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  • Welcome back to our annual Nureep's Guide.

    歡迎回到我們一年一度的《Nureep 指南》。

  • In this video, we're diving into some of the most noteworthy and impactful papers from this year's conference, giving you a front-row seat to the latest developments in AI.


  • Let's kick things off with this paper on graph neural networks, which earned the highest review scores of the conference.


  • The authors identify a unifying mechanism called representation scattering that enhances various contrastive learning algorithms.

    作者發現了一種名為 "表徵散射 "的統一機制,它能增強各種對比學習算法。

  • They propose a new framework that combines this scattering mechanism with a topology-based constraint to improve representation diversity and prevent over-scattering.


  • Their benchmarks show state-of-the-art performance, solidifying this as a milestone in graph learning.


  • Next, we have differentiable logic gate networks.


  • These models use a relaxed, differentiable formulation of logic gates to achieve faster, more efficient inference compared to traditional neural networks.


  • By introducing deep logic gate tree convolutions, or pooling, and residual initializations, The authors scaled these networks, achieving 86.29% accuracy on CIFAR-10 using just 61 million logic gates, being 29 times smaller than competing methods.

    通過引入深度邏輯門樹卷積(或池化)和殘差初始化,作者擴大了這些網絡的規模,僅用 6100 萬個邏輯門就在 CIFAR-10 上實現了 86.29% 的準確率,是其他競爭方法的 29 倍。

  • We also wanted to give a shout-out to the RoadLess Scheduled, which reimagines optimization by eliminating the need for learning rate schedules, all while maintaining state-of-the-art performance across a variety of tasks.

    我們還想向 RoadLess Scheduled 致敬,它通過消除對學習率計劃的需求,對優化進行了重新設計,同時在各種任務中保持了最先進的性能。

  • For those that seek alternatives to the transformer architecture, XLSTM introduces two variants to address the limitations of traditional LSTMs.

    對於那些尋求變壓器架構替代方案的人來說,XLSTM 引入了兩種變體,以解決傳統 LSTM 的侷限性。

  • The SLSTM uses scalar memory and exponential gating, while the MLSTM employs matrix memory and a covariance update rule, enabling better parallelization.

    SLSTM 使用標量存儲器和指數門控,而 MLSTM 則使用矩陣存儲器和協方差更新規則,從而實現了更好的並行化。

  • These models outperform modern alternatives like transformers and state-space models, particularly in scaling and efficiency, making them a noteworthy contender in language modeling.


  • Speaking of attention, Flash Attention 3 pushes the envelope with an asynchronous, low-precision mechanism that significantly speeds up attention computations on GPUs, a big step forward for efficient training and inference.

    說到注意力,Flash Attention 3 採用異步、低精度機制,大大加快了 GPU 上的注意力計算速度,在高效訓練和推理方面向前邁進了一大步。

  • Spherical Diffusion combines a dynamics-informed diffusion framework with the Spherical Fourier Neural Operator to create highly accurate, physically consistent climate simulations.


  • This model can emulate 100-year climate trajectories at 6 hourly intervals with minimal computational overhead, which marks a major breakthrough in climate modeling, offering stable, high-resolution simulations at a low cost.

    該模型能夠以 6 小時為間隔模擬 100 年的氣候軌跡,計算開銷極低,這標誌著氣候建模領域的重大突破,能夠以較低的成本提供穩定的高分辨率模擬。

  • Another standout is Trajectory Flow Matching, a simulation-free approach for training neural differential equation models.


  • This method excels at clinical time-series modeling, offering improved trajectory predictions and better uncertainty quantification.


  • A team from UC Berkeley reframed humanoid control as a next-token prediction problem, similar to language modeling.


  • Using a causal transformer trained on diverse sensorimotor datasets, including YouTube videos, they enabled a robot to walk in real-world environments, like the streets of San Francisco, zero-shot.

    他們利用在各種傳感器運動數據集(包括 YouTube 視頻)上訓練的因果轉換器,使機器人能夠在舊金山街道等真實環境中零距離行走。

  • On the LLM front, Row1 snagged a Best Paper award for its selective language modeling approach.

    在 LLM 方面,Row1 憑藉其選擇性語言建模方法獲得最佳論文獎。

  • By training on the most informative tokens, rather than all tokens, it achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmarks like math, with significantly fewer pre-training tokens.


  • Special mentions go to SGLang, a system for efficiently programming complex language model workflows, and Buffer of Thoughts, a framework for reasoning that improves accuracy, efficiency, and robustness by storing high-level thought processes.

    特別要提到的是 SGLang 和 Buffer of Thoughts,前者是一個用於高效編制複雜語言模型工作流的系統,後者是一個推理框架,通過存儲高級思維過程來提高準確性、效率和穩健性。

  • Next, DeepMind's work on many-shot in-context learning demonstrated how to leverage GemIIni's expanded context windows to incorporate hundreds or even thousands of examples.

    接下來,DeepMind 在多鏡頭情境學習方面的工作展示瞭如何利用 GemIIni 的擴展情境窗口來納入數百甚至數千個示例。

  • Their findings showed significant performance gains across various tasks, introducing techniques like reinforced ICL and unsupervised ICL, highlighting the potential of in-context learning to rival fine-tuning in certain scenarios.

    他們的研究結果表明,通過引入強化 ICL 和無監督 ICL 等技術,在各種任務中的性能都有了明顯提高,這凸顯了上下文學習在某些情況下可與微調相媲美的潛力。

  • Multimodality remains a hot topic, and CambrianOne steps up with a family of vision-centric multimodal large-language models.

    多模態仍是一個熱門話題,CambrianOne 推出了一系列以視覺為中心的多模態大語言模型。

  • Using their new Spatial Vision Aggregator, the authors bridge the gap between language and vision, achieving state-of-the-art results and releasing a treasure trove of resources for the community.


  • On the image generation front, unlike traditional raster-scan token prediction, Visual Autoregressive Modeling uses a course-defined next-scale prediction approach, outperforming diffusion transformers on metrics like FID while being 20 times faster.

    在影像生成方面,與傳統的柵格掃描標記預測不同,視覺自迴歸建模採用了航線定義的下一尺度預測方法,在 FID 等指標上優於擴散變換器,同時速度快 20 倍。

  • Finally, a new method for iterative reasoning optimizes chain-of-thought preferences using a refined DPO loss function with an additional negative log-likelihood term.

    最後,一種用於迭代推理的新方法利用改進的 DPO 損失函數和附加的負對數可能性項優化了思維鏈偏好。

  • The approach significantly boosts accuracy on reasoning benchmarks like GSM 8k and math, outperforming other LLAMA2-based models.

    這種方法大大提高了推理基準(如 GSM 8k 和數學)的準確性,優於其他基於 LLAMA2 的模型。

  • That's a wrap on our NeurIPS 2024 highlights.

    以上就是 NeurIPS 2024 的精彩內容。

  • Did we miss a paper you think deserved the spotlight?


  • Let us know in the comments below.


  • Thanks for watching, and as always, enjoy discovery!



Welcome back to our annual Nureep's Guide.

歡迎回到我們一年一度的《Nureep 指南》。

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