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  • Hi, we're at EuroNaval 2024 in Paris.

    你好,我們正在巴黎參加 2024 年歐洲航海展。

  • We are now near the Fincantieri booth as the Italian shipbuilder unveiled at this event the brand new Frame Evo scale model, they are showcasing it for the very first time.

    我們現在來到了芬坎蒂耶裡公司的展臺附近,這家意大利造船廠在本次展會上推出了全新的 Frame Evo 比例模型,這也是他們首次展示該模型。

  • I am joining Luca Peruzzi, the Naval Editor at EDR and he was previously working for the official magazine of the Italian Navy.

    我現在與 EDR 的海軍編輯 Luca Peruzzi 一起工作,他之前為意大利海軍官方雜誌工作。

  • And we are going to focus on this vessel as we wrote in the Naval News, it is the most advanced frame to date, so very interesting frigate design to me at least.


  • Luca, good morning, great to have you on the Naval News video.


  • Hi Xavier, happy to present you the new design of the Frame Evo.

    嗨,澤維爾,很高興向你介紹 Frame Evo 的新設計。

  • Basically what the Italian Navy would like to have from this ship is putting new technologies on board of the, I would say, the current frame design, putting all the new technology that comes from the Legge Navale, which I mean all the combat systems, weapon systems and electronic warfare, etc., which is on the PPA, well now it's called multi-purpose combat ship, and so here we have the frame, basic hull and propulsion, while the superstructure were modified to accommodate all the combat systems coming from the PPA.

    意大利海軍對該艦的基本要求是,在目前的框架設計上採用新技術,將來自 Legge Navale 的所有新技術,我指的是 PPA 上的所有作戰系統、武器系統和電子戰等,現在稱為多用途戰鬥艦,是以我們這裡有框架、基本艦體和推進器,而上層建築經過改裝,以容納來自 PPA 的所有作戰系統。

  • So to do that, the Orizonte Sistemi Navali, or the joint venture between Fincantieri and Leonardo, has come out with a design where the superstructure are divided in two blocks.

    為此,Orizonte Sistemi Navali 公司,即芬坎蒂耶裡公司和萊昂納多公司的合資企業,提出了一種將上層建築分為兩部分的設計方案。

  • In this way you can see that both in the front and the back they have allocated all the equipment that is on the PPA main integrated mast in the bow area.

    這樣,您就可以看到,在船頭和船尾,他們都配置了 PPA 主集成桅杆上的所有設備。

  • So we have what will be new in this ship, more than the combat system, is also the Italian development, which means electronic warfare and especially the new threats coming from the Red Sea lessons, so it means counter-USB or counter-US systems, and obviously the most advanced platform, which I mean regarding unmanned systems.


  • So other than the superstructure, which has been modified to accommodate the new electronics, the new ships will also have an unmanned system, surface, air and underwater, plus an electronic warfare capability, which has counter-UV capabilities.


  • So looking to the new design, we see that the FRAMEVO has got the dual band radar system, which means C and X band, coming from Leonardo.

    在新設計中,我們看到 FRAMEVO 採用了萊昂納多公司的雙波段雷達系統,即 C 波段和 X 波段。

  • Then it applies also the MBDA, some SDPPA, because it's an evolution coming from the PPA about the air defence missile systems.

    這也適用於 MBDA 和一些 SDPPA,因為這是從 PPA 演變而來的防空導彈系統。

  • And if you see in the front, we can see that there is the vertical engine system coming from Navagroup, the A-50 for the Aster family, but there is also the space behind for accommodating other VLS.

    如果你看到前面,我們可以看到有來自 Navagroup 的垂直髮動機系統,即 Aster 系列的 A-50,但後面還有空間可以容納其他 VLS。

  • Yesterday, the Italian Navy, well the OCAR, because the ships is under the management in terms of programme by OCAR, has awarded to OCEANEN the contract for the risk reduction studies regarding the introduction of the A-70 VLS on board the ship.

    昨天,意大利海軍(以及 OCAR,因為該艦艇在計劃方面由 OCAR 管理)授予 OCEANEN 一項合同,就在艦艇上安裝 A-70 VLS 進行降低風險研究。

  • What does it mean?


  • That this ship will have the capability to also launch for the future strike missile.


  • There is long activities between the Italian Navy and the French Navy and industries to put on this ship the naval cruise missile, what the French Navy called the cruise naval, which will interest and there are activities ongoing to participate to the same programme.


  • Other than a strike capability, we have a big more capable air defence capability also against a tactical ballistic missile, thanks to the dual band radar.


  • Then we have, as explained, a new electronic warfare systems or suite, which counter USB capability.

    然後,正如所解釋的那樣,我們有一個新的電子戰系統或套件,可以對抗 USB 能力。

  • Yesterday, OSN has awarded to ELETRONICA or ALTGROUP, as more known now, the contract for developing this new suite, which is very advanced in terms of both electronic warfare and counter drone, and which has new technologies on board, especially conformer antennas for the active part.

    昨天,OSN 授予 ELETRONICA 公司或 ALTGROUP 公司開發這套新裝備的合同,這套裝備在電子戰和反無人機方面都非常先進,採用了新技術,特別是有源部分的保形天線。

  • Moreover, obviously, the third main point is regarding the introduction of amended systems, which are in development for the Italian Navy, and this will have all the latest development in terms of enlarging the situational awareness around the ship and protecting even other ship against any kind of threat coming from the underwater.


  • What about, that was very thorough, Luca, thank you.


  • What about the anti-submarine warfare suite?


  • Of course, yes.


  • There is also, it was already introduced on the last two ships.


  • The last two ships is a combination between what we call a general purpose or multipurpose ship, mainly for anti-surface warfare.


  • And, but on the last two, they combined this capability with the same anti-submarine warfare capability offered by the dedicated frame, Italian frame, as the French has got the same.


  • Both the Navy has decided to go for a Thales suite, very advanced with variable depth sonar, the CAPTAS.

    海軍決定採用泰雷茲公司的一套非常先進的可變深度聲納 CAPTAS。

  • So this ship maintains the same capability of the anti-submarine warfare.


  • So it's a combination between air defense and anti-submarine warfare.


  • And obviously, it is the same suite of the current anti-submarine warfare, Italian Navy frame, including the VDS, the hull mounted in this boat mounted sonar and the multi-beam echo sounder, which complete the whole anti-submarine warfare capability.

    很顯然,這也是意大利海軍目前反潛戰的框架,包括 VDS、安裝在船體上的船載聲納和多波束回聲測深儀,它們完善了整個反潛戰能力。

  • Which at this point, we can say that between the Italian, but more on the French has got more advanced anti-submarine warfare capability.


  • All right, Luca.


  • Well, again, very interesting ships.


  • If we try to go higher and look at the bigger picture, observers may notice that Italian Navy vessels are getting more armed, more weaponized because of frame EVO.

    如果我們把眼光放遠一點,觀察家們可能會注意到,意大利海軍的艦船因為有了 "EVO "框架而變得更加武裝、更加武器化。

  • During this event, this exhibition, Fincantier unveiled the PPA EVO or PPA 2.0, also with more weapons and more capabilities.

    在這次活動和展覽期間,Fincantier 推出了 PPA EVO 或 PPA 2.0,同樣擁有更多的武器和更強的能力。

  • In the future, there will be the DDX program in Italy.

    今後,意大利還將開展 DDX 計劃。

  • What's leading to this trend, do you think, for the Italian Navy?


  • New threats?


  • Yes, basically new threats, new missions.


  • I mean, we know that there is new threats coming from the air.


  • I mean, tactical ballistic missile, but also hypersonic missile.


  • On the other side, there is more threats coming from the surface and the underwater.


  • So that means that they have to enhance, as always, everybody through development of the current ship.


  • So Fincantier has just presented yesterday the PPA 2.0 or PPA EVO, where basically the ships are enhanced through the addition of new weapon systems, the capability of unmanned systems, as well as other kind of payloads that they need.

    是以,芬坎蒂埃公司昨天剛剛提出了 PPA 2.0 或 PPA EVO,基本上是通過增加新的武器系統、無人系統能力以及其他所需的有效載荷來增強艦艇的性能。

  • In addition to the missile, the VDS that they have in front, the PPA has got two area, one admin ships and one on the rear flight deck.

    除了飛彈和前部的 VDS 外,PPA 還有兩個區域,一個是管理艦,另一個在後部飛行甲板上。

  • To enhance the weapons capability, the admin ship area, they put a new structure, very simple, where they allocate new VLS.

    為了增強武器能力,他們在行政艦區域設置了一個新的結構,非常簡單,就是分配新的 VLS。

  • So according to what we see from Fincantieri, the PPA EVO could accommodate up to 64, I would say, weapons in VLS A-50 or A-70.

    是以,根據 Fincantieri 提供的資訊,PPA EVO 最多可容納 64 件 VLS A-50 或 A-70 型武器。

  • And obviously, it's already on the ship, the dual band radar.


  • So what the Italian wants is more combat capabilities, more situation awareness or unmanned, I mean all the under surveillance, but the crew have to remain the same.


  • And land attack with naval cruise missile.


  • Yes, and obviously, the other point will be for the future, land attack.


  • And if they will go on with the naval cruise missile, the next step will have the new program for the joint FSW between France, UK and Italy.

    如果他們繼續研製海軍巡航導彈,下一步將是法國、英國和意大利聯合研製 FSW 的新計劃。

  • And we know that they announced that they spoke here at Euronaval that we will see development by the beginning of next year.


  • All right, Luca.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Thanks very much, Yves-Xavier.


Hi, we're at EuroNaval 2024 in Paris.

你好,我們正在巴黎參加 2024 年歐洲航海展。

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