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Let me explain why,if you are my best friend I shouldn't had to ask you to lie for me
I shouldn't have to ask you your permission for me to put you in my lie you know why?
cuz you're my best f*ckin friend bitch and that's your job.
The day that we sign up and said that we are best friends That means that my bullshit is your bullshit...and your bullshit is my bullshit.
If you are my real best friend you shouldn't need to lie for me by the look of my face.
If i'm looking at you and i am not blinking and i am like this...
That's a god damn sign,that means the bitch got to drop on us, my back is against the wall,this is not a test it's the real deal...Help me!
Help me!
My friend Harry ignored all signs,ok?
Let me tell you how he failed
I coming to my house,right?I coming to house like 4 in the morning. I am drunk people,drunk as shit.
I have no balance,i am all over the place,rocking back and forth. As soon as i walk in the house she wakes up,SHE GOES OFF.
You know what?I'm sick at this.I know you were propably out with some bitch you were propably out messing with some bitch...
Now i am drunk,i don't want to respond cuz i don't have any balance, i am rocking back and forth
You don't look believable when you're rocking back and forth, so i had to choose a stance in which i'll look believable
So i chose this....I said:''let me tell you something,listen to me ain't nobody went with no bitch,ok you are wrong,as a matter of fact i'll prove you wrong i am calling Harry.''
Harry is not expecting me to call right now,so Harry had no reason to lie Aaand i am gonna put him on speaker phone....''i am about to make you feel stupid''
Watch this,watch how fucking stupid you feel...
Watch,watch this
Harry,real quick don't lie let's stop right there,let's just stop right there for a second.
What is that mean?What is that mean people?
LIE,that means lie,right now. I mean the bitch got drop on us,my back is against the wall,this is not a test, it's the real deal...
Help me...H E L P ME
Help me!
Harry ignored all signs
I'm gonna tell you exactly what Harry said. I said Harry,real quick don't lie:''where we're coming from right now?''
He said:''Maaan, he was with that bitch with the Fat ass''
What?Oh No,No,No,No
The bitch is going to kill me,she is gonna fucking kill me
See i am about to say something:''I am not mad at Harry''
The reason i am not mad at Harry is because Harry has done some dumb shit but i understand who he is
See Harry might be the smartest dumbass friend i've ever had in my life,ok?
Let me tell you the bumbest thing Harry has ever done.
Harry had invented a code for us to use to let each other know when we were around our women.
Basically if somebody uses the code it means don't say anything stupid, you might be on speaker phone
Don't say something dumb,the phone might be loud enough so my girl can hear whatever you are just saying
It means don't say anything that could jeopardize our relationship
The code was:''maan i am hungry as shit''. That's the code people
Here what pisses me off about the code...
Harry invented the fucking code!
So there is no reason y Harry shouldn't have messed up the code
Here how Harry messes it up...
I am in a car with my lady,i am driving she is in the passenger seat. Harry calls while im in the car
I got the bluetooth shit in the car so when my phones rings the whole car rings
Harry's name pops up on the dashboard,i answer: ''What up boy? Kev what's going on?''
''Aint shit''This is how i knew the conversation was about to turn aroundfor the worst.
I knew it was about to get filthy
He said:''Niggaaa''
''HARRYYY man i am Hungry as SHIT'' he said
''I am not,i just ate'' WHATT???what?Harry!
I said:''Maan I AM HUNGRY AS SHIT''
He said:''Yo,you should go to the subway get a footlong for 5 dollars''
What the fuck?! HARRRYYY,Harry...
I said:''Man i am Hungry as shit'' he said:''Oh,that must mean you are ready to eat these white bitcheees...''
What?Oh NO! No,no,no,no!
I ain't need no white bitch,i ain't need no white bitches,i never did
Oh my God NO! Oh No,I'll fucking kill you,all man get fire on these bitches again!