Looking back, this has been a long journey for us, taking one step at a time until we could stand before you as the ambassador for youth. Ever since we made our debut, our music has talked about our own experiences and genuine emotions. For the past nine years, in different stages of youth, we have engaged with people who love our music, or as we call them, CARATS. Thanks to their love, we have built a strong bond and a sense of belonging with youth around the world. Each one of our members has gradually grown a sense of duty to hopefully be able to speak on behalf of youth and to encourage them to pursue their dreams.
回首過去,這對我們來說是一段漫長的旅程,我們一步一個腳印,直到我們能以青年大使的身份站在大家面前。自從我們出道以來,我們的音樂一直在講述我們自己的經歷和真摯的情感。在過去的九年裡,在不同的青春階段,我們與熱愛我們音樂的人們,也就是我們所說的 CARATS 進行了接觸。由於他們的熱愛,我們與世界各地的年輕人建立了深厚的聯繫和歸屬感。我們的每一位成員都逐漸產生了一種責任感,希望能夠代表年輕人說話,鼓勵他們追求夢想。