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  • The year is 452, the Roman Empire is on the brink of collapse, and the Huns have just launched their attack on Northern Italy.

    公元 452 年,羅馬帝國瀕臨崩潰,匈奴人剛剛向意大利北部發動進攻。

  • Several cities are completely destroyed, forcing the locals to go on the run.


  • They head for a lagoon just off the coast, and take refuge on several small islands, a decision that would no doubt save their lives.


  • Against all odds, this small civilization eventually went on to build one of the most impressive feats of engineering the world has ever seenVenice.


  • Despite having no roads, no land, and no fresh water, the Venetians managed to turn a muddy swamp into the most powerful and wealthiest city of its time.


  • This unique layout of canals and bridges woven through hundreds of islands made Venice incredibly accessible, and it became the epicenter of all business.


  • We modeled the entire thing to show you what's going on beneath the surface, and how its clever design and medieval engineering allowed it to take over the world.


  • When the first refugees arrived to start their new lives on the islands, they had the worst possible surface to build on.


  • The small, marshy islands were made of an incredibly soft clay, which would barely hold the weight of a human, let alone an entire city.


  • To create stable foundations for buildings, the Venetians collected large timber piles from the forests of Croatia and started hammering them into the ground.


  • They drove them about 5 meters deep until they reached a much harder layer of clay.

    他們把它們打到大約 5 米深的地方,直到打到更堅硬的粘土層。

  • Not only did this stabilize the piles, but by packing them really close together, it compressed the surrounding clay, pushing out the water and making it much stronger.


  • Once the piles were firmly in the ground, the tops were cut off and wooden planks were laid on top to spread the load.


  • Special blocks of Istrian stone were then placed to raise the foundations above the water.


  • This design was a stroke of genius, as the wooden piles were sealed away from the air, making it impossible for them to rot.


  • To this day, almost all of the original piles are in great condition and are still holding up the city.


  • Once the foundation had been properly laid down, the buildings themselves were built.


  • Venetians started off using wood for their houses, but after numerous fires, they switched to brick.


  • To keep the buildings as lightweight as possible, they had to be no more than three stories high.


  • Lime mortar had to be used instead of cement because it was flexible and would allow the entire building to flex as the ground beneath slowly moved.


  • The inner walls were built in a criss-cross pattern that would also flex like a trellis.


  • The façade walls, which had large windows and elegant stone designs, made them much heavier, and so in order to stop them from falling over, they were pinned into the floor using iron rods, keeping the entire building together.


  • This method of building worked well for the Venetians, and soon several islands around the lagoon were established in this way.


  • Instead of expanding outwards like most cities, these islands expanded into each other.


  • At first, boats were the only way to cross between the islands, but eventually the islands grew closer together, and many could be crossed by simply wading through the shallow water on a horse.


  • The next step in Venice's evolution would, of course, be connecting the islands.


  • Surprisingly, there were no bridges for the first 500 years of Venice's existence.

    令人驚訝的是,威尼斯建城的前 500 年裡沒有任何橋樑。

  • But as the population increased and business started to ramp up, there needed to be an easier way to reach Rialto, the financial center of Venice.


  • And so, the Doge of Venice set up a prize for the engineer that could design the best bridge.


  • He announced this by putting up Displate posters all around the city.

    他在全城張貼了 Displate 的海報,宣佈了這一消息。

  • Just kidding.


  • Displate, today's sponsor, makes awesome metal posters that can be easily mounted using their custom magnet mounting system.

    Displate 是今天的贊助商,它製作的金屬海報非常出色,可以使用定製的磁鐵安裝系統輕鬆安裝。

  • They have over 2 million pieces of artwork available, whether it's a beautiful Venice painting or an official poster from collaborators like NASA, Star Wars, Call of Duty, or Netflix.

    他們有 200 多萬件藝術品可供選擇,無論是威尼斯的美麗畫作,還是 NASA、《星球大戰》、《決勝時刻》或 Netflix 等合作方的官方海報。

  • My personal favorites are this Venice poster and this awesome James Webb design.


  • With their magnet mounting system, you can mount a Displate in just 20 seconds, without power tools and without damaging your walls.

    有了磁鐵安裝系統,只需 20 秒就能安裝 Displate,無需電動工具,也不會損壞牆壁。

  • Displate now offers these new Textra posters, which bring the artwork to life with awesome 3D textures shaped into the metal itself.

    現在,Displate 推出了這些全新的 Textra 海報,通過在金屬中塑造令人驚歎的 3D 紋理,讓藝術品栩栩如生。

  • This premium finish is already available on hundreds of top-selling Displates.

    這種優質的表面處理已在數百種暢銷 Displates 上使用。

  • Displate offers ultra-fast shipping, and your metal poster should be at your door in just four to five days.

    Displate 提供超快的運輸服務,你的金屬海報應在四到五天內送達。

  • Start your collection today and visit slash primalspace or use code primalspace.

    今天就開始收藏,訪問 slash primalspace 或使用代碼 primalspace。

  • In order to turn Venice from a collection of islands into a bustling city, bridges had to be built.


  • The first attempt was a simple pontoon bridge that joined the two largest sections of Venice together and, crucially, provided quick access to the Rialto area.


  • The bridge was later upgraded to a wooden bridge, which eventually burned down and collapsed before it was finally replaced by a much stronger stone bridge.


  • To build it, over 12,000 timber piles were driven into the banks of the canal and 10,000 tons of stone were built on top to form the bridge.

    為了建造這座橋,運河兩岸打下了 12,000 多根木樁,並在上面鋪設了 10,000 噸石料。

  • To this day, the bridge still stands and it serves as the main artery in the center of Venice.


  • After this, stone bridges started to pop up everywhere, turning Venice into a compact city made up entirely of canals instead of roads.


  • This gave Venice a unique advantage, since the canals allowed goods and traffic to flow quickly through every part of the city.


  • The messy overlap of pedestrians and horse-drawn traffic didn't exist in Venice, since the walkways and canals were completely separated, yet people could transition between the two effortlessly without slowing down.


  • By now, the city had become the most powerful and richest city in Europe.


  • Everything being bought and sold went through Venice, and the Venetians were making enormous amounts of money.


  • But as business increased, so did the population, and the demand for fresh water was out of control.


  • Despite being surrounded by water, Venice couldn't use any of it, since it was extremely salty and undrinkable.


  • Without natural springs or rivers to collect fresh water, Venice relied upon boats to deliver water from the mainland.


  • But with 170,000 people, the demand became too much, and the Venetian engineers had to get creative.

    但是,17 萬人的需求量太大了,威尼斯的工程師們不得不發揮創意。

  • From the beginning, Venetian islands were built around squares, which were initially just empty fields for animals to graze upon.


  • The idea was to use these squares to collect rainwater.


  • They started by digging out large areas under the entire square and lining the walls with a thick layer of clay to make it waterproof.


  • The space was then filled in with sand and stones, and the surface was redone with tiles that would lead the water towards each corner of the square.


  • From here, rainwater would flow into the basin and gradually filter through the sand and stones until it reached the main well at the center of the square.


  • To maximize the surface area for water collection, the roofs of the nearby buildings were fitted with gutters that would direct the water onto the square and into the drains.


  • Venice then became an enormous funnel, which filled more than 600 wells around the city.

    隨後,威尼斯變成了一個巨大的漏斗,灌滿了城市周圍的 600 多口水井。

  • The Venetians had once again engineered a masterpiece to save its city.


  • But there was still one huge problemwaste.


  • Until this point, people threw all of their waste out of the window, some of it landing in the canal.


  • But for those who didn't live within throwing distance of a canal, urine, feces, and rotten food all ended up in the streets.


  • And so, in the 16th century, the Venetians started building a network of underground tunnels that would collect the waste from every building and flush it into the canal.

    是以,在 16 世紀,威尼斯人開始建造地下隧道網絡,收集每棟建築的垃圾並將其衝入運河。

  • When the tide of the lagoon was down, solid waste would collect at the bottom and the liquids would naturally flow into the canals.


  • Then, when the tide rose, it would flood the tunnels and pull the solid waste into the canal.


  • The motion of the tide coming in and out twice a day would exchange the dirty water for fresh water from the sea, flushing Venice from all of its waste.


  • The extremely salty water worked as a strong disinfectant and, thanks to this system, the streets became clean.


  • Amazingly, almost all of the incredible engineering that made Venice is still around today.


  • The bridges, the canals, the buildings are all ancient relics, sitting on a forest that has held up the entire city for over a thousand years.


  • And now, time for the Primal Space giveaway.

    現在,是 Primal Space 贈品時間。

  • The winner of the previous giveaway is Leon.


  • Congrats!


  • In the next video, we'll be giving away this Primal Space-designed Venice poster.

    在下一部影片中,我們將贈送這張由 Primal Space 設計的威尼斯海報。

  • All you need to do is sign up at the link below, like the video, and leave a comment saying what you think about Venice.


  • Thank you very much for watching, and I'll see you in the next video.


The year is 452, the Roman Empire is on the brink of collapse, and the Huns have just launched their attack on Northern Italy.

公元 452 年,羅馬帝國瀕臨崩潰,匈奴人剛剛向意大利北部發動進攻。

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