They're looking as a regime, I think, to do, under the Supreme Leader's guidance, they've decided this is a time for engaging diplomatically while preparing for the worst case scenario if Donald Trump were to resume maximum pressure or even ultimate pressure, as some are calling it, on Iran and its economy once he takes power at the beginning of the Thank you very much for talking us through this fluid, as you say, situation.
我認為,在最高領袖的指導下,作為一個政權,他們已經決定現在是進行外交接觸的時候,同時為最壞的情況做好準備,如果唐納德-特朗普(Donald Trump)恢復最大壓力,甚至是一些人所說的終極壓力,一旦他在今年年初掌權,伊朗及其經濟就會受到影響。