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  • They mow the lawns, sweep the streets and clean the bathrooms of their living quarters.


  • In Saul-Orlau, in the state of Thuringia, 70 adult asylum seekers are now required to work up to four hours a day.

    在圖林根州的 Saul-Orlau,70 名成年尋求庇護者現在必須每天工作長達四小時。

  • It is the first district in Germany to introduce obligatory labour requirements, paying just 80 cents an hour.

    它是德國第一個引入強制性勞動要求的地區,每小時僅支付 80 美分。

  • Asylum seekers cannot refuse this community service, even for those who are looking for a real job, like Osama and Mohammed.


  • It's not good.


  • I want to work, to have a real full-time job.


  • That would be nice.


  • It's better than sleeping all day, but you know here in Germany the minimum wage is 13 euros an hour.

    總比整天睡懶覺強,但你知道德國的最低工資是每小時 13 歐元。

  • We do this for 80 cents.

    我們這樣做只需 80 美分。

  • Migrants risk losing 180 euros of their monthly social benefits of 450 euros if they refuse the work.

    如果拒絕工作,移民就有可能從每月 450 歐元的社會福利中損失 180 歐元。

  • And the allowances are now issued on payment cards or apps that can only be spent locally.


  • The card does not work everywhere.


  • I often want to buy a coffee or some clothes in a neighbouring town, and the payment doesn't go through.


  • Cash withdrawals are impossible with the card, and bank transfers within Germany and internationally are blocked.


  • Advocates of the scheme argue that migrants often send the financial aid they receive from the state back home.


  • Conservative politicians in Thuringia hope the measures will make Germany less attractive to migrants.


  • Frankly, we've reached a breaking point with the number of refugees.


  • As council leader, it's also my role to show local people that it's not only the far right that can come up with solutions, and the democratic parties can also tackle this under existing laws.


  • The new system should be imposed across Germany by the end of the year.


  • But regions facing big swings to the far right AFD party in the September local elections have been the first to implement it.


  • A few hundred kilometres away, in Brandenburg region, the election campaign is already in full swing.


  • It's amazing to see what financial aid these migrants get, while pensions remain stagnant.


  • Every Wednesday at the Golsen market, local councillor Hans Christoph Berndt meets his constituents handing out unlimited sausages and cold drinks.

    每週三,當地議員漢斯-克里斯托夫-貝恩德(Hans Christoph Berndt)都會在戈爾森(Golsen)市場與他的選民見面,向他們派發不限量的香腸和冷飲。

  • Here, the far right AFD party candidate is in his element, because immigration is the number one concern.

    在這裡,極右翼的 AFD 黨候選人可謂如魚得水,因為移民問題是他最關心的問題。

  • Why does migration bother me?


  • Because there are so many profiteers in our region.


  • What's changed in recent years is that there are simply too many migrants.


  • They have a completely different culture than we do.


  • Hans Christoph Berndt questions the entire migration policy pursued by successive governments over the past decade.

    Hans Christoph Berndt 對過去十年來歷屆政府推行的整個移民政策提出了質疑。

  • He thinks the new restrictions on asylum seekers don't go far enough.


  • Never mind the war in Syria or the Taliban in Afghanistan, he thinks migrants should be sent home.


  • Syria and Afghanistan are not countries in crisis, particularly not Afghanistan.


  • The same applies to Turkey, where large numbers of asylum seekers come from.


  • Send them home.


  • That's what we're campaigning for.


  • It is a viewpoint that is becoming increasingly normalized.


  • Responding to the growing influence of the extreme right, some conservative politicians want to limit asylum applications to 60,000 per year until 2030.

    為了應對極右翼勢力日益增長的影響,一些保守派政治家希望在 2030 年前將避難申請限制在每年 6 萬份。

  • For groups that work for the integration of migrants, it is a worrying trend.


  • On the ground, their concern is palpable.


  • This anti-migrant atmosphere is scary.


  • We feel it on the street.


  • We see it on campaign posters.


  • Many people who arrive are asking us if the far right is already in power and if they should be worried.


  • The regional head for integration in Thuringia says the hardening of refugee policies above all reflects a shift of the political debate towards the extreme right.


  • We're dealing with politicians who are giving in to a certain group of people to show their Instead of setting up this credit card system, they're depriving migrants of cash, which is a good thing, so money stays local.


  • But these measures are populist, playing politics at the expense of migrants.


  • Germany remains the main destination for asylum seekers in Europe, with more than 300,000 arrivals last year.

    德國仍然是歐洲尋求庇護者的主要目的地,去年有 30 多萬人抵達德國。

  • Berlin is now studying the possibility of processing these applications outside of EU borders.


They mow the lawns, sweep the streets and clean the bathrooms of their living quarters.


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德國出臺新措施降低本國對移民的吸引力 - FRANCE 24 English (Germany introduces new measures to make country less attractive to migrants • FRANCE 24 English)

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    妮娜 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 23 日