字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Imagine you and your family want to go someplace, but you need to take a bus to get there. 想象一下,你和家人想去某個地方,但需要乘坐公共汽車才能到達。 Do you know how to buy tickets in English? 您知道如何用英語購票嗎? Hi! 你好! Alisha here. 我是阿麗莎 Buying tickets in English is easy. 用英語購票很方便。 In this lesson, you'll learn how. 在本課中,您將學習如何做。 Gustavo's family has just arrived in America, and Gustavo and George have met them at the airport. 古斯塔沃的家人剛剛抵達美國,古斯塔沃和喬治在機場迎接了他們。 Let's watch. 讓我們拭目以待。 Five tickets to Times Square, please. Will that be five adults? 請給我五張時代廣場的票 是五張成人票嗎? Uh, how young do you have to be to get discounted tickets? 要多年輕才能買到打折票? Children under 10 years old are eligible for child tickets. 10 歲以下兒童可購買兒童票。 Children 10 years or older need adult tickets. 10 歲或以上兒童需要成人票。 Got it. 知道了 Sophia, you're 8 years old, right? 索菲亞,你今年 8 歲,對嗎? Right. 對 And Lucas is over 10, so four adults and one child. Four adults and one child to Times Square. 盧卡斯已經超過 10 歲了,所以需要四個大人和一個孩子。 四個大人帶一個孩子去時代廣場 Your total is $73.95. 總計 73.95 美元。 George, I'll pay. 喬治,我來付 Don't worry about it. 別擔心。 I got it. 我知道了 Everybody, welcome to the United States. 各位,歡迎來到美國。 Now the lesson focus. 現在是課程重點。 Here's how to buy tickets. 以下是購票方式。 Ready? 準備好了嗎? Do you remember what George said to purchase tickets to Times Square? 你還記得喬治說要購買時代廣場的門票嗎? Five tickets to Times Square, please. 請給我五張時代廣場的票 First is the phrase, five tickets. 首先是 "五張票"。 Next is a phrase that includes a place. 下一個是包含地點的短語。 To Times Square. 去時代廣場 Last is the word, please. 請用 "最後 "一詞。 Together, it's five tickets to Times Square, please. 一共是五張時代廣場的票,謝謝。 The structure is number plus tickets to plus please. 結構是數字加票加請。 Now you try. 現在你來試試。 Imagine you want two tickets to Atlantic City. 想象一下,您想要兩張去大西洋城的機票。 What would you say to the ticket clerk? 你會對售票員說什麼? Two tickets to Atlantic City, please. 請給我兩張去大西洋城的票 Now imagine you want four tickets to Grand Central Station. 現在想象一下,您想要四張去中央車站的票。 What would you say to the ticket clerk? 你會對售票員說什麼? Four tickets to Grand Central Station, please. 請給我四張去中央車站的票 Do you remember how George told how many adults and children would need tickets? 你還記得喬治是如何告訴大家需要多少成人和兒童票的嗎? Four adults and one child. 四個大人和一個孩子。 First is the phrase, four adults. 首先是 "四個成年人"。 Next is the word, and. 接下來是 "和"。 And last is the phrase, one child. 最後是 "一個孩子"。 Together, it's four adults and one child. 一共是四個大人和一個孩子。 Keep in mind that the age range for children's tickets varies widely. 請記住,兒童票的年齡範圍差別很大。 So you might have to ask the ticket clerk to be sure. 是以,您可能需要詢問售票員才能確定。 Now you try. 現在你來試試。 Imagine you are buying tickets for yourself, two adult friends, and an infant. 想象一下,您要為自己、兩個成年朋友和一個嬰兒買票。 What would you say to the ticket clerk? 你會對售票員說什麼? Now imagine you are chaperoning a group of six elementary school students on a trip to the zoo. 現在想象一下,你正陪同六名小學生去動物園遊玩。 What would you say to the ticket clerk? 你會對售票員說什麼? Do you remember how George told Gustavo that he was going to pay for the tickets? 你還記得喬治是怎麼跟古斯塔沃說他會買票的嗎? This is a phrase that is used to tell someone else that you will pay the total bill, including their portion. 這句話用來告訴別人,你將支付全部賬單,包括他們的那部分。 Now you try. 現在你來試試。 You are on a date, and you want to pay for the meal. 你在約會,你想為這頓飯買單。 What do you say when the check comes? 結賬時你怎麼說? Now imagine you are sharing a cab with a friend, and you want to offer to pay for the ride. 現在想象一下,你和朋友共乘一輛計程車,你想主動支付車費。 What would you say? 你會怎麼說? I got it. 我知道了 Liked this quick lesson? 喜歡這個快速課程嗎? Watch the full version at EnglishClass101.com to understand the whole dialogue. 請在 EnglishClass101.com 觀看完整版,瞭解整個對話。 While you're there, learn all about American culture with our audio lessons and cultural word lists. 在那裡,您可以通過我們的音頻課程和文化單詞表瞭解美國文化。 Sign up for your free lifetime account at EnglishClass101.com. 在 EnglishClass101.com 註冊終身免費帳戶。 See you next time! 下次再見
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 廣場 喬治 大人 時代 想象 大西洋城 購買公共交通票 - 創新英語 (Buying Tickets for Public Transportation - Innovative English) 14 1 rakko 發佈於 2024 年 12 月 09 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字