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Can it go back to trying true sticking to that team fight style you need to have a really good CC for this Skarner and
你需要有一個非常好的 CC 來對付斯卡納,這一點你能做到嗎?
Rumble combination, and they have that in spades
So much team fighting here
Drafted as we get into game one here elk and on looking for kuma you see night coming in from the side as well
We'll land the abscond abduct kuma you she's still holding on to that flash to crash down locks him up
He flashes the ignite sticking
BLG strike first what first as he goes straight for it
BLG 先下手為強,直奔目標
Bigger as well. You know it's one of the big things with t1 heading into this tournament this lane phase was not great in the LCK
也更大。要知道,在 LCK 的比賽中,t1 階段的表現並不出色,這也是本次比賽的一大看點。
The grubs might just look for a smite on one here to delay the full stack carry a cord out though
Just don't have to flash in the ignite locked against the wolf and now trying to get away the unbreakable
It's not exactly that on secures the kill the idea there from t1 because they had a nice stacked wave in mid lane
Oh, I've gone for a bit of a trade has this ad carry behind him. That's juke
哦,我已經去了一個有點交易 有這個廣告在他身後進行。這才是真正的 "爵"(juke)。
Fake it unbinds his soul touches away from the abscond abduct owner coming in from the side is playing off the advantage
They have with their laners
And they're converting it into the first dragon of the game straight from even champion selects
And you see the smiles on their faces the confidence there. They're looking at c1 decision right now
Do they just let faker farm turret play?
Baron pit I know it's the grubs right now, but he always manages to steal it whether it's a varus or caitlyn
男爵坑 我知道現在是蠐螬的問題,但不管是 varus 還是 caitlyn,他總是能偷走它
Guma's got the skill shots to get your objectives beautifully done by kuma
Yushi is all to keep him locked down as long as possible say yes should be fine
He's going up towards mega as well
They can trade in tp coming in t1 have the advantage the narvin to the wall
他們可以在 tp 中進行交易,在 t1 中取得優勢,將 narvin 推向牆壁
On has no flash and only 200 hp to work with now. That's nothing sent back to the fountain
現在,"On "沒有閃光燈,只有 200 匹馬力可以使用。沒有任何東西送回噴泉
Sealed out down
T1 is just going to be the trade dragon for herald no problem
T1 只是用龍換取預言家,沒有問題
But I will say night staying on this outer turret and getting the outer turret gold himself again more money
Funneled into this silas the silas that does scale so well
流入這個 Silas,規模如此之大的 Silas
Yeah, notice that again it kind of while t1 did find that tp play now
是啊,我又注意到了,在 t1 的時候,我確實發現了現在的 tp 遊戲。
They're behind in terms of tp the arrow connects mids
他們在 "箭 "與 "中箭 "的連接方面落後了
Say it's able to walk away for now shadowing strike will get the stun the magnet storm coming in as well as bog
Look to collapse. We're ready. They've locked up t1 in the middle of the meat grinder and one has gone down
我們準備好了我們準備好了他們在絞肉機中間鎖定了 t1,有一個已經倒下了
Zayas falls. Thank you getting chased out as well and bins flashing forward
Baker will manage to dash across towards the red pin but guma yushi does not have that same luxury
Blg find three all of them sitting on elk a triple kill for the ad carry of blg a nice arrow to set up the whole
Blg 發現了三隻麋鹿,它們都坐在麋鹿身上,Blg 的廣告隨身攜帶了一支漂亮的箭,為整個行動做了準備。
Play t1 saw an angle to secure that mid tower and immediately get punished and blg are so quick with it
打 t1 時看到了一個角度,以確保中塔的安全,但馬上就會受到懲罰,而 blg 的反應非常快
Elk's arrow snipes him right out of the air after the two kills with the herald
Immediately turn it into gold liquid gold here for blg. They shoot ahead on the map so many
立即將其轉化為 blg 的液體黃金。他們在地圖前方拍攝了這麼多
Beautiful multi-man ulti comes through from on with the follow-up as he wants for surgery
And now the impale is going to land on carry him as well
And he has no place to get out of this nowhere to go
Apart from back to the pound fountain in a body bag best team in the lpl coming out firing on all cylinders
除了被裝在裹屍袋裡回到英鎊噴泉外,LPL 最佳陣容全線出擊
They are not giving t1 a moment to
他們不給 t1
To regroup at all faker now even even under attack
He slowed in the pit the tp is coming behind here as they look to try and turn this play around bin
Trying to get the damage down onto faker here hit him with the harpoons faker dodges away with the cube three
試圖在這裡對 faker 造成傷害,用魚叉攻擊他 faker 用方塊三躲開了攻擊
And manages to live it through the liandry's t1 find some semblance of hope in the bottom side
並設法通過聯隊的 T1 在下半區找到一些希望的蛛絲馬跡
But blg are not stopping their advance on top owner locked up with a glacial prison and he's sent packing
但是,BLG 並沒有停止他們的前進步伐,他們的頭號主人被關進了冰川監獄,他也被送走了
Blg are ripping this map to shreds
Blg 正在撕碎這張地圖
It is often a play that faker teams have tried to collapse on him on a side lane and it's resulted in their demise
They're doomed the over chase of that star mid laner, but blg don't care
他們註定要過度追逐那個明星中單,但 blg 並不在乎
They're keeping pressure on the top side t1 members collapsed on the bot
他們對機器人上部的 T1 成員保持壓力,使其坍塌
But it costs them greatly as they lose two towers top and we're only 18 minutes into the game in blg
但這讓他們損失慘重,因為他們失去了兩座防禦塔,而我們在 blg 的比賽才開始 18 分鐘
Shot comes in then the arrow that is sublime from elk. He's five and one now
And it's just such a dominant performance for me lg with a strong start
對我來說,LG 的表現非常出色,開局很強勁
To game one and while this game definitely isn't over blg have all the tools to secure the first game of this
在第一場比賽中,雖然比賽還沒有結束,但 Blg 已經擁有了確保第一場比賽勝利的所有工具。
One to face check that mid lane bush and still tanking up the baron. It's at nine thousand night with the flag position glacial prison
And kuma is down blg use the baron as a bait and immediately they try and fight them
隈研吾倒下了,BLG 以男爵為誘餌,立即試圖與他們作戰
So on was spotted as he walked towards that razorbeak pit the baron down to two thousand night on the front line owner
Trying to get in base field goes in as well with the magnus storms already locked up two members of t1 the impale grabs three
試圖進入基地戰場的馬格努斯風暴已經鎖定了兩名 T1 成員,impale 則抓住了三名成員。
And they're burned to a crisp in the river
The arrow has to be flashed away by zeus, but blg are taking everything and giving t1 nothing
箭必須被宙斯閃開,但 Blg 卻奪走了一切,卻什麼也沒給 T1
It's complete annihilation
Blg are gonna try and chase it down as well
Blg 也將嘗試追捕它
Zeus able to jump across the wall just before he got hit with the shadowing stripe and now with the baron buff on them
宙斯能在被陰影條紋擊中前跳過牆壁,現在又有了男爵 BUFF
Blg can advance down mid the tp in from night as they look to close this one out
Blg 將在今晚的比賽中晉級決賽,他們希望結束這場比賽
I mean, they're knocking down the inhibitor towers the baron buff blg the respawn time is still about 10 seconds
我的意思是,他們打掉了抑制塔和男爵 BUFF,重生時間仍然是 10 秒左右
They're gonna respect it. They're gonna back away, but the damage has made sure that owner cannot get into the pit
He sidesteps baker's ultimate
And night is just he's spectacular fake is trying to get away from night, but the night wants to throw now
And baker's been pushed off it
Blg are on fine form today and t1 just can't keep up
Blg 今天狀態極佳,而 t1 卻跟不上節奏
The golden left hand of the lpl strikes down the goat in the side lane and blg will collect their third dragon
lpl 的黃金左手擊倒了邊路的山羊,blg 將收下他們的第三條小龍
They might collect the entire base before we see the fourth
Night has had an incredible tournament and he's not going to slow down here in the finals
Blg have steamrolled team t1 here in game one. They're looking for another inhibitor and they're looking for the game
Blg 在第一場比賽中擊敗了 T1 戰隊。他們正在尋找另一個抑制劑,他們正在尋找遊戲
Kuma, yoshi, owner and kevi are trying to defend the arrow once again
He's got flash but he's still stunned up the impale comes out and kuma falls under his own nexus towers
他獲得了閃現,但仍處於眩暈狀態,"刺殺 "出現,隈研吾倒在了自己的結界塔下。
T1 still trying to defend zeus doing everything he can to keep night away
T1 仍在竭力為宙斯辯護,想盡一切辦法不讓黑夜靠近他
But blg continue to advance the first nexus towers down baker's backup
但是,BLG 仍在繼續推進貝克備份的第一座節點塔。
Trying to find something out of this game trying to find some defense against blg
試圖從這場比賽中找到一些東西,試圖找到一些對 blg 的防守方法
But the oncoming masses are just too damn strong and arm into the wall
Baker's fate is sealed as he dives the back line and dies for it blg
Come out swinging and take game one
Open quietly in the back line that support pick wasn't locked in and we think about on's career all time
後防線悄然打開,支援人選沒有鎖定,我們一直在思考 On 的職業生涯
This is his best champion. It's his most played. It has a 73% win rate
這是他最好的冠軍。這是他打得最多的比賽。勝率高達 73
He's battling against kuma onto the biggest stage with the entire world watching
They get the double knock up already carrying us down to half hp
He's gonna have to flash kuma. Yoshi cleanses away from night the chase continues blg flashing forward the heal coming out
他必須閃現隈研吾。耀西從黑夜中消失,追逐繼續進行,BLG 向前閃現,治療出來了
By the ash and you can't escape the quiver of albert's blood
Again to blg take him over on here
再次感謝 Blg,請他到這裡來
It's level two of his own shun coming in as well to bolster this attack zeus underneath the tower
Able to flash away gets the double knock up and look at on he's about to be turned off
On goes down shun almost falls to escapes that final tower attack and just towards the tower
You can actually see night using the tp here kuma still no flash
在這裡,你實際上可以看到使用 TP 的夜晚,隈研吾仍然沒有閃光燈
No cleanse the grand entrance going to get a knock up night flashes across the wall shielded ran for the double sword
And now the flame splitter is doing a lot of work. Kuma's going to be brought back with a bailout
But can he survive down to 100 hp night the battle dance one keeps him alive owner still chasing
但是,他能否在 100 匹馬力的夜晚繼續生存下去?
And he reps through a night now baker joins the party a handshake from carrier
There's one bin did not want to take bin goes down as well
And t1 have three on them on still only level three has the flash has the heal they'll get one with the smite
T1 有三個人,但只有三級有閃現,有治療,他們會用砸碎獲得一個治療。
Handshake pulls on back that he can dance out
With that w and he'll manage to get to the relative safety of this top lane
有了 W,他就能到達相對安全的上路了
Tribush t1 will find two clubs for their own as they forced plg away
Tribush t1 將為自己找到兩個俱樂部,因為他們逼走了 plg
Yeah, zeus also able to walk up. He just barely got his level six on that orange
So he looks for that abscond that dot can't quite land the chains carrier and gumiyushi pushing through the wave now
是以,他在尋找那名潛逃者,dot 無法完全降落到鏈條載具上,而 gumiyushi 正在一波推過一波
Paranoia coming out call of the forge god is stopped zeus dashing forward the shielded around for the taunt blocked by owner
The knockup coming out as well as plg trying desperately to defend the hero's entrance cancelled as he won by two
在他以兩分獲勝的同時,擊倒出場以及 plg 拼命捍衛英雄出場的行為也被取消了。
John forced underneath this turret as well as plg
約翰在這座炮塔以及 plg 炮塔下面進行了強攻
A walking away wounded such a good play for t1. There were a few seconds left on bin's teleport
走位受傷對於 t1 來說是一個很好的戰術。bin 的傳送還剩幾秒鐘
He could not join they forced the dive on looking for any recallers. I mean t1 is sticking around the tp will come through
他不能加入,他們強迫潛水尋找任何召回者。我的意思是,T1 還在堅持,TP 會通過的
John already down
Bin walks into a scarred battlefield. He'll still take out gumiyushi in the end working away on it
Bin 走進傷痕累累的戰場。他最終還是會解決掉 gumiyushi 的。
See if night how quickly night can push this bottom wave though for the galleo uses the rumble ultimate for the wave
So they're just gonna make the call
We will pay for this with some tower plate money here on to the side of on this renata
Is he just walks in your face?
He is not afraid you know as he has the mechanics to be able to outplay trade that faker was able to get on him
Night goes back to base full heal teleport out
I mean the important thing here is faker didn't reset before t being in so he's at half hp
我的意思是,重要的是 faker 在 t 進入之前沒有重置,所以他的馬力只有一半。
Does have the quickness stolen away?
The scuttlecrab will go across on goes in with the quickness knockback with the crescent guard as well
Coming down
The hostile takeover just possesses blg it's who are ready to hear his entrance a swift exit
敵意收購只是擁有 blg 的人準備聽他的入口迅速退出
Back to the fountain for night as t1 locked them up t1 will claim that rift herald in the aftermath as well
回到噴泉過夜,因為 t1 鎖定了他們 t1 也會在之後奪回裂縫預言者
Very similar to how far ahead blg were in game one
這與第一場比賽中 blg 的領先優勢非常相似
Although obviously t1 had yet to take all of the towers
雖然很明顯 t1 還沒有佔領所有的大廈
We saw blg steps up have to be a little bit careful there
我們看到 blg 站起來了,必須小心一點
So sacrifice the tower initially and then as you said they have the rift herald from the side
We'll take a spear to the back
For his time in the mid lane, but t1 just used the back flank
因為他在中路的時間,但 t1 只是使用了後翼
Zeus has got behind him here brings the call of the forge god paranoia paranoia
宙斯在他身後帶來了鍛造之神的召喚 偏執 偏執
Everyone's out to get you elk he falls first still has both his summoners on he's gonna dash away
The chase comes in by faker steals away the quickness a hero's entrance from night just to defend
His support t1 they'll find one and they'll turn their eyes towards the drake orn and nocturne
他的支援 T1 他們會找到一個,並將目光轉向德雷克-奧恩和夜神
It is just too dangerous to step out onto the map out in front of any of your towers
And as soon as they do t1 close the trap shut they get their extra kill
只要他們 T1 關閉陷阱,就能獲得額外的殺傷力
Elk doesn't even use a summoner spell and I understand why like what's the point? He's like
They they see faker here
Been trading with zeus quickness coming out as they look for the engage
They find faker sometimes the flash of paranoia comes out the crescent guard will keep faker alive for the moment
And cameo has a plan position of its own owner has the bailout on his shoulders and shun is already down tb now invested from ben or from night as they look to rejoin the fight elk goes down on follow suit and
客串有自己的計劃,老闆肩負著救市的重任,而順已經倒下了,TB 現在從 Ben 或從 Night 那裡投資,因為他們希望重新加入戰鬥,麋鹿也跟著倒下了,而 TB 現在從 Ben 或從 Night 那裡投資,因為他們希望重新加入戰鬥,麋鹿也跟著倒下了,而 TB 現在從 Ben 或從 Night 那裡投資。
T1 have been able to defend faker. They keep him alive faker flashes
T1 已經能夠保護 faker。他們讓 faker 活了下來
Night can't find him
T1 find four only been left standing many have tried before but faker does not fall that easily
T1 發現僅有四座屹立不倒,許多人都曾嘗試過,但 Faker 可沒那麼容易倒下
His team is quick to react and just like that four members down
T1 will secure the baron blg knew we are falling behind
T1 將確保男爵 Blg 知道我們落後了
We have to make an attempt at a pick ourselves. They try and go at faker, but t1 pounce in response
我們必須自己嘗試挑球。他們試圖攻擊 Faker,但 T1 撲了個空
It's just the one player that is so hard to catch the baron buff in the hands of t1
這只是一個玩家,在 T1 手中很難捕捉到男爵的 BUFF
Walking up these these towers. They just fall over in front of them
This series here very likely to get evened up the response in game number two
For t1 taking back the silas
They are 12,000 gold ahead or thereabouts and t1 advance on two lanes faker in mid
他們領先 12,000 金左右,並在中路 T1 推進了兩路 faker
Has stolen away elk's ultimate and has used it to great effect so far this game
Gumayushi has a masterworked blade of the ruin king alongside a terminus and a ginsu's
Look at elk still about half an item behind t1
看看麋鹿仍然落後於 T1 大約半個項目
Continue to pile the pressure on on looks for owner can't find him blg
繼續施加壓力,尋找找不到他的主人 blg
Just trying to find some semblance of an engage trying to find some way
To break through the armor of t1 right now, and perhaps it's faker that they want but he dives back in onto shun
現在要突破 T1 的裝甲,也許他們想要的是假的,但他又潛入了順的體內
Half hp now on the xin chao and t1 just chipping away. That's all they need to do
Xin Chao 和 T1 現在只剩一半的馬力。這就是他們需要做的
They have the baron buff for another minute's time again baron buff and six grubs just solve so many siege problems
他們的男爵 BUFF 還能再用一分鐘,男爵 BUFF 和六個蠐螬能解決很多攻城問題
Arrow gonna get juked
Flash was lost there for carry out, but the damage is still being done
Blg's pick they go quickness paranoia coming out the quickness goes in gumayushi locked up here
Blg's pick they go quickness paranoia coming out the quickness goes in gumayushi locked up here
Is that just going in as well as night looks for the back line, but already he needs to look at his own team
Because they are being ripped to shreds by t1. It was a valiant effort, but blg find nothing
因為他們正在被 t1 撕成碎片。這是一次英勇的努力,但 blg 一無所獲
T1 will strike back in game number two to even it up here in london
T1 將在第二場比賽中反擊,在倫敦扳平比分
Try as you might t1 i'm on home turf
你可以試試看,T1 我是在主場
Last game now we get to see the kindred galio combination from shun and night shun is one of these players
That has the signature
Kindred as well as nidalee. It was such a big owner manages to stop it from happening
親切以及 nidalee。就是這樣一個大老闆設法阻止了它的發生
But shun is looking for more he flashes forward night on the flank as well owner's gonna flash away counter strike out from zeus
Not quite able to connect and shoot it around with the stun his first blood again
Blg is also on their way
Blg 也在路上
The wave is being pushed in mid and blg want to punish faker faker has flashed with a flash in from on into the pullback
波浪被推向中段,BLG 想要懲罰 Faker,Faker 已從回調中閃現。
Fakers down on secures the kill we get to see some blitzcrank value there goes in
Fakers 倒地確保擊殺,我們看到了一些暴擊的價值。
Immediately makes the play while owner actually yoinked away one of the grubs
That's all you really need out of the first pack to at least put the threat of four on the second pack
I mean the good news from faker's perspective is the kill went down to on a bit of a missed timing on the rend
我的意思是,從 Faker 的角度來看,好消息是擊殺的時機稍縱即逝。
Execution from elk meaning that he didn't quite have the damage to get the kill
So the ignite ended up finishing it off and faker also didn't burn any summoners in that trade
是以,點燃最終解決了它,而 faker 在這次交易中也沒有燒死任何召喚師
He's now got a path up towards top catch that wave as the bot lane of tier that is growing in the early game
So your sights on top lane as well
I thought carrier was actually looking for roam up towards top a good vision coverage from t1 on that side of the map
我還以為運營商實際上是在尋找漫遊到頂端,在地圖的那一側從 T1 開始就有良好的視野覆蓋。
It would be a towards the bottom side beautiful reward there for blg getting their first
這將是對 blg 首次奪冠的豐厚回報。
Flash hook from on they look for more faker goes back in but the hero's entrance will bring night coming crashing down
Fake it down to 300 hp bin now has that flying position
偽裝成 300 馬力的 bin 現在有了飛行位置
The liandry's complete owner jumps onto him with the bolt breaker and is able to keep him away
From faker for the moment faker dashes across the wall carrier's life will be forfeit to keep faker alive brings out the bailout but falls
從 faker 衝過牆壁的那一刻開始,為了保住 faker 的性命,航母將失去生命。
Immediately after faker trying to escape night still on the chase
So beautifully done there from blg as you say, they're not done yet
正如你所說,blg 做得太漂亮了,他們還沒完呢
Still seeking faker. Oh, but he didn't spot him. He doesn't actually know if he interrupted him or not
He's fishing for him. He's hunting him. What is it fakers?
Now he's seen him
Where are you gonna go faker already absconded already abducted elk is on his way to try and
你要去哪裡? 偽造者已經潛逃,被綁架的麋鹿正在趕來的路上。
Accept this kill as a tribute to him night comes in from the side
接受這場殺戮,向他致敬 夜幕從側面降臨
And we'll make sure that faker doesn't have the luxury of executing. We're not an ultimate
Oh my god
I mean this is such a crazy thing that's happening right now t1
Committed to teleport to the bot side knowing that that was their only option for a cross map
But night again got to bot wave and able to clear things out t1 quickly adapt though
不過,晚上又有了機器人浪潮,並能迅速清除 t1 中的東西。
They convert their pressure still more than happy with how things have played out
Yeah, they want to keep on snowballing here and get the rift
They'll keep on taking down these towers open up more space on the map for you to position so aggressively with these blitz
But blg will use that pressure to push through bot
但是,BLG 將利用這種壓力來推動機器人的發展。
They still have the rift held in pocket as well
If they want to look for a tier 2 down here should be able to get it
如果他們想在這裡尋找 2 級設備,應該可以找到
But they're going to lose so much in exchange the bot tier 2 is going to be secured
但作為交換,他們將損失慘重,機器人 2 級將得到保障
Blg ballooning their gold lead now to 6k and all the towers are not equal value the outer tower is 552 worlds they are a dominant team and when they get a lead at 15 minutes
Blg 現在的金幣領先優勢達到了 6K,而且所有防禦塔的價值都不一樣,外塔的價值是 552 世界,他們是一支統治級的隊伍,當他們在 15 分鐘取得領先時
They have about an 88% win rate and we've seen that so far at this tournament heroes entrance coming out
他們的勝率約為 88%,到目前為止,我們在比賽中已經看到了這一點。
T1 trying to defend this mid tier one night locked up underneath the tower, but he's damn tanky right now and already
T1 試圖在塔下守住這個中單一晚,但他現在的坦克能力太差了,而且已經
Oda is down the counter heroes entrance coming out from faker
He stole one and there's so much extra power here on the side of blg with all their money
他偷了一輛車,而且他們有那麼多錢,blg 這邊還有那麼多額外的權力
Faker steals away the equalizer bin puts one down of his own
Faker 搶斷扳平比分的 bin,自己也打進一球
But the rest of blg are here to join the party outnumbered outgunned
但是,blg 的其他成員也來參加聚會了,他們人多勢眾。
Faker falls in the side lane tries to clear out the t1 can really put pressure down towards so blg
Faker 落在邊路試圖清掉 T1,這確實會對 blg 造成壓力。
They secure themselves another pick they're gonna secure the dragon and contest it kind of as we expected
他們會像我們預料的那樣確保自己的選秀權 他們會確保巨龍和比賽的勝利
Tp behind they're looking for the play. It's night who's locked down
The rest of blg are trying to get into it tp coming out as well
blg 的其他成員也正試圖加入到即將推出的 tp 中來。
The hostile takeover used immediately locks up bin
惡意收購立即鎖定了 bin
But look at the damage there just is none
And now shun is here to join the battle zeus tries to jump on top of him night falling low
He gets the taunt though and bin's already on a rampage. Oda has to dash away kuma
Didn't even get an opportunity to join the fray and on doesn't want to give him an opportunity to leave
Blg by four and baron is on the problem is the damage you highlighted it. Kobe night was too tanky
Blg 由四個人組成,男爵也在,問題在於你強調的傷害。科比之夜太坦克了
They didn't have enough
And on the re-engage blg just to get back onto the blue side, but this game feels done and dusted
而重新加入 blg 只是為了回到藍色方,但這場比賽感覺已經結束了。
It's just a matter of how blg
Put the final nail in the cock night has the heroes entrance to join a play if it does occur blg though
Can just step forward t1 really can't find an avenue to approach this next fight on looking for the hex flash hook
可以直接向前走 t1,實在找不到下一場戰鬥的途徑來尋找六芒星閃現鉤子
Doesn't quite connect
Night though doesn't have a wave in the mid lane could go across towards bot the next wave still about 20 seconds away
夜晚,雖然中路沒有浪,但可以朝機器人方向走過去,下一波浪潮還在 20 秒左右。
From crashing into that mid lane inhibitor tower and here's the engage night locked up try to justice punch away
But once again t1 are engaging on the tankiest member of blg and they can't find anything with it
但 t1 又一次與 blg 最強大的成員交戰,他們卻一無所獲
That's a face call used. That's the hostile takeover invested as well from carry and blg
這是用臉打電話。這也是 carry 和 blg 投資的惡意收購。
Shrug it off shrug their shoulders and begin the advance once again
T1 and not much they can do in in the face of this lpl onslaught the regular season with the income of way but to
T1 和不多,他們可以做的在面對這 lpl 的衝擊常規賽與收入的方式,但要
Bring out the kindred now once again the tp flank hook going down cease and desist
現在,再一次將 TP 側鉤拿出來,停止,停止
They're looking to lock down shun carry already fallen as the heroes entrance will block shun from taking any more damage alongside that for lambs respite
T1 have lost their support, but can they find the fight?
T1 失去了支持,但他們還能找到戰鬥的動力嗎?
They respond to stopwatch doesn't have much mana left as night goes in for the engage and still lands the taunt
Gumayushi down to half hp zeus has already fallen as blg continue to advance
古瑪尤什的馬力下降到一半,宙斯已經倒下,BLG 繼續前進
Owner gumayushi and faker trying to hold the line here minions pushing it blg
Are forcing t1 to make their final stand in this game owner goes in with a bolt breaker hooked in as well
迫使 T1 在本場比賽中進行最後一搏。
The cease and desist silence odom is stolen away. I hear those entrances followed by a second, but it looks like fakers more like
Icarus than any hero taking to the skies night pops a stopwatch t1 go pop
伊卡洛斯比任何英雄都更勇敢地飛上了天空 夜幕降臨,秒錶 T1 開始計時
Zeus locked up towards the top side already four for north for blg
As they are looking to take us to match point
A convincing game three victory from blg team fight
blg 團隊戰鬥取得了令人信服的第三場勝利
It has sort of been the go-to approach from blg in this series. They have easy ways of engaged
在這個系列中,blg 採用的就是這種方法。他們有簡便的方法參與
They have good follow-up and they've just got incredible scaling whenever you see smolder and ziggs
每當你看到 smolder 和 ziggs,他們都有很好的跟進,而且他們有令人難以置信的縮放。
Its ability to slow the game down and stall is so off by shun and bin
He'll be seen on that ward about now zeus gets the level two underneath the tower flashes away from the grand entrance
But the damage continues to rain down from bin shun tanking the tower
但 Bin Shun 坦克塔的傷害仍在持續下降
Zeus gets a bailout area keeps him alive for the moment that bailout will run out though and blg can look for a re-dive
宙斯獲得了一個救助區,暫時保住了性命,但救助區將會用完,BLG 可以尋找重新下潛的機會
If they so decide to say it's taken down bin flashes away once again
Dive o'clock the grand entrance goes down zeus is overheated
And he's sent packing blg find this bin jumps in hops on a minion takes the highway express
To get towards this rumble who goes overheated flame spitter going down
But zeus is going to go back to the fountain again. No escape for him
He tries to clear the wave but in the end he will be put in the ground by bin
Shun with a 300 gold lead over his jungle counterpart
舜領先叢林對手 300 金
That ziggs is being accelerated so much and bin able to close that gold gap that had previously been built up in favor of zeus
Hans on the warpath here passes through mid and t1 are starting trying to stick to that game plan of taking down the grubs
漢斯在這裡開戰,通過中路和 T1 開始嘗試堅持擊殺 grubs 的遊戲計劃
To be able to snowball turret plate money and turrets later on but blg with so many early kills
I think that will be critical for t1 moving forward since blg have drafted really good late game for themselves
我認為這對 T1 的前進至關重要,因為 blg 為自己起草了非常出色的後期遊戲。
If you weren't going to use these objectives try and draw them out to follow up with the equalizer
You have faker jumping in with the abscond. I felt just like this
Elk doesn't sidestep
Faker dashing forward for a little bit more damage using that passive to its full effect steals away the mega inferno bomb elk has to flash it faker takes the tower
Faker 衝向前方打出更多傷害,將被動的效果發揮到極致,偷掉了麋鹿必須閃現的巨型地獄彈,Faker 拿下防禦塔。
Available soon zeus has the tp and the ulti available tp available for pin as well
宙斯即將推出 tp 和 ulti 版本,tp 版本也可用於別針。
Owner is found shun on has flash here. We'll use it to get away
You knew the setbox presence was coming from owner stops any dashes in its area
So on has to burn the flash use the blink instead of one of the khan's many dashes
I too far away from the play now making his way down but faker controlling the river trying to force on back the arrow isn't quite going to connect and
我離比賽太遠了,現在他正在下路,但 faker 控制河道,試圖迫使河道迴流,但箭頭並沒有完全連接到河道。
That is looking to be six grubs for t1. So part one of the plan coming true kobe exactly even though blg getting some extra
看來 T1 將有六隻蠐螬。是以,科比計劃的第一部分已經實現,儘管 Blg 還得到了一些額外的獎勵。
Early kills in the lane swap and in the side lane t1 still let's see if they can actually get the sixth one here
在換線和邊路 T1 的早期擊殺還是讓我們看看他們是否真的能在這裡拿到第六個人頭
It is actually kind of important to get the double void might spawn should be able to no problem
Nobody around to smite steal and uh, they mid lane have the smolder versalis on top side. Oh, no, it looks for bin
周圍沒有人可以偷竊,而且他們中路的上側有煙霧彈。哦,不,它看起來像 bin
He locks him up
Bindo with a great knob into the wall. I'm just gonna have to flash away the locket invested as well
Then holds on to his summoner blg beginning to come back collapse the mega inferno bomb coming out as well
然後堅持到他的召喚師 blg 開始恢復崩潰,巨型地獄炸彈也隨之而出
There's the arrow bin sidesteps it zeus might have to flash the wall here owner on that front line
Locked up with the quickness he dives onto alchemy. You should call it up out falling low though
And the flame spitters are not to burn him down in the river and now t1 begin to turn on
火焰噴射者不會把他燒死在河裡,現在 t1 開始開啟
The afterburners shouldn't have to flash across a dash across the wall with the ice because i'll give you chicago down with the
Now on has to dance away with that grand entrance carry looking for a little bit more
A massive play for t1
T1 的巨大潛力
Owner setting things up by getting that collapse onto bin
The follow-up from the rest of t1 as well as blg tried to collapse onto t1
t1 其他部分和 blg 的後續行動試圖坍塌到 t1 上
Thinking that they'd overstayed their welcome on the bottom lane
But they're able to turn the plan on making their advance through the mid lane
On and shun in the pit the rift held down to 2000 hp bin looking for that nav as well
上和順在坑的裂縫壓低到 2000 馬力 bin 尋找該導航以及
The rift is still sitting at 2000 that eye is open t1 one are that team this time around?
天塹依然保持在 2000 年的水準,那隻眼睛是開著的 T1,這次又是那支隊伍?
Blg trying to defend glacial prism hits onto on the arrow also connects bin dashes in and are back the hostile takeover
Blg 試圖防守冰川稜鏡,但被冰川稜鏡的箭頭擊中,Bin 也衝了進來,並反擊敵意收購。
Make sure and go berserk underneath the tower and he pops the locket, but he will go pop first blg
確保在塔下狂暴,他就會彈出吊墜,但他會先彈出 blg
Starting to turn this one on t1's head. They found two carrier has no flash
開始對 t1 進行反擊。他們發現兩艘航母沒有閃光燈
But night has one to chase carrier escaping on 100 hp, but on will not give him that luxury
但是,夜晚有一艘要追逐的航母在 100 匹馬力的情況下逃跑,但我們不會讓他有這種奢望。
Blg find three in the top side and just like that blg punish the aggression from t1
Blg 在上路找到三人,就這樣 Blg 懲罰了 T1 的侵略性
Trying not to lose any momentum. They set their sights on the top area knows that one is going to be rough
It's a tense situation
The gold finds itself definitely the correct choice here with the scaling that they have available to them
And the minute game ending especially with blg having smolder plus a ziggs the reason why this is such a good pairing as
遊戲結束時的一分鐘,尤其是 blg 擁有 smolder 和 Ziggs 的情況下,這就是為什麼這對組合如此出色的原因。
The arrow goes wide but taker's still here. Take a look at that flank. We'll see in a way to bring us from on gas
Charm flashes in finds two equalizer in the back line as well
Charm 在後防線上也找到了兩個扳平比分的機會
As baker is not off this earth. He finds the engage. He finds everything
T1 we're looking for
我們正在尋找的 T1
Exceptional play from t1
T1 的出色發揮
You think that the play falls short because the arrow doesn't connect but faker will find a way
你認為這齣戲失敗是因為箭沒有射中,但 Faker 會想出辦法的
And then with the six grubs with the rip kill they immediately take the tower afterwards
Let's try and take the fight shun has flash and smite alk now joins the battle teleports in
Shun 擁有閃現和 Smite alk,現在也加入了戰鬥。
Bin looks for carrier lands the slow with the boomerang night tped in as well
Bin 尋找載體,緩慢降落,迴旋鏢之夜也在其中
Blg are going all guns blazing into the battle here as t1 are hailing the retreat on dashing forward
Blg 正全力以赴投入戰鬥,而 t1 正呼喊著向前衝的撤退號角
He's only at 300 hp faker eats the bomb and he's taken out low mega in front of him going in
他的馬力只有 300 hp,faker 吃了炸彈後,他前面的低速 mega 也被幹掉了。
Sayis will sacrifice himself for the good of his team to make sure the rest of t1 are able to escape afterwards
為了團隊的利益,薩伊斯會犧牲自己,以確保 t1 的其他人能夠在之後逃脫。
Owner couldn't quite get in rage
To engage any further faker's taken out the tier two in the top lane shun goes in with the glacial prism
On there with the follow-up caveat though an incredible
Takeover puts on in his place. I want to take in the tower
As he dives onto the back line who else but faker again in the end he falls but goober is making shun
當他跳到後防線上時,除了 Faker 還有誰?
Look like a pink cushion
No force to flash away elk trying to put the damage down as well
He won't land it on carrier the fancy feeder out in force as t1 begin to push up bot side
當 T1 開始向機器人一側推進時,他不會在載具上著陸,花式餵食器會大舉出動
T1 are taking another tower with the six stone and really accelerating this game and being able to get their dragon soul
T1 用六石拿下了另一座防禦塔,真正加快了比賽的節奏,並且能夠拿到他們的龍魂
As well in a very timely manner means we are still on the investment of ultimates from t1
以及非常及時的方式意味著我們仍在對來自 t1 的 ultimates 進行投資
Mikael's used
使用過的 Mikael
Pulls back elk. I think you're trying to get it with the quickness of the back line
You see i'm not going to open up quite yet been doing the damage onto owner as well
But already elk is down to 300 hp on the top side shun is down the equalizer out from sayis will save owner's life
但麋鹿的最大功率已降至 300 馬力。
Like this the tp'd elk into the mid lane has that mega inferno bomb
就像這樣,TP 的麋鹿進入中路,擁有超大地獄炸彈
It's going to hit onto owner faker able to dodge to the side of it 3000 hp now on the baron as blg advance
它將撞向能夠躲避到它旁邊的所有者 faker 3000 馬力現在在男爵上作為 blg 前進
T1 have already got the baron though and blg now have to begin to retrieve but the damage coming out from elk is absolutely massive
雖然 T1 已經拿到了男爵,BLG 現在必須開始檢索,但麋鹿造成的損失絕對是巨大的
Baker dies in lands on big grand entrance already locks him up
He wants to stop watch to try and buy himself a second has the bailout ticket as well
Baker survives somehow vision on doing what he can to find angles of attack
Maybe even a tp flag, but he's been caught on locked up against the wall pulled back with a handshake the keepers
也許甚至是一面 TP 旗,但他已經被抓獲,被鎖在牆邊,與守門員握手後被拉了回來。
Finds him guilty
As the rift is fakers hunting and he's looking for another flash forward
Set last presence night able to flash away as well. The hostile takeover comes up short the last all the way by faker
Locks bin against the wall and puts him six feet under shun next on the menu as kumi
將 bin 鎖在牆上,並將他置於六英尺之下 順作為 Kumi 的下一個菜單
Usually begins to open up shun taken out by sayis the equalizer does exactly that for t1
It's going to equalize this series at two and two the reigning world champions will not go down that easily
這將把系列賽的比分扳成 2 比 2 平手,衛冕世界冠軍可不會輕易認輸。
They will push us to a deciding game five. They are going for it
There's there's only all left to defend the nexus
Faker steals away the rakan ultimate the defense is not strong enough and t1
Faker 偷走拉坎終極,防守不夠強硬,T1
Will bring us to game five
On the shoulders of faker
T1 will go to game five. There is no one like him not on this earth
T1 將參加第五場比賽。世上無人能及
T1 take us to silver scrapes
T1 將我們帶入銀色廢墟
The arena talked about the damage and I was a little bit worried putting all that damage responsibility
On to kuma yushi by bringing in the xin jiao
It does increase the amount of damage that they have and we think about mid jungles
It was kind of the story coming into the series
About how waves is going to get first move but faker and attack has no flash just his puns gets hit
There's the charm as well and faker might fall first in the finals or the finals
還有魅力,faker 可能會在決賽或總決賽中首先倒下。
Night game members up towards the top side
Faker has the hero's entrance to come in for mid on looks for the engage the flash away
Faker 的英雄進場是為了中路的閃現。
Is t1 disengaged for the moment?
t1 是否暫時脫離?
Owner jumping back in there's the hero's entrance kevin gets the slam into the wall is on almost falls
He gets punched by faker
And now bin and shun have to escape but zeus does not want to let them get away
The explosive cast knocks them back in the end t1 will win the fight in a series that has been so focused on grubs
在這個以蠐螬為焦點的系列中,爆炸性的投擲最終將它們擊退,T1 將贏得這場戰鬥
In the game number five all ten over him not to mention all the extra gold the biggest gold lead holder on the team
So much to know
And it it is a very tall task here for blg the pick potential is real
對 Blg 來說,這是一項非常艱鉅的任務,但選秀潛力是真實存在的。
But right now guma is just going for it
Oh carrier with a good set fast person tb coming in from blg as they look there
哦,承運人帶著一套好的快速人員 TB 從 Blg 進入,因為他們在那裡尋找
He comes to make the play spear rush forward by night holding the charm doesn't get stunned the charm hits carrier
Flash forward with the counter-strike carrier falls first as gobi usually brings the feathers back and almost takes down on owner caught underneath his own tower
But he will fall even in the cataclysm blg fine, too
These shoes upgrade lucidity acquired that ultimate cooldown now for night will be so low t1 though
這雙鞋可以升級清醒度,但現在夜晚的終極冷卻時間會很低,T1 會很低
Looking back at the grubs. They want to get at least four for their void might spawn
Despite a really good play there from blg
儘管 Blg 打得非常好
I mean, yeah
The bot tower falling means that there's a huge wave as well night force to catch it doesn't have the tp
機器人塔倒下意味著有一個巨大的波浪以及夜晚的力量來捕捉它沒有 tp
Just going to concede it as the bot side of the map becomes blg's priority t1 going to be happy
由於地圖的殭屍方成為了 blg 的優先任務,所以我們只能認輸了。
To secure the herald and the top tier one as well
No one could really gain purchase on the mid wave as it's just cleared out by elk and zeus
But t1 do have a tempo advantage here and they're looking to keep the pressure on top side
不過,t1 在節奏上確實佔據優勢,他們希望繼續向上風一方施壓。
Top side objectives have been turned so quickly into tower gold during this series
They're looking to do it again
Night still working his way through that bot side tier one will now take it then tps to try and save the tier two in
黑夜仍在努力通過機器人方面的第一級,現在將採取它,然後 tps 嘗試保存第二級中的
The top side rift held was not t1 do have the pressure advantage on the map
上側裂谷的持有者不是 T1,在地圖上有壓力優勢
They want to push in like this. They'll take a tier two in the top side
Three three towers to one in their favor
He doesn't have tp and he's on the top side of the map
他沒有 tp,而且在地圖的頂端
They will spot out faker as bin and zeus go back and forth on trades
But you're seeing how effective this gragas is cosmic drive fimbulwinter is doing a lot of work here
They get the knock back as well carry with the sunflowers presence, but certainly see it to try and help out his top laner
That fimbulwinter cosmic drive always keep you at arm's length or belly's length in this case
在這種情況下,"凜冬宇宙 "總是與你保持一定的距離。
Meanwhile night did end up finishing off to do so pings coming down from the side of t1 of the bot side jungle
與此同時,夜幕降臨,從機器人側叢林的 T1 一側傳來了 "乒乒乓乓 "的聲音。
Zeus finds on shadowing strike going in the crash down as well bin looking for the follow-up here onto zeus the hero's entrance and on
Just over steps gumiushi
剛過臺階的 gumiushi
Sends him back to the fountain and now blg have to play a 4v5 if they want to try and contest I think
把他送回噴泉,現在 blg 如果想嘗試比賽,就必須打 4v5 的比賽了。
Their decision will be not to they'll just back away clear out their own jungle
But on went in on zeus and t1 immediately collapsed again t1
但是,在對宙斯進行攻擊後,T1 立即再次崩潰。
They're so confident and we're like they've got the galio ult to back them up zeus is mounting pressure
Facing them you can feel as well. It's just kind of on the map how t1 region that have supported you to thick and thin
And uh
Oh, we're not very close here pressure on you shadowing strike going wide shun tries to dash across the wall
But immediately he's locked up goes in with the catapult gumiushi pops a feather storm
Oh, they're looking to re-engage onto onshen down to half hp bin gets onto the backline gumiushi clenches away
哦,他們在尋找重新交戰的機會,onshen 下降到半馬力,bin 進入後線 gumiushi 緊緊咬住不放
But bin has already put him in the dirt kevin is next up
但 bin 已經把他打入冷宮,Kevin 是下一個目標
Blg find two t1 able to back away for the moment put the tp behind by bin as he looks for a little bit more
Blg 發現了兩個 T1,暫時能夠後退,將 TP 放在了 bin 的身後,因為他在尋找更多一點的機會
Oh, they go back in faker flashes in and down
Goes night
Once again when you need someone when you need anyone to stand up and show
Just what this game's all about
It's faker. He finds another t1
這是偽造的。他找到了另一個 t1
They had them on the run, but the turn from t1 was better
他們讓他們跑了起來,但從 T1 開始的轉折更勝一籌
The flank that comes in from bin to follow up the engage from june and crucially you're gonna see a chance, right?
從賓夕法尼亞州來的側翼是為了跟進6月的交戰 關鍵是你會看到機會,對吧?
What do you say topside zaius under fire?
Zaius caught out killer insignia by lpog collapsing four members strong the heroes
Joins the fight elko with elko the stopwatch faker in the middle of them all and it seems like death may have arrived and his name
加入戰鬥 elko 與秒錶偽造者 elko 在他們中間,似乎死亡可能已經到來,他的名字是
Is faker he's here for your lives the rest of t1 begin his collapse
他是個金光黨,他是為了你們的生命而來的,T1 的其餘部分開始崩潰了
Fall as he pulls the stopwatch manages to buy himself a second
The unkillable demon king unkillable one more time
Unbelievable once more. How does he keep doing it?
I mean with the baron buff four members dead
It's only night left to defend his base his crumbling kingdom at the hands of t1
現在只剩下夜晚來保衛他的基地,保衛他在 t1 手中搖搖欲墜的王國。
An inhibitor will fall and t1 set their sights on the nexus
一個抑制器將倒下,T1 將目光投向連接點
Night goes in with the spirit rush lands the charm as well
The first nexus tower is fallen and t1 are just looking for the prize. They're hungry for it
第一座 nexus 塔已經倒塌,t1 正在尋找戰利品。他們如飢似渴
Are the past the present and the future a new era?
the same empire
Baker said this one's for you
I think it's a little bit for them as well a little bit just unbelievable truly unbelievable
An incredible run