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  • My name is Tahl Leibovitz and I'm here at SPiN, New York. I am a professional table

  • tennis player who has been competing internationally since 1995. I am here today to speak to you

  • about the intermediate and beginner aspects of the Olympic sport of table tennis The backhand

  • push is extremely important in table tennis; you can win a lot of points pushing with your

  • backhand. What we do at the higher levels is we try to use a quick backhand push so

  • that we can cause the opponent to return a sort of passive ball, we can try to counter

  • that ball. Now we have a few different types of backhand pushes but what I'm going to demonstrate

  • is one where we sort of pass through the ball really quickly, because we want to get a lot

  • of spin on the ball - like that. So that's really where it's spinning. The other one

  • is where we just touch the ball because we have no spin, where we just sort of touch

  • it. That's a little high but this one's low. And the other one is where we just put light

  • spin. What's really effective is to be able to push the ball quickly and into your opponents

  • backhand because then you'll get a weak ball. So when we use the backhand push we just need

  • to be able to sort of move our hand, again passing through the ball. We have to pass

  • through the ball. You see that? The ball's coming; it's called accelerate racquet speed

  • it's mainly used on forehand loops and different things, but we use it for chop also. We pass

  • through the ball quickly, when we get to the ball. So it's sort of really quick. OK? So

  • that's the most important point of getting an effective backhand push is to stay low,

  • keep your racquet low, and pass through the ball quickly, even when you do no-spin. OK,

  • so that's the backhand push.

My name is Tahl Leibovitz and I'm here at SPiN, New York. I am a professional table


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乒乓球反手推球的方法|乒乓球 (How to Do a Table Tennis Backhand Push | Ping Pong)

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    rain 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日