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  • My name's Richard Goodall, from Terre Haute, Indiana.


  • I've lived in Terre Haute my whole life.


  • I was that kid up in my bedroom with the Radio Shack stereo.

    我就是那個在臥室裡用 Radio Shack 音響的孩子。

  • My favorite thing was just to sit up and listen to my music, and I just belted out, I gotta find me a job.

    我最喜歡的事情就是坐起來,聽著我的音樂,大聲喊出 "我得給自己找份工作"。

  • So I became a janitor at Chauncey Rose Middle School, which is only three blocks away from my house.

    於是,我成了 Chauncey Rose 中學的看門人,學校離我家只有三個街區。

  • Richard Goodall, a humble janitor at West Vigo Middle School in Terre Haute, Indiana, has spent 23 years quietly working just three blocks from his home.

    理查德-古道爾是印第安納州特雷霍特市西維戈中學一名不起眼的清潔工,在離家只有三個街區的地方默默工作了 23 年。

  • But his extraordinary singing talent was destined for a larger stage, and it was his students who urged him to share his gift with the world.


  • Richard has become an overnight sensation after his America's Got Talent audition aired, captivating audiences with his incredible vocal talent.


  • His students, who have long admired his kindness and dedication, are now sharing their cherished memories of him.


  • Despite the sorrow he's seen in his life, Richard's kind smile never wavers.


  • Join us as we uncover what America's Got Talent didn't tell you about Richard Goodall.


  • In the latest season of America's Got Talent, viewers were introduced to Richard Goodall, an unassuming janitor from Indiana who had never even flown before, making his maiden voyage for the audition.

    在最新一季的 "美國達人秀 "節目中,觀眾們看到了來自印第安納州的理查德-古道爾(Richard Goodall),他是一位不起眼的看門人,以前甚至從未坐過飛機,這次是他參加選拔賽的處女航。

  • With palpable nerves, he stepped onto the stage, facing the imposing panel of judges


  • Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Heidi Klum, and Howie Mandel.

    Simon Cowell、Sofia Vergara、Heidi Klum 和 Howie Mandel。

  • The task before him was daunting, performing Journey's iconic Don't Stop Believin' in front of a live audience.

    在現場觀眾面前演唱 Journey 的經典曲目 Don't Stop Believin' 是擺在他面前的一項艱鉅任務。

  • As Richard stood there, admitting his anxiety, a wave of support surged through the crowd.


  • Their applause a reassuring balm.


  • It was the spark he needed.


  • Taking a deep breath, he began his performance, and what followed was nothing short of breathtaking.


  • His voice soared, filled with raw emotion and undeniable talent, captivating everyone in the auditorium.


  • When the final note of Richard's singing faded, a moment of stunned silence hung in the air, before the audience erupted into a standing ovation.


  • The judges, equally moved, rose to their feet, their faces beaming with astonishment and joy.


  • Among the panel, it was Heidi Klum who delivered the most impactful response.

    在小組討論中,海蒂-克拉姆(Heidi Klum)的回答最具影響力。

  • She praised him with heartfelt admiration, culminating in the momentous gesture.


  • She slammed the golden buzzer, showering Richard in a cascade of gold and confetti, and sending him directly to the live shows.


  • This monumental moment was captured and shared on YouTube, where fans echoed the judges' sentiments.

    這一具有紀念意義的時刻被拍攝下來並在 YouTube 上分享,粉絲們也對評審們的觀點表示贊同。

  • Comments poured in, filled with emotion and admiration.


  • One viewer, fighting back tears, expressed deep appreciation for Richard's bravery and talent, while another lauded the unknown individual who encouraged him to take that faithful flight.


  • The consensus was clear.


  • The good ol' had not only deserved the golden buzzer, but he'd also touched countless hearts, proving that dreams are worth pursuing, no matter the odds.


  • It won't be wrong to say that Richard's journey on America's Got Talent is one of perseverance and unwavering hope.


  • In 2009, he auditioned for AGT, but didn't make it past the first round in Chicago.

    2009 年,他參加了 AGT 的試鏡,但未能通過在芝加哥舉行的第一輪比賽。

  • He also tried his luck with another singing reality show, The Voice.

    他還在另一檔歌唱真人秀節目 "好聲音"(The Voice)中一試身手。

  • After participating in a virtual audition for The Voice, Richard received a rejection email from The Voice.

    理查德參加了 "好聲音 "的虛擬試鏡後,收到了一封來自 "好聲音 "的拒絕郵件。

  • The news left him deeply dejected, so much so that he shared a screenshot of the email on social media, expressing his disappointment.


  • Despite this setback, Richard's determination remained unshaken.


  • He announced that he would audition for America's Got Talent once more, though he lowered his expectations this time.


  • Little did he know that this renewed effort would lead to his golden buzzer moment and a chance to share his amazing talent with the world.

    他不知道的是,他的再次努力將為他帶來 "金鐘獎 "時刻,並讓他有機會與全世界分享他驚人的天賦。

  • As for his prospects in the competition, Richard remains grounded.


  • He approaches AGT with no expectations, but that doesn't mean he won't give it his all.

    他對 AGT 沒有任何期望,但這並不意味著他不會全力以赴。

  • His humility shines through as he reflects on his life as an ordinary person, doing extraordinary things.


  • Regularly performing at his local schools, whenever asked, Richard cherishes every opportunity to share his gift.


  • He recognizes his fortune in reaching this point, and is determined not to take any of it for granted.


  • Richard may have become worldwide famous now, as everyone loves watching AGT, but he tasted little popularity back in the summer of 2022.

    理查德現在可能已經名滿天下,因為大家都喜歡看 AGT,但在 2022 年夏天,他還沒有嚐到什麼受歡迎的滋味。

  • He first captured widespread attention with a stunning performance of Journey's Don't

    他第一次引起廣泛關注,是在演唱 Journey 的 Don't

  • Stop Believing at Davis Park Elementary School's end-of-year program.

    戴維斯公園小學的年終活動 "停止相信"。

  • The video of his performance went viral.


  • People were amazed to see a janitor with such an amazing voice.


  • After this, it was the students at his school who convinced him to take his talent beyond the confines of Terre Haute.


  • They frequently heard him sing and recognized his exceptional ability, repeatedly telling him he had what it takes to succeed.


  • Their strong belief in his talent inspired Richard to take a leap of faith, and he auditioned for America's Got Talent again.


  • In an interview, Richard reflected on his journey, and shared how the encouragement from the students he works with every day was the driving force behind his decision to audition.


  • Their support and belief in him gave him the confidence to hop on a plane and pursue his dreams.


  • Apart from his work as a janitor, Richard is also the lead singer of a band called Manipause.

    除了看門人的工作,理查德還是一個名為 Manipause 樂隊的主唱。

  • The viral success of his school singing video had an unexpected and thrilling impact on his musical career.


  • Suddenly, Manipause began receiving numerous calls for gigs, a surprising turn of events that left Richard both shocked and delighted.

    突然間,Manipause 開始接到大量演出邀請,這一出人意料的轉變讓理查德又驚又喜。

  • With newfound attention, Richard frequently shared updates on his Instagram about the band's performances, detailing their schedule and venues.

    有了新的關注點,理查德經常在自己的 Instagram 上分享樂隊的最新演出資訊,詳細介紹他們的日程安排和演出地點。

  • The response was overwhelmingly positive.


  • Audiences who came to see Manipause perform were consistently impressed by Richard's vocal prowess and stage presence, showering him with praise and admiration.

    前來觀看 Manipause 演出的觀眾無不被理查德的歌唱實力和舞臺表現力所折服,對他讚不絕口。

  • This surge in popularity provided Richard with even more known fans.


  • He caught the eye of American Idol contestant Rudy Cardenas.

    他引起了《美國偶像》選手魯迪-卡德納斯(Rudy Cardenas)的注意。

  • Rudy, impressed by Richard's viral video, reached out and invited to join him for a special performance.


  • When Richard accepted the invitation and took the stage alongside Rudy, he was nothing short of spectacular.


  • One probably can't guess, seeing the positive demeanor of Richard, but he'd endured an unimaginable tragedy some time ago.


  • He lost his wife of over 30 years to cancer, a heart-wrenching battle that left him devastated.

    他因癌症失去了結婚 30 多年的妻子,這場令人心碎的戰鬥讓他一蹶不振。

  • In a poignant Instagram post, Richard shared the depths of his sorrow, revealing how he did everything in his power to save her, but ultimately couldn't prevent her passing.

    理查德在 Instagram 上發表了一篇感人至深的文章,分享了他的悲痛,揭示了他是如何竭盡全力拯救她,但最終還是沒能阻止她的離去。

  • Despite the profound loss, Richard's journey didn't end in despair.


  • His good nature led him to find happiness again with Angie.


  • During his America's Got Talent audition, Richard Goodall mentioned his fiancée, Angie, a beacon of joy in his life.


  • While the pain of his past is unimaginable, his fans can take solace in seeing Richard's new chapter, filled with love and companionship.


  • Richard's golden buzzer moment on America's Got Talent was a dream come true, but the financial strain of being a contestant posed a significant challenge for him to consider continuing.

    理查德在 "美國達人秀 "上的金鐘獎時刻讓他夢想成真,但作為參賽選手的經濟壓力對他考慮繼續參賽構成了巨大挑戰。

  • The costs of flights, hotel stays, and other expenses were daunting for him.


  • Recognizing his immense talent and the hardships he faced, the show's organizers stepped in to cover his travel and accommodation costs.


  • In addition, they launched a GoFundMe page to support Richard financially.

    此外,他們還發起了一個 GoFundMe 頁面,為理查德提供資金支持。

  • The campaign quickly gained traction, raising over $19,000 from generous fans and supporters who were moved by his story and his incredible voice.

    這項活動很快獲得了關注,從慷慨的粉絲和支持者那裡籌集到了 19,000 多美元,這些粉絲和支持者被他的故事和令人難以置信的嗓音所打動。

  • The outpouring of love and support ensured that Richard could focus on his performance without the burden of financial stress.


  • With this newfound financial backing and the public's enthusiastic response, Richard is poised for a promising future.


  • The overwhelming admiration for his talent indicates that he will have a long list of gigs ahead, and people eagerly await the chance to hear his captivating voice live.


  • For Richard, singing is about more than just music.


  • It's about offering hope and inspiration.


  • The timeless songs he loves to perform have the power to uplift and encourage others, and that is his true mission.


  • To instill hope and remind people never to surrender their dreams.


My name's Richard Goodall, from Terre Haute, Indiana.


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B2 中高級 中文 美國腔

美國達人秀》沒有告訴你的關於理查德-古道爾的事 (What America's Got Talent Didn't Tell You About Richard Goodall)

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    yayoi yoshi 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 24 日