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  • What's up, Sunshine?


  • I'm Koi Wire, this is CNN 10, and you know what day it is.

    我是 Koi Wire,這裡是 CNN 10,你知道今天是什麼日子。

  • It is your Word Wednesday, so listen up to see if one of your vocabulary submissions helped us write today's show.

    今天是 "你的單詞星期三",聽聽你提交的單詞是否幫助我們寫出了今天的節目。

  • Let's get to it.


  • We start with increasing turmoil for one of the visited the island's Coast Guard in a show of support as tensions with China continue to rise.


  • It was in response to large-scale military drills China held last week in the Taiwan Strait, a narrow body of water that surrounds Taiwan and separates it from mainland China.


  • China's military exercises lasted over a day, involving fighter jets, drones, warships, and Coast Guard vessels that simulated a blockade of the self-governing island.


  • Analysts say China's general strategy is to both keep Taiwan under pressure and normalize regular war games.


  • And China's military exercises around Taiwan, which have increased in recent years, could be a way of monitoring Taiwan's responses while straining their military resources, like an aging fleet of fighter jets.


  • The ruling Chinese Communist Party views Taiwan as part of its territory, even though it's never controlled it, and for a long time has vowed that the island must be unified with the Chinese mainland, including by force if necessary.


  • Authorities in Taiwan, a democracy of 24 million people, strongly reject China's territorial claims over it and condemned the drills as an unreasonable provocation by Beijing, China's capital.

    臺灣是一個擁有 2400 萬人口的民主國家,其當局強烈反對中國對其提出的領土要求,並譴責中國首都北京無理挑釁。

  • The United States has a robust unofficial relationship with Taiwan, as it is a leading democracy and a CNN's Will Ripley has more on what Taiwan's president pledges to do in response to China's latest maneuvers.

    美國與臺灣有著密切的非官方關係,因為臺灣是一個主要的民主國家,美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)的威爾-裡普利(Will Ripley)將為您介紹臺灣總統承諾採取哪些措施來應對中國的最新演習。

  • On Friday, the president of Taiwan, Lai Ching-dao, paid a visit to the island's Coast Guard, where he thanked them for their service and pledged to build 11 new Coast Guard vessels over the next seven years, significantly beefing up the island's Coast Guard defense at a time that Taipei is sounding the alarm about China's Coast Guard and the key role it played in the Joint Sword 2024B drills that simulated a Taiwan blockade earlier this week.

    週五,臺灣總統賴清德訪問了島內的海岸警衛隊,對他們的服務表示感謝,並承諾在未來七年內建造 11 艘新的海岸警衛隊艦艇,在臺北對中國海岸警衛隊及其在本週早些時候模擬封鎖臺灣的 "聯合利劍 2024B 演習 "中所扮演的關鍵角色敲響警鐘之際,大大加強了島內海岸警衛隊的防禦能力。

  • This was the first full encirclement of Taiwan by China's Coast Guard, Taipei says, including using a 12,000 ton vessel, one of 17 vessels that Taipei says it detected around its territorial waters during the drills.

    臺北表示,這是中國海岸警衛隊首次全面包圍臺灣,包括使用一艘 12,000 噸級的船隻,臺北稱在演習期間在其領海周圍發現了 17 艘船隻,這是其中之一。

  • They also say China's Coast Guard intruded into restricted waters near Taiwan's China's Coast Guard has been accused by Taipei of playing an increasingly large role in intimidating the island.


  • It was back in February when China's Coast Guard actually boarded a Taiwanese tourist boat, checked everyone's ID and detained them, giving people quite a scare and sparking an online frenzy here about the role of China's Coast Guard, something that Taipei has long referred to as a gray zone tactic, non-military but nonetheless coercive and intimidating force sanctioned by Beijing.


  • In addition to the Coast Guard activities near Taiwan, they posted a propaganda image showing the track of the vessels that encircled this self-governing democracy that appeared to be in the shape of a heart.


  • In fact, Chinese propaganda even referred to Taiwan as sweetheart, seen as creepy by some locals.


  • It's not just happening in Taiwan.


  • There have also been confrontations between China's Coast Guard and other Coast Guards, particularly in the Philippines over disputed shoals there.


  • Did you know that the broadest tree in the world is about the size of four football fields?


  • This is not a forest.


  • This is the world's broadest tree, the Great Banyan Tree, located in a botanical garden near Kolkata, India.


  • It takes up about five acres of land.


  • It's believed to be more than 250 years old.

    據說它已有 250 多年的歷史。

  • Great Banyan Trees have a unique root system, aerial roots.


  • They drop down from branches to the ground, becoming trunk-like, allowing the tree to continuously walk, if you will, growing wider and wider.


  • We head now to Cuba, where people are still reeling after having to deal with nationwide blackouts, then the arrival of Category 1 hurricane Oscar this week.


  • Cuba's aging power grid collapsed multiple times before Oscar made landfall, hindering preparations for the storm.


  • Strong winds, heavy rains, and dangerous flooding took the lives of six people.


  • CNN's Patrick Oppmann is on the ground in Havana with an update on how people are coping after days without electricity.

    CNN記者帕特里克-奧普曼(Patrick Oppmann)正在哈瓦那實地報道停電數日後人們的最新情況。

  • Near empty streets in Havana, devoid of light and life.


  • On the third night of an island-wide blackout in Cuba, residents of this neighborhood played dominoes to pass the time and distract them from the worsening situation.


  • Children are sleeping in the street, she says, because there's no food, no water, no electricity in this country.


  • Tensions are running high as Cubans increasingly are taking to the streets to beat pots and pans and protest the government's failure to keep the lights on for more than a few hours.


  • Already four times the Cuban government has been in the process of restoring power and had it all come crashing down, a complete loss of power on this island.


  • So that is what worries people, is that the longer this goes on, we already know that school is going to be canceled here for several days.


  • Life really can't return to normal until the power gets on.


  • The Cuban government blames U.S. economic sanctions for the crisis, but has made little investment in the aging jerry-rigged power grid that has been fading for years.


  • Officials say more than 52,000 workers are on the job 24-7 trying to restore power and that they understand the growing anger.

    官員們說,52,000 多名工人正在全天候努力恢復供電,他們理解人們日益增長的憤怒。

  • Without electricity, there's no water, he says, no medicine production, no food distribution.


  • Electricity affects everything and it frustrates everyone.


  • In 2021, power outages sparked the largest ever protests against Cuba's communist-run government.

    2021 年,停電引發了有史以來最大規模的反對古巴共產主義政府的抗議活動。

  • Hundreds of people were arrested and given lengthy prison sentences following mass trials.


  • Cuba's president on Sunday warned people not to take to the streets.


  • We are not going to allow acts of vandalism and much less alter the tranquility of our people, he says.


  • That's a conviction, a principle of our revolution.


  • A stern warning, but one that likely falls on deaf ears for the millions of Cubans still in the dark.


  • Pop quiz hot shot.


  • What was the first car maker to put seatbelts in its cars?


  • Volkswagen, Ford, Volvo, or Toyota?


  • Your answer here is Volvo, which first used the familiar three-point seatbelt in 1959.

    答案就是沃爾沃,它在 1959 年首次使用了我們熟悉的三點式安全帶。

  • The first law requiring seatbelts in U.S. cars wasn't passed until 1968.

    直到 1968 年,美國才通過了第一部要求汽車系安全帶的法律。

  • Today's story, getting a 10 out of 10, talk about a throwback to the future.

    今天的故事,滿分 10 分,是對未來的回溯。

  • A Volkswagen that became an ebullient symbol for peace and love and flower child counterculture in the 1960s and 70s got a major glow up.


  • In kilowatts, that is.


  • It's now all electric.


  • For decades, it's been called everything from a bus to a microbus, a van, a tin can, but now it's making his debut as the ID Buzz.

    幾十年來,從公共汽車到微型客車、廂式貨車、鐵皮罐頭,它被冠以各種稱謂,但現在,它將以 "ID Buzz "的身份首次亮相。

  • CNN's Peter Valdez-Depenya takes us for a ride.

    CNN 的 Peter Valdez-Depenya 帶我們去兜風。

  • This is the Volkswagen ID Buzz, a new all-electric take on a classic, the Volkswagen microbus.

    這就是大眾 ID Buzz,它是大眾微型客車這一經典車型的全新純電動版本。

  • With 60 years of progress, this is a big improvement over the old bus, and I should know.

    經過 60 年的發展,這輛公車比以前的公車有了很大的改進,我應該知道這一點。

  • I spent time riding around in one when I was a little kid.


  • And that's you.


  • I had a big family.


  • We needed a lot of space, so we had a bus.


  • When you would brake, all the water would run forward and go right down the back of your neck when you were driving.


  • I thought it'd be cool to take this new van to visit some of my brothers that had more time in the driver's seat in the classic.


  • Why do I have to sit in the back seat?


  • Volkswagen's been trying forever to break through in the U.S. market again, the way it did back in the day with the Beetle.


  • Nobody else has the microbus in its history, so Volkswagen's hoping that emotional attachment is going to bring them a lot of new buyers.


  • Cruising about 70 miles an hour, going down the interstate, complete silence.

    以每小時 70 英里的速度行駛在州際公路上,車內一片寂靜。

  • All I can hear is the wind.


  • Big difference from the old version with an air-cooled four-cylinder engine out back.


  • My only real pet peeve with it is too much reliance on screens for some of the controls, but honestly, that's true of a lot new electric vehicles these days.


  • I have to warn you, the ID Buzz might be cute, but it's not going to come cheap.

    我得提醒你,ID Buzz 也許很可愛,但價格可不便宜。

  • One equipped like this is going to be more like $65,000.

    像這樣的裝備,一個就要 6.5 萬美元。

  • As always, you all had some truly exemplary submissions for your Word Wednesday.

    和往常一樣,你們都為 "週三用語 "提交了一些真正堪稱典範的作品。

  • Today's winner is Ms. Johnson's class at Kodiak High School in Kodiak, Alaska for ebullient, an adjective meaning having liveliness and enthusiasm.

    今天的獲獎者是阿拉斯加州科迪亞克市科迪亞克高中的約翰遜女士班上的學生,他們的獲獎作品是 "熱情洋溢"(ebullient),這個形容詞的意思是活潑、熱情。

  • Well done, and thank you for making us smarter today.


  • Our shout-out today goes to Eureka, Missouri, and all the Wildcats at Eureka High School, rise up.


  • Have an awesome day, everyone.


  • I'll see you right back here tomorrow on CNN 10.


What's up, Sunshine?


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