字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Think about a moment when everything seemed to go right for you. 想一想你似乎一切順利的時刻。 Maybe you were late for the bus, but it arrived just as you reached the stop. 也許你坐公車遲到了,但車剛到站就來了。 Or perhaps you found money in an old jacket you hadn't worn for years. 又或者,你在一件多年不穿的舊夾克裡發現了錢。 Is it luck? 是運氣嗎? Some people might say yes, but let's think about it differently. 有些人可能會說是,但我們不妨換個角度想想。 Luck isn't always about unexpected events like finding money or winning a lottery. 運氣並不總是指意外事件,比如撿到錢或中彩票。 Instead, luck can also mean noticing and appreciating good things in your life. 相反,幸運還意味著注意和欣賞生活中的美好事物。 In Western culture, luck is often seen as a mix of chance and preparation. 在西方文化中,運氣通常被視為機遇和準備的混合體。 Let me share a quick story. 讓我跟大家分享一個小故事。 Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, once said, When one door closes, another opens. 電話發明者亞歷山大-格雷厄姆-貝爾曾經說過:一扇門關上了,另一扇門就會打開。 But we often look so long and regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. 但是,我們常常長時間遺憾地注視著那扇緊閉的門,卻看不到那扇已經為我們打開的門。 This reminds us that luck is about being ready to see and use opportunities. 這提醒我們,運氣在於隨時準備看到和利用機會。 So the next time something good happens, ask yourself, Was it really just luck? 所以,下次再有好事發生時,問問自己,這真的只是運氣嗎? Or were you ready for it? 還是你已經做好了準備? Let me ask you a question. 讓我問你一個問題。 When was the last time you felt lucky? 你上一次感到幸運是什麼時候? Was it something big, like getting your dream job? 是什麼大事,比如找到夢想的工作? Or something small, like finding the last cookie in the jar? 還是一些小事,比如找到罐子裡的最後一塊餅乾? Luck isn't always about life-changing events. 運氣並不總是改變生活的事件。 Often, it's hidden in the small, everyday moments that bring us joy. 通常,它就隱藏在帶給我們快樂的日常小事中。 Here is an example. 下面就是一個例子。 A study by Dr. Robert Emmons, a leading researcher on gratitude, found that people who focus on small, positive moments are happier and feel luckier than those who don't. 著名的感恩研究專家羅伯特-埃蒙斯博士的一項研究發現,關注微小、積極時刻的人比不關注這些時刻的人更快樂、更幸運。 For instance, noticing a beautiful sunset, hearing your favorite song on the radio, or getting an unexpected smile from a stranger. 例如,看到美麗的夕陽,在收音機裡聽到自己喜歡的歌曲,或者從陌生人那裡得到一個意外的微笑。 These are all small moments of luck that can brighten your day. 這些都是小小的幸運時刻,可以照亮你的一天。 I remember a time when I was walking home after a tough day. 記得有一次,我在一天的勞累之後走在回家的路上。 Suddenly, I heard a street musician playing a song I loved. 突然,我聽到一位街頭音樂家在演奏一首我喜歡的歌曲。 That moment felt magical. 那一刻,我感覺很神奇。 Did it solve all my problems? 它解決了我所有的問題嗎? No, but it made me feel lighter, like the universe had sent me a little gift. 沒有,但這讓我感覺輕鬆了許多,就像上天給我送來了一份小禮物。 So, start noticing the small things. 所以,從小事做起吧。 A sunny morning, a warm cup of coffee, or a kind message from a friend. 一個陽光明媚的早晨,一杯溫熱的咖啡,或是朋友的一條親切留言。 These tiny bits of luck add up, making life feel richer and more meaningful. 這些微小的幸運累積起來,讓生活變得更豐富、更有意義。 Have you ever noticed how some people seem to always feel lucky? 你有沒有注意到,有些人似乎總是覺得自己很幸運? They're not necessarily winning the lottery or finding gold on the street, but they seem really happy. 他們不一定能中彩票,也不一定能在街上淘到金子,但他們看起來真的很快樂。 What's their secret? 他們的祕密是什麼? It's gratitude. 這就是感恩。 Being thankful for what you have changes how you see the world. 對你所擁有的一切心存感激,會改變你看待世界的方式。 When you focus on the good things in your life, you naturally start to feel luckier. 當你專注於生活中的美好事物時,你自然會開始感到幸運。 There's an interesting study by Dr. Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology. 積極心理學之父馬丁-塞利格曼博士有一項有趣的研究。 He asked participants to write a gratitude letter to someone who had helped them. 他要求與會者給曾經幫助過自己的人寫一封感謝信。 After delivering the letter, participants reported feeling happier and more optimistic, even weeks later. 投遞信件後,參與者表示感覺更快樂、更樂觀,甚至幾周後也是如此。 Gratitude doesn't just make others feel good, it changes how we feel about ourselves and our lives. 感恩不僅能讓他人感覺良好,還能改變我們對自己和生活的感受。 Try this. 試試這個 Tonight, before you go to bed, think about three things you're grateful for. 今晚,在你上床睡覺之前,想想你要感謝的三件事。 Maybe it's the meal you had, a funny conversation with a friend, or just the fact that you have a cozy place to sleep. 也許是你吃的那頓飯,也許是和朋友的一次有趣的談話,也許只是你有一個舒適的地方睡覺。 Over time, this habit can help you notice the good things in your life, making you feel luckier. 隨著時間的推移,這種習慣會讓你注意到生活中的美好事物,讓你感到更加幸運。 This cannot be explained by the science, but we cannot deny its positive influence on our life. 科學無法解釋這一點,但我們不能否認它對我們生活的積極影響。 The phrase good luck, or knock on wood, also has a similar meaning. Good luck(好運氣)或 knock on wood(敲木頭)也有類似的意思。 We all know the meaning of good luck, but what about another one? 我們都知道 "好運 "的含義,但另一個含義又是什麼呢? Knock on wood is something people say to avoid bad luck after talking about something good or hopeful. Knock on wood(敲木頭)是人們在談及好事或希望後為避免厄運而說的話。 They often touch or tap on a wooden object while saying it, as a way to stay lucky. 他們常常一邊說一邊觸摸或敲打木製物品,以此來保持幸運。 It is used in many countries, from Asia to Europe and so on. 從亞洲到歐洲等許多國家都在使用它。 So, why not? 那麼,為什麼不呢? Just try it right now. 現在就試試。 Have you thought about creating your own luck? 你想過創造自己的運氣嗎? Does that sound strange? 聽起來奇怪嗎? Isn't luck meant to be random? 運氣不就是隨機的嗎? Not always. 並非總是如此。 Think about athletes, musicians, or successful business people. 想想運動員、音樂家或成功的商人。 Do they get lucky, or do they work hard to create opportunities for themselves? 他們是運氣好,還是努力為自己創造機會? Most of the time, it's the second option. 大多數情況下,這是第二種選擇。 They practice, prepare, and stay ready for the right moment. 他們練習、準備,時刻準備著。 There's a famous story about Oprah Winfrey. 有一個關於奧普拉-溫弗瑞的著名故事。 When she was young, she wanted to work in television. 年輕時,她就想從事電視工作。 But her first few jobs didn't go well. 但她最初的幾份工作並不順利。 She even got fired from one because her bosses thought she wasn't a good fit. 她甚至被一家公司解僱了,因為她的老闆認為她不合適。 Instead of giving up, she kept learning and improving. 她沒有放棄,而是不斷學習,不斷進步。 Later, when an opportunity came to host a talk show, she was ready. 後來,當有機會主持脫口秀節目時,她已經做好了準備。 Her preparation turned that chance into a life-changing moment. 她的準備工作將這一機會變成了改變人生的時刻。 So, how can you create your own luck? 那麼,如何才能創造自己的運氣呢? Start by setting goals and working toward them. 首先要設定目標併為之努力。 Learn new skills, meet new people, and keep an open mind. 學習新技能,結識新朋友,保持開放的心態。 Opportunities are everywhere, but you need to be ready to grab them. 機會無處不在,但你需要做好準備抓住它們。 We've all had bad days. 我們都有過糟糕的日子。 Maybe you missed a bus, failed an exam, or didn't get the job you wanted. 也許你錯過了一班車,考試不及格,或者沒有找到心儀的工作。 It's easy to think, I have such bad luck. 這很容易讓人聯想到,我的運氣實在太差了。 But here's the truth. 但事實是 Bad moments happen to everyone. 每個人都會遇到糟糕的時刻。 They're a normal part of life. 它們是生活的正常組成部分。 When things go wrong, remember that bad things are also chances to grow. 當事情出錯時,請記住壞事也是成長的機會。 It's like a spice in life. 它就像生活中的調味品。 And life must have spicy, sweet, bitter, and so on. 而生活中一定有辣、甜、苦等等。 You know, a dish with only one flavor cannot be delicious. 要知道,只有一種味道的菜餚是不可能美味的。 Although spicy or bitter flavors may be harder to eat than sweet flavors, it will give you an interesting change in your dishes. 雖然辣味或苦味可能比甜味更難入口,但它會給你的菜餚帶來有趣的變化。 So next time, just think simple like that and find a clear solution. 所以,下一次,只要想得簡單一些,就能找到明確的解決方案。 Because being upset all the time without calming down and rethinking everything will only make you more tired. 因為總是心煩意亂而不冷靜下來重新思考一切,只會讓你更加疲憊。 If you're feeling unlucky, try to change your perspective. 如果你覺得自己運氣不好,試著換個角度看問題。 It's the way you see things. 這是你看待事物的方式。 Imagine two friends walking in the rain. 想象一下,兩個朋友在雨中漫步。 One says, I'm wet and unhappy. 一個人說,我溼透了,不開心。 The other says, at least I have my umbrella and can enjoy the fresh air. 另一個人說,至少我有傘,可以享受新鮮空氣。 Who feels luckier? 誰更幸運? The key is how you see things. 關鍵在於你如何看待事物。 Focusing on the good can turn a bad moment into a better one. 關注美好的事物,可以化腐朽為神奇。 Here's an example. 這裡有一個例子。 Dr. Carol Dweck at Stanford found students did better when they saw challenges as learning opportunities, not failures. 斯坦福大學的卡羅爾-德韋克(Carol Dweck)博士發現,當學生將挑戰視為學習機會而非失敗時,他們的表現會更好。 This way of thinking, called a growth mindset, makes people feel more confident and lucky. 這種思維方式被稱為 "成長型思維模式",它能讓人更自信、更幸運。 Next time something goes wrong, look for a positive. 下一次出錯時,尋找積極的一面。 Missed your bus? 錯過了公車? Maybe you'll enjoy a quiet walk or find a new cafe. 也許你會享受一次安靜的散步,或者發現一家新的咖啡館。 How you view things matters. 如何看待事物很重要。 It can make tough days feel a bit lighter. 它能讓艱難的日子變得輕鬆一些。 Instead of thinking, why is this happening to me? 而不是去想,為什麼這種事會發生在我身上? Ask yourself, what can I learn from this? 問問自己,我能從中學到什麼? Every challenge is a chance to grow stronger and wiser. 每一次挑戰都是一次機會,讓我們變得更強大、更有智慧。 Let me share a story. 讓我分享一個故事。 A friend of mine once lost her wallet on the way to work. 有一次,我的一個朋友在上班的路上丟了錢包。 She was upset, thinking her day was ruined. 她很難過,覺得自己的一天就這樣毀了。 But a few hours later, she got a call. 但幾小時後,她接到了一個電話。 A stranger had found her wallet and returned it with everything inside. 一個陌生人撿到了她的錢包,並把裡面所有的東西都還給了她。 She felt incredibly lucky, not just because she got her wallet back, but because it reminded her that there are kind people in the world. 她感到無比幸運,不僅因為她拿回了錢包,還因為這提醒了她,世界上還是有善良的人的。 Think about your own life. 想想你自己的生活。 When have you felt lucky? 你什麼時候感到過幸運? Maybe it was finding something you lost, meeting someone who changed your life, or even just having a great day with friends. 也許是找到了丟失的東西,也許是遇到了改變你一生的人,也許只是和朋友度過了美好的一天。 These moments remind us that luck is all around us. 這些時刻提醒我們,幸運就在我們身邊。 If you have time, write down one of your lucky stories. 如果有時間,請寫下你的一個幸運故事。 Share it with a friend or keep it as a reminder that life is full of surprises. 將它與朋友分享,或保存起來,提醒自己生活充滿驚喜。 So, are you a lucky person? 那麼,你是幸運兒嗎? Maybe you've realized that luck isn't just about chance. 也許你已經意識到,運氣不僅僅是偶然的。 It's about how you see the world, how you prepare for opportunities, and how you handle life's challenges. 這關係到你如何看待世界,如何為機遇做好準備,以及如何應對生活中的挑戰。 Luck is like a small seed. 運氣就像一粒小小的種子。 With care and attention it grows into something beautiful. 在精心呵護下,它成長為美麗的事物。 By practicing gratitude, staying positive, and working hard, you can create your own luck and make life feel more rewarding. 只要心存感激、保持積極、努力工作,就能創造屬於自己的幸運,讓生活更有意義。 Remember, you don't have to wait for luck to find you. 記住,你不必等待運氣來找你。 You can make it happen. 你可以實現它。 Stay ready, stay hopeful, and know that even in tough times, you are luckier than you think. 時刻準備著,充滿希望,要知道,即使在艱難時期,你也比想象中幸運。 So when you think about luck, don't just see it as something that happens by chance. 所以,當你想到運氣時,不要只把它看作是偶然發生的事情。 Think of it as a result of your actions, your mindset, and how prepared you are for life's surprises. 把它看作是你的行動、心態以及你為生活中的意外做好準備的結果。 So why not grow a lucky tree of your own? 為什麼不種一棵屬於自己的幸運樹呢? It will create amazing things that you may not realize right now. 它將創造出你現在可能還沒有意識到的奇妙事物。 But trust me, in the future, you will have your own answer. 但相信我,將來你會有自己的答案。 Thank you for watching. 感謝您的收看。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 運氣 幸運 生活 事物 準備 時刻 你是幸運兒嗎?| 治療播客 (Are you a lucky person? | ?Healing podcast | Intermediate) 20 1 陳彥儒 發佈於 2024 年 12 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字