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  • A battle of the high flyers has turned into a ground war Nick Has able to take ricochets legs out from under him, but we are seeing ricochet fight back before our eyes very very Hurt ricochets taking a lot of punishment and it really started with that DDT on the outside And we saw it during picture-in-picture daddy magic Nick Wayne Spikes ricochet with that DDT on the ramp of ricochet.

    一場高空飛人之戰已經變成了地面戰爭,尼克已經能夠把跳彈的雙腿從他腳下奪走,但我們看到跳彈在我們眼前反擊,非常非常受傷,跳彈受到了很多懲罰,而真正的懲罰是從外側的 DDT 開始的,我們在畫中畫爸爸魔術中看到了尼克-韋恩在跳彈的斜坡上用 DDT 秒殺了跳彈。

  • He's persevering.


  • He's fighting through the pain.


  • He's coming back here.


  • Look out Springboard he landed on his feet right on the money.


  • He's an amazing athlete with such agility Salt Lake City's loving it boys.


  • Here we go Not only how he can get a hike over the rope, but how he can turn his body in midair like that Ricochet springboard once He's amazing amazing got that balance on that top rope to get back in Look like for me was gonna lose it buddy right at himself and was able to connect and once Ricochet was able to dictate the pace of this match.


  • He has taken over completely And now it's Nick Wayne down in the corner.


  • You gotta watch for mother Wayne here Yeah, mother Wayne arguing with referee Aubrey Edwards The fingers into the eyes of ricochet He's clawing at the eyes mother Wayne did her job there, but she took his eyes off Nick Wayne for a second bottom The time it's great.

    韋恩媽媽在和裁判奧布里-愛德華茲爭吵 他的手指伸進了裡切特的眼睛 他在抓眼睛 韋恩媽媽做了她該做的 但她把他的視線從尼克-韋恩身上移走了

  • Call Matt.


  • You're right Hands to the ribs stopping Nick Wayne's progression in the ropes and now ricochet the headbutts as Wayne crashing down What a competitive matchup these two young men are giving us.


  • It's something back and forth.


  • What's he thinking here?


  • Lands on his feet, but the agility shown he rolls through Wayne though anticipate the knee strike Full Nelson avoided by ricochet the chop not avoided by Nick Wayne Oh Wayne the stunner has ricochet in trouble Ricochet though able to power out and Nick Wayne is furious and all the others.

    他的雙腳著地,但敏捷的身手讓他滾過了韋恩,雖然預料到了膝蓋撞擊 全尼爾森被裡切特躲過,但尼克-韋恩沒有躲過劈砍 哦,韋恩的絕技讓裡切特陷入困境 裡切特雖然能夠發力逃脫,但尼克-韋恩和其他人都怒火中燒。

  • I love it Aubrey Edwards hurt her shoulder.


  • She Nick Wayne was using his body to block The grip on the ropes now the dragon so much he changes his grip and ricochet once again able to slip free That was a great fitting combination.


  • I'm really surprised Ricochet got out of this guys.


  • Nick Wayne is so close here He is so close to putting it together This would undoubtedly be the biggest singles victory of Nick Wayne's professional career.

    尼克-韋恩就快成功了 他就快成功了 這無疑將是尼克-韋恩職業生涯中最大的一次單打勝利。

  • I think he knows it too here He knows how close he is as Wayne now into the corner looking for Wayne's world ricochet anticipates and the waist lock Fought out of by Nick Wayne ricochet Incredible just absolutely incredible Give it to Nick Wayne to get out of that what I mean event We Saw this match on paper we had some high expectations and both of these men exceeding those expectations Nick Wayne Ricochet embroiled in a great battle a fantastic battle tonight in our main event and of course Ricochet would love to get a shot at to catch still I Think Ricochet starting to realize how deep the pool of competition is here in a W Fireman's carry Wayne perhaps in trouble ricochet looking for that roundhouse kick Nick Wayne the pump can't ricochet trust kick and the eerie and now Wayne He thought he had ricocheted down, but ricochet sprung up the half-and-half suplex Half the prodigy down looking for here Wayne the counter telegraphed it incredible counter the double underhook The mark of great wrestlers not only great offense, but how they can continue to come back Incredible but Nick Wayne cannot afford to get flustered here.

    我想他也知道,他知道自己離韋恩有多近 現在韋恩衝向角落,尋找韋恩的世界 裡切特預料到了,腰鎖被尼克-韋恩-裡切特掙脫了 難以置信,絕對難以置信 給尼克-韋恩掙脫的機會,我的意思是 我們看到這場比賽的時候,我們有很高的期待 這兩個人都超出了我們的期待 尼克-韋恩-裡切特當然,裡切特也很想得到一個機會 我想裡切特開始意識到這裡的競爭有多深了 W火人扛韋恩也許有麻煩了 裡切特在尋找回旋踢尼克-韋恩 泵不能裡切特信任踢和陰森恐怖 現在韋恩他以為他已經迴旋踢下去了但跳彈竄出了半身半仰臥起坐 神童摔倒在地,韋恩正在尋

  • He needs to keep his foot on the gas especially against an athlete like Ricochet My god What does he have to do here?

    他需要腳踩油門,尤其是在面對像裡切特這樣的運動員時 我的天啊,他在這裡要做什麼?

  • He's going for it again For Wayne's world in the corner Ricochet ducks under And Ricochet Ricochet he's not done yet, right?

    他又來了 為了韋恩的世界 在角落裡的裡切特躲開了 裡切特里切特 他還沒完呢 對吧?

  • Ricochet Oh How about the elbow strike after vertical Excalibur to me that shows a great respect for your opponent from Ricochet Yeah, Ricochet Did not want to leave any doubt There was nothing hidden about this play daddy magic, I mean Ricochet your winner tonight our rampage main event what a performance from Nick Wayne tonight guys Hats off to him didn't get it done though.

    裡切特(Ricochet) 哦,垂直神劍後的肘擊如何?對我來說,這顯示了裡切特對對手的極大尊重 是啊,裡切特不想留下任何疑問,這齣戲沒有任何隱藏的爸爸魔術,我是說裡切特,你今晚的贏家,我們的橫衝直撞主賽事 尼克-韋恩(Nick Wayne)今晚的表現如何?

  • Oh my god.


  • Here is the International Champion The man that has been on the mind Of Ricochet the man who has caused Ricochet the AEW International Championship twice It is the Alpha Kunosuke Takeshita And a battle between these two men almost inevitable But fans, thank you for joining us tonight for a rampage we'll see you right back here on TNT live 8-7 Central tomorrow night the collision from Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    這就是國際冠軍 裡切特一直惦記著的人 曾讓裡切特兩次奪得AEW國際冠軍的人 這就是阿爾法 竹下邦介 這兩人之間的戰鬥幾乎不可避免 但粉絲們 感謝你們今晚加入我們的狂歡 我們明晚8點到7點在TNT直播間見

A battle of the high flyers has turned into a ground war Nick Has able to take ricochets legs out from under him, but we are seeing ricochet fight back before our eyes very very Hurt ricochets taking a lot of punishment and it really started with that DDT on the outside And we saw it during picture-in-picture daddy magic Nick Wayne Spikes ricochet with that DDT on the ramp of ricochet.

一場高空飛人之戰已經變成了地面戰爭,尼克已經能夠把跳彈的雙腿從他腳下奪走,但我們看到跳彈在我們眼前反擊,非常非常受傷,跳彈受到了很多懲罰,而真正的懲罰是從外側的 DDT 開始的,我們在畫中畫爸爸魔術中看到了尼克-韋恩在跳彈的斜坡上用 DDT 秒殺了跳彈。

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