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Although each day has 24 hours, most of our lives feel like they only have two parts, work and getting ready for work again.
雖然每天都有 24 小時,但我們大多數人的生活感覺只有兩部分:工作和準備再次工作。
For many, many years, this was my reality in banking.
Long hours, high pressure, constantly exhausted.
But at the same time, I really wanted to build a business, maintain a social life, see my friends and family, have regular day nights and find time to work out.
So I had to confront a brutal reality, and that was that my evenings and my free time were disappearing and I needed to figure out where they were going.
I'd finally discovered five solutions that completely changed how I used my time after work.
And so in this video, I want to share the exact solutions that will help you find time to start that business, learn a new skill, or to simply just stop wasting your evening and start using them for what actually matters to you.
Let's start with rewrite your default settings.
The biggest hack I found for not wasting your evenings is separating your actions from your mood.
For most people, the two are inseparable.
The link between them is unbreakable.
And when I worked for an organization, this was my default every evening.
Bad day?
Spend the evening scrolling through social media.
Call it quits.
Everything can wait till tomorrow.
But what if we can break that connection?
We can rewire that programming, not by denying our feelings, but instead by accepting our feelings and then rewriting our next line of code.
Your default programming says, I'm tired, therefore I can't.
But you can update this code to, I'm tired and I'm going to do it tired anyway.
但你可以把這段代碼更新為 "我累了,反正我也累了"。
Or, I'm tired and I'm going to do it and I could rest on the weekend.
Think about it.
You've already done this countless times in your life.
Times when you may have gone to the gym even though you didn't feel like it or pushed through work despite being completely exhausted.
There is evidence that you can separate your actions from your mood.
Each time you take action despite not feeling it, you're building evidence.
Evidence that you can do things tired.
Evidence that you can make progress while stressed.
And the more evidence you collect, the stronger this muscle becomes.
Your mood doesn't have to dictate your evening.
You can be tired and productive.
You can be stressed and moving forward.
It's not about feeling good first.
It's about taking action regardless of how you feel.
Number two, optimize your life math.
Everything we do falls into three buckets.
Fundamental, fun and future.
So think about money first.
If you look at your spending, part of your spending goes towards your fundamental expenses.
Things like your bills, your groceries, your basic needs, part of your spending or your take-home pay goes towards the fun area of your life, your social life, your hobbies, your eating out, your holidays and then part of your spending goes towards your future.
So this might be your skills, your growth or your investments.
It's a pretty simple breakdown but here's the truth.
Most people's fundamentals i.e their basic living spending eats up so much money that there's very rarely anything left for the fun or the future part of it.
Now what's really interesting is your time and energy work in a really similar way.
Your fundamentals are your admin work, your life maintenance, the things that just keep your life ticking by.
The fun is your social life and your hobbies and then your future is things like learning a new skill or building your side business or working on your career growth.
And just like money, most people's fundamentals consume a huge amount of their time.
Their life maintenance, doing the laundry, checking emails, cleaning the house, sorting out bills, cooking, cleaning.
While you can't eliminate these life chores, you can optimize them and I found this was one of the best ways to make or to free up more time that I could use in my evenings.
I started with bulk organization so I tackled all my household chores on a Sunday evening.
I decided what I was going to wear for the week on a Sunday.
It's an intense few hours but it frees up my entire week.
I did things like meal prepping.
I focused two or three hours on a Sunday which saved me over six hours during the week that I otherwise would have been cooking dinner.
Every minute that you save from working on your fundamental life admin is a minute that you can invest instead in your fun or your future time.
Think about what you can do when you free up those extra five hours a week because you've taken on those tasks on a Sunday instead of every evening.
想一想,如果你在週日而不是每天晚上承擔這些任務,每週多出 5 個小時的時間,你能做些什麼?
Another way to free up time is by having someone or something help you do the thing you need to do faster and better.
According to a report by Forbes, we spend on average 88% of our work week communicating with written communication taking up the largest amount of time.
根據《福布斯》的一份報告,我們每週平均有 88% 的工作時間用於溝通,其中書面溝通所佔的時間最多。
Whether it's writing an important document, preparing a presentation, crafting a persuasive email, writing up a pitch, written communication plays such an important part of our working lives and so the ability to do it well and to do it quickly can be an absolute game changer.
And that is where the sponsor of today's video comes in which is a tool that I pretty much use on a daily basis and that is Grammarly.
今天視頻的贊助商就是我每天都在使用的工具 Grammarly。
Grammarly is an AI writing partner that helps me write better and faster.
Grammarly 是一個人工智能寫作夥伴,它能幫助我更好更快地寫作。
Unlike any other platform or app that I've come across, its features integrate across everything.
It checks my emails as I write them on Gmail.
我在 Gmail 上寫郵件時,它會檢查我的郵件。
It rephrases things to make it sound a certain way and one of my favorite features with the pro version is that it will check what I've written and then anticipate in advance what kind of questions or concerns someone would have when reading what I've written.
And then it will suggest ways in which you can fill those gaps up front.
As I've been growing my business and more and more people are joining, this has been so helpful in keeping an open line of constant communication without spending hours trying to wonder if the message is clear and if it makes sense.
The other thing I love is that it connects to a load of other apps just making the entire flow of work a lot more seamless and quick.
I don't need to open and close tabs constantly or find the right app to source a document.
With Grammarly Pro it's all in one seamless place.
有了 Grammarly Pro,一切盡在其中。
If you want to check it out head to grammarly.com forward slash nisha that's n-i-s-c-h-a and save hours each week to reallocate on the things that matter.
如果您想了解更多資訊,請訪問 grammarly.com forward slash nisha(即 n-i-s-c-h-a),每週可節省數小時時間重新分配到重要的事情上。
The next point we have is change your first destination.
The moment you walk through your door after work and sit on that couch it's over.
And that was my default for so long.
Walk in, drop my bag, sink to the couch like it's quicksand, just five minutes I'll tell myself and then three hours later I'll still be there four episodes deep into whatever Netflix decided to autoplay next.
走進去,放下包,像流沙一樣陷在沙發裡,我告訴自己只需五分鐘,然後三個小時後,我還是會在那裡看 Netflix 決定自動播放的下一集。
And there's a research paper that actually shows how even though people think they're making choices all the time, many of our repeated behaviors are cued by everyday environments.
And I realized how much of a difference this makes when one day I had booked a Pilates class at 8pm and I'd finished everything I needed to do at work.
有一天,我預訂了晚上 8 點的普拉提課程,而我已經完成了工作中需要做的所有事情,這時我才意識到這有多大的不同。
I could have left at 6pm but there wasn't enough time to go home and come back.
我本可以在下午 6 點離開,但沒有足夠的時間回家再回來。
So I just stayed in the office, I opened up my laptop and I started working on my YouTube channel.
於是我就呆在辦公室裡,打開筆記本電腦,開始製作我的 YouTube 頻道。
That evening I got more done in two hours than I had in weeks of planning to work on it after I got home.
And that's when it clicked.
Don't fight the couch take your laptop to a cafe and work on that side project you've been putting off straight after work.
The key is to intercept yourself before you hit that environment that triggers your default evening wasting routine.
By changing where you go right after work you change what you do with your entire evening.
It's really that simple.
Next we have use your best hours.
I know we're talking about how to not waste your evenings after work but I feel like this is one of the underrated time hacks on the list and that is that your morning hours are actually worth so much more than your evening hours.
Think about your typical evening work session.
You've got your notifications popping up, your friends are maybe texting about plans plus your brain's been making decisions all day it's trying to run on an empty battery.
Now compare that to a 6am or a 7am you.
現在把它與早上 6 點或 7 點的你做個比較。
No messages, no emails come through yet, no one posting Instagram stories that you need to just pure uninterrupted focus time.
沒有資訊,沒有電子郵件,沒有人發佈 Instagram 故事,你需要的只是純粹的不間斷的專注時間。
When I switched my side projects from evening to mornings I got more done in 30 minutes than I did in almost two hours after work.
當我把我的副業從晚上換到早上時,我在 30 分鐘內完成的工作比下班後近兩個小時完成的還要多。
We all have the same 24 hours but not all the hours are created equal.
我們都有同樣的 24 小時,但並不是所有的時間都是平等的。
That evening hour you spend forcing yourself to work it might be worth just 20 minutes of fresh morning brain time.
你晚上強迫自己工作的那一個小時,可能只值得你早上用 20 分鐘的時間重新思考。
So don't just rely on not wasting your after work evenings.
There are days where you're not going to be able to pick up or do whatever you need to do maybe because you have other external commitments but that morning time that is a sacred time where the world is still quiet and your mind is still fresh.
You may as well utilize it.
Next we have respect your foundation.
This is essentially to look after yourself.
You literally will not have the energy or the motivation or the discipline to be productive after an entire 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 hour work day if you're not looking after yourself and respecting your body and your brain.
如果你不照顧好自己,不尊重自己的身體和大腦,那麼在一天工作 8、9、10 或 11 個小時之後,你就真的沒有精力、動力或紀律來提高工作效率了。
By eating badly or skipping exercise or not looking after yourself you're performing below your max.
It's going to be impacting your productivity, your mood, your motivation and I can tell you this from experience.
For a good couple of years I was barely sleeping.
I was doing like five or six hours a night.
I was surviving or pushing through on coffee.
I was constantly feeling drained and when you're pursuing meaningful goals or activities at the end of your day it is so much easier to do when you're happy and when you're healthy and when it means exercising as much as you can, learning how to eat healthy, prioritizing 7 to 9 hours of sleep, drinking more water, limiting your screen time, taking care of your mental health.
當你在一天的工作結束後追求有意義的目標或活動時,當你感到快樂和健康時就會容易得多,這意味著你要儘可能多地鍛鍊身體,學習如何健康飲食,優先保證 7 到 9 小時的睡眠,多喝水,限制螢幕時間,注意心理健康。
It won't be obvious just how far below your peak potential you're currently operating until you start looking after yourself properly.
This isn't something that I can convince you on.
It's really something that you just have to trust me on and experience for yourself.
So those are the things I did to stop my evenings after work.
If you liked this video you might also enjoy this video right here on six habits that made me six figures by 25.
如果你喜歡這段視頻,你可能也會喜歡這段視頻,它講述了讓我在 25 歲之前賺到六位數的六個習慣。
Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you there.