Well, we know for sure that it does tend to arise from puberty onwards, so the biggest cohort of patients is in the teenage age group. However, a proportion of patients, up to 20 or so percent, are certainly in females. It will persist well into the 30s, 40s, much longer than people often give it credit for. And we also know that it has a huge psychological impact, so even mild to moderate acne, because it affects teenagers who are quite emotionally vulnerable, it affects their friendships, their peer groups, and so it should never really be trivialised.
我們可以肯定的是,這種疾病往往發生在青春期以後,是以最大的患者群體是青少年。不過,女性患者也佔一定比例,高達 20% 左右。這種疾病會持續到 30 多歲或 40 多歲,比人們通常認為的要長得多。我們還知道,痤瘡會對心理產生巨大影響,是以,即使是輕度到中度的痤瘡,也會影響到在情感上相當脆弱的青少年,影響到他們的友誼和同齡人群體,是以,絕不能輕視痤瘡。