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  • To be a bestseller for over two years, a story has to really connect with people and Tuesdays with Morrie resonates with everybody. I think we all relate to Mitch. His life is just going by too quickly. And then he was blessed to stop and find his old teacher Morrie. And even though Morrie was dying, he taught us about living. All of life is about teaching and learning. When you learn, teach. When you get, give. Life is filled with Morries. We all just need to look around.


  • Among other things, many other things, my old professor loved to eat.


  • What do you say? He especially liked tongue. I'd say Morrie, that's disgusting. He'd say,


  • I'm sorry you think so. I also like coleslaw. Can you handle coleslaw, Mitch?

    很抱歉你這麼想。我也喜歡涼拌捲心菜你能吃得下涼拌捲心菜嗎 米奇

  • Near the top of the list of things he loved was dancing.


  • He had his own way of dancing. He'd do the Lindy to Jimi Hendrix, jitterbug to name a band, nine inch nails. Just put it on. You're going to love it.

    他有自己的舞蹈方式他會跟著吉米-亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix)跳 "林迪"(Lindy)舞 也會跟著九寸釘樂隊跳 "吉特巴"(jitterbug)舞穿上它吧你會愛上它的

  • One of his favorites was the tango. His own version, of course. Wherever it came from, it wasn't Argentina.


  • Moments like that, he could live in forever.


  • In the summer of 1994, he began to notice a few things. Shortness of breath, legs giving him a little trouble. But what do you expect at 77?

    1994 年夏天,他開始注意到一些事情。呼吸急促,腿腳有點不便。但 77 歲的人還能指望什麼呢?

  • That was when Morrie got his death sentence.


  • Whoa, whoa, whoa. Man, when they fall apart, these guys really fall apart, don't they?

    哇,哇,哇天啊,當他們崩潰的時候 這些傢伙真的崩潰了,不是嗎?

  • As ugly as it's ugly. I knew it. Walter, it's Mitch. I got to change the column. I've got to change the column, Walter. I knew nothing about what happened to my old professor. I hadn't seen him since graduation day 16 years ago. I promised I'd keep in touch, but I got busy dancing my own dance. Walter, it's a zoo here. Just hold the space for me, okay? Give me a break. Have I ever missed a deadline? Janine, hi. Did I wake you, honey? Everything I did, I did on deadline. I'm such crazy here. Everything. I just want to say I love you and I'm sorry. You should have talked to me before the game. Yeah, no, we definitely have to talk. I know. One second. I got to go.

    醜陋的醜陋我就知道沃爾特,我是米奇我得換一欄我得換專欄了,沃爾特我對老教授的事一無所知自從16年前畢業那天起 我就再也沒見過他了我答應過會和他保持聯繫 但我忙著跳自己的舞了沃爾特,這裡像個動物園幫我留個位置,好嗎?讓我休息一下我有錯過最後期限嗎?簡妮 嗨我吵醒你了嗎 親愛的我所做的一切,都是在截止日期前完成的我真是瘋了所有的事我只想說 我愛你 對不起你應該在比賽前和我談談的是啊,不,我們一定要談談。我知道 等一下 I know.等一下我得走了

  • I love you. Bye-bye. Coach, what did you say to the team? Did the word discipline come up?


  • How about the word maturity? Sports are always in season in this country and I covered them all.


  • Living in planes and hotels with a laptop and a cell phone. I might never have known what had happened to Maury if I wasn't always doing six things at once. Janine, come on. Because I've been in love with you for seven years, doesn't that? Yeah, but in my book that is a commitment. Yeah.

    帶著筆記本電腦和手機,住在飛機上和酒店裡。要不是我總是同時做六件事 我可能永遠都不知道莫里出了什麼事珍妮,別這樣因為我已經愛上你七年了,不是嗎?是的,但在我的書,這是一個承諾。是啊

  • Do we have to talk about this now? This is the only thing we ever fight about.


  • Yeah, because look at what marriage does to people. I'm not watching it. It's just on.


  • Look at what marriage does to people. Look at our married friends. Look at our divorce friends.


  • Well, look, I'll be back in Detroit tomorrow. We'll talk about this then, okay?


  • Yeah, well, I'll make time. Just who is Maury Schwartz and why by the end of the night are so many of you going to care about him? Janine, hang on one second.

    好吧,我會擠出時間的誰是莫里-施瓦茨? 為什麼到了晚上 你們這麼多人都會關心他?珍妮,等一下

  • This is ABC News Night Live. One second. Reporting from Washington,


  • Ted Koppel. Tonight, Maury. Lessons on living. Maury is going to die. He suffers from a disease called ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Maury Schwartz is a retired sociology professor from Brandeis University who is dying of ALS. Maury does not have long to live.

    泰德・科佩爾。今晚,莫里生活的教訓。莫里會死。他患有一種叫做漸凍人症的疾病 也就是人們常說的盧伽雷氏症莫里-施瓦茨是布蘭迪斯大學的退休社會學教授 他即將死於漸凍症莫里的生命已經不多了。

  • I'm on the last great journey here. One we all got to take. Maybe I can teach people what to pack for the trip. Janine? Hello? Now, maybe my dying can be a value. Something we can all learn from. Like a human textbook. I've been a teacher all my life. You think I'm going to quit now?


  • I'm just getting to work. Let me call you back, okay? Very good. Mitch, tomorrow's page.


  • Oh, excellent. Congratulations. I want the column? It's all right. A little rushed.


  • It's official, huh? Baseball strike is over. Yeah, which means I need you in Florida for spring training. I thought it was rushed. It read terrific. No, I mean congratulations on your sweet little TV deal. Walter, local TV. Books and the radio show and whatever else you got going. Take 20 words. My column comes first. How many hours you got in your day? What difference does it make? All I'm saying is that you're spreading yourself a little thin.

    這是官方的,對吧?棒球罷工結束了是的,這意味著我需要你去佛羅里達參加春訓我覺得太倉促了讀起來棒極了不,我是說祝賀你簽下了甜蜜的小電視合約 No, I mean congratulations on your sweet little TV deal.沃爾特 在地電視臺還有書和廣播節目 還有其他你要做的事20個字我的專欄是第一位的你一天有多少時間?這有什麼區別?我想說的是 你把自己搞得太累了

  • You think you can find a little time to write a piece for the baseball strike ending tomorrow?


  • It's a personal call. Say hello to Janine for me. Hello? Hello, it's me. Will you pick up, please?


  • Janine? Janine, you have to talk to me sometime. Will you pick up the phone, please? All right, I'll come by work, I guess. I love you.


  • Great column today, man. So we finally got baseball back or what? I think the fans should go on strike. Hold on a second. Something's not right here. Take a break for a second, ladies.


  • Mitch, make yourself useful, man. Give me an F-shot. Hey. Hey. I've been trying to call. Are you ever going to talk to me again? I was talking to you last night, you and the TV, and then I sort of got the idea that you didn't want to talk. I got some bad news last night.

    米奇,讓你自己有用,夥計給我來一發嘿,嘿,我一直在給你打電話你還會跟我說話嗎?我昨晚和你說話了 你和電視 然後我覺得你不想說話了我昨晚得到了一個壞消息

  • A guy I used to know, a teacher of mine back in college is sick. He's going to die. Mitch,

    我以前認識的一個人 我大學時的一個老師病了他就要死了米奇

  • I'm sorry. Were you very close to him? I used to be, yeah. Okay, y'all, let's try this.

    我很抱歉 I'm sorry.你和他很親近嗎?以前是的好吧,我們試試這個

  • We both got to work on our phone matters. I love you. I love you too.


  • Okay, let's just pick this up, ladies.


To be a bestseller for over two years, a story has to really connect with people and Tuesdays with Morrie resonates with everybody. I think we all relate to Mitch. His life is just going by too quickly. And then he was blessed to stop and find his old teacher Morrie. And even though Morrie was dying, he taught us about living. All of life is about teaching and learning. When you learn, teach. When you get, give. Life is filled with Morries. We all just need to look around.


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A2 初級 中文 美國腔

相約星期二》(1999)- 1/11 (Tuesdays with Morrie (1999) - 1/11)

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    Horace 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 26 日