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Hello January people Welcome back to English with Catherine.
Hopefully you recharged your batteries over the Christmas period even if you don't celebrate Christmas I'm hoping you had a couple of days off at the end of the year.
Happy New Year, by the way I hope you had a really good New Year's Eve.
So this video is really about Motivation, it's so important to stay inspired when you're trying to do something that's a bit challenging I'm going to share with you my top secrets to learning English or really anything difficult and trust me I follow this advice myself.
這段視頻的主題是 "激勵",當你想做一件有點挑戰性的事情時,保持激勵是非常重要的,我將與你分享我學習英語或任何困難事情的祕訣,相信我,我自己也是這麼做的。
Let's get started find your why?
讓我們開始尋找你的 "為什麼"?
Isn't that the biggest question of all having a reason is the biggest secret to doing something difficult a good enough reason?
Okay, make your why?
personalized to you and very specific we do this by Manifesting do you know what that means to manifest something is to think about it so hard Imagine it visualize it dream about it If you do this in the right way, it can really help you channel your energy into doing something or achieving something My dream is to have a garden and in the garden is a small studio where I can record my songs and play the piano So I manifest that recording studio.
I think about it.
I imagine it I get really excited about it and it helps me work hard.
It doesn't have to be something material It could be a situation that would change if you were to get really great at English leaving your country Right having more opportunities because of learning English or getting a job promotion try to make it as specific as possible, though I know my one is incredibly specific But the more specific you make it the more clear it will be and less Abstract so that your mind can really cling on to it and run towards it when things get tough and when life feels difficult manifest and succeed Make it realistic the key to success is Consistency doing the same thing in the same way consistently leads to success You can apply this rule to literally anything whether that's weight loss whether that's getting out of debt or becoming a millionaire So commit to a learning schedule that is realistic for you Don't do what I did last year, which was try to take on every single thing possible and then burn out completely By the way, that's why you didn't hear from me after my honeymoon for about a month.
它不一定是物質上的東西,也可以是如果你的英語學得非常好,離開你的國家後,情況會發生的變化 對,因為學習英語而有更多的機會,或者工作得到晉升,儘量讓它具體化、成功的關鍵在於堅持不懈,堅持不懈地以同樣的方式做同樣的事情,就會取得成功。你可以將這一規則應用到任何事情上,無論是減肥、擺脫債務還是成為百萬富翁、順便說一下,這就是為什麼我度蜜月後一個月都沒有你的消息。
I Completely burnt myself out.
I had all these ideas of what to do for the channel And I was trying to get married at the same time The whole thing was completely unrealistic and I'm happy and fine to admit that because this is a safe space, right?
So keep things realistic guys and thank me later secret number three is to romanticize it My favorite one.
所以你們要現實一點,以後再謝我吧 祕訣三:浪漫化 我最喜歡的一個祕訣
Did you know that learning English or doing something difficult doesn't have to be unpleasant?
It doesn't have to be a huge slog.
I think growing up being at school We were led to believe that learning had to be this really difficult task The learning environment was often in a really bright room.
All of us were at desks just studying You know how school was right, but you can romanticize your studying You could make a cozy corner in your home where you go to study It should be really comfortable with your favorite cushions everything that makes you feel comfortable and in that cozy corner You could have a drink that is reserved only for when you study So you never ever usually have that drink unless you're studying and treat yourself to new stationery Get yourself new notebooks and pens Remember that feeling when you went back to school after the school holidays and your mum would buy you all this new stationary best feeling ever That's the feeling that you want to give yourself.
Okay that childish kind of excitement That's what you want If you romanticize your studying you will actually look forward to studying.
Can you believe it?
Make it you Personalize everything If you don't like grammar and grammar exercises and textbooks then don't do that Don't use the textbooks.
Maybe you're more of a practical learner like I am where you learn through imitation You learn through doing.
也許你像我一樣是個實踐型的學習者,你通過模仿來學習 你通過實踐來學習。
I was quite a troubled student at school because I wasn't academic in the classic way, right?
I was more creative and I had a different kind of learning technique I needed to learn it a different way to most of my student friends I often felt quite weird actually and I I wish all of this advice had been available When I was a child, you know when I was a student because it really would have helped Learn English through listening to ebooks Podcasts about your favorite subject if you're interested in classic English literature Then learn English through reading the classics or listen to podcasts or interviews of people talking about the classics Discipline is not even a thing when you actually enjoy what you're doing Discipline only becomes necessary when you really don't like what you're doing because you're the one studying and you are an individual You're like no one else on this planet.
我更有創造力,我有一種與眾不同的學習技巧,我需要用一種與我大多數學生朋友不同的方式來學習英語,我常常覺得很奇怪,我希望這些建議在我還是個孩子的時候就能得到、如果你對英國經典文學感興趣,那就通過閱讀經典作品或收聽播客或人們談論經典作品的訪談來學習英語。當你真正喜歡你正在做的事情時,紀律根本就不是問題。 只有當你真的不喜歡你正在做的事情時,紀律才變得有必要,因為你是學習的人,你是一個獨立的個體,你和這個星球上的其他人都不一樣。
Remember that I want to leave you with a motivational quote to see you into January The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow I love that quote because it reminds us to always think of future you so future Catherine What does future Catherine need?
What can I do in this moment to look after future Catherine?
You could even have a little chat with future you and say what do you need?
You never know future you might even talk back to past you and say thank you.
Thank you for thinking about me I hope you found that helpful guys.
I really enjoyed making that one I hope you feel motivated and inspired for the most wonderful year ever.
This is your year I'll see you next Friday for another video.