With my head underwater I can't take it much longer Head underwater I'm at war with a monster I'm struggling to catch my breath Getting off my chest But if it don't kill me then I'll get stronger With my head underwater Head underwater, underwater With my head underwater Head underwater, underwater Holding on, I hope I can make it out Praying that my lungs don't fill me now Holding on, I hope I can make it out Praying that my lungs don't fill me now Holding on, I hope I can make it out Praying that my lungs don't fill me now Holding on, I hope I can make it out How am I supposed to do this?
我的頭在水下,我無法再忍受下去 我的頭在水下,我在與怪物交戰 我掙扎著喘息,從我的胸口出來 但如果它殺不死我,我就會變得更強壯 我的頭在水下,我的頭在水下,在水下"堅持住,我希望我能挺過去" "祈禱我的肺不要被填滿" "堅持住,我希望我能挺過去