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Hey, everyone.
Unreal Engine 5.5 is here.
虛幻引擎 5.5 來了。
Check out some of the highlights.
First up, let's take a look at how we're making Unreal Engine's in-editor animation authoring tools even more powerful and intuitive, so there's less need for you to roundtrip with DCC tools.
首先,讓我們來看看我們是如何使虛幻引擎的編輯器內動畫製作工具變得更加強大和直觀的,從而減少您與 DCC 工具之間的往返。
Sequencer sees a whole bunch of updates, including a more controllable interface with better filtering and easier access to properties.
Sequencer 進行了大量更新,包括可控性更強的界面、更好的過濾功能和更便捷的屬性訪問。
We've also added non-destructive animation layers, complete with animatable weighting.
Plus, you can now author animatable animation deformers inside Control Rig and easily apply them to characters in Sequencer with a single click.
此外,你現在還可以在 Control Rig 中創建可動畫化的動畫變形器,只需單擊一下即可輕鬆將其應用到 Sequencer 中的角色。
Squash and stretch, anyone?
Released last year, MetaHuman Animator enables everyone to create stunning facial animations from an actor's performance.
去年發佈的 MetaHuman Animator 使每個人都能根據演員的表演製作出令人驚歎的面部動畫。
Now we've expanded that tool set so you can animate MetaHumans using just the audio of a performance, making it easier than ever to bring your MetaHumans to life.
現在,我們擴展了工具集,您只需使用表演的音頻就能製作 MetaHumans 動畫,讓您的 MetaHumans 活靈活現。
Simply select the pre-recorded audio performance and hit Process to generate full face animation on your MetaHuman.
只需選擇預先錄製的音頻表演,然後點擊 "處理",即可在 MetaHuman 上生成完整的面部動畫。
Nothing else is needed to create facial animation with accurate lip sync.
It works with a variety of languages, like French, bonjour, je m'appelle Darrel, and even non-verbal sounds.
它適用於各種語言,如法語、bonjour、je m'appelle Darrel,甚至是非語言聲音。
We've also included a batch processing capability, which means you can create facial animations for multiple language localizations in just a few clicks.
We just can't wait to see what you do with this new feature.
On the animation gameplay front, we've added the mutable character customization system that generates dynamic skeletal meshes, materials, and textures at runtime, while optimizing memory usage, keeping shader costs low, and reducing the draw call count.
Choosers, which enable you to easily select animations for playback based on game context, moved to production ready in this release and now work for nearly any type of asset.
We've invested significant effort into improving rendering performance in UE5.5, especially hardware ray tracing.
我們投入了大量精力來提高 UE5.5 的渲染性能,尤其是硬件光線追蹤。
Lumen can now run at 60 hertz on platforms with hardware support, while Path Tracer and Light Baking benefit too.
現在,Lumen 可以在支持硬件的平臺上以 60 赫茲運行,而 Path Tracer 和 Light Baking 也能從中受益。
Now production ready, Path Tracer also adds support for Linux, as well as Sky Atmosphere,
現在,Path Tracer 已準備就緒,還增加了對 Linux 和 Sky Atmosphere 的支持、
Volumetric Clouds, and more.
Movie Render Graph receives many user requested enhancements and moves to beta.
All asset types are now fully supported.
This release also offers a sneak peek at an experimental new feature we're calling Megalights.
該版本還提供了一項實驗性的新功能,我們稱之為 Megalights。
Megalights enables you to add hundreds of dynamic shadow casting lights to your scenes without constraints.
Megalights 可讓您在場景中添加數百種動態陰影投射燈,不受任何限制。
On console and PC, you can freely use textured area lights with soft shadows, light functions, media texture playback, and volumetric shadows.
在控制檯和 PC 上,您可以自由使用帶有柔和陰影、燈光功能、媒體紋理播放和體積陰影的紋理區域燈。
It's already being dubbed the nanite of lights.
它已經被稱為 "燈光納米蟲"。
In this release, the in-camera VFX toolset moves to full production readiness, including support for SMPTE 2110, the Camera Calibration
在這一版本中,機內視覺特效工具集已進入全面製作就緒狀態,包括支持 SMPTE 2110、攝影機校準和其他功能。
Solver, and more.
The updated Virtual Scouting toolset is also now production ready, offering a powerful out-of-the-box experience using OpenXR HMDs and new opportunities for customization via an extensive API.
更新後的虛擬偵察工具集現在也可以投入生產,使用 OpenXR HMD 提供強大的開箱即用體驗,並通過廣泛的應用程序接口提供新的定製機會。
Meanwhile, the color grading panel now supports post-process volumes, cine cameras, and color correction regions.
It's also been made available for general use in the Unreal Editor, not just within display.
On the platform front, we've been investing in our support for mobile, with the aim of cementing Unreal Engine as the best engine for mobile and cross-platform AAA game development.
You can expect increased visual fidelity from the mobile forward renderer.
There are also several improvements to the mobile previewer, including the ability to capture and preview a specific Android device profile, and to emulate half-16 float precision shaders, making it easier to detect and deal with artifacts.
移動預覽器也有多項改進,包括捕捉和預覽特定 Android 設備配置文件的功能,以及模擬半 16 浮點精度著色器的功能,從而更容易檢測和處理偽影。
Finally, this release sees many dev iteration tools reach production readiness, including Unreal Zen Server for deployment as a shared derived data cache, Unreal Zen Loader, Unreal Build Accelerator, and Unreal Horde.
Meanwhile, an experimental new feature means that Zen Server can now stream cooked data to target platforms from console to mobile.
與此同時,一項試驗性的新功能意味著 Zen Server 現在可以將烹飪好的數據流傳輸到從控制檯到手機的目標平臺。
These are just some of the highlights of Unreal Engine 5.5.
這些只是虛幻引擎 5.5 的部分亮點。
You can find out more about all the new features and download the release on unrealengine.com.
您可以在 unrealengine.com 上了解所有新功能的詳情並下載該版本。