字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Alright, what is up guys. 好吧,你們好。 So in this video, I'm going to talk about eunuchs throughout Chinese history, 2200 plus years and tens of millions of castration of young boys, both the penis and the testicles. 是以,在這段視頻中,我將講述中國歷史上的太監,2200 多年來,數以千萬計的男孩被閹割,包括陰莖和睪丸。 So let's get started. 那麼,讓我們開始吧。 Let's go back to 221 BC, let's talk about Qin Shi Huang. 讓我們回到公元前 221 年,來談談秦始皇。 He is commonly recognized as the first ruler to truly unify China back in 221 BC. 公元前 221 年,他被公認為第一位真正統一中國的統治者。 And he used eunuchs to construct the terracotta army and because he wanted these people to accompany him in the afterlife. 他用宦官建造兵馬俑,也是因為他希望這些人在來世陪伴他。 He also ordered the burning of the books which ended a golden era of Chinese literacy. 他還下令焚書,結束了中國掃盲的黃金時代。 Many Chinese scholars who protested were burned and buried alive along with their books. 許多提出抗議的中國學者連人帶書被燒死或活埋。 By the way, Qin Shi Huang, he was only 4'11 or 150 cm. 順便說一下,秦始皇,他只有 4 英尺 11 或 150 釐米。 So maybe you still have a chance to go out and conquer a nation. 所以,也許你還有機會去征服一個國家。 During this era, castration was given as a punishment to rapists. 在這個時代,閹割是對強姦犯的一種懲罰。 And this included every single male in the family of the rapist. 其中包括強姦犯家庭中的所有男性。 So very dangerous stuff. 所以是非常危險的東西。 There's also the famous historian Sima Qian, I made a short video on this guy. 還有著名的歷史學家司馬遷,我為他製作了一個視頻短片。 He wrote the Grand Historian, which was a true all-time masterpiece. 他寫的《太史公》是一部真正的曠世傑作。 And he was castrated for speaking the truth to the emperor and the emperor didn't really like it. 他因為對皇帝說了實話而被閹割,皇帝並不喜歡這樣。 So he cut his balls off. 於是他把自己的蛋蛋割了下來。 Let's fast forward to 189 AD, the eunuch rebellion, the massacre of the eunuch tenants. 讓我們把時間快進到公元 189 年,宦官叛亂,屠殺宦官佃戶。 I mentioned this briefly in my entire history of China's video. 我在《中國視頻全史》中簡單提到過這一點。 And this took place during the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. 而這一切都發生在《三國演義》中。 We have the warlord He Jin. 我們有軍閥何進。 He attempted to seize power by killing the eunuchs who held very high power at the time. 他企圖通過殺害當時位高權重的宦官來奪取政權。 So the eunuchs, when they heard about the news, they said, why don't we kill him instead? 於是,太監們聽到這個消息後說,我們為什麼不把他殺了呢? So He Jin was killed. 於是何進被殺。 Then came the warlord Dong Zhuo. 接著是軍閥董卓。 He temporarily seized power after killing all these powerful eunuchs. 他在殺了這些有權有勢的宦官之後,暫時奪取了政權。 Then he was killed. 然後他就被殺了。 Chinese history is pretty insane, I know. 我知道,中國歷史很瘋狂。 Also, I will upload part 2 of the entire history of China. 此外,我還將上傳整個中國歷史的第二部分。 I'm also working on my most important video series I've made in my entire life, where 我還在製作我一生中最重要的視頻系列,其中包括 I will discuss feminism, I'll talk about LGBTQ+, woke culture, China, Taiwan, Russia, 我會討論女權主義、LGBTQ+、覺醒文化、中國、臺灣、俄羅斯、 Ukraine, pandemic, vaccine, inflation, and finally, peace. 烏克蘭、大流行病、疫苗、通貨膨脹,最後是和平。 And I really wanted to get this done first because it will be the most important video series of my life. 我真的很想先把這個完成,因為這將是我一生中最重要的視頻系列。 So let's keep going with the eunuchs. 那我們就繼續說太監吧。 Let's fast forward to the Northern Qi Dynasty. 讓我們把時間快進到北齊。 This dynasty was short-lived. 這個王朝曇花一現。 But here's something very interesting, Emperor's Dowager Hu, by the way, Emperor's Dowager means the mother of the emperor. 但這裡有一件非常有趣的事,胡太后,順便說一下,皇太后的意思是皇帝的母親。 This Emperor's Dowager reportedly had sexual relations with her personal eunuchs. 據報道,這位皇太后曾與她的貼身太監發生過性關係。 Now, I'm not sure how that would work. 現在,我不知道該怎麼做了。 Maybe the alphabet community can tell me something about it. 也許字母社區能告訴我一些相關資訊。 Or maybe it's strictly oral, who knows, maybe some S&M and some handcuffs and spanking. 也可能是純粹的口交,誰知道呢,也許還有些性虐、手銬和打屁股。 Let's fast forward to Tang Dynasty, one of the five great dynasties in China. 讓我們把時間快進到中國五大王朝之一的唐朝。 We have the An Lushan Rebellion, I have covered this in a short video before. 我們有安祿山起義,我曾在一個短視頻中介紹過。 Up to 36 million civilians perished. 多達 3 600 萬平民喪生。 Yes, 36 million. 是的,3600 萬。 And the leader An Lushan, he castrated a young boy named Li Zhu'er when he was a teen with his blade. 而首領安祿山,在少年時用刀閹割了一個叫李柱兒的少年。 And then he covered the wound with ashes and this saved Li's life. 然後,他用灰燼蓋住了傷口,這才救了李的命。 So Li would go on to serve An and helped him in steam baths since An Lushan was basically morbidly obese. 於是,李會繼續服侍安祿山,幫他蒸三溫暖,因為安祿山基本上是病態肥胖。 And later in his life, when An Lushan turned paranoid, he went for Joseph Stalin and was murdering all of his subordinates. 到了晚年,安祿山變得偏執狂,他開始效仿約瑟夫-斯大林,謀殺他的所有下屬。 Li decided to take action and he cut An Lushan into pieces, including pulling out his intestines. 李世民決定採取行動,他將安祿山碎屍萬段,包括掏出他的腸子。 Yes, that is peak Chinese history for you. 是的,這就是中國歷史的高峰。 Let's talk about the Yuan Dynasty. 讓我們來談談元朝。 This is when the Mongols ruled China, but not under Genghis Khan. 這是蒙古人統治中國的時期,但不是成吉思汗統治時期。 The first Mongol ruler in China was his son Kublai Khan. 中國的第一位蒙古統治者是他的兒子忽必烈汗。 Any enemy captured under the age of 10 was castrated, no exceptions. 任何未滿 10 歲的被俘敵人都會被閹割,無一例外。 The eunuchs they would go on to serve as slaves to their captors for the rest of their lives. 這些太監將在他們的餘生中充當俘虜的奴隸。 So, ladies, you tell me, who was oppressed more, men or women? 那麼,女士們,你們告訴我,男人和女人誰更受壓迫? Do you still think we live in a patriarchy? 你還認為我們生活在父權制中嗎? Just something to think about. 只是需要考慮一下。 Let's move on to the Ming Dynasty, the second last dynasty of China. 讓我們回到中國倒數第二個王朝--明朝。 This is the peak eunuch era of China. 這是中國太監時代的鼎盛時期。 It is estimated that at least 1 million eunuchs served in the Forbidden Kingdom at this point. 據估計,此時至少有 100 萬太監在紫禁城內服役。 It is estimated that over 80% of the eunuchs came from northern China. 據估計,超過 80% 的太監來自中國北方。 Also, countries like Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, etc. 此外,還有蒙古、韓國、越南、泰國、高棉、寮國等國家。 During this time period, they all had to send eunuchs to the Ming Dynasty as tributes. 在此期間,他們都不得不向明朝派遣太監作為貢品。 These tributes finally ended in the year of 1435. 這些貢品最終於 1435 年結束。 By the late Ming Dynasty, there were over 100,000 eunuchs serving in the Forbidden Palace. 到明朝末年,在紫禁城內服侍的太監超過 10 萬人。 Yes, 100,000. 是的,10 萬。 The eunuchs were known to be greedy, evil, and cunning. 眾所周知,宦官貪婪、邪惡、狡猾。 They often spied on concubines and also high-ranking officials for blackmail, and also turning them against each other while taking bribes from all sides. 他們經常監視嬪妃和高級官員,對他們進行勒索,還讓他們相互對立,同時收受各方賄賂。 I mean, that is to be expected. 我的意思是,這是意料之中的事。 When you cut off someone's balls and their penis, they're probably going to be unhappy about it. 當你割掉一個人的睪丸和陰莖時,他可能會不高興。 And finally, we have arrived at the Qing Dynasty from 1644 to 1911, the very final dynasty of China. 最後,我們來到 1644 年至 1911 年的清朝,這是中國的最後一個王朝。 This is the beginning of the end. 這是末日的開始。 Yellow bamboo sticks were introduced. 引入了黃色竹籤。 They were used to punish eunuchs. 它們被用來懲罰太監。 Typical punishment would be 50 hits to the back. 典型的懲罰是在背後打 50 下。 This was very extreme. 這是非常極端的。 The hits were severely enough to completely break someone's back permanently. 這些重擊足以讓一個人的背部永久性地完全骨折。 Also very interesting, during this time period, dildos became very popular in China. 同樣有趣的是,在這一時期,假陽具在中國非常流行。 I'm not sure if this was invented by the eunuchs, but many of them used these dildos to police the concubines in the imperial harem. 我不確定這是否是太監們發明的,但很多太監都用這種假陽具來監視後宮的嬪妃。 Also going down on them, with extensive foreplay involved. 也會對她們下流,並有大量的前戲。 Now obviously, this is against the law, and anybody that gets caught would be killed. 現在,這顯然是違法的,任何被抓到的人都會被殺死。 But you have to remember, this is the time period when the emperor had thousands of concubines. 但你必須記住,在那個時代,皇帝有成千上萬的嬪妃。 And there's no way for the emperor to have sex with them all, so most will never get any action in their lifetime. 而且皇帝也不可能和他們都發生關係,所以大多數人一輩子都不會有任何行動。 So these sneaky eunuchs, they swoop in and took advantage. 於是,這些鬼鬼祟祟的宦官,就乘虛而入,佔了便宜。 Let's talk about some of the most famous eunuchs in China. 讓我們來談談中國最著名的幾位太監。 So Cai Lun, he was once credited with inventing paper. 是以,蔡倫曾被譽為紙的發明者。 While he might not have been the true inventor, but he definitely made the usage of paper extremely popular over 2000 years ago. 雖然他可能不是真正的發明家,但他無疑在 2000 多年前使紙張的使用極為普及。 We also have the mathematician Jia Xian, he was the one who invented square and cube roots. 我們還有數學家賈憲,是他發明了平方根和立方根。 Very interesting for all the math nerds out there. 對所有數學書呆子來說都非常有趣。 Then there's Gang Bing, he castrated himself in order to show loyalty to his emperor. 還有江彬,為了向皇帝表示忠誠,他閹割了自己。 That is some pretty hardcore stuff. 這可真是夠狠的。 I cannot ever imagine anything like that. 我無法想象這樣的事情。 And then there's the most powerful eunuch, Liu Jing. 還有最有權勢的太監劉敬。 He became the de facto emperor during the Ming Dynasty. 他成為明朝事實上的皇帝。 Next we have An Dehai, he was definitely the most famous eunuch in China. 接下來是安得海,他絕對是中國最有名的太監。 He is the personal favorite, you can see a picture of him on the right, of Emperor's 他是皇帝的個人最愛,你可以在右邊看到他的照片。 Dowager Cixi. 慈禧太后。 Cixi was known as China's most powerful emperor's dowager. 慈禧被稱為中國最有權勢的皇太后。 And finally we have Sun Yaoting, he is China's very last eunuch. 最後是孫耀庭,他是中國最後一個太監。 He was castrated at the age of 8 by his father. 他 8 歲時被父親閹割。 He passed away in peace in the year of 1996. 1996 年,他安詳地離開了人世。 Let's fast forward to the present day. 讓我們快進到今天。 I think the West has taken an interest in this dark chapter of Chinese history. 我認為,西方對中國歷史上這黑暗的一章產生了興趣。 Isn't this what they call a gender affirming here today in 2023? 這不就是 2023 年的今天人們所說的性別平權嗎? Just something for you guys to think about. 只是讓你們想一想。 Thank you guys so much for watching the video all the way to the end. 非常感謝你們一直把視頻看完。 I will see you next time. 我們下次再見。
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 中國 皇帝 進到 統治 歷史 時期 中國太監的全部歷史,2200 年的閹割史 (The Entire History of Chinese Eunuchs, 2200 years of Castration) 29 0 啟天羽 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 27 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字