In fact, the best evidence I know, one of my former students, Victoria Rodrigo, did a very interesting study in Spanish, published in Spanish in a journal called España, where she compared vocabulary size of people who learn Spanish as a second language, grownups, who are now graduate students in Spanish language and literature programs, compared to native speakers who are not readers.
事實上,我以前的一個學生維多利亞-羅德里戈(Victoria Rodrigo)用西班牙語做了一項非常有趣的研究,發表在西班牙語雜誌《España》上,她在這項研究中比較了將西班牙語作為第二語言學習的成年人(現在是西班牙語語言文學專業的研究所學生)與母語非讀者的詞彙量大小。