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  • In today's 10-minute opening video, I'm going to teach you how to play the London system, which has a little bit of a bad reputation in the sense that since you kind of play it the same way all the time, folks are called lazy and boring sometimes.

    在今天的 10 分鐘開場視頻中,我將教您如何玩轉倫敦系統。倫敦系統的名聲有點壞,因為您總是用同樣的方法玩,所以人們有時會說它懶惰、無聊。

  • But we're going to get rid of all those opinions today, and I'll show you how to really put some pressure on your opponents early on, depending on how they set up.


  • So after d4, we've got to pay attention to how our opponents are setting up their pieces.

    是以,在 d4 之後,我們必須注意對手如何佈置棋子。

  • Most commonly, you will face this move, d5, and then you should play bishop f4, and we're going to get started with the London from there.

    最常見的情況是走這步棋 d5,然後下象 f4,我們將從這裡開始下倫敦。

  • But obviously, you also have to deal with King's Indian and other setups, which we will cover.


  • In the London, with d5 on the board, you've got to always be monitoring whether or not the c-pawn comes forward, whether the opponent moves out the light-squared bishop early, or whether the opponent blocks in the light-squared bishop, and so on and so forth, also if you are offered a trade of dark-squared bishops.

    在 "倫敦 "中,棋盤上有 d5,你必須時刻關注 c 兵是否向前移動,對手是否提前移出了光方象,或者對手是否擋住了光方象,諸如此類。

  • After knight f6, you will play the next move, e3.

    馬 f6 之後,您將下一步棋,e3。

  • You are delaying knight f3, and I will tell you for good reason you are delaying knight f3, okay?

    你在拖延騎士 f3,我會告訴你,你拖延騎士 f3 是有充分理由的,好嗎?

  • Keep that in mind.


  • Notice that I have not played knight f3 yet.

    注意,我還沒有下騎士 f3。

  • Let's say the opponent does not challenge us with c5 just yet.

    假設對手暫時還沒有用 c5 向我們挑戰。

  • Plays e6, now we continue with knight f3.

    現在我們繼續使用馬 f3。

  • Bishop d6.

    主教 d6

  • This bishop trade, I recommend sliding the bishop back one square almost always, and that is because the capture here will allow us to open up the h-file for the rook, and maybe we'll even postpone castling.


  • So this little slide-back technique is perfectly fine.


  • Let's say castles, bishop d3, knight c6.

    比方說城堡,主教 d3,騎士 c6。

  • Now against knight c6, you may want to complete your little pyramid of pawns here before you get this knight out to d2, just so the opponent cannot play knight b4.


  • So keep in mind c3, always a useful move.

    是以,請牢記 c3,這步棋總是很有用。

  • Knight d2, and let's say something like queen e7, okay?

    騎士 d2,皇后 e7,好嗎?

  • Queen e7 is an important move to remember, and just in general, any move that allows the opponent to play the move e5.

    皇后 e7 是要記住的重要棋步,一般來說,任何能讓對手下 e5 的棋步都要記住。

  • This is the million-dollar square in the London, and you do not want your opponent to be pushing the e-pawn there successfully.

    這是倫敦的百萬美元位置,您不希望對手成功地將 e 兵推到這裡。

  • If they are able to do that, they get an equal position, okay?


  • And we're going to try to shut that down by hopping into e5 at the right moment, supported by the pawn, the bishop, and maybe stonewall-style with the f-pawn right after so we have that lock on the center.

    我們要在適當的時機跳入 e5,在兵、象的支持下,並在其後用 f 卒進行石牆式攻擊,這樣我們就能鎖住中央,從而阻止這步棋。

  • If you see e5 coming, you need to put your knight there.

    如果看到 e5 過來,就需要把馬放在那裡。

  • Now, just playing a random move for black and getting to this position.


  • From here, you can begin active operations on the kingside.


  • How do you do that?


  • Well, after you hop in here, you're going to try to play f4.


  • Now if the opponent had already done something like this and forced their knight back, this is perfectly fine for you because you already have queen h5 coming.

    如果對手已經這樣做了,並迫使他們的馬後退,這對你來說完全沒問題,因為你已經有後 h5 了。

  • Maybe you're launching forward the f-pawn, or even a simple pawn trade in the center to get your knight in the game and another piece attacking on the kingside.

    也許你要向前發射 f 兵,甚至在中央進行簡單的兵交換,讓你的馬進入對局,並讓另一顆棋子在王側發動攻擊。

  • So all different ideas, queen h5, queen f3, queen h3 in certain positions, not this one obviously with the bishop on g3, but these are all the different attacking ideas when you get the knight in the center in the London against the castle's king, f4, trying to bring the queen to this side, maybe the bishop comes out this way as well.


  • You have to build your experience in these positions.


  • Now, one thing that did not happen early on in this setup is black never played c5.

    現在,有一件事在這一佈局的早期並沒有發生,那就是黑棋從未下過 c5。

  • So let's take a look at what happens when black does play c5.

    讓我們看看黑棋下 c5 時會發生什麼。

  • Against c5, I mean black can play c5 on the second move, e3 is always good, and I would recommend just continuing our natural development with knight d2, c3, and so on.


  • Now, early queen b6 stuff to attack the b2 pawn can be a little bit scary, but there is a very cool tactical way to take care of this, and that move is actually knight to c3.


  • You should look at this early knight c3 stuff against c5.

    你應該看看這個早期的騎士 c3 對抗 c5。

  • Very tricky, and taking on b2 is simply too dangerous, because if you play knight b5, you have knight c7 coming, and there's ways that this queen can just simply get trapped on a2.

    非常棘手,攻佔 b2 太危險了,因為如果你下騎士 b5,騎士 c7 就會來,而且後有可能被困在 a2。

  • For example, there's one continuation here like this, where you take the knight and then get the knight on c7, excuse me, and take the rook on a8.

    例如,這裡有一個這樣的繼續,你吃掉馬,然後把馬放到 c7,不好意思,把車放到 a8。

  • This is actually...


  • These positions are simply devastating for the black side.


  • So queen b6 can be met with an early knight c3, and if our opponent does not take on b2, we simply play rook b1, and this queen has no positioning.

    是以,後 b6 可以用早期的馬 c3 來對付,如果對手不吃掉 b2,我們就直接出車 b1,這樣後就沒有位置了。

  • One more thing I will add about an early knight c3, Joe Baba London.

    我還想補充一點,關於早期的騎士 c3,喬-巴巴-倫敦。

  • There is some venom in these early knight c3 systems.

    這些早期的騎士 c3 系統都有一些毒辣之處。

  • You can consider adding them to your repertoire.


  • Very tricky stuff.


  • Once the opponent commits to c5, suddenly we do this, and if they play something like a6, then we just develop naturally knight f3, bishop e2, queen d2, even try to castle queenside.

    如果對手下 a6,我們就自然而然地發展馬 f3、象 e2、後 d2,甚至嘗試在後方攻城。

  • That is just one option.


  • But you don't need to play like this.


  • You can just play knight to f3, and develop naturally, and continue to go for that setup with knight d2, c3, and so on.

    你可以直接將馬下到 f3,然後自然發展,並用馬 d2、c3 等繼續進行這種佈局。

  • It is considered the more modern approach right now in the London to not play a very early c3.

    在倫敦,不下很早的 c3 被認為是更現代的做法。

  • So right here, play knight d2 before you play c3.

    所以在這裡,先下騎士 d2,再下 c3。

  • That way when the queen comes out, you can always play rook b1, and there's even some d takes c5 venom systems, okay?


  • So don't be worried about an early c5.

    所以不用擔心早期的 C5。

  • Don't take.


  • Just continue to develop and reinforce your center.


  • Against the early light-squared bishop movement systems, what I like to do is actually squish it up into a queen's gambit.


  • I like to play c4, and that allows me to bring my queen out and put some pressure on the newly weakened b7 pawn.

    我喜歡下 c4,這樣可以讓我的皇后出來,給剛剛被削弱的 b7 兵施加壓力。

  • So bishop comes out here, c4, and knight c3 with queen b3 coming, and some queenside pressure since the bishop abandoned the b7 pawn.


  • So depending on how your opponent is setting up in the beginning, there's going to be pluses and minuses with all the different stuff.


  • Now, you know, if they don't play d5 early on, but they play something like knight f6, you should continue to play bishop f4.

    要知道,如果他們一開始沒有下 d5,而是下了馬 f6 這樣的棋,你就應該繼續下象 f4。

  • And now we're going to look at king's Indian.


  • So against g6 systems, I always recommend knight's d3.

    是以,在對陣 g6 時,我總是建議走騎士的 d3。

  • This is really going to throw people off because if they continue with king's Indian, suddenly they're in a pierced defense.


  • You've played e4, and you're going to play a quick queen d2, bishop h6, long castles.

    你下了 e4,然後快速下後 d2、象 h6、長城堡。

  • This is not what a king's Indian player wants to get from the opening to get move ordered into this very aggressive system, not to mention one where, you know, you're going to be playing things like f3, g4, h4, h5 to get to their king.

    這並不是印度王棋手想要的開局,因為開局後他就被命令下入這種極具攻擊性的體系,更不用說你還得下 f3、g4、h4、h5 等棋步才能接近他們的王。

  • And if the opponent plays d5, there's one very exciting system here.

    如果對手下 d5,這裡就有一個非常令人興奮的系統。

  • So d5 preventing e4, you play e3.

    是以,d5 阻止 e4,你就下 e3。

  • If they play bishop g7, you play the amazing move, h4.

    如果他們下象 g7,你就下出絕招 h4。

  • I highly recommend you go look at this position in the database.


  • A lot of super, super strong GMs play this, Levon Aronian to name one.


  • I think Maksim Bashelegrov has played this.


  • Wouldn't be surprised if Magnus Carlsen has given this a shot.


  • And this is the idea.


  • If castles, you just play h5.

    如果是城堡,則只需下 h5。

  • And then you sacrifice your rook and get a devastating attack along the h-file on the This position at a deep enough engine depth is just, is lost for black.

    然後你就可以犧牲你的車,沿著h線對黑棋發動毀滅性的攻擊。 這個局面在引擎深度足夠深的情況下,黑棋已經輸了。

  • Black cannot survive this position.


  • So most players with the black pieces will play h5 to prevent you from playing h5.

    是以大多數擁有黑棋的棋手都會下 h5 來阻止你下 h5。

  • But then you develop normally.


  • You put a knight on e5.

    你在 e5 放了一個馬。

  • You can play your bishop to d3, target these pawns, try to create a kingside pawnstorm, and obviously you will try to castle queenside.

    您可以將象下到 d3,瞄準這些兵,嘗試在王側製造兵風暴,顯然您還會嘗試在後側攻城。

  • So against any sort of Indian system, the second you see the move g6, I highly recommend knight c3 and going for long castles.

    是以,在對陣任何一種印度體系時,一看到 g6 這步棋,我就會強烈建議下騎士 c3,然後走長城堡。

  • I did tell you, we're not just lazily developing our pieces in this London setup.


  • We're going to try to put pressure on our opponents.


  • And I should say, you can do it even here.


  • Like, let's say I play g6, all right, knight c3, knight c3, g6, knight c3, and try to play h4, h5.

    比方說,我下 g6,好吧,馬 c3,馬 c3,g6,馬 c3,然後嘗試下 h4、h5。

  • So investigate this system.


  • I think it will be very useful for you.


  • The only other thing that I can, you know, I can really think about is very early c5 stuff.

    我唯一能想到的就是早期的 C5。

  • Now, for example, d4, knight f6, bishop f4, c5.

    例如,現在是 d4,馬 f6,象 f4,c5。

  • In general, the best thing to do here is just to play the d5 central push.

    一般來說,這裡最好的辦法就是下 d5 中央推進。

  • Because, you know, if you play e3, there's some positions where black does not need to play d5.

    因為,你知道,如果下 e3,有些局面黑棋就不需要下 d5。

  • And that can be a little bit annoying.


  • So d4, I recommend this.

    是以,我推薦使用 d4。

  • Here, there is a gambit called the Vaganyan gambit, knight c3, queen takes b2, and bishop back to d2.

    在這裡,有一種叫做瓦格尼揚的賭博:馬走 c3,後走 b2,主教回到 d2。

  • It's the poison pawn.


  • So I know you've developed two tempi, but your next moves are going to be e4, f4, overwhelming your opponent in the center.

    所以我知道你已經開發了兩個先手,但你的下一步棋將是 e4、f4,在中央壓倒對手。

  • The Vaganyan gambit, named after Rafael Vaganyan, Armenian grandmaster from back in the day.


  • And if your opponent doesn't play like this, you know, just plays d6, again, we're going for the same stuff.

    如果你的對手不這麼玩,你知道,他只玩 d6,同樣,我們要的也是同樣的東西。

  • Knight c3, e4, queen d2, and some sort of long castles, you know, d4, c5, the same thing.

    騎士 c3、e4,皇后 d2,還有一些長城堡,你知道的,d4、c5,都是一樣的。

  • You can play d5 and, you know, you can set up with the bishop on f4, all the same.

    你可以下 d5,也可以在 f4 下象,都是一樣的。

  • Against, you know, the Dutch, for example, you can play the Staunton gambit, very aggressive gambit, or you can play the London all the same.


  • But you would need to probably castle queenside against the Dutch systems, or try to attack this pawn with f3, e4 setups in the future.

    但您可能需要在後方建城堡來對抗荷蘭防禦體系,或者在將來嘗試用 f3、e4 設置來攻擊這顆棋子。

  • But for the most part, that's as good of a breakdown that I can give you, you know, in about 10 minutes for the London system.

    但就大多數情況而言,這是我能在 10 分鐘內為倫敦系統提供的最好的細分數據。

  • You will get some garbage sometimes like this, you know, knight c6, and then e3, f6, trying to take, you know, the center with e5.

    有時你會下出這樣的垃圾棋:馬走 c6,然後走 e3、f6,試圖用 e5 佔據中央。

  • No early f6 system is good against the London, but, you know, obviously London players, you should be familiar with how to take advantage of nonsense play like this.

    早期的 f6 系統並不能很好地對抗倫敦棋手,但是很顯然,倫敦棋手應該熟悉如何利用這種無意義的下法。

  • I would just play aggressively, like h4, g4, and then maybe knight d2, and then develop normally.

    我會採取激進的下法,比如 h4、g4,然後可能是馬 d2,然後正常發展。

  • Against systems where your opponent does not develop a lot of pieces, try to open the center as quickly as possible, so something with e4, maybe c4, quick development, and don't just lazily develop your pieces to the squares that you think they belong.

    在對陣對手沒有大量發展棋子的體系時,應儘快打開中央,比如用 e4,或許 c4,快速發展,而不要只是懶散地將棋子發展到你認為屬於它們的位置。

  • If you're a beginner, and you've gotten to this, you know, point in the video, you can obviously play the London in a bit more calm fashion, not trying to punish the opponent.

    如果你是初學者,並且已經達到了視頻中的這一點,那麼你顯然可以更冷靜地玩 "倫敦",而不是試圖懲罰對手。

  • But if you're a 15-, 16-, 1700-rated player, the London is still great, and if you don't play it in a lazy way, you really try to punish opponents and challenge them depending on which way they set up with this knight c3 stuff, this h4, h5 stuff, or this aggressive, you know, knight e5 and attacking system, the London will actually be a lot of fun, and it won't be boring at all.

    但如果你是一名 15、16 或 1700 級的棋手,那麼 "倫敦 "仍然很棒,而且如果你不懶散地下棋,而是真正地嘗試懲罰對手,並根據他們用騎士 c3、h4、h5 或積極的騎士 e5 和攻擊系統進行佈局的方式來挑戰他們,那麼 "倫敦 "實際上會非常有趣,而且一點也不會無聊。

  • So that's basically how you play the London in about 10 minutes.

    所以,這基本上就是你如何在 10 分鐘內玩轉倫敦的方法。

  • Let me know your thoughts or questions about the London system in the comments below, and today's chat question is, let me know where you're watching from in the world.


  • What city are you currently in?


  • And well, I look forward to your answers, and I'll see you in the next video.


In today's 10-minute opening video, I'm going to teach you how to play the London system, which has a little bit of a bad reputation in the sense that since you kind of play it the same way all the time, folks are called lazy and boring sometimes.

在今天的 10 分鐘開場視頻中,我將教您如何玩轉倫敦系統。倫敦系統的名聲有點壞,因為您總是用同樣的方法玩,所以人們有時會說它懶惰、無聊。

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