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  • What are the things that anyone and everyone can do, should do to live longer?


  • So if you compare low muscle mass people to high muscle mass people as they age, the low muscle mass people have about 200% increase in all-cause mortality.

    是以,如果將肌肉品質低的人與肌肉品質高的人進行比較,隨著年齡的增長,肌肉品質低的人的全因死亡率會增加約 200%。

  • If you look at cardiorespiratory fitness, it's even more profound.


  • You're talking about 5x difference in all-cause mortality.

    你說的是全因死亡率的 5 倍差異。

  • That's probably the single strongest association I've seen for any modifiable behavior.


  • So let's start with a couple of the things that you've already highlighted.


  • How much does smoking increase your risk of all-cause mortality?


  • Smoking is approximately a 40% increase in the risk of ACM.

    吸菸會使患 ACM 的風險增加約 40%。

  • It doesn't mean your lifespan is going to be 40% less.

    這並不意味著你的壽命會減少 40%。

  • It means at any point in time standing there, your risk of death is 40% higher.

    這意味著在任何時候站在那裡,你的死亡風險都會增加 40%。

  • So now the question is like, how do you improve?


  • So what are the things that improve those?


  • So now here we do this by comparing low to high achievers and other metrics.


  • So if you look at low muscle mass versus high muscle mass, what is the improvement?


  • And it's pretty significant.


  • It's about 3x.

    大約是 3 倍。

  • So if you compare low muscle mass people to high muscle mass people as they age, the low muscle mass people have about a 3x hazard ratio or 200% increase in all-cause mortality.

    是以,如果將肌肉品質低的人與肌肉品質高的人進行比較,那麼隨著年齡的增長,肌肉品質低的人的全因死亡率會增加約 3 倍的危險比或 200%。

  • Now, if you look at the data more carefully, you realize that it's probably less the muscle mass fully doing that.


  • And it's more the high association with strength.


  • And when you start to tease out strength, you can realize that strength could be probably 3.5x as a hazard ratio, meaning about 250% greater risk.

    當你開始研究強度時,你會發現強度可能是危險比的 3.5 倍,這意味著風險要高出 250%。

  • So they're usually using like grip strength, leg extensions, and like wall sits, squats, things like that.


  • So how long can you sit in a squatted position at 90 degrees without support would be a great demonstration of quad strength, a leg extension.

    是以,在沒有支撐的情況下,你能以 90 度的蹲坐姿勢坐多久,將是四肢力量(即腿部伸展)的最佳體現。

  • How much weight can you hold for how long relative to body weight, things like that.


  • You know, we have a whole strength program that we do with our patients.


  • We have something called the SMA.

    我們有一種叫做 SMA 的東西。

  • So it's the Strength Metrics Assessment.


  • And we put them through 11 tests that are really difficult.

    我們讓他們通過 11 項非常困難的測試。

  • You know, like a dead hang is one of them.


  • Like how long can you dead hang your body weight, stuff like that.


  • So we're trying to be more granular in that insight, but tie it back to these principles.


  • If you look at cardiorespiratory fitness, it's even more profound.


  • So if you look at people who are in the bottom 25% for their age and sex in terms of VO2 max, and you compare them to the people that are just at the 50th to 75th percentile, you're talking about a 2x difference roughly in the risk of ACM.

    是以,如果將最大 VO2 值在同年齡、同性別中排在最後 25% 的人與排在第 50 到 75 百分位的人進行比較,那麼患 ACM 的風險大約相差 2 倍。

  • If you compare the bottom 25% to the top 2.5%, so you're talking about, you know, bottom quarter to the elite for a given age, you're talking about 5x, 400% difference in all-cause mortality.


  • That's probably the single strongest association I've seen for any modifiable behavior.


  • So maybe we could talk a little bit about the specifics around the training to get into that, you know, top two tiers there.


  • Because it seems that those are enormous positive effects of cardiovascular exercise, far greater than the sorts of numbers that I see around, let's just say supplement A or supplement B.

    因為看起來這些都是心血管鍛鍊的巨大積極作用,遠遠大於我所看到的各種數字,比方說補充劑 A 或補充劑 B。

  • And that's, you know, like this is my whole pet peeve in life, right?


  • It's like, I just can't get enough of the machinating and arguing about this supplement versus that supplement.


  • And I feel like you shouldn't be having those arguments until you have your exercise house in order.


  • You know, you shouldn't be arguing about this nuance of your carnivore diet versus this nuance of your paleo diet versus this nuance of your vegan diet, like until you can deadlift your body weight for 10 reps.


  • Like then you can come and talk about those things or something.


  • Like, let's just start with some metrics.


  • Until your VO2 max is at least to the 75th percentile and you're able to dead hang for at least a minute and you're able to wall sit for at least two, like we could rattle off a bunch of relatively low hanging fruit.

    直到你的最大氧飽和度至少達到第 75 百分位數,你能懸垂至少一分鐘,你能壁坐至少兩分鐘,就像我們可以嘮叨一堆相對低懸的水果一樣。

  • Dead hang for about a minute seems like a really good goal for a lot of people.


  • At least that's our goal.


  • I think we have a minute and a half is the goal for a 40 year old woman.

    我認為,40 歲女性的目標是一分半鐘。

  • Two minutes is the goal for a 40 year old man.

    兩分鐘是一個 40 歲男人的目標。

  • So we adjust them up and down based on age and gender.


  • Great.


  • And then the wall sit, what are some?


  • We don't use a wall sit.


  • We do as just a straight squat, air squat at 90 degrees.

    我們只做直蹲,90 度空蹲。

  • And I believe two minutes is the standard for both men and women at 40.

    我相信兩分鐘是 40 歲男女的標準。

  • Great.


  • And then because for some people thinking in terms of VO2 max is a little more complicated, they might not have access to the equipment or to measure it, etc.


  • What can we talk about, think about in terms of cardiovascular?


  • So run a mile at seven minutes or less, eight minutes or less?

    那麼,跑一英里的時間是 7 分鐘或更短,還是 8 分鐘或更短?

  • That's a good question.


  • So there are really good VO2 max estimators online and you can plug in your activity du jour.


  • So it would be at a bike run or rowing machine and it can give you a sense of that.


  • And I don't remember, I used to know all of those.


  • But now that I just actually do the testing, I don't recall them.


  • But it's exactly that line of thinking.


  • Like, can you run a mile in this time?


  • If you can, your VO2 max is approximately this.

    如果可以,您的最大 VO2 值大約就是這個數值。

  • And then you mentioned deadlifting body weight 10 times.

    然後你提到負重舉重 10 次。

  • I just made that one up.


  • That's not one that we include, but something like that.


  • We use farmer carries.


  • So we'll say for a male, you should be able to farmer carry your body weight for, I think we have two minutes.


  • So that's half your body weight in each hand.


  • You should be able to walk with that for two minutes.


  • For women, I think we're doing 75% of body weight or something like that.

    對於女性來說,我想我們要做的是體重的 75% 之類的事情。

  • Yeah, it's basically grip strength.


  • It's mobility.


  • I mean, again, walking with that much weight for some people initially is really hard.


  • You know, we use different things like vertical jump, ground contact time, if you're jumping off a box, things like that.


  • It's really trying to capture...


  • And it's an evolution, right?


  • I think the test is going to get only more and more involved as we get involved.


  • Because it took us about a year.


  • Beth Lewis did the majority of the work to develop this.

    貝絲-劉易斯(Beth Lewis)完成了大部分的開發工作。

  • Beth runs our strength and stability program in the practice.


  • And basically, I just tasked her with like, hey, go out to the literature and come up with all of the best movements that we think are proxies for what you need to be like the most kick-ass, you know, what we call centenarian decathlete, which is the person living in their marginal decade at the best.


What are the things that anyone and everyone can do, should do to live longer?


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彼得-阿蒂亞促進長壽和逆轉衰老的五大運動 (Peter Attia: Top 5 Exercises to Boost Longevity & Reverse Aging)

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