前是西西里的主線,在上屆世界冠軍賽卡魯阿納和馬格努斯的對局中,卡魯阿納和馬格努斯都下過這盤棋。

  • But let's say d4, takes, takes, and then g6.

    但假設 d4,取,取,然後是 g6。

  • And you try to play bishop g7, you castle kingside, you use the open file, and the mainlines you have, you know, crazy attacking positions.

    你嘗試下象 g7,在王位上築城堡,使用明檔,在主線上,你有瘋狂的進攻局面。

  • So if you play the dragon, the accelerated dragon, with knight c6, bishop g7, and so on against the open Sicilian, it might make it easier to play against the closed Sicilian because you already know what to do, right?


  • You kind of develop in the same way.


  • But a good Sicilian player, just like in the London system, for example, will adjust their weapons based on their opponent's setup.


  • One thing that I like to recommend against knight c3 is the very early a6, b5 system.


  • And this just basically tries to fight white right away.


  • You play a6, and if they try to just set up their pieces, you know, you start fighting with b4, e6, d5, and so on, and white never really gets comfortable.

    你下 a6,如果他們試圖擺好棋子,你知道,你就會開始與 b4、e6、d5 等棋子戰鬥,白棋永遠不會真正舒服。

  • This might help some of you closed Sicilian folks.


  • Now one of my personal favorites is e6 Sicilians.

    我最喜歡的是 e6 西西里棋。

  • I'm a big fan of e6 Sicilians, and that whole branch is like, you know, the Taimana, the Khan, as well as like the two knight Sicilians.

    我是 e6 西西里棋的忠實粉絲,整個分支就像,你知道的,泰馬納,可汗,以及雙馬西西里棋。

  • So for example, here there's also the knight f6, knight c3, bishop b4, the pin variation of the Sicilian.


  • I highly recommend, you know, for lower-rated players, give this a look, the pin variation.


  • And there's the two knights with knight c6.

    還有兩個騎士和騎士 c6。

  • Very tricky, very tactical system, a lot of queen b6 ideas.

    非常棘手,非常有戰術性,有很多後 b6 的想法。

  • In general, I would kind of push the more, you know, 1,500, 1,600-level players who are watching and lower for the tricky Sicilians.

    一般來說,我會把更多的,你知道的,1500、1600 級的棋手推向刁鑽的西西里人。

  • You don't need to play the knight or if you don't need to play the Sveshnikov, the stuff that the top-level guys are playing, because you can't handle it.


  • I mean, that's unfortunately the truth, because there's too much memory, there's too much experience that comes with this, so play the trickier stuff.


  • You might really like it.


  • There's also the classical Sicilian, which instead of, you know, e6, you play like this, and then here there's the early e5 Kalashnikov, you know, the knight f6, e5 Sveshnikov, but there's also just knight f6, knight c3, d6, and this is known as the classical variation of the Sicilian, also very interesting.

    還有經典的西西里,你知道,不是下 e6,而是這樣下,這裡還有早期的 e5 卡拉什尼科夫,你知道,馬 f6、e5 斯維什尼科夫,但也有馬 f6、馬 c3、d6,這被稱為西西里的經典變化,也非常有趣。

  • But what I would recommend for the lower-rated viewers is pick something that has an overlap with something else.


  • The early g6 Sicilian positions, like the dragon, you can get against a lot of different things and then you can build your experience of where to put the pieces and how to attack in the center, how to attack on the queen side, and so on.

    早期的 g6 西西里局面,比如龍,你可以應對很多不同的局面,然後你就可以積累經驗,知道該把棋子放在哪裡,如何在中央進攻,如何在後邊進攻,等等。

  • And the higher-rated players, I would recommend that you just, you know, you diversify your weapons because you can memorize stuff more, you've got a lot more experience with playing certain positions.


  • Now, the sidelines of the Sicilian are obviously a bit tricky.


  • So for example, the Aleppine Sicilian, you have to choose basically between two main lines, the knight f6 system, which is when you plop your knight in the center of the board, or the d5 system.


  • Now, I like the d5 system, but you've got to be comfortable with having a queen in the center.

    現在,我喜歡 d5 系統,但你必須對中間有一個皇后感到滿意。

  • And the only way you're going to learn this is getting some sort of book, some sort of video resources on YouTube, or, you know, buying an openings book, and watching some top-level players, looking at how a couple of really strong players excelled in these systems and with these positions from the black side.


  • One other thing that you can do, though, if you're a g6 player, is you can play g6 here and get a position that looks kind of like this with d5.

    不過,如果你是 g6 棋手,你還可以做的一件事是在這裡下 g6,然後得到一個看起來有點像這樣的局面,下 d5。

  • This is a pretty interesting strategic battle.


  • You try to play against kind of the, you know, potential target in the center that white would get.


  • And, you know, if you're about 1600, 1700 and lower at this level, playing a bit more positionally against an aggressive setup that white employs like this could be very good for you. b3 Sicilian, which is actually what I recommend in my openings course, and just I should say, in general, in this video, I'm not going to cover this Sicilian from the white side.


  • This is only for folks that want to play it with the black pieces.


  • If you want tips against the Sicilian, look at the 10-minute e4 guide.

    如果您想了解西西里的下棋技巧,請查看 10 分鐘 e4 指導。

  • But, you know, b3, g6 is actually still theoretically fine, and this position is known to be totally okay for black if you know what you're doing, but, you know, you need to build your experience there.

    但是,你知道,b3、g6 實際上在理論上還是沒問題的,而且眾所周知,如果你知道自己在做什麼,這個局面對黑棋來說是完全沒問題的,但是,你知道,你需要在這裡積累經驗。

  • I think, honestly, that's like the best quick summary that I can give you.


  • And if we just go in further detail on the Sicilian defense and how the middle games might progress, a lot of it depends on which way white is going to castle.


  • So you'll note that in the Sicilian, especially if you employ like a dragon setup, for example, like g6, the most aggressive Sicilians are with queen d2 and long castles.

    是以你會注意到,在西西里佈局中,尤其是當你採用龍形佈局(例如 g6)時,最具攻擊性的西西里佈局是後 d2 和長城堡。

  • And then against these, you know, white is going to play f3, g4, h5 against you, and what you're going to have to do is create counterplay. f3 is always useful to prevent knight g4.

    你知道,白方會下 f3、g4、h5 來對付你,而你要做的就是創造反擊。

  • You're going to need to create counterplay on the c-file and in the center, so moves like d5.

    你需要在 c 位和中央製造反擊,是以需要走 d5 這樣的棋步。

  • If they prevent that, then d6, bishop d7, rook c8, or a6, b5, and so on and so forth.

    如果他們阻止了,那麼 d6、象 d7、車 c8,或者 a6、b5,以此類推。

  • But that's generally how you would play these kind of Fi and Keto positions with the bishop.


  • And if you decide to enter territory in the open Sicilian that is more theoretical and not setup-based like the dragon setups, like I said, my recommendation is to lean toward e6 positions.

    如果你決定在西西里公開賽中進入理論性更強的領域,而不是像龍形佈局那樣以佈局為基礎,就像我說過的,我的建議是傾向於 e6 位置。

  • If you go for the knight orf, I'm going to be completely honest with you, I can't help you.

    如果你選擇 "騎士奧爾夫",老實說,我幫不了你。

  • And the reason why I can't help you is I will just give you a warning.


  • In this position, there are 15 different moves that white can play.

    在這個局面中,白棋可以走 15 步不同的棋。

  • According to the database, they have all been played by grandmasters.


  • It's probably even more than 15, some just aren't that great.

    可能還不止 15 個,有些只是沒那麼好。

  • So you've got to know what you're doing, is what I'm saying.


  • Now, if you're about 2000+, I would say try to play the knight orf if you want, but it's a lot easier to play more offbeat Sicilians because people don't study the offbeat Sicilians.

    現在,如果你的成績在 2000 分以上,我會說,如果你想的話,可以試著下馬或夫,但下更多的非主流西西里人要容易得多,因為人們並不研究非主流西西里人。

  • If you play a knight orf, you're playing into preparation.


  • You play a dragon, you might be playing into preparation.


  • If you play a con Sicilian like this, you might not, and queen c7, knight c6, and so on, and try to set up like a hedgehog position, you're not playing into a lot of prep.

    如果你下這樣的康西西里,你可能不會下皇后 c7、馬 c6 等等,並試圖建立像刺蝟一樣的局面,你不會下成很多先手。

  • You might be if you're playing somebody who's got a lot of experience, but a two-knight Sicilian with this setup and a lot of different dark-squared tactics in the center, I highly doubt you're going to be playing against somebody who's super, super theoretically prepared.


  • So these are all your options, okay?


  • I gave you some options how to play against a close Sicilian as well.


  • My personal favorite, the a6, b5 stuff.

    我個人最喜歡的是 A6 和 B5 系列。

  • The king's Indian attack with d3, g3, bishop g2, that does happen.

    印度王以 d3、g3、象 g2 發起攻擊,這確實發生過。

  • You might also get it, for example, in this format.


  • You just need to have a weapon against the king's Indian attack.


  • You might be in keto here and try to play like d5 with knight on e7, but this is really a sign of somebody who's not comfortable engaging in a crazy fight against a Sicilian player, and therefore will not enjoy if you begin kind of mobilizing in the center and creating problems right away.

    你可能會在這裡試圖下出馬在 e7 的 d5 這樣的棋步,但這實際上表明有人不喜歡與西西里棋手進行瘋狂的對戰,是以如果你一開始就在中央調動並製造麻煩,他是不會喜歡的。

  • I'm not going to lie.


  • I did not expect to get through a full Sicilian video in 10 minutes or less, but we're right about 9 minutes, and I'm pretty impressed because I feel as though I covered everything in as much detail as I could.

    我沒想到能在 10 分鐘或更短的時間內看完一個完整的西西里視頻,但我們只用了大約 9 分鐘,這讓我印象深刻,因為我覺得我已經儘可能詳細地介紹了所有內容。

  • I gave you as many options against the open, the close, the sidelines as I could.


  • If you've got any questions on developing your Sicilian repertoire, please put them in the comments below.


  • I would be happy to answer them.


  • I would love to answer them.


  • I love getting involved when folks ask me questions, and as always, let me know your thoughts.


  • Like the video, share it with a Sicilian practitioner or a soon-to-be Sicilian practitioner, and the question I have for you today is, name a game that you play that's not chess.


  • You know, a video game, a board game, the game of life, if you will, and I'll see you in the next 10-minute opening video.

    你知道的,一個視頻遊戲,一個棋盤遊戲,生命的遊戲,如果你願意的話,我會在下一個 10 分鐘的開場視頻中看到你。

In today's 10-minute chess opening video, you're going to learn the Sicilian defense for the black pieces, but if I'm being completely honest, what I always tell people is you should not be playing the Sicilian until you're at least 2,000, which might sound completely different than something you've been told before or crazy, but it's one of the most complex and interesting and just crazy systems that's out there.

在今天的 10 分鐘國際象棋開局視頻中,你將學習黑棋的西西里防禦,但老實說,我總是告訴人們,你至少要下到 2000 歲才可以下西西里,這聽起來可能與你以前聽過的完全不同,或者很瘋狂,但它是最複雜、最有趣、最瘋狂的系統之一。

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