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  • In our last lesson, we talked about metaphor in the song "Take Me Home, Country Roads." Dr. Jill, did you notice any other writing techniques while listening to the song during your long drive to West Virginia with Ana Mateo? I sure did.

    在上一課中,我們談到了歌曲 "Take Me Home, Country Roads "中的隱喻。吉爾博士,在你和安娜-馬蒂奧長途跋涉前往西弗吉尼亞州的途中,聽這首歌時,你有沒有注意到其他寫作技巧? 我當然注意到了。

  • I noticed that the song uses personification.


  • Let's see;


  • that's when you talk about a non-living thing as if it is a human.


  • When we use personification, we may use pronouns like "she" or "her" to talk about objects. Listen to this line about the land of West Virginia, referred to as "her." The singer is also saying the land is like a woman the miner remembers.

    在使用擬人時,我們可能會使用 "她 "或 "她的 "這樣的代詞來談論對象。 請聽這句關於西弗吉尼亞土地的歌詞,它被稱為 "她"。歌手還說這片土地就像礦工記憶中的一位女性。

  • You can hear that in this line about the mountain's voice calling the singer.

    你可以從這一句 "山的聲音在呼喚歌手 "中聽出這一點。

  • Note the use of the pronouns "her" and "she." In our last lesson, we told you about the line comparing the state to a mother.

    注意代詞 "她 "和 "她 "的使用。 在上一課中,我們向大家介紹了將國家比作母親的句子。

  • That is another example of personification.


  • I've heard you talk about your car this way, with the pronoun "she." Do you mean, "My old Ford wouldn't start this morning?

    我聽你這樣說過你的車 用的是代詞 "她" 你是說 "我的老福特今早發動不了 "嗎?

  • I think she doesn't like cold weather"?


  • That shows how much you love your car, John.


  • Almost as much as I love grammar.


  • That's Everyday Grammar TV. Take me home, country roads.

    這就是日常文法電視。 帶我回家,鄉間小路

In our last lesson, we talked about metaphor in the song "Take Me Home, Country Roads." Dr. Jill, did you notice any other writing techniques while listening to the song during your long drive to West Virginia with Ana Mateo? I sure did.

在上一課中,我們談到了歌曲 "Take Me Home, Country Roads "中的隱喻。吉爾博士,在你和安娜-馬蒂奧長途跋涉前往西弗吉尼亞州的途中,聽這首歌時,你有沒有注意到其他寫作技巧? 我當然注意到了。

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