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  • Hi Uniqlo's! It has been a minute since I have been on here. I'm so sorry for stepping away, but it has been nine months since you-know-what has happened. I'm here to report that this year has been the most pivotal, chaotic, and pleasantly unexpected year of my life. Let me set you down somewhere. I'm currently in San Francisco at my friend's place for a wedding. I know I've been very MIA from YouTube, but I have been consistently putting out on Jumbopod and IG Reels, so if you've been following me there, I hope you've been liking it. I really miss YouTube. I mean, this is where I started. I will definitely come back. It's just all of this is a lot to operate. Your girl's getting very little sleep, working all the time, and I promised I would do a brutally honest post-layoff

    嗨,優衣庫的朋友們!我好久沒來這裡了。我很抱歉離開這裡,但自從你知道發生了什麼事以來,已經過去九個月了。我在這裡向大家報告,今年是我人生中最關鍵、最混亂、最出人意料的一年。讓我給你介紹一下吧。我現在正在舊金山朋友家參加婚禮。我知道我已經很久沒在 YouTube 上露面了,但我一直在 Jumbopod 和 IG Reels 上發佈作品,如果你一直關注我的作品,希望你喜歡。我真的很想念 YouTube。我是說,這是我起步的地方。我一定會回來的。只是這一切都太繁重了你的女孩睡得很少,一直在工作,我答應過要做一個

  • Q&A at the nine-month mark, so I posted on my IG stories to ask for questions, and I got a ton, and then I categorized all of them into burning topics. The first question is, how are you doing? I actually get, how are you doing and how's your mental health in real life a lot. My mental is better than when I was working, surprisingly. I would say things are not as intense as before, and there's still like some things I'm working out, but overall pretty good.

    在九個月之際,我在 IG 上發佈了 "問與答",向大家徵集問題。第一個問題是,你過得怎麼樣?實際上,在現實生活中,我經常被問到 "你過得怎麼樣 "和 "你的心理健康如何"。出乎意料的是,我的精神狀態比我工作的時候要好。我想說的是,事情沒有以前那麼緊張了,我還在解決一些問題,但總體來說還不錯。

  • I mentioned right now I'm in San Francisco for a wedding. Kevin is a groomsman, so he is at the site already, so I'll meet up with him later. There are highs and there are lows. Like recently, I had an old family friend pass, and that was kind of a shock, and I literally just saw her this summer.


  • And as a kid, I would crawl under her door gate and show up at her house unannounced and ask for her noodle soup because I loved it so much. And I have another friend who recently got cancer, and I visited him at the hospital. I think all of this just goes to show that life is very short.


  • Too short to not do things that you love. Also, health is number one, and just be kind to everyone.


  • Wow, I felt like that was a little bit heavy. I promise it's really not that heavy. So next question, how did I feel when your work identity disappeared with the layoff? What was surprising was that I still really love tech and product, like I read about it constantly in my free time. The transition from working at a tech job for almost a decade to this year wasn't super hard. I already had been doing videos part-time for three years, and then I also invested in a lot in other areas of my life, like singing, friends, family. So I had a lot of various identity pillars to lean on, but the struggle really came in content because I've always been a career creator. So losing that was like, who am I now? I still don't really know how to talk about myself to people. Some people still call me that tech girl. Some people say I'm a lifestyle creator. I would love your two cents.


  • The latest language I've been using is that I'm a lifestyle creator with an emphasis on career, work, and progress.


  • Where does the bulk of your money come from? How do you not have financial anxiety? Are your parents bankrolling you? What about your fiancé? Literally got inspired to get a 95 because of you and now I hate it here. Girl! First off, I wish my parents were that well off. I would love to be a Nepo baby.

    您的大部分資金從何而來?你怎麼會沒有財務焦慮?你的父母在資助你嗎?你的未婚夫呢?因為你,我得到了考 95 分的靈感,現在我討厭這裡了。女孩首先,我希望我的父母也能這麼富裕。我也想當個尼波寶寶。

  • Unfortunately, my family does not have that kind of money. I grew up in a low-income financial aid immigrant family. I still support my brothers financially. My husband, Kevin, is not covering for me. He has said he can, so I'm very very privileged in that respect. But yeah, I don't think people realize that like I have been working in tech for almost a decade non-stop, so there's cushion there. The mortgage is expensive but not as expensive as you may think. It is sometimes less than people's rent, especially for my friends who live in New York. I definitely pay less than them.


  • Financial anxiety was there after the layoff. I panicked and I took on a lot of sponsors, which burnt me out. It was a really big learning experience for me. For the record, I am completely financially supporting myself. You know, like Kevin doesn't pay for all my meals. Like I pay still for a good amount of things. We don't spend egregious amounts of money and everything you see has been accumulation over the decade. But I will say I'm incredibly thankful to have content to financially support me too. Like there are sponsors, there is ad rev, I do speaking engagements.


  • And it's okay if I'm taking an L this year because my time off is way more valuable than any other year I've had in my life. I'm investing in the long run. Also, with respect to health insurance, I am married to Kevin, so I'm on his health insurance. We love that. I think I've answered your questions, but

    如果我今年休 L 年也沒關係,因為我的假期比我生命中的任何一年都要寶貴。我這是在做長期投資。另外,關於醫療保險,我嫁給了凱文,所以我有他的醫療保險。我們很喜歡這樣。我想我已經回答了你的問題,但是

  • I am sensing that I'm not addressing the root of your question, which is how do you manage money when you don't have income? I want to have a very thought-out answer that's helpful to you, so maybe


  • I will put that together in another video in the future. Okay, next question. Are you making more or just as much as you were working full-time versus now as a creator? Super juicy. I know a lot of people are dying to know what the creator salaries look like versus tech salaries. For me, I don't think I'm ready to talk about it, nor do I know how to talk about it publicly, but I can share broadly.


  • So you already know the tech salaries. I've shared that before. Creator salaries range so much. I've seen really big creators make anywhere from 500k to a million or more. Like if you're like big, big, big. But I've also seen people with millions of followers who make less than 100k. And according to Kajabi, only 4% of creatives make over $100,000, so maybe that'll help put things in perspective. All that is to say, the creative space is really, really hard.

    所以,你已經知道了技術人員的工資。我以前分享過。創作者的薪水差別很大。我見過真正的大創作者能掙到50萬到100萬甚至更多。就像如果你像大,大,大。但我也見過擁有數百萬粉絲的人,收入卻不到 10 萬。而根據 Kajabi 的數據,只有 4% 的創意人收入超過 10 萬美元,也許這能幫助我們正確看待問題。綜上所述,創意領域真的非常非常艱難。

  • What's the biggest change you've noticed in yourself? What's the best thing you said yes to?


  • What are the highs and lows of not having a conventional job in the last nine months? A lot of people struggle with not having a routine. Like a lot of people go back to work because they like that structure. I thrive with living with a blank canvas. You know, I'm someone who's very good at creating structure. Like I'm a framework person. If you have a problem, I have a framework. I'm that girl. I've also learned that I'm very self-motivated, maybe because I have put in so much time into corporate that now that I have this rare time of my life, I'm so scared to lose it.


  • I want to make everyday counts. The thing I always want to say yes to is myself. And then if I ever catch myself saying like, why am I doing this? I just got to take that out. This is not the year to be putting up with shit. This is the year to go full throttle on what my inner voice is telling me to do. With the lows, there were a good amount of lows. Like I don't talk about many of them publicly. I kind of brush on some of them on the jumbo pod. For example, hiring a team was brutal.

    我想讓每一天都有意義。我總是想對自己說 "是"。如果我發現自己說,我為什麼要這麼做?我就得把這句話說出來。今年不能再忍氣吞聲了。今年,我要全力以赴,去完成我內心的聲音告訴我要做的事情。谷底也不少。我沒有公開談論過其中的很多。我在巨型播客上刷了一些。比如,招聘團隊就很殘酷。

  • A lot of people I worked with, I put a lot of my trust in them and they just like let me down.


  • The surprising thing is that in the creative industry and freelance space, the skill range is humongous. What I loved about corporate is A, you really have to learn the game of like interviewing. No matter how crappy people are, even at work, there is a baseline. The second is people have managers to coach them through how to communicate and collaborate with other people.

    令人驚訝的是,在創意產業和自由職業領域,技能的範圍非常大。我喜歡企業工作的原因是 A,你真的必須學會面試這個遊戲。無論多麼蹩腳的人,即使是在工作中,也是有底線的。第二,人們有經理指導他們如何與他人溝通和合作。

  • In the creative space, most people don't have any experience working on teams or in an office.


  • So they're just raw dogging work. Also, there's a lot of people who are full of shit and you have to vet them, backchannel. So that's been a huge pain point. Like I still do all of my writing, videos, editing, production. I do everything myself except for the podcast. I have an editor.


  • Another low is living with the stigma of getting laid off. That's just been my current state for so long. Some people also think I got fired, which was not the case. There are two totally different things. I also have some online hate. My parents constantly ask me about whether I'm looking for a job. There is inherent societal shame, but I constantly just have to remind myself, don't lose sight. My goal is even farther than the next job. I'm doing all that I can to make this gap year worth it. And speaking of my gap year, I do have a question. How is design school coming along? And the answer is amazing. Well, I'm not going to like one specific design school.


  • I did take topography at art center in Pasadena. The professor was a Disney Imagineer for like 20 years. I learned a lot. Also, if you haven't noticed, my type game has been fire. I'm a design student. My edits are so different from before. I hope you've been witnessing my evolution. I am peering into the possibility of taking classes in digital art and animation. I also took a few UX design courses on Coursera, who is by the way, the sponsor of today's video. Let me tell you about

    我在帕薩迪納的藝術中心學過地形學。教授是一名迪士尼幻想師,在迪士尼工作了 20 年。我學到了很多東西。另外,如果你沒注意到,我的打字遊戲已經火了。我是學設計的。我的編輯和以前大不一樣了。我希望你們能見證我的進化。我正在研究選修數字藝術和動畫課程的可能性。我還在 Coursera 上學習了一些用戶體驗設計課程,順便說一下,今天的視頻就是由 Coursera 贊助的。讓我來告訴你

  • Coursera guys. Coursera is an online learning platform that has all kinds of courses, degrees, certifications from all kinds of notable companies and universities like these and these. I have been posting about my journey taking Coursera courses on my Instagram and LinkedIn. So y'all know I've been studying up on design and AI and specifically on Coursera. I've been taking their UX design courses. There's one by Google and one by CalArts. On top of that, I'm also taking their AI product management course that is taught by IBM. I have gotten a lot of questions on my opinions on AI and

    Coursera 夥計們Coursera 是一個在線學習平臺,有來自各種知名公司和大學的各種課程、學位和認證,比如這些和這些。我一直在我的 Instagram 和 LinkedIn 上發佈我學習 Coursera 課程的心路歷程。你們都知道我一直在學習設計和人工智能,特別是在 Coursera 上。我一直在學習他們的用戶體驗設計課程。還有一門是谷歌的,一門是加州藝術學院的。除此之外,我還在學習由 IBM 講授的人工智能產品管理課程。我收到了很多關於我對人工智能的看法的問題。

  • I made a post of my deeper thoughts over here. But essentially, I am optimistic and I do think that AI is creating a lot of new job opportunities with new skill sets that we should keep up with as well. The IBM course in particular, I think, is pretty extensive. It gives a pretty good intro to

    我在這裡發表了一篇文章,闡述了我更深層次的想法。但從本質上講,我是樂觀的,而且我確實認為人工智能正在創造大量新的工作機會和新的技能組合,我們也應該跟上它的步伐。尤其是 IBM 的課程,我認為內容非常廣泛。它很好地介紹了

  • AI, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, and LLMs. It also has tactical modules on generative

    人工智能、機器學習、深度學習、神經網絡和 LLM。它還擁有關於生成式

  • AI, prompt engineering basics, how to build AI-powered products, and how to use gen AI in your PM career.

    人工智能,提示工程基礎知識,如何構建人工智能驅動的產品,以及如何在您的 PM 職業生涯中使用人工智能。

  • So if you are in your level up era, do check out the courses on Coursera. I have linked all the ones I mentioned down below in the description for you to check out. Thank you so much Coursera for partnering with me on so many pieces of content this year. It's been a privilege to be a Coursera partner. I hope all of you have a wonderful learning journey and now back to the video.

    是以,如果你正處於提升水準的時期,不妨看看 Coursera 上的課程。我在下面的描述中鏈接了我提到的所有課程,供大家查看。非常感謝 Coursera 今年與我合作了這麼多內容。能成為 Coursera 的合作伙伴是我的榮幸。希望大家有一個美好的學習之旅,現在回到視頻。

  • After nine sweet months, is returning to corporate still worth it? Yo dude, I don't know what to tell you. I have flip-flopped on this question all year like my friends are sick of my shit. You have no idea how many times I've opened up LinkedIn jobs and just doomscrolled job opportunities. I'm just like, oh my god, this would look so good. I sent it to Kevin. He's like, please not another one. A few thoughts I am holding myself to. One, this is the most valuable time of my life. I have never been in a place where all those things that I said, oh it'd be nice if I could do this, I am doing them. I am getting through my creative bucket list and if I go back to the office, all of that out the door.

    經過九個月的甜蜜時光,重返公司還值得嗎?老兄,我不知道該怎麼跟你說。整整一年,我都在這個問題上翻來覆去,就像我的朋友們厭倦了我的狗屎一樣。你根本不知道我在 LinkedIn 上打開了多少次工作機會,但都是 "茫無頭緒"。我就想,天哪,這一定很不錯。我把它發給了凱文。他說:"拜託,別再來了。我有幾個想法第一,這是我一生中最寶貴的時光。我從來沒有經歷過這樣的時刻,我說過的那些 "哦,如果我能做到這些就好了 "的事情,我都在做。我正在完成我的創意水桶清單,如果我回到辦公室,所有這些都會被淘汰。

  • Two, I love my tech job. Having stable income is so good. Having co-workers is nice. A routine, an office, my little work bag, doing meetings, but the office politics, I hate. The promotion game, I hate. I'm very happy to go back to work. I'd love to, only if it's a very compelling opportunity. I don't want to willy-nilly just get a job. I want to take my time. I really need to invest in leveling myself up. When the opportunity comes, girl, you know I'm gonna pounce at it. Is there a company that can convince me? Yes, there are many. Right now, I'm very much into that intersection between creativity and


  • AI, but ain't no way I'm leaving LA, so that limits my options a lot as RTO is happening. Where do you see yourself in five years? Cheesy question. No, I love these types of questions. Thank you for asking.

    人工智能,但我不可能離開洛杉磯,所以這大大限制了我的選擇,因為 RTO 正在發生。你覺得自己五年後會在哪裡工作?很俗的問題。不,我喜歡這類問題。謝謝你的提問。

  • I see kids, yeah. I still see content. An interesting discovery this year was that I love content. I love making videos. I just love building this community. I see a vague outline of a 9-5, but it's kind of a mirage, so I don't know if it's actually there. I would love to do both tech and content, but I cannot go back to what I was doing before. I don't know how I manage full-time product management and doing content on the side. I no longer have it in me to do those 4am nights and still wake up for morning meetings and stand up. The body doesn't work the same in your 30s anymore.

    我看到了孩子,是的。我還能看到內容。今年一個有趣的發現是,我喜歡內容。我喜歡製作視頻。我喜歡建立這個社區。我隱約看到了朝九晚五的輪廓,但這有點像海市蜃樓,所以我不知道它是否真的存在。我很想既做技術又做內容,但我不能回到以前的工作狀態。我不知道該如何處理全職產品管理和兼職內容的關係。我再也沒有力氣在凌晨 4 點的時候還能起床參加晨會和站立。到了 30 多歲,身體已經不一樣了。

  • But in five years, I'm gonna be 35, 36. I think it's gonna be my prime. That will be the peak of my career and I'm so excited for it. I'm seriously building my foundational skills to prep for that wave. I mean, if that wave comes early, I'm open to it. That is a time I see myself being a real trailblazer, like doing new things in tech, in this industry, in content. I don't know how to explain it, but that is the dream. The vision board. How do you manage to tease so much in your life?


  • My real honest answer is I actually am very bad at time management. I don't manage it, but I am very good at getting things done. It's very strange. I have this one-track mind. I'm super momentum-based.


  • I'm very like, deep work, don't bother me, in my zone. I love to endlessly write, create, read, watch.


  • I love a good flow state. I don't like looking at the clock, which is probably why I sleep so late.


  • What is your daily routine to make the best use of this time? I don't think a routine is going to be insightful, but I do think a few mindsets are. So I'm going to give you a few guiding principles


  • I hold on to. One, talking about the thing is not doing the thing. Let that sink in. Like, if I held a gun to your head and said, what is stopping you from doing the thing? Whatever that reason is, you gotta kill it. Number two, stay out of drama. Enough said. Number three, I read this from a book recently, or like, maybe an Instagram post. Anxiety is an addiction. I felt so attacked when I read that.


  • Doom spiraling, saying negative things. I used to do a lot of that and it almost felt comfortable to me.


  • It's so easy to be a pessimist and say, oh, that's just not going to work because xyz. And when it actually happens, you get to say, oh, I knew it. But those type of people never get to take their chances to make the thing happen. I had to swallow the pill that that is an easy out and it drains me and it holds me back from giving it a real honest shot. Do you still get burnt out? Yes. But I would say it's not that bad. It's more like I get overwhelmed. And when that does happen, I just write. I put all my thoughts on a page. I recently reread the book The Artist's Way. I read this in college. Like, my girlfriends and I really enjoyed this book. I had been going through this mental block of like, oh, I'm not a creative person and I suck and I don't have good ideas. It tells you to do morning pages, which is like basically journaling for three pages every single morning. And it also tells you to take yourself on artist dates every week and that rest and play are really good for your energy. I highly recommend the book. You should read it. Link it down below. If you could go back nine months ago, what would you tell her? Do you regret anything? Regret is a strong word. There are things I could have done better and that there are things that I didn't have to do. But I think it's hard to skip all of that completely because I wouldn't have known unless I had done it. You know what I mean? I don't know. In a strange way, I find it very empowering to develop your own strong opinions about something based on your own personal experience. Like you put the work to figure that out and you have that anecdote that you can pull from. But if I could go back to Chloe nine months ago, I would tell her three things. One, it's okay to rest. In fact, it makes you a better, more productive, more creative person. So please do it for the love of God. Two, don't be afraid of losing that opportunity in front of you right now. Scarcity mindset is so real. Plenty of opportunities will come your way. Trust me. Just focus on yourself. And three, trust your gut. People ain't shit. Don't believe people. If you get a weird icky feeling about someone, it's probably true.

    悲觀主義者很容易說,哦,這行不通,因為 xyz。當事情真的發生時,你會說,哦,我就知道。但這類人永遠不會抓住機會,讓事情發生。我不得不吞下這顆藥丸,因為這很容易讓人放棄,它會耗盡我的精力,讓我無法真正誠實地去嘗試。你還會感到倦怠嗎?會。但我覺得沒那麼嚴重。更多的是不知所措。當這種情況發生時,我就寫作。我把所有的想法都寫在紙上。我最近重讀了《藝術家之路》這本書。我在大學時讀過這本書。我和我的閨蜜們都非常喜歡這本書。我一直有這樣的心理障礙:哦,我不是一個有創造力的人,我很差勁,我沒有好的想法。這本書告訴你要寫

  • How should I deal with a layoff? This just happened to me. I feel so numb. Is it okay to rest and not do anything? Layoffs suck. I know firsthand. A lot of my friends have gotten laid off this year. First of all, it is not your fault. It is more of a reflection of the company than you. If a company isn't making enough money, it just makes so much sense to cut the expenses to make them look more profitable. I'm just saying, that's what it is. Privately, I have supported a lot of friends through the journey this year. Like I became the layoff girl and I've gotten so much outrage, like coffee chats, can I talk to you? This happened. How do I navigate it? Everyone struggles with it. I think only like one or two people I know really flourished in it because I guess they were so burnt out that they really wanted to leave. And it was nice to have severance after they left. For the majority of people who weren't expecting it, it sucks. And then to get back on your feet, get interviews, and get pummeled in this economy just messes up your head in a way that puts you in dark places. Trust me, you're gonna get that job offer. It might not be soon, but it will come. And when that happens, all of this will feel very very long ago. And if you're not feeling emotionally sane, you must rest.

    我該如何應對裁員?我剛剛遭遇了這種情況。我感覺很麻木。休息一下,什麼都不做可以嗎?裁員很糟糕。我有切身體會。我的很多朋友今年都被裁員了。首先,這不是你的錯。與其說是你的錯,不如說是公司的錯。如果一家公司賺的錢不夠多,那麼削減開支讓他們看起來更有利可圖就很合理了。我只是說,事實就是如此。私下裡,我支持很多朋友走過了這一年。我成了 "裁員女孩",得到了很多憤怒,比如咖啡哈拉,我能和你談談嗎?發生了這種事。我該如何應對?每個人都在掙扎。我想我認識的人中,只有一兩個人真的在裁員中茁壯成長,因為我猜他們已經筋疲力盡

  • You must be gentle with yourself. You must treat yourself with love. There is no other way. And when you're ready, get back in the game and lock in. You've done it before, you can do it again.


  • Do you recommend the content life for others in tech? I get this question so so so much. My answer is always the same. One, content is not an overnight success. Get that out of your head. It looks so glamorous. It is not glamorous. You are making videos for like what seems to be years with absolutely no return. You're making cringe videos and everyone's making fun of you basically. And it is a lifestyle. You're constantly writing, filming, editing. You have to love making videos. Two is, thankfully, it is a very easy thing to try out. If you have the itch at all, you can just whip out your phone and start recording. It's one of those things where I don't think you'll know if you want to do it until you actually do it and it's very easy to try it today. My experience has been full of trials and tribulations, ups and downs. I've changed my mind on it all the time, but I can confidently say I sincerely love it. I love storytelling, making videos. I love building this community. I love meeting unique loves and jomies out in the wild. I love this. Last question, how did you know what you want to do this year? Could you share more about your life PRD? Some of you may know I wrote this whole life PRD because I'm a product manager and this is just what PMs do.


  • It is this why, what, how of how I'm going to approach my gap year. I said I would make a template on it. I still am trying to figure that out. I don't know exactly how to do it because it is so tailored to me. I had to figure out how to make this like generalizable to everyone. I go through the doc in detail in this video and this video. I link those down below. If and when I make that template, you will know. I will post about it. Surely it's gonna happen. Just give me some time.

    這就是我要如何對待我的間隔年的 "為什麼"、"做什麼 "和 "怎麼做"。我說過我要做一個模板。我還在想辦法。我不知道到底該怎麼做,因為它太適合我了。我必須想辦法讓它對每個人都通用。我在這段視頻和這段視頻中詳細介紹了文檔。我在下面鏈接了這些視頻。如果我製作了模板,你們會知道的。我會發布相關資訊。肯定會的。給我點時間吧。

  • And I think that wraps up this Q&A at the nine month mark. Thank you to all those who submitted your questions. Really appreciate it. I hope this gave some interesting perspective on various life paths, on how life is on this side. Probably a lot of you have gone through or are going through layoffs right now and it sucks. It truly does. I've seen the best of people lose all of their self-confidence but come back and get on their A-game once more. And I don't know who needs to hear this and I think this is low-key hypocritical to say or like I don't know like confusing to say. Don't trust social media. I have constantly been surprised at how successful people look online and then I meet them in real life and they are in complete shambles. Everyone is fighting demons. Everyone is working on themselves. Pay attention to your heart and your body. You are more than enough. You showing up today is incredible and trust yourself. You got yourself this far. You will keep going.


  • You're a brilliant person. You're gonna get there. It'll come a lot sooner than you think. And remember sometimes the hardest person to appreciate is yourself. Don't forget to be gentle with yourself.


  • You deserve it. And with that, I will see you next time Uniqlos. Bye!


Hi Uniqlo's! It has been a minute since I have been on here. I'm so sorry for stepping away, but it has been nine months since you-know-what has happened. I'm here to report that this year has been the most pivotal, chaotic, and pleasantly unexpected year of my life. Let me set you down somewhere. I'm currently in San Francisco at my friend's place for a wedding. I know I've been very MIA from YouTube, but I have been consistently putting out on Jumbopod and IG Reels, so if you've been following me there, I hope you've been liking it. I really miss YouTube. I mean, this is where I started. I will definitely come back. It's just all of this is a lot to operate. Your girl's getting very little sleep, working all the time, and I promised I would do a brutally honest post-layoff

嗨,優衣庫的朋友們!我好久沒來這裡了。我很抱歉離開這裡,但自從你知道發生了什麼事以來,已經過去九個月了。我在這裡向大家報告,今年是我人生中最關鍵、最混亂、最出人意料的一年。讓我給你介紹一下吧。我現在正在舊金山朋友家參加婚禮。我知道我已經很久沒在 YouTube 上露面了,但我一直在 Jumbopod 和 IG Reels 上發佈作品,如果你一直關注我的作品,希望你喜歡。我真的很想念 YouTube。我是說,這是我起步的地方。我一定會回來的。只是這一切都太繁重了你的女孩睡得很少,一直在工作,我答應過要做一個

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9 個月前我被解僱了......情況是這樣的。 (I was laid off 9 mo's how it's going.)

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