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  • Let me explain why,if you are my best friend I shouldn't had to ask you to lie for me

  • I shouldn't have to ask you your permission for me to put you in my lie you know why?

  • cuz you're my best f*ckin friend bitch and that's your job.

  • The day that we sign up and said that we are best friends That means that my bullshit is your bullshit...and your bullshit is my bullshit.

  • If you are my real best friend you shouldn't need to lie for me by the look of my face.

  • If i'm looking at you and i am not blinking and i am like this...

  • That's a god damn sign,that means the bitch got to drop on us, my back is against the wall,this is not a test it's the real deal...Help me!

  • Help me!

  • NIGGA H E L P M E.

  • My friend Harry ignored all signs,ok?

  • Let me tell you how he failed

  • I coming to my house,right?I coming to house like 4 in the morning. I am drunk people,drunk as shit.

  • I have no balance,i am all over the place,rocking back and forth. As soon as i walk in the house she wakes up,SHE GOES OFF.

  • You know what?I'm sick at this.I know you were propably out with some bitch you were propably out messing with some bitch...

  • Now i am drunk,i don't want to respond cuz i don't have any balance, i am rocking back and forth

  • You don't look believable when you're rocking back and forth, so i had to choose a stance in which i'll look believable

  • So i chose this....I said:''let me tell you something,listen to me ain't nobody went with no bitch,ok you are wrong,as a matter of fact i'll prove you wrong i am calling Harry.''

  • Harry is not expecting me to call right now,so Harry had no reason to lie Aaand i am gonna put him on speaker phone....''i am about to make you feel stupid''

  • Watch this,watch how fucking stupid you feel...

  • Watch,watch this

  • Harry

  • Harry,real quick don't lie let's stop right there,let's just stop right there for a second.

  • What is that mean?What is that mean people?

  • LIE,that means lie,right now. I mean the bitch got drop on us,my back is against the wall,this is not a test, it's the real deal...

  • Help me...H E L P ME

  • Niggaa!

  • Help me!

  • Harry ignored all signs

  • I'm gonna tell you exactly what Harry said. I said Harry,real quick don't lie:''where we're coming from right now?''

  • He said:''Maaan, he was with that bitch with the Fat ass''

  • What?Oh No,No,No,No

  • The bitch is going to kill me,she is gonna fucking kill me

  • See i am about to say something:''I am not mad at Harry''

  • The reason i am not mad at Harry is because Harry has done some dumb shit but i understand who he is

  • See Harry might be the smartest dumbass friend i've ever had in my life,ok?

  • Let me tell you the bumbest thing Harry has ever done.

  • Harry had invented a code for us to use to let each other know when we were around our women.

  • Basically if somebody uses the code it means don't say anything stupid, you might be on speaker phone

  • Don't say something dumb,the phone might be loud enough so my girl can hear whatever you are just saying

  • It means don't say anything that could jeopardize our relationship

  • The code was:''maan i am hungry as shit''. That's the code people

  • Here what pisses me off about the code...

  • Harry invented the fucking code!

  • So there is no reason y Harry shouldn't have messed up the code

  • Here how Harry messes it up...

  • I am in a car with my lady,i am driving she is in the passenger seat. Harry calls while im in the car

  • I got the bluetooth shit in the car so when my phones rings the whole car rings

  • Harry's name pops up on the dashboard,i answer: ''What up boy? Kev what's going on?''

  • ''Aint shit''This is how i knew the conversation was about to turn aroundfor the worst.

  • I knew it was about to get filthy

  • He said:''Niggaaa''

  • ''HARRYYY man i am Hungry as SHIT'' he said

  • ''I am not,i just ate'' WHATT???what?Harry!

  • Harry!

  • I said:''Maan I AM HUNGRY AS SHIT''

  • He said:''Yo,you should go to the subway get a footlong for 5 dollars''

  • What the fuck?! HARRRYYY,Harry...

  • I said:''Man i am Hungry as shit'' he said:''Oh,that must mean you are ready to eat these white bitcheees...''

  • What?Oh NO! No,no,no,no!

  • I ain't need no white bitch,i ain't need no white bitches,i never did

  • Oh my God NO! Oh No,I'll fucking kill you,all man get fire on these bitches again!

Let me explain why,if you are my best friend I shouldn't had to ask you to lie for me


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A2 初級

凱文-哈特--最好的朋友代碼,哈利幫我!(螢幕上的字幕,高清)。 (KEVIN HART - Best Friends Code,Harry HELP ME!(Subs on screen,HD))

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    曾羽彰 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日