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  • I recently read Outlive, by Dr. Peter Atiyah.


  • Life is like a voyage on the Arctic Ocean.


  • The longer we live, the more likely we are to encounter icebergs.


  • These icebergs represent the four diseases of aging.


  • Cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and metabolic disease.


  • If we live long enough, we are bound to encounter one of these.


  • The goal is to avoid them as long as possible, so we can cruise into our tenth decade and still do the things we enjoy doing.


  • We don't want to be like a passenger on the Titanic, unknowingly headed towards an iceberg that will cut our journey short in the fifth or sixth decade of our lives, or force us to spend our final decade with a compromised ship that is slowly sinking.


  • Dr. Peter Atiyah has written Outlive to help us identify the icebergs ahead and course correct.


  • Rather than being a passenger on the Titanic, we can captain our ship and use radar to steer clear of the four diseases of aging as long as possible.

    與其成為 "泰坦尼克號 "上的乘客,我們還不如當好船長,利用雷達來儘可能遠離四種衰老疾病。

  • The best long-range radar we can install on our ships to detect icebergs relies on one calculation.


  • Insulin resistance.


  • Atiyah says, In the state of insulin resistance, cancer cells proliferate, brain cells don't get the fuel they need, which leads to Alzheimer's, and our bodies get more inflamed, which accelerates heart disease.

    Atiyah 說,在胰島素抵抗的狀態下,癌細胞會增殖,腦細胞得不到所需的燃料,從而導致老年痴呆症,我們的身體會更加發炎,從而加速心臟病的發生。

  • If we can avoid insulin resistance and the metabolic disease that arises from insulin resistance, we can avoid most icebergs en route to our tenth decade of life.


  • So what is insulin resistance?


  • The body must maintain roughly one teaspoon of glucose in the blood at all times.


  • When our blood glucose rises after a meal, our body produces insulin to push the excess glucose into cells.


  • In a healthy body, insulin is used to push glucose into muscle cells and fat cells under the skin, called subcutaneous fat.


  • Think of a cell like a balloon, and glucose as air.


  • Insulin's job is to help inflate the balloon.


  • However, as the balloon inflates, it gets harder and harder to push air in, so the body produces more insulin.


  • Eventually, no matter how much insulin is present, muscle cells and subcutaneous fat cells won't accept any more glucose.


  • With high insulin and high glucose levels in the blood, the body has entered an insulin resistance state.


  • In a state of insulin resistance, any excess calories get converted into fat and jammed into places no human should have fat, like in the liver, between muscle fibers, like a marbled steak, and between organs, in the midsection.


  • This is called visceral fat, and it's highly inflammatory.


  • Atiyah likens this fat spillover to a tub overflowing with water and getting into the vents, floorboards, and carpets, and destroying the house.

    Atiyah 將這種脂肪溢出比作浴缸裡的水溢出來,進入通風口、地板和地毯,毀壞房屋。

  • As fat spills over into muscles and organs, insulin resistance worsens, causing more fat to accumulate in muscles and organs.


  • It's a vicious cycle.


  • We can test to see if we are in an insulin resistant state by measuring our blood glucose after consuming a sugary drink, like a Coca-Cola.


  • If, after an hour, glucose continues to rise, we are insulin resistant, and we are headed towards an iceberg in the not-too-distant future, unless we change course and alter our lifestyle.


  • Now, you may assume, as I did, that changing one's diet is the best way to change course and avoid hitting an iceberg, but it's not.


  • The best tool we have to avoid insulin resistance and prolong our lives is physical exercise.


  • The title of Atiyah's chapter on exercise is The Most Powerful Longevity Drug.


  • In that chapter, he says, More than any other tactical domain we discuss in this book, exercise has the greatest power to determine how you will live out the rest of your life.


  • Going from zero weekly exercise to just 90 minutes per week can reduce your risk of dying from all causes by 14%.

    從每週零運動量到每週只需 90 分鐘的運動量,可將因各種原因死亡的風險降低 14%。

  • It's very hard to find a drug that can do that.


  • With the right exercise program, we can train our muscle cells to absorb more glucose and use fat as fuel to keep any fat spillover in check.


  • Going back to that balloon metaphor, we can use exercise to increase the size and flexibility of our balloon cells.


  • The ultimate longevity exercise program includes three types of training.


  • Zone 2 training, VO2 max training, and strength training.

    2 區訓練、最大 VO2 值訓練和力量訓練。

  • Most people miss these three forms of training because they either don't exercise, which is 77% of Americans, or exercise in the gray zone, between zone 2 and VO2 max training, and think strength training is just for athletes and bodybuilders.

    大多數人之所以錯過這三種形式的訓練,是因為他們要麼不鍛鍊(77% 的美國人都不鍛鍊),要麼在灰色地帶鍛鍊,即在 2 區和最大 VO2 值訓練之間,並認為力量訓練只是運動員和健美運動員的專利。

  • Zone 2 training involves any aerobic exercise, on a stationary bike, treadmill, rower, or outside, you can sustain while barely being able to hold a conversation with someone.

    2 區訓練包括在固定自行車、跑步機、划船器或室外進行的任何有氧運動,你可以在勉強能與人交談的情況下堅持下去。

  • A zone 2 workout should feel almost hard and without any muscle burn.

    2 區鍛鍊應該感覺幾乎很難,而且沒有任何肌肉灼燒感。

  • The longer you can sustain a zone 2 workout, the more the mitochondria in your muscle cells, the power plants of the cell, learn to use fat as fuel.

    你能維持 2 區鍛鍊的時間越長,肌肉細胞中的線粒體(細胞的動力裝置)就越能學會使用脂肪作為燃料。

  • Next, VO2 max training.

    接下來是最大 VO2 值訓練。

  • If zone 2 training feels almost hard, then VO2 max training feels very hard.

    如果 2 區訓練感覺幾乎很難,那麼最大 VO2 值訓練就會感覺非常難。

  • During VO2 max training, you do an aerobic exercise close to your all-out maximum for 4 minutes, then go easy for 4 minutes, and repeat this 4 times.

    在進行最大氧飽和度訓練時,先做 4 分鐘接近全力以赴最大值的有氧運動,然後放鬆 4 分鐘,如此重複 4 次。

  • You will feel like you're dying during a VO2 max training session, but it's worth it.

    在進行最大 VO2 值訓練時,你會感覺自己快死了,但這是值得的。

  • Studies show that people who increase their VO2 max from below average in their age group to above average experience a 50% reduction in all-cause mortality.

    研究表明,將最大氧飽和度從低於同年齡組平均水平提高到高於平均水平的人,其全因死亡率會降低 50%。

  • Mattia says, VO2 max is perhaps the single most powerful marker for longevity.


  • Next up, strength training.


  • Strength training vastly improves metabolic health because it produces more lean muscle mass that soaks up excess glucose like a sponge.


  • A 10-year study of 4,500 subjects over 50 found that those with low muscle mass and low muscle strength were three times more likely to die early.

    一項對 4500 名 50 歲以上受試者進行的為期 10 年的研究發現,肌肉品質低和肌肉力量低的人早死的可能性要高出三倍。

  • Mattia says, I think of strength training as a form of retirement saving.


  • Just as we want to retire with enough money saved up to sustain us for the rest of our lives, we want to reach older age with enough of a reserve of muscle to protect us from injury and allow us to continue to pursue the activities that we enjoy.


  • Embrace the three forms of training by setting three weekly targets.


  • Set a zone 2 target of 45 minutes, 4 days a week.

    將第 2 區的目標設定為每週 4 天,每次 45 分鐘。

  • You can use this time to catch up on your favorite TV show while on a stationary bike or treadmill or rower.


  • Set a VO2 max target of 1 day a week going nearly all out for 4 minutes, then going easy for 4 minutes, and repeating this 4 times.

    設定一個最大 VO2 值目標,每週有一天幾乎全力以赴 4 分鐘,然後輕鬆 4 分鐘,如此重複 4 次。

  • Then once a year, take a VO2 max test with a medical professional, just google VO2 max test near me, and strive to get in the top 5% of your age group.

    然後每年在專業醫生的指導下進行一次最大氧飽和度測試,只需在谷歌上搜索 "我附近的最大氧飽和度測試 "即可,並爭取進入你所在年齡組的前 5%。

  • And set a strength training target to lift heavy weights three times a week with a focus on grip strength, exercises like the farmer's carry, carrying two heavy objects in your hands, and hip hinging exercises, which are exercises that involve bending at the hip without bending the spine, like doing deadlifts, squats, or step ups on a large box.


  • Your goal is to be able to do a farmer's carry, walking around a room for 1 minute, while holding half your weight in both hands.

    您的目標是在雙手握住一半體重的情況下,能夠做農夫揹負動作,在房間裡走動 1 分鐘。

  • To ensure we don't lose any lean muscle that we gain from strength training, we should consume enough protein to match our weight in grams.


  • For example, I weigh 195 pounds, so I need to consume 195 grams of protein every day.

    例如,我的體重是 195 磅,那麼我每天需要攝入 195 克蛋白質。

  • However, I must space up my protein intake so I do not consume more than 25% of my daily protein in a single sitting, because excess protein gets turned into glucose by the liver.

    不過,我必須合理安排蛋白質的攝入量,一次攝入的蛋白質不能超過每日攝入量的 25%,因為過量的蛋白質會被肝臟轉化為葡萄糖。

  • Therefore, I aim to eat roughly 50 grams of protein four times a day, around 9am, 12pm, 3pm, and 6pm.

    是以,我的目標是每天吃四次大約 50 克的蛋白質,分別在上午 9 點、中午 12 點、下午 3 點和下午 6 點左右。

  • These protein meals either include two chicken breasts, an 8oz steak, an 8oz piece of fish, or a whey protein shake.

    這些蛋白質餐包括兩塊雞胸肉、一塊 8 盎司牛排、一條 8 盎司魚或乳清蛋白奶昔。

  • Consume 195 grams of protein at 25% increments each day is one of the three eating rules I took away from Outlive.

    每天攝入 195 克蛋白質,以 25% 的比例遞增,這是我從 Outlive 中總結出的三條飲食法則之一。

  • The other two eating rules are don't eat within 3 hours of bedtime, because eating too close to sleep reduces sleep quality, and stick to an eating plan that keeps my average blood glucose in a safe range.

    另外兩條飲食規則是:不要在睡前 3 小時內進食,因為太接近睡眠時間進食會降低睡眠品質;堅持飲食計劃,使我的平均血糖保持在安全範圍內。

  • For one week every few months, I will measure my blood glucose after I eat meals I typically eat with a simple drugstore glucose monitor.


  • I'll take a glucose measurement at 30 minute intervals for up to 2 hours after each meal to see if what I ate is spiking my glucose levels above 160 on the meter, which would cause my insulin to spike.

    我將在每餐後最多 2 個小時內,每隔 30 分鐘測量一次血糖,看看我吃的東西是否會使我的血糖水準超過血糖儀上的 160,從而導致我的胰島素飆升。

  • And see if my average glucose is above 100 on the glucose meter.

    看看血糖儀上的平均血糖是否超過 100。

  • If either is true, I will try eliminating certain foods, like refined carbohydrates, and adding more whole foods to my weekly eating plan.


  • That was the core message that I gathered from Outlive by Peter Attia.


  • I've made more highlights in this book than any other book I've read.


  • I highly recommend this book to everyone.


  • If you would like a one-page PDF summary of insights that I gathered from this book, just click the link below and I'll be happy to email it to you.

    如果你想要我從這本書中收集的一頁 PDF 格式的見解摘要,只需點擊下面的鏈接,我很樂意通過電子郵件發送給你。

  • If you already subscribe to the free Productivity Game email newsletter, this PDF is sitting in your inbox.

    如果您已經訂閱了免費的《生產力遊戲》電子郵件時事通訊,那麼您的收件箱中就會收到這份 PDF。

  • If you liked this video, please share it.


  • And as always, thanks for watching, and have yourself a productive week.


I recently read Outlive, by Dr. Peter Atiyah.


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