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No, Not, I'm just doing a test with him
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OK, I'm doing an IELTS test
You can go
You can keep on the phrasal verbs
Or, you can listening the test and make some notes and tell me what scoration give the
So, This is the beginning of the International. Sorry.
This is the International English Language Testing System
Conducted on the 24 of October 2014 at Fusion English School
The examiner is Floyd Kermode and the candidate is José
Good Evenning
Good Evenning
So, I'm ...
To begin with. José, I like to ask a few questions about your hometown in your country
Where are you come from?
I'm from Cali, Colombia
and then, What do you like about your hometown?
This is a very cultural city
This is the main city for do sports in my country
Also, the weather is very cool for me
Because is a highest
The temperature usually is very high
And then, is there anything that you would like to change about your hometown?
Yes, only I want to change all the government that is very corrupt
Ohhh, and What are the buildings that are there, in your hometown
There is (are are are) no many buildings because the city was made from scratch by people, was not planned.
So, is mainly controlling by houses
is only a main building in the center of the city
That is very representative
But, is (are are are) not many
Now, José
Let's move on to talk about friends
Do you have many close friends?
But, some people, but no too much, because I'm very focus in improve my English
So, I select my friends because I want to keep talking
So, for example I left my friends from Colombia that no speaking English
Then, Do you prefer spend time with friends or family?
Actually, I prefer spend time with friends that are close to me in my
My thinking about the IT systems, because I keep learning my degree, my career. So
I prefer spend time with friends
Adults and children make friends in the same way?
Excuse me, Can you repeat me?
Adults and children make friends in the same way?
I don't think so
I think that the children are in the way to make friends
They are more open to share their ideas
But, the adults are in a different way more reserved to keep their thoughts for self
Let's move on
To talk about music
José, Do you like music?
I like
Help me to concentrate when I develop Software. For example I like to listen TO electronic music or also classic music.
That DOESN'T include any voice (VOICELESS)
So, I can keep focus in my job
What kind of electronic devices do you normally use when listen to music?
My computer throw a headphones that is a wireless headphones.
Have you learned to play a musical instrument?
Only when I was a child
I played piano
but, now, not.
Do you prefer study the piano or the violin?
I would like to play violin, but I keep in piano, it can produces better sounds
I think
it's easier to learn
José, I'm going to give you a topic
You'll have one to two minutes to prepare for it
I'm sorry, I'm going to give you a topic and I like you speak for about one to two minutes
Before you speak, you'll have one to two minutes. I'm sorry, one minute to prepares
You can make sone notes, if you wish
Did you understand?
Here is a pen and some paper to make notes
??? Doesn't matter
And, there is your topic
I like to describe and intelligent person you know
You should say
Who they are?
What kind of person they are?
What they do?
and, What you think she or he is intelligent?
(Thinking ....)
(got it!, Stephen Hawking!)
Remember José, you have one to two minutes to talk about this
So, don't worry if I stop you
I will tell you when the time is up
Can you please start speaking now, please
A person that I know too much is Stephen Hawking
That (WHO) is a scientific
He is doing research about the space
The Astronomy
I read a lot about he, because he has written, he wrote a lot of books about the Universe, the astronomy
He enjoyed talking about many theories that are too widely to the scientific people (COMMUNITY)
He mainly spend their time talking throw a seat, because he use a computer to talk because he can not speak.
He have (HAS) a illness that block their speaking
He mainly speak throw a machine, typing a keyboard to talk
He is mainly popular as a scientific because has many theories about the black holes, the universe, the origin of the earth, the sun, the stars
What more about he
He is travelling around the world giving conference, seminars to the people that want to knows more about the universe, the science.
Yes, I want to learn more about SUCH person that I know
and I'm keeping trying to read all the material that he produces
Do you want know more about he?
Thank you, thank you
and the other people think that this person is intelligent?
Thank you, Can I have take the pencil back, please?
Now, we can talking about an intelligent person you know and I like you ask one or two more general questions related to this.
Let's consider first of all, intelligent people.
Do you think intelligent people are happier than most people?
I don't think so, because people that are ... That is supposed to be not intelligent are not worried about many things that intelligent people is (ARE) worried about.
ohhh, They worried about their lives?
Yes, Because people that are not in the group of intelligent people that most people thinks that
Is not worried about how the things works or the world is done.
So, I think that is happier people that is not in that group
And, do you think intelligent people enjoy their jobs more?
Yes, because is in a very serious position to know more about how the things works and want to keep update learning more things
So, you think they are, they enjoying the work more
Right, and then. Speaking about education, Do you think is good to have special classes for intelligent children in school?
Yes, I think, Yes I'm actually thinking about that.
Because, no everybody understand in the same way.
So, I think that children or any people that are in certain level should have other kind of teaching ...
... to explode all their knowledge and their skills.
And, just one more question
What do you think makes somebody a good teacher?
I think that the ability to understand their students and help to each one to achieve their goals
Thank you very much.
That is the end of the International Testing System
Thank you very much
Thank you.
ok, Do you want some feedback?
Here's your feedback
Fluency, you did very well. You told all the time.
You need to talk more in part two
Is not good to stop before the examiner stop you in part two
So, You need to, you need to plan. So you need to practice for a long part two
OK. I'm happy to help you with that. I'm very good at.
I love IELTS Speaking, I'm really good at teaching it
I do it a lot and I know a lot about it. So, I'm happy to help you.
But, In part two you did very fluent. You answered all the questions. Your answer make sense. I could understand you.
Your grammar was reasonable complicated.
But, You have some problems with tenses.
Or say, Don't, instead or doesn't
That kind of things.
You have some good vocabulary. You told about building something from scratch.
Is everyone know this expression?
That is really nice, that you know
Start from nothing
That's right, starting from nothing, yeah, yeah, so, that was good and was correctly used.
Do sports is not correct. You should say: play sports.
ahh, ok!
So, the areas .. Let's say, your pronunciation was fine. I could understand your pronunciation.
You have a strong spanish accent.
You feel it?
Oh, yeah, but that is not problem. Your accent doesn't stop me understanding your words
ahh, ok.
But, this can be a problem in the IELTS?
Not really.
You could use more stress, but, is an International test, the examiner is allow to punish you because you have a japanese accent
Or American accent, or scottish accent or Colombian accent
as long as it doesn't stop the examiner understand your word
If you're so spanish, I don't know what the word is
I'll give you an example with spanish. You say e before s. not Esports, it's very spanish.
If you say a lot of that, the examiner may bring down your pronunciation score.
But, this is about the pronunciation, that is different from the accent, right?
That's right, is different. I mean, is like in japanese, after a hard sound like a {letter} or {letter} they put an extra vowel.
They say hoto, instead of hot.
That will affected, because isn't on accent.
That's more than accent.
That's make sense?
Yes, Yes
So, you grammar is ok, but you need to work on accuracies words, you could make longer sentences.
Fluency like a sense?? speak more in part two
and, in part three try to make longer sentences. You know? talk as much as you can.
Is very god, really!
That's all.
What I need to get an eight in the IELTS?
an eight?
What lacks? What is my ...
Ooooh I don't think that you'll get an eight.
not, I know, in this stage. I know.
I'm near/close to what? 6, 7, 8, 5?
OK, I'm not sure for supposed to give numbers in this school or not.
I think you would be reasonable for 6.5
Impossible 7
Nearly to 6.5
Yeah, that is my guess.
Not eight. For 8 you need much more accuracy (that way in children??)
Need to be much more confident
For the seven?
What I need to fix to ...?
7, you need to use more thing like from scratch accurately
and you need to have much less mistakes with grammar.
You can still making mistakes with grammar for 7
But, you need to have less. You know?
The examiner need to close their eyes and think. Yeah. I remember quite a few sentences that worked perfectly.
is similar in your writing.
In writing, the examiner should be able to close their eyes and go. Yeah, I perfect sentence. I'll doing again. Another perfect sentence. For 7.
For 6 is wrong wrong wrong, Ohh, that one is ok.
But, that is all
OK, Thank you very much
Thank you very much
Thank you everyone, I'm really apologize about the technical problem. You know.
Subtitles by Jose Nobile (was too hard, even for understand to me)