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There's something seriously wrong with Germany's economy.
Growth has stalled, there's a big hole in the public budget, and some of the country's most iconic companies are cutting jobs.
No one in charge can agree on what to do.
So, what happened?
To find out, we need to go back to an era where everything seemed stable.
An era where Germany was considered Europe's economic powerhouse.
We need to revisit Germany under Angela Merkel.
During her 16 years in office, economic growth was steady, unemployment came way down, and exports rose.
在她執政的 16 年間,經濟穩步增長,失業率大幅下降,出口增加。
And yet, her decisions are now being blamed for some of Germany's gravest economic problems.
We're going to unpack this by looking at four major aspects of Merkelnomics.
Energy, public spending, migration, and trade with China.
Let's start with a policy that's currently haunting her the most.
Germany's dependence on Russian gas.
In 2005, just days before Merkel took office,
2005 年,就在梅克爾上任的前幾天、
Russian energy giant Gazprom signed an agreement with German companies BASF and E.ON to build Nord Stream 1, a pipeline that would bring Russian gas to Germany via the Baltic Sea.
俄羅斯能源巨頭俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司(Gazprom)與德國巴斯夫(BASF)和意昂(E.ON)公司簽署了一項協議,建設北溪 1 號管道,將俄羅斯天然氣經由波羅的海輸送到德國。
The foundations for this were laid by Merkel's predecessor, Gerhard Schroeder, whose close friendship with Russian President
梅克爾的前任格哈德-施羅德(Gerhard Schroeder)為此奠定了基礎。
Vladimir Putin endures to this day.
But Merkel continued and expanded the project.
In 2015, a year after Russia annexed Crimea, plans for a second pipeline, Nord Stream 2, were inked.
2015 年,在俄羅斯吞併克里米亞一年後,第二條管道 "北溪 2 號 "計劃正式簽署。
Throughout Merkel's term,
Germany's dependence on Russian gas rose from 40 to 49%.
德國對俄羅斯天然氣的依賴度從 40% 上升到 49%。
Not a huge jump, but part of a trend she didn't intend to reverse.
Merkel justifies this on the basis that Germany's energy-intensive, export-focused industries needed cheap power.
In her memoir, she writes,
Germany's industrial foundation was strong and had to be shored up to safeguard jobs, which, in turn, safeguarded social security.
Things could not have turned out any more differently.
In February 2022, Chancellor Olaf Scholz halted the Nord Stream 2 project in response to Russia recognising two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine.
2022 年 2 月,由於俄羅斯承認了烏克蘭東部的兩個分離地區,烏克蘭總理奧拉夫-肖爾茨(Olaf Scholz)停止了北溪 2 號項目。
Just days later,
Putin began his full-scale invasion of the country.
In September of that year, in an act of sabotage that remains officially unresolved, explosions ripped through Nord Stream 1 and 2.
同年 9 月,北溪 1 號和 2 號管道發生爆炸,這一破壞行為至今仍未得到正式解決。
Germany's relationship with Russian gas ended abruptly.
In the months that followed, energy prices spiked.
The government provided companies with subsidies to lessen the pain.
Still, the impact on German industry was severe.
Chemicals giant BASF has cut well over 2,000 jobs in Germany and expanded in China instead.
化工巨頭巴斯夫在德國裁員 2000 多人,轉而在中國擴張。
Steelmaker ThyssenKrupp has announced plans to slash up to 11,000 jobs.
鋼鐵製造商蒂森克虜伯(ThyssenKrupp)宣佈計劃裁員多達 11,000 人。
And all over the country, smaller, family-owned companies from bakeries to glassmakers have struggled to make ends meet.
But the high cost of energy is just one reason the German industry is struggling.
Another is lack of public spending, exemplified by outdated rail infrastructure, the recent collapse of a bridge in Dresden, and slow broadband, especially in rural areas.
To understand the reason behind this underinvestment, we once again have to go back to the Merkel era, specifically to the year 2009.
要了解投資不足背後的原因,我們不得不再次回到梅克爾時代,特別是 2009 年。
Germany was playing a leading role in the response to the eurozone debt crisis, offering bailouts to the likes of Greece and Spain and demanding strict austerity in response.
Recognizing that Germany's own public debt had risen sharply in the years prior to the crisis,
Merkel introduced the debt break, a limit on how much money the German government was able to borrow.
15 years on, these strict limits on borrowing are still in place, and they're being blamed for underinvestment in digital development, infrastructure, and, crucially, defence.
15 年過去了,這些嚴格的借貸限制依然存在,而人們卻將其歸咎於數字發展、基礎設施以及至關重要的國防領域的投資不足。
In fact, a 2023 constitutional court ruling dictating their strict enforcement is also the reason Germany currently has a €60bn hole in its budget.
事實上,2023 年憲法法院的一項裁決要求嚴格執行這些規定,這也是德國目前預算出現 600 億歐元缺口的原因。
While politicians continue to squabble about the debt break today, even Merkel herself says it's time to scrap it.
If Merkel proved cautious in her spending in other policy areas, she surprised many by her bold moves.
In 2011, following the Fukushima disaster in Japan, she decided to phase out nuclear power, a radical shift from her previous stance.
2011 年,日本福島核洩漏事故發生後,她決定逐步淘汰核電,這與她之前的立場截然不同。
At the time, nuclear accounted for about a quarter of Germany's electricity production.
It had been seen as a key part of the country's transition to renewable energy, since in terms of emissions, it's a clean fuel.
At the time, the decision had wide support, but in the current environment of high energy prices and seemingly unattainable climate goals, the possibility of returning to nuclear energy is back on the table.
In a recent policy paper, the conservative CDU, the party likely to lead the next government, pledged to investigate the feasibility of a return to nuclear power, and announced the goal of building the world's first nuclear fusion reactor in Germany.
Remember, this is Merkel's own party we're talking about here.
Okay, so we've seen how Merkel's energy policy and her strict spending rules haven't aged too well, but we haven't yet talked about the decision that has most come to define her legacy.
In 2015, as conflicts raged in the Middle East,
2015 年,中東衝突不斷,
Europe faced a migration crisis.
As the situation became increasingly out of control at the EU's periphery, Merkel decided to open Germany's borders, leading to the arrival of hundreds of thousands of people from war-torn countries like Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
At the time, most Germans believed that was the right decision.
People lined up at train stations to welcome the new arrivals, a sentiment that was summed up in the German phrase
Willkommenskultur, welcome culture.
Over time, public attitudes changed.
Widespread sexual assaults on women in Cologne and other German cities on New Year's Eve 2015, and the terrorist attack on a Berlin Christmas market one year later, heightened security concerns about the impact of the open-door policy.
2015 年除夕夜在科隆和德國其他城市發生的大範圍性侵婦女事件,以及一年後柏林聖誕市場發生的恐怖襲擊事件,加劇了人們對開放政策影響的安全擔憂。
Support for Germany's far-right anti-immigrant party, the AFD, increased.
德國極右翼反移民黨 AFD 的支持率有所上升。
Merkel's migration policy was grounded in a humanitarian impulse.
In her memoir, she writes that the streams of people making their way from Hungary to Germany by train reminded her of scenes from the Prague uprising of 1989, when East Germans fled to West Germany via the Czech capital.
她在回憶錄中寫道,乘坐火車從匈牙利前往德國的人流讓她想起了 1989 年布拉格起義的場景,當時東德人通過捷克首都逃往西德。
Still, it's unlikely that the reality of Germany's demographics were entirely absent from her mind.
Germany has the twin problem of many advanced economies, an aging population, and a low birth rate.
The people who arrived in Germany from 2015 onwards were mainly young.
從 2015 年起抵達德國的主要是年輕人。
The Daimler boss of the time, Dieter Zetsche, said the new arrivals could ignite a new economic miracle, or Wirtschaftswunder in Germany, as it happened in the 50s and 60s, thanks to the arrival of millions of immigrant workers who helped to rebuild the country after the war.
當時的戴姆勒老闆迪特爾-蔡澈(Dieter Zetsche)說,由於數百萬移民工人的到來,他們幫助德國在戰後重建了國家,所以這些新移民可能會點燃德國新的經濟奇蹟,或稱經濟奇蹟(Wirtschaftswunder)。
So, how have things turned out?
According to a survey by Germany's Institute for Employment Research, over half of the refugees who arrived in Germany in 2015 were employed by 2021, though many of them were working in jobs they were overqualified for.
根據德國就業研究所的一項調查,2015 年抵達德國的難民中,有一半以上在 2021 年之前找到了工作,儘管其中許多人從事的工作超出了他們的能力範圍。
Although Russia invaded Ukraine after Merkel left office, of the more than one million Ukrainians who fled to Germany, around a quarter of them are now in employment.
雖然俄羅斯在梅克爾卸任後入侵了烏克蘭,但在逃往德國的 100 多萬烏克蘭人中,約有四分之一目前正在就業。
Many more are enrolled in German language courses.
As time goes by, more of these people will enter the labor market.
Still, the costs of bridging the gap are considerable.
Last year, the German government spent almost €12 billion on welfare transfers for refugees.
去年,德國政府花費了近 120 億歐元用於難民的福利轉移。
That figure includes things like unemployment benefit, rental support, and training courses.
But if they stay, the long-term demographic effect could be positive.
Last year, the average German woman had 1.26 children.
去年,德國婦女平均生育 1.26 個孩子。
The rate among the migrant community was higher at 1.74.
移民社區的比率更高,為 1.74。
A seemingly modest difference that will become more apparent over time.
If Merkel thought she'd seen her share of crises with the debt drama of 2009 and the migration wave of 2015, she was wrong.
如果梅克爾認為她已經經歷了 2009 年的債務危機和 2015 年的移民潮,那她就錯了。
In 2020, the pandemic hit.
2020 年,疫情襲來。
As businesses shut down, the government enabled companies to keep staff on reduced hours instead of laying them off.
That policy, known as Kurzarbeit, prevented unemployment from spiraling.
這項被稱為 "Kurzarbeit "的政策防止了失業率的飆升。
But the supply chain disruption the pandemic caused also exposed the pitfalls of another Merkel policy, deepening trade ties with China.
During her time in office, the Chinese economy was growing many times faster than Germany was, offering a strong market for German exports like cars, industrial parts, and medical equipment.
But Germany and other countries miscalculated the pace of technological development within China.
Supported by substantial subsidies,
Chinese companies charged ahead, especially in areas like electric mobility.
Failing to recognize on time that China was becoming a high-end producer of e-vehicles is one big reason German carmakers are struggling now.
So after considering developments in energy, public spending, migration, and ties with China, what grade can one give Merkelnomics?
Well, in an era of free-flowing trade and relatively uncomplicated geopolitical relations, her policies provided stability, stability that also explained the German people's openness to migration.
But the idea that such conditions would prevail proved short-sighted.
With both Russia and China, a relationship that had once seemed business-friendly turned into the very opposite.
The exit from nuclear energy has made it harder to reach climate goals.
And yet, to this day, many people look back nostalgically to Merkel's rule.
According to a recent survey, 61% of Germans believe things were better when she was in charge, suggesting that most blame the current government in fighting for the country's economic woes rather than the legacy of her policies.
根據最近的一項調查,61% 的德國人認為她執政時情況會好一些,這表明大多數人將國家的經濟困境歸咎於現任政府,而不是她的政策遺產。
Whether you see her as the last defender of the liberal world order or as an example of political naivety,
Merkel was a once-in-a-lifetime leader.
The decisions she made will shape Germany and the world for decades to come.
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