Andlet's saythissidehereis a four, thisoneoverhereissix.
假設這邊是 4,這邊是 6。
Andwe'llbesolvingforthislengthhere, whichis x.
我們將求解這裡的長度,即 x。
And I'llputsomeanswerchoicesfromthisproblemsethere.
So A isgoingtobe 12.
所以 A 將是 12。
B isgoingtobe 7.2.
B 將為 7.2。
And C is 17.2.
而 C 是 17.2。
Soformylonglostmemoryoftrigonometry, andfromgooglingitlike 20 minutesago, I recallthattofindthehypotenuseof a righttriangle, thelongsidethat's oppositefromthatrightanglecanbefoundusingthePythagoreantheorem.
SothePythagoreantheorem, I think I spelledthatright, whichisalsoequalto A squaredplus B squaredequals C squared.
所以勾股定理,我想我拼對了,也等於 A 的平方加上 B 的平方等於 C 的平方。
C beingthelengthofthehypotenuse, thelongside.
C 是斜邊(即長邊)的長度。
Sowithsomesimpleplugandchug, wegetfoursquaredplussixsquaredequals C squared.
是以,通過一些簡單的插拔操作,我們可以得到 4 的平方加上 6 的平方等於 C 的平方。
Simplifyingthisdown, we'regoingtoget 16 plus 36 equals C squared. 16 plus 36, oristhat 52, equals C squared.
簡化後,我們可以得到 16 加 36 等於 C 的平方。16 加 36,還是 52,等於 C 的平方。
Andfinally, wejusttakethesquarerootofeachsidebecausethisonehas A squaredoverhere, plugthatintoyourcalculatororWolframAlphaorwhatever, andwe'llgetthat C isequalto 7.2.
最後,我們只需取每邊的平方根,因為這裡有 A 的平方,將其輸入計算器或 Wolfram Alpha 或其他工具,就能得出 C 等於 7.2。
Notonlydoesitkeeptrackofhowwell I knoweachtopic, butitalsoservesas a studyschedulethatrecommendswhichtopicstostudyatanygivenmoment, whichis a hugetimesaverbecause I don't needtoworryaboutplanning a scheduleaheadoftime.