Basically what the Italian Navy would like to have from this ship is putting new technologies on board of the, I would say, the current frame design, putting all the new technology that comes from the Legge Navale, which I mean all the combat systems, weapon systems and electronic warfare, etc., which is on the PPA, well now it's called multi-purpose combat ship, and so here we have the frame, basic hull and propulsion, while the superstructure were modified to accommodate all the combat systems coming from the PPA.
意大利海軍對該艦的基本要求是,在目前的框架設計上採用新技術,將來自 Legge Navale 的所有新技術,我指的是 PPA 上的所有作戰系統、武器系統和電子戰等,現在稱為多用途戰鬥艦,是以我們這裡有框架、基本艦體和推進器,而上層建築經過改裝,以容納來自 PPA 的所有作戰系統。