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  • Hello everyone, how are you doing?


  • It's Sunday morning.


  • So good morning Yes, it's going to be a morning video so today is a is on election day in Japan and I'm going to go to the kindergarten to vote Because the kindergarten nearby is the place to vote Yes, I'm going to Go to the kindergarten Before Yet today I'm Visit my friend's house for lunch.


  • So before that I'll have to vote Yes, so this election is house of representative elections, so we will decide which party is Suitable for House of Representative House of representative Currently LDP, the LDP, the Liberal Democratic Party is house of representative but We'll see if House of representative will change or not in this election Yeah in Japan like for example in America It's a two major party system On the other hand in Japan.


  • We do have multiple Party system.


  • So yeah, we there are several parties not only the Democratic and Republican So Yeah, we have to choose Yeah, we have to elect we have to choose one of them however Like Although I've said that we do have a multiple party system The LDP and the And the CDP CDP is the constitutional Democratic Party, so yeah, although I've said we do have multiple Party system the LDP and the CDP has been Dominated has has Dominated Our Japanese politics and Yeah in recent years the LDP the Liberal Democratic Party has been Dominating Our Japanese politics so The LDP Reportedly Will win this election again and Yes, so the LD the politics by the LDP will Continue even after this election.

    是的,我們有多個政黨,不僅有民主黨和共和黨,所以,我們必須選擇 是的,我們必須選舉,我們必須選擇其中之一,不過,就像我說的,我們確實有一個多黨制 自民黨和公明黨,公明黨是立憲民主黨,所以,是的,我們必須選擇其中之一,不過,就像我說的,我們確實有一個多黨制 自民黨和公明黨,公明黨是立憲民主黨,所以,是的、自民黨和立憲民主黨一直主導著日本政壇,近年來自民黨一直主導著日本政壇,所以據說自民黨將再次贏得這次選舉,是的,所以自民黨的政治將在這次選舉後繼續下去。

  • However Like the LDP always Has been has always won Won an election by a landslide so far however this year The LDP might lose some seats because of The Unpopular Unpopularity of the leader of the LDP Yeah, the new leader of the LDP Was decided in October, but it seems he Is not loved by Japanese people.


  • So that's the Biggest reason why the LDP cannot win by a landslide this time Yes Of course Other parties except for the LDP and CDP like play important role in Japanese politics and yeah, some parties might Increase their popularity this time.


  • I don't know but I Yeah, however It's true that every Yes, so that's the how House of representative of election in 2024 is going to be this year this time and Yes, and this is the voting paper and it is the back of the voting paper and on the front of the paper some information is Written down such as the name the place to vote and Time and Yeah, then which block That I That I belong to so Yes, Japan is divided into some blocks and in several blocks and Depending on the location will vote The suitable party So I Have to go to the I have to go to vote Soon and Yeah, I think this is a universal universal this is the common problem in the world, but Recently young people is become young people or younger people are becoming indifferent in different in politics and year by year the person boarding percentage is declining and in Japan The the average percentage of boarding is around 30% So and I remember that's some Elections the percentage was under 30% and which is Not a good trend Yes, so But I hope everyone Got interested in politics and Yeah, it's it's the right so we have to take advantage of these rights and It's not a It's not a duties so We cannot force People to vote however The right is something that we've we always we've always asked for as a human beings so why don't we take advantage of this wonderful Thing and as citizens so Yeah, I'm looking forward to see the result of this election and Yeah, I hope Japan will be like this suitable party will be Chosen by Japanese people and the Japanese society will Become better That's it for today, thank you so much for watching and I hope you're having a great weekend See you.

    我不知道,但我知道,是的,2024 年的眾議院選舉就是在今年這個時候舉行的,是的,這是投票紙,是投票紙的背面,在投票紙的正面寫著一些資訊,如名稱、投票地點和時間,是的、然後是我屬於哪個區,是的,日本被劃分成幾個區,根據不同的地點投票給合適的政黨,所以我必須去投票,我必須很快去投票,是的、我認為這是一個普遍性的問題,也是世界上普遍存在的問題,但最近年輕人變得越來越年輕,或者說年輕人變得對政治漠不關心,而且逐年下降,在日本,平均投票率約為 30%,我記得有些選舉的投票率低於 30%,這不是一個好的趨勢,是的、

  • Bye


Hello everyone, how are you doing?


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