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Merhaba everyone and welcome to
This is West Asia and here's Turkey. Now let's go, shall we?
Primarily situated on the peninsula of Anatolia, the land of Turkey boasts an exceedingly ancient history.
The Neolithic sites discovered in the country reveal that human beings, apparently before they knew how to make pots, could carve and assemble monumental stones and sculpt figures with dexterity. The most famous of these sites is that of Göbekli Tepe which is still being excavated and pondered over. This same region of what's now Turkey was also part of the Fertile Crescent wherein the first civilizations arose.
在該國發現的新石器時代遺址顯示,人類顯然在懂得如何製造陶器之前,就能雕刻和組裝巨石,並巧妙地雕刻人物。這些遺址中最有名的是戈貝克利特佩(Göbekli Tepe)遺址,目前仍在發掘和研究中。現在土耳其的這一地區也是新月沃地的一部分,最早的文明就產生於此。
Cities, farms, writing, a lot was happening. In the Bronze Age we meet the mysterious
Hattians with their unknown language and metalwork skills. The Hurrians who fought Egypt with their
Mitanni Empire. And of course the Hittites who fought both the Mitanni and the
Egyptians. The Hittites grew strong enough to dominate Anatolia and stop the northern expansion of Ramses II but succumbed to the upheaval that was the
Late Bronze Age collapse and collapsed. Another city that fell at this time was Troy, located here on the strait known as the Dardanelles. Maybe there's a link between this and the legend of the Trojan War immortalized by Homer in the Iliad.
The Iron Age saw the extensive arrival of Greek settlers who established many cities including Ephesus, Miletus,
Smyrna and Byzantium. A number of kingdoms reigned in such regions as Lydia, Lycia, Paphlagonia,
Phrygia, Cappadocia, Cilicia and
Caria. The king of Lydia, Croesus, came to rule a large portion of the peninsula and was famed for his immense wealth. Yet while his kingdom was great, another power was burgeoning in the east, the Persians.
King Cyrus conquered not only Lydia but all Anatolia, which became part of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. In 499 BC, the Greeks of the west coast revolted against Persian rule, ultimately leading to a much, much larger conflict. Following the surprise Persian defeat after invading Greece, the coastal cities were liberated. Most of Anatolia remained under Persian rule, however, until the conquests of Alexander, after which the
居魯士國王不僅征服了呂底亞,還征服了整個安納托利亞,使其成為阿契美尼德波斯帝國的一部分。公元前 499 年,西海岸的希臘人反抗波斯統治,最終引發了一場規模更大的衝突。波斯在入侵希臘後意外戰敗,沿海城市獲得解放。然而,安納托利亞的大部分地區仍在波斯的統治之下,直到亞歷山大的征服。
Greek language, religion and culture took firm root. Two of the seven wonders of the world were built in what's now Turkey. The
Temple of Artemis and the Mausoleum of
Halicarnassus, the same city in which Herodotus, the father of history, was born. Here he is looking as if someone took the last donut.
Celts invaded and settled in central
Anatolia and became known as Galatians after Gaul. And to the east, the Armenians established a prominent kingdom. But everyone ended up conquered by Rome.
The Romans gobbled up all Anatolia and standing to this day is the evidence of their many centuries of rule, including this fine aqueduct. During Roman rule,
Christianity spread through Anatolia and three of the letters of the Apostle Paul were addressed to churches there. Big changes arrived with Constantine, the first emperor to embrace Christianity, who moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, which he named
基督教在安納托利亞傳播,使徒保羅的三封書信都是寫給那裡的教會的。君士坦丁是第一位接受基督教的皇帝,他將首都從羅馬遷到拜占庭,並將拜占庭命名為 "君士坦丁"。
Constantinople after himself. When the western half of the Roman Empire fell to
German invaders, the other half survived.
This Greek-speaking eastern Roman Empire is known to us as the Byzantine Empire, which attained its pinnacle of power in the 6th century under Emperor Justinian, whose general Belisarius conquered with proficiency. Legislative innovations were instituted, which greatly influenced subsequent western law. And art, thought and culture flourished. And the glorious
這個講希臘語的東羅馬帝國就是我們熟知的拜占庭帝國,它在 6 世紀查士丁尼皇帝的統治下達到了權力的頂峰,查士丁尼的將軍貝利薩留斯(Belisarius)曾熟練地征服了拜占庭帝國。帝國在立法方面進行了創新,對後來的西方法律產生了巨大影響。藝術、思想和文化蓬勃發展。輝煌的
Hagia Sophia was constructed, for centuries the largest cathedral in the world.
But the bigger your empire is, the more you have to defend it. And over its long lifespan,
Byzantium expanded and contracted like a pair of transcontinental lungs.
The 7th century brought devastation at the hands of the Arabs, who, fired up by their new religion of Islam, invaded and conquered Byzantine territories.
公元 7 世紀,阿拉伯人在新的伊斯蘭教的煽動下,入侵併征服了拜占庭的領土,給拜占庭帶來了毀滅性的災難。
Much of the Arab success was due to good timing, as Byzantium was exhausted from perpetual war with Persia. The Arab
Caliphates snatched bits of Anatolia, but they were never able to capture Constantinople.
Aiding the Byzantines was their secret weapon, Greek fire. Its chemical composition remains unknown, but whatever it was, it burned on water, and was utilized against the enemy via grenades and siphons, that is, flamethrowers.
Byzantium began to recover, and enjoyed a resurgence under its Macedonian dynasty. But then came the thunderclap that would prove the harbinger of Byzantine doom.
The Turks! Yes, here they are at last. Originating in East Asia, either in Siberia or Mongolia, Turkic tribes began migrating west, and converted to the Islamic religion that they encountered there. The Seljuk Turks founded a powerful state in the Middle East, which adopted
Persian culture and beat the Byzantines, but lost against the Crusaders. Outlasting the Seljuk Empire was their sultanate named Rum after Rome, which reached its apogee under Khir Khobar I.
塞爾柱帝國是波斯文化的發源地,曾打敗拜占庭人,但在與十字軍的較量中敗下陣來。超過塞爾柱帝國的是他們以羅馬命名的魯姆蘇丹國,該蘇丹國在希爾-呼巴爾一世(Khir Khobar I)統治下達到了頂峰。
The sultanate declined steadily after it was crushed in battle by the Mongols, and ended up splitting into smaller segments.
But now, let's see how Constantinople's going.
What the? What's going on? Crusaders on their way to Jerusalem entangled themselves in Byzantine politics, and after not getting paid, ended up doing the unthinkable, sacking the city. Crusaders plundered the grandest metropolis in the world, causing irreparable damage, and trouncing any Byzantine hopes of ever regaining their lost lands. Alright, well, back to the
Turks. Osman I carved out a chunk of Anatolia for himself, and began a conquering tradition his descendants would emulate.
Murad I more than doubled
穆拉德 I 增加了一倍多
Ottoman territory before he died, fighting the Serbs in 1389. His successor, with his cool beard, continued with the campaigning until he was defeated in the
1389 年,他在奧斯曼帝國領土上與塞爾維亞人作戰,死前還在奧斯曼帝國領土上。他的繼任者留著冷酷的鬍鬚,繼續征戰,直到他在 1389 年的 "匈奴之戰 "中戰敗。
Battle of Ankara against the Uzbek leader
Timur. This led the Ottoman Empire to descend into civil war, in which the sultan's sons fought for the throne. A huge boost to Turkish imperial ambition came with Mehmed II, who in 1453, finally conquered
帖木兒。這導致奧斯曼帝國陷入內戰,蘇丹的兒子們為爭奪王位而大打出手。1453 年,穆罕默德二世最終征服了奧斯曼帝國。
Constantinople, which was pillaged while its citizens were massacred, enslaved, etc.
and the Hagia Sophia made to serve as a mosque. Mehmed made the city his capital, and oversaw much building and patronized the arts. Here he is, very seriously sniffing a flower. Constantly at war as they were, the Ottomans always needed soldiers, and found a good way of acquiring them. Kidnapping! Yep, the Devshurme system involved the abduction of European children, who were forced to convert to Islam and serve the army. And Ottoman military might certainly proved itself under Selim the Grim, who conquered the
聖索菲亞大教堂被改建為清真寺。穆罕默德將這座城市作為自己的首都,監督了大量的建設,並資助藝術活動。在這裡,他非常認真地嗅著一朵花。由於戰爭不斷,奧斯曼人總是需要阿兵哥,並找到了獲取阿兵哥的好辦法。綁架!沒錯,Devshurme 制度就是綁架歐洲兒童,強迫他們皈依伊斯蘭教併為軍隊服務。奧斯曼帝國的軍事實力在嚴峻的塞利姆統治下得到了證明。
Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt, and massively enlarged
Turkish rule. Much of his success was no doubt due to his sensational mustache.
Under Suleyman the Magnificent, the Ottoman
Empire reached its peak of strength and richness. Plush palaces, whirling dervishes, harems, eunuchs, and janissary warriors are just some of the images that spring to mind when the word Ottoman is mentioned.
Though others might just think of the thing you put your feet on.
Suleyman certainly wanted to put his feet on more land, and campaigned vigorously.
In the East, he invaded Persian domains and captured Baghdad. In the West, he took
Belgrade and defeated the Hungarians.
Suleyman was succeeded by Selim II, known as the Drunkard, during whose reign the
蘇萊曼由塞利姆二世繼位,塞利姆二世被稱為 "醉漢"。
Ottomans captured Cyprus, but then suffered a ruinous defeat at sea in the Battle of
Lepanto. When Mehmed III ascended the throne as Sultan, he had all 19 of his brothers killed. Ahmed I did not do that, but he rather built the glorious Blue
萊班託穆罕默德三世登上蘇丹寶座後,將他的 19 個兄弟全部殺害。艾哈邁德一世沒有這麼做,而是建立了光榮的藍軍。
Mosque in Constantinople. In 1683, with their empire at its territorial zenith, the Ottomans marched on Vienna in Austria, and besieged it, but were defeated after the arrival of Polish forces.
君士坦丁堡的清真寺。1683 年,奧斯曼帝國的領土達到頂峰,他們向奧地利的維也納進軍並將其圍困,但在波蘭軍隊抵達後被擊敗。
The war that followed saw the Ottomans lose territory to European powers. As the 18th century progressed, the Ottoman Empire's decline became more and more evident, as it fell behind Western Europe in modernization. A war against Russia ended in defeat, and then another ended the same way.
在隨後的戰爭中,奧斯曼帝國的領土被歐洲列強奪走。隨著 18 世紀的到來,奧斯曼帝國的衰落越來越明顯,在現代化方面落後於西歐。對俄羅斯的戰爭以失敗告終,隨後的另一場戰爭也以同樣的方式結束。
To remedy the shortcomings, Mahmud II passed reforms, but the losses kept piling on, against Russia, against
France, and from within their own empire.
The Greeks launched a successful war of independence, and Ottoman efforts to address the rising nationalism of other subject nations flopped. Still, an alliance with
Britain and France saw a win against Russia in the Crimean War, but then a loss against Russia, as more nations broke away and gained independence, and Britain took control of Egypt and Cyprus. When the Armenians, tired of being second-class citizens, dared to appeal for better treatment, the Sultan gave Kurdish bandits permission to attack them. Still, the Armenians protested, and so they were attacked again, assaults that spiralled into a general slaughter of Christians. Tens of thousands died. In retaliation, Armenian nationalists attempted to assassinate the Sultan.
In 1908, a group known as the Young
1908 年,一個名為 "青年"(Young
Turks, led by men like Ahmed here, with his marvellous moustache, revolted against the tyrannical Sultan, demanding the restitution of Parliament and the Constitution.
土耳其人在艾哈邁德(Ahmed here)(他留著奇妙的小鬍子)等人的上司下,反抗暴虐的蘇丹,要求恢復議會和憲法。
In 1909, as the Sultan attempted to regain power, mobs decided to slaughter Armenians again, about 20,000 this time, but Turkish losses were far greater when they were kicked out of the Balkans.
1909 年,蘇丹試圖重新掌權,暴民們決定再次屠殺亞美尼亞人,這次大約有 2 萬人,但當土耳其人被趕出巴爾幹半島時,他們的損失要大得多。
These Bulgarians are posing proudly in front of dead Turkish civilians. Truly a time of misery. In WWI, the ailing
Ottoman Empire joined Germany to fight against the Allies, famously winning at Gallipoli, before incurring defeat in the Mesopotamian Campaign. The Arabs had eagerly joined the Allies to cast off
Ottoman rule, but before the Empire fell, it roared once more against its non-Turkish inhabitants. Hundreds of thousands of
Assyrians and Greeks were killed, and over a million Armenians were slaughtered, in a brutal genocide that the Turkish government to this day denies. The chief architect of the atrocities was assassinated by an Armenian soldier in 1921. The next year, the Ottoman Empire officially ended, and the future of partitioned Turkey was being decided via war.
亞述人和希臘人被殺,100 多萬亞美尼亞人被屠殺,這是一場殘酷的種族滅絕,土耳其政府至今仍矢口否認。1921 年,暴行的主要策劃者被一名亞美尼亞阿兵哥暗殺。第二年,奧斯曼帝國正式滅亡,分治後的土耳其的未來將通過戰爭來決定。
Constantinople was occupied by the Allies, and the Turks aimed to do something about it.
Turkish forces secured the south with a victory over the French, and repelled the Greek push to acquire Anatolian land. With the
Sultanate abolished, the Republic of Turkey was born in 1923, and Mustafa Kemal became the first president, later known as Ataturk. He aimed to transform Turkey into a modern, secular state, and passed a number of reforms ranging from allowing women to vote, to changing the alphabet. Turkey avoided World War
蘇丹國被廢除,土耳其共和國於 1923 年誕生,穆斯塔法-凱末爾成為首任總統,後來被稱為阿塔圖爾克。他的目標是將土耳其轉變為一個現代化的世俗國家,並通過了一系列改革,從允許婦女投票到更改字母表。土耳其避免了世界大戰
II, and joined NATO. However, when the government became restrictive, and the economy faltered, there was a coup, and then another. Amidst clashes between Greeks and
Turks on Cyprus, Turkey invaded and occupied the north. This haven for
Turkish Cypriots declared independence in 1983, but only Turkey recognises it. Meanwhile, there was another coup, and an escalation in the long, bloody ongoing conflict with the Kurds, a large Iranian minority that demand independence. Turkey also began to apply for membership in the EU, but negotiations decelerated due to concerns over Turkey's human rights violations, concerns that only amplified under President
土族塞人於 1983 年宣佈獨立,但只有土耳其承認它。與此同時,土耳其再次發生政變,與要求獨立的伊朗少數民族庫爾德人的長期血腥衝突升級。土耳其還開始申請加入歐盟,但由於人們對土耳其侵犯人權的擔憂,談判進程有所放緩。
Erdogan. Anyway, Turkey today enjoys a very high level of human development, and is one of the most visited nations in the world, and possesses one of the largest economies, and its borders have encompassed great human achievements, ranging from literature and philosophy, sport, science, and cinema, and we can't forget that delicious food! So, that's it for Turkey, and that's all from me for now. Buh-bye!