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  • This video is brought to you by Ground News.

    這部影片由 Ground News 為你呈現。

  • Last week, the OECD released the first batch of data from its world-renowned Survey of Adult Skills,


  • a multi-country survey involving hundreds of thousands of respondents that only happens once every 10 years.

    「經合組織成人技能調查」是一項涉及數十萬受訪者的多國調查,每 10 年才進行一次。

  • The results are always pretty interesting,


  • but what really jumped out this time round, at least from a UK perspective, was the fact that people in England are more likely to be overqualified for their job.


  • In other words, have more educational credentials than required, than any other OECD country.

    換句話說,與其它 OECD 相比,他們擁有的教育證書比要求的要多。

  • So, in this video, we're gonna take a quick look at what you might call the UK's overqualification crisis,


  • why it's pretty terrible for both those affected and the UK economy more generally, and what might be done to fix it.


  • Before we start, if you haven't already, please consider subscribing and ringing the bell to stay in the loop and be notified when we release new videos.


  • So, before we get into the UK data, let's have a look at the report's wider findings to give it some context.


  • According to the report, about one third of workers across OECD countries are mismatched to their jobs in some way.

    報告顯示,OECD 約有三分之一的工人在某種程度上與工作不匹配。

  • More specifically, about 23% of workers are overqualified, up from 21% 10 years ago, while 9% are underqualified, down from 13% 10 years ago.

    更具體地說,約 23% 的工人學歷過高,高於 10 年前的 21%、9% 的工人學歷不足,低於 10 年前的 13%。

  • Somewhat unsurprisingly, people who've spent more time in education are generally more likely to be overqualified.


  • Perhaps more interestingly, foreign workers are also more likely to be overqualified, as are young workers, although only by a couple of percentage points.


  • The country with the lowest rate of mismatch is Poland, where just 18% of workers are either over or underqualified,

    錯配率最低的國家是波蘭,僅有 18% 的工人學歷過高或過低,

  • while the country with the highest rate of mismatch isyou guessed itthe UK, or specifically England because that's where the OECD polling took place.


  • Here, 6% of workers are underqualified, which is actually slightly lower than the OECD average.

    這裡有 6% 的工人學歷不足,實際上略低於經合組織的平均水平,

  • But an astonishing 37% are overqualified, by far the highest in the group and up from about 30% when the study was last carried out 10 years ago.

    但卻有 37% 的工人學歷過高,是迄今為止最高的,比 10 年前進行上一次研究時的約 30% 有所上升。

  • The English data is also interesting for a couple of other reasons.


  • For starters, unlike most other OECD countries, native-born workers in England are more likely to be overqualified than their foreign-born counterparts.

    首先,與大多數其它 OECD 不同的是,英國本土出生的工人比外國出生的工人更有可能學歷過高。

  • And there's also less of a relationship between the amount of time you've spent in education and your odds of being overqualified.


  • In other words, spending more years in education only slightly increases your odds of ending up overqualified.


  • At first glance, this might sound like a good thing and seems to imply that education is still worth it in the UK.


  • However, what this probably actually means is that the UK's overqualification crisis is so bad that it's not just people with postgrad degrees who are ending up overqualified.


  • Although that's definitely happening, given that even a large number of Brits in even high-skilled occupations report being overqualified.


  • But, rather, that basically everyone with any sort of territory education, even if it's just a bachelor's degree, is apparently at risk of ending up in a rubbish job.


  • If people with PhDs, master's degrees, and bachelor's degrees are all ending up overqualified,


  • thatthis weakens the correlation between the number of years someone spends in education and their odds of being overqualified.


  • Other studies have come to similar conclusions.


  • A CIPD study from 2022, for instance, found that undergraduates were actually more likely to report being overqualified than postgraduates,

    例如,CIPD 在 2022 年進行的一項研究發現,與研究所學生相比,大學生實際上更有可能報告自己學歷過高,

  • with 36% of undergraduates saying they were overqualified compared to 29% of postgraduates and 27% of people without a university degree.

    36% 的大學生說自己學歷過高,而研究所學生和沒有大學學位的人分別為 29% 和 27%。

  • Unsurprisingly, being overqualified isn't fun.


  • Overqualified workers are less likely to report high life satisfaction, and overqualification can become a chronic condition if it's not remedied early on.


  • Often, people who fall into a job below their qualification level struggle to move up the job ladder and get stuck with a string of low-skilled jobs, leaving them chronically overqualified.


  • This is why, for instance, the fraction of people who report being overqualified is broadly stable across age groups.


  • The CIPD study, for instance, found that 38% of 18- to 24-year-olds reported being overqualified, compared with 38% of those aged 35 to 44 and 42% of the over-55s.

    例如,CIPD 的研究發現,在 18-24 歲的年輕人中,38% 的人稱自己學歷過高,而在 35-44 歲的年輕人中,這一比例為 38%,在 55 歲以上的年輕人中,這一比例為 42%。

  • Overqualified workers also suffer a significant wage penalty.


  • On average, across the OECD, overqualified workers are paid 12% less, but this wage penalty rises to nearly 20% in England.

    平均而言,在整個經合組織,高學歷工人的工資要低 12%,但在英格蘭,這種工資懲罰上升到近 20%。

  • Similarly, just 13% of overqualified workers make over £40,000 a year, compared to 50% of correctly qualified workers.

    同樣,僅有 13% 的學歷過高的工人年薪超過 40,000 英鎊,而學歷合格的工人中,年薪超過 40,000 英鎊的佔 50%。

  • This is one of the big reasons that the so-called graduate premium has declined steeply over the past few decades.


  • According to research by the HESA, graduates born in 1970 earned around 17% more than non-graduates once they were out of uni.

    根據高等教育服務管理局(HESA)的研究,1970 年出生的畢業生一旦走出大學校門,其收入比非畢業生高出約 17%。

  • But for those born in 1990, who would have generally left uni in the early 2010s, this graduate premium had fallen to 10% and had essentially disappeared for graduates with two 2s.

    但是,對於 1990 年出生的學生(他們一般在 2010 年代初離開大學)來說,這種畢業生溢價下降到了 10%,而對於獲得兩個 2 分的畢業生來說,這種溢價基本消失了。

  • Anyway, lower wages also make it harder for graduates to pay off student loans.


  • Of course, this puts yet more strain on graduates, who leave uni today with an average of about £45,000 in student loan debt,

    當然,這也給畢業生帶來了更大的壓力,如今,他們離開大學時平均要揹負約 4.5 萬英鎊的學生貸款債務,

  • and face marginal tax rates as high as 70% if they end up having kids.

    如果最終有了孩子,還要面臨高達 70% 的邊際稅率。

  • But it's also regressive, because people from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to end up overqualified, and therefore struggle to pay off their loans.


  • And bad news for the government, which is relying on a steady stream of student loan repayments to buffer the public finances in the coming decades.


  • And finally, it's bad for the economy overall.


  • When the government started pushing students to go to university in the '90s,

    1990 年代,政府開始推動學生上大學,

  • the assumption was that the availability of a more highly qualified workforce would, in turn, generate the creation of more highly skilled jobs,


  • and lead to associated increases in productivity.


  • But this hasn't happened.


  • The UK economy just hasn't created enough high-skilled jobs, and many degrees are essentially being wasted,


  • which is one of the big reasons that UK productivity growth has been so weak.


  • So, you get the idea.


  • Lots of Brits are overqualified, and this is bad for them, the government, and the economy more generally.


  • So, how can it be fixed?


  • Well, a lot of people like the idea of shifting would-be graduates onto apprenticeships, which doesn't seem like a bad idea.


  • Proponents of this sort of thing note that apprenticeships and the jobs they lead on to are remarkably well-paid these days,


  • and there's a sense that the graduate population might have grown too fast.


  • Similarly, quite a lot of people like the idea of changing what graduates are studying.


  • Right-wing commentators, for instance, sometimes suggest that this mismatch would be resolved if uni students stopped studying fluffy degrees like philosophy or gender studies,


  • and, instead, went for more in-demand degrees like engineering or economics.


  • Leaving aside the question of whether or not engineering degrees are really more valuable than philosophy degrees,


  • the cleanest way to make sure people were doing degrees that employers actually want would be to let degrees better reflect their market value by removing the tuition cap.


  • But this isn't a popular idea, not least because it risks entrenching inequality by making the most valuable degrees only available to the richest students.


  • Perhaps the best solution, however, would just be to get the UK economy growing again, especially outside of London, which has essentially monopolised all the good jobs.


  • This would create more well-paid jobs, solving the mismatch by increasing the number of jobs rather than decreasing the number of graduates.


  • Getting the economy growing could prove difficult.


  • Despite it being a core focus of the UK government, the UK economy actually contracted by 0.1% in October.

    儘管這是英國政府關注的核心問題,但 10 月份英國經濟實際收縮了 0.1%。

  • This has been covered extensively by more than 92 news outlets.

    超過 92 家新聞機構對此進行了廣泛報導。

  • 22% of the reporting is coming from the left, and 44% is coming from the right.

    22% 的報導來自左翼,44% 來自右翼。

  • If you compare the headlines, you'll start to see some interesting framing emerge,


  • with right-wing outlets hammering the Chancellor for this issue, and even claiming that it might be evidence of a recession.


  • This is all possible thanks to our sponsor Ground News, a website and app developed by a former NASA engineer on a mission to give readers an easy, data-driven, objective way to read the news.

    這一切都要歸功於我們的贊助商 Ground News,這是一個由前 NASA 工程師開發的網站和應用程序,旨在為讀者提供一種簡單、數據驅動、客觀的新聞閱讀方式。

  • They pull in stories from all over the world and organise them by story, and every story comes with a quick visual breakdown of the political bias, factuality, and ownership of the sources reporting,


  • all backed by ratings from three independent news monitoring organisations.


  • One of my favourite features is their Blindspot feed, which shows you stories under-reported by one side of the political spectrum or the other.

    我最喜歡的功能之一是他們的 Blindspot 推送,它可以向您展示政治光譜中某一方或另一方報導不足的故事。

  • For example, if you lean left, you might have missed this story about North Korean special forces accidentally killing eight Russian troops in Ukraine.


  • Now, as an impartial news outlet, we're passionate about informing our viewers about bias and helping them to understand how it affects the media they consume.


  • Ground News is very effective at this, showing you exactly how each side of the political divide covers each story you see online.

    Ground News 在這方面非常有效,它能準確地向你展示政治分歧的每一方是如何報導你在網上看到的每條新聞的。

  • And, best of all, we're currently offering viewers 50% off their Vantage plan, which includes unlimited access to all of their amazing features, like their Blindspot feed.

    最重要的是,我們目前正在為觀眾提供 Vantage 套餐半價優惠,該套餐包括無限制地訪問他們的所有精彩功能,比如他們的 Blindspot feed。

  • This is their biggest discount of the year, so go to, click the QR code here on screen, or use the link in the description to subscribe today.

    這是他們今年最大的折扣,請訪問,點螢幕上的 QR code,或使用說明中的連結立即訂閱。

This video is brought to you by Ground News.

這部影片由 Ground News 為你呈現。

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