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  • So ladies and gentlemen, I grew up without a father.


  • I'm an only child.


  • And the reason I'm telling you this is because I am going to tell you 17 life lessons.

    我之所以告訴你這些,是因為我要告訴你 17 條人生經驗。

  • I wish someone had told me as a teenager.


  • So these are things that I had to find out the difficult way and that's why I'm sharing them with you today.


  • So that way you do not need to go through the years and years of pain struggle soul searching that I went through and you can just bypass all of that if you listen and you take heed.


  • So I've got a couple things written down and honestly, I'm just going to spitball these 17 lessons lesson.

    所以,我已經寫下了一些東西,說實話,我只是想把這 17 節課的內容說出來。

  • Number one is you need to extend your timeline.


  • And I know that is very difficult when you watch my videos.


  • It's very difficult when you are on tik-tok and you see these 18 year old 21 year old millionaires and I understand that I am even a part of that issue sitting here at the age of 23 years old for tens of millions of dollars.

    當你在 tik-tok 上看到這些 18 歲 21 歲的百萬富翁時,你會感到非常困難,而且我知道,我甚至也是這個問題的一部分,23 歲就坐在這裡,身家數千萬美元。

  • It is so easy to see the final product and think that you need to rush when quite frankly you don't I can tell you that I have missed out on so many hang out with the friends grab a beer with the friends watch the football game.


  • My childhood and my teenage years had none of that which is why I want you to understand extend the timeline you want to become a millionaire great.


  • Give yourself five years.


  • Give yourself 10 years.

    給自己 10 年時間。

  • You don't need to rush now.


  • I will say if you can get rich faster go for it.


  • If you can learn a high income skill and we'll talk about a little later down the line if you can start a side gig that then turns into a small little business that then turns into a very large business go for it, but just alleviate the pressure stop thinking you need to become a millionaire in a year two years and even in my position.


  • I understand.


  • I did not have a normal person's journey.


  • It is not normal to amass the sort of wealth that I have amassed.


  • And by the way, as I said that came with a lot of drawbacks.


  • So don't just think it's all roses and sunshine, but even me in my position.


  • You can see videos of me in 2015 2016 when I was just starting out my business with acne on my face reading books going to the gym being an absolute loner and I say this because please keep this in mind anytime you watch my video or some tick-tock this stuff does not happen overnight is been nearly a decade since I started reading a book a week since I started meditating going to the gym and setting the building blocks in the foundation for the man that I would go on to be so please keep your foot on the gas keep pressing but extend your timeline time is your biggest asset at the moment.

    你可以看到我在 2015 年 2016 年剛開始創業時的視頻,那時我臉上長滿了痤瘡,在看書,去健身房,是一個絕對的獨行俠,我這麼說是因為無論何時你看我的視頻或一些滴答聲,請記住這一點,這些東西不會在一夜之間發生,自從我開始每週看一本書,自從我開始冥想,去健身房,為我日後成為一個男人奠定基礎,已經過去了近十年,所以請把腳放在油門上,繼續按下去,但要延長你的時間表,時間是你目前最大的資產。

  • The next life lesson is walk with purpose.

    下一堂人生課是 "有目標地行走"。

  • I remember even from the age of 15 or 16.


  • I would walk down the street.


  • You could tell I was on a mission and I think that was really just a sign of having a clear direction a vision for what I could become.


  • So when you walk down the street, I'm not saying that you need to sprint keep your shoulders back look straight walk with a clear direction look like you know where you're going.


  • Now.


  • The next thing is to focus on practicality and not purpose.


  • I hear this whole thing of oh, I'm not starting because I just need to find my purpose.


  • I need to find my passion stop it focus on practicality when you are a teenager.


  • You will not know your purpose.


  • You will not know your mission and even in your 20s even the phase I'm in it will morph and it will change so instead focus on practicality focus on learning skills that are practical focus on starting businesses or careers that are practical focus on getting an apprenticeship or even a low-paying job that isn't the destination of where you want to get to but is practical and will teach you the core Foundation and the core principles to then go on and succeed in your 20s.

    你不會知道自己的使命,即使在你 20 多歲的時候,即使是我現在所處的階段,它也會變形、會改變,所以要注重實用性,注重學習實用的技能,注重創業或從事實用的職業,注重找一份學徒工甚至低薪工作,這些工作不是你想去的目的地,但很實用,會教會你核心基礎和核心原則,讓你在 20 多歲的時候繼續取得成功。

  • Now the next life lesson and this is so important and I know I'm just speaking to men here and a lot of times in my content.


  • I speak to men but for reasons that I've previously mentioned it is important for me to put out content and nurture the next generation of men.


  • So men listen to me when I say focus on becoming a gentleman in this world and especially in the West.


  • I see some of the most disgusting behavior from men.


  • It does not surprise me that so many women treat you with disrespect because you are not men even worthy of respect.


  • Do not listen to all of these guys that have never lived in the real world telling you oh, you're a simp if you pick up a girl if you drop a girl home after a date if you pay for the bill.


  • I don't know who raised some of these kids because quite clearly they're not actual men the way that I was raised is as a man you pay for the bill and if you cannot pay for the bill if you cannot afford to and when I was younger, I was in that position.


  • Well, then guess what get to work.


  • Don't take girls out to dinner put your head down and focus if you're taking a girl to you pick her up you drop her home you do the gentlemanly thing.


  • I cannot express how important these things are to learn in your teenage years other things understanding a girl's alcohol tolerance.


  • I see so many idiots that give girls drink after drink after drink not seeing that they are quite clearly intoxicated as I said, I don't know how some guys were raised.


  • But the way that I was raised if you are with a woman if she's your date or she's one of your friends in that situation.


  • You are responsible for her.


  • So act accordingly if you want to be a man of honor if you want to be a man that deserves respect then you must learn how to treat a woman properly never ever let her cross your boundaries and just remember if you are a man that is worthy of respect and obviously never accept disrespect from another party by just thinking this world we live in so many men are afraid of you know, come across and being a simp if you pay for the bill or if you pick her up on a way to a date that is absolutely no way to conduct yourself as a man.


  • So learn these principles as a teenager and they will carry through for the rest of your life, especially if you stack them up with all these other life lessons, then you are going to be a man of honor you are going to be a man that other women respect and I can tell you that goes very far in life.


  • The next thing is I want you to enjoy the journey.


  • I want you to remember that these are your glory years these years right now as a teenager and especially in your early teens even these are the years you're going to look back at with fondness because these are the years that you built you built your character the person that you are going to become.


  • I can tell you right now that my most fond years were probably the year before I started my first ever business when I was 16 and a couple years after that the years were things were tough.

    我現在就可以告訴你,我最快樂的時光可能是我第一次創業的前一年,那年我 16 歲,之後的幾年則是艱難的歲月。

  • They were not easy.


  • I was making sacrifices.


  • It was difficult at the time, but I have so much appreciation for it now.


  • So please if things are difficult or they're hard right now take a moment to appreciate it because these are the years are going to be talking about in a decade two decades when you're sitting outside with your boys at your beachfront property having a cigar or drinking a glass of wine and reminiscing about the good times.


  • Now if you're in your teens, I want you to start investing now and I don't care if it's $10 a week or $30 a week or $50 whatever you can do.

    現在,如果你只有十幾歲,我希望你現在就開始投資,我不在乎是每週 10 美元,還是每週 30 美元或 50 美元,只要你能做到。

  • Even if it's $5 a week, it's not about the money and it's not about you know, the eighth one of the world compound interest because I'll be honest at this age.

    即使一週只有 5 美元,也不是為了錢,也不是為了世界第八的複利,因為我在這個年紀已經很老實了。

  • It really doesn't matter and hopefully in a few years you should be making a very very good income that far exceeds anything you could ever make from investing.


  • All it comes down to is simply good habits.


  • I do not believe that if you won't invest $10 when you make a hundred dollars a month that you'll invest $10,000 when you make a hundred thousand dollars a month.

    我不相信,如果你在一個月賺 100 美元時不願意投資 10 美元,那麼你在一個月賺 10 萬美元時就會投資 1 萬美元。

  • And if those numbers sound crazy to you, I can't imagine ever making hundred thousand dollars a month all this just park that in your mind for now.


  • Okay, you don't need to worry about that, but I'm telling you it's a very very strong reality if you're consuming content like this and you dedicate your life to building over the next year three years five years ten years.


  • I can tell you numbers like that almost guaranteed in your future, but I know for the a lot of you that will overwhelm you.


  • So just park that aside for right now.


  • If you make a hundred dollars a month just invest 10.

    如果你每月賺 100 美元,只需投資 10 美元。

  • It's simply having good financial hygiene and building those good habits early on the next life lesson.


  • If you're a teenager is build high income skills a high income skill could be content creation.


  • It could be sales.


  • It could be copywriting.


  • These are things that no matter what I don't care if the year is 2023.

    這些事情,無論如何,我都不在乎是 2023 年。

  • I don't care if the year is 2040.

    我不在乎時間是否是 2040 年。

  • These will always be important skills and these will always be highly paid skills.


  • So please do not get caught up in short-term fads short-term Trends ask yourself if I learn this skill today will this pay dividends in five years ten years twenty years and if the answer is yes, well, then maybe you should consider learning it now the next life lesson this especially applies to men is focused on building muscle and your physique, especially between the ages of 16 to 21 22 if you can get in the gym if you can do exercise whether that's a standard sort of bro split routine whether that's powerlifting whether that's CrossFit whatever you decide to do building muscle at a young age.

    是以,請不要陷入短期時尚短期趨勢問自己,如果我今天學習這項技能,這將在五年十年二十年的紅利,如果答案是肯定的,那麼也許你應該考慮現在學習它的下一個生命的教訓,這尤其適用於男性是專注於建立肌肉和你的體質,尤其是在16至21 22歲之間,如果你可以在健身房,如果你可以做運動,無論是標準排序的兄弟分裂例程,無論是力量舉重,無論是CrossFit無論你決定在年輕的時候做建立肌肉。

  • You're going to have that mind muscle connection and you're going to keep that on and you're going to carry that through for the rest of your life.


  • You know, I started going to the gym when I was 14 some would argue that that was even too young but I'm very happy that I did and I'm very happy that I built up muscle in my teenage years because now I do a lot of tennis.

    你知道,我 14 歲就開始去健身房了,有人會說我太小了,但我很高興我這麼做了,我很高興我在十幾歲的時候就練出了肌肉,因為現在我經常打網球。

  • I do a lot of running some boxing and I never really worry about losing muscle or my physique or anything like that because I had more than half a decade of nurturing that so especially for men as our testosterone starts to decline in our mid-twenties onwards use these years to your advantage lift heavy things push yourself train hard because you have this incredible advantage and will carry through for the rest of your life.

    我經常跑步和打拳擊,我從不擔心肌肉或體格或其他類似的問題,因為我有超過 50 年的時間來培養肌肉和體格,特別是對於男性來說,我們的睪丸激素在 20 多歲時開始下降,是以要利用這幾年的時間來發揮你的優勢,舉起重物,推動自己努力訓練,因為你有這種令人難以置信的優勢,並將貫穿你的餘生。

  • The next life lesson is be confident but acknowledge your age and your lack of wisdom.


  • I started my first business when I was 16 years old.

    我第一次創業是在 16 歲的時候。

  • And by the way, this wasn't a business where I was hiding behind a computer.


  • I was front-facing with clients.


  • I was pitching multi-million dollar businesses.


  • So I had to walk in with confidence.


  • I had to be presentable.


  • I had to talk I had to communicate clearly I had to be confident regardless of my age and I had to do that front-facing publicly to potential clients, but at home when I was alone in solace in peace, I understood and even me sat here at 23 hundreds of thousands of people even millions of people around the world looking at me as a hero and inspiration and mentor.

    我必須說話,我必須清楚地溝通,我必須自信,無論我的年齡如何,我必須面對面地公開面對潛在的客戶,但在家裡,當我獨自一人在安寧中得到慰藉時,我明白了,即使是我,坐在這裡,23 歲,全世界數十萬人甚至數百萬人都把我當作英雄、靈感和導師。

  • I understand that at the end of the day.


  • I still have so much to learn.


  • I understand that.


  • Of course, I got started so early.


  • I had my first employee at the age of 17.

    我在 17 歲時有了自己的第一位員工。

  • I dropped out of school at the age of 17 to support me and my mom.

    為了養活我和媽媽,我 17 歲就輟學了。

  • I've experienced so much by this age, but no matter what wisdom is solidified through decades and decades of experience.


  • So if you are in your teenage years be confident walk through life with confidence.


  • Don't let your age especially when it comes to business in your career.


  • Don't let that weigh you down.


  • But in moments of peace and quiet acknowledge that no matter how well you're doing wisdom is only truly forged through decades and decades of life experience the next life lesson.


  • And once again, this relates specifically to the men is get comfortable talking to girls.


  • Listen, of course, I believe that as a teenager and in your early to mid 20s, those are your years to build but it doesn't matter if you're even 15 get used to speaking to girls.

    聽著,當然,我認為在青少年時期和 20 歲出頭到 20 歲中期,是你的發展時期,但如果你連 15 歲都不習慣和女孩說話,那也沒有關係。

  • Don't let yourself become one of these 25 year olds that goes on to become a multi-millionaire but is just creepy around women get comfortable speaking to girls.

    不要讓自己成為這樣的人,25 歲就成為千萬富翁,但在女人面前卻令人毛骨悚然。

  • If you're in a cafe and you think a girl is cute just talk to her.


  • What's the worst that could happen and even better just give her a compliment and that's it.


  • Don't ask for her number.


  • Don't ask for her Instagram.

    不要問她的 Instagram。

  • Just give her a compliment.


  • And that is the least that you can do you have to get comfortable speaking with women holding your ground keeping your chin up and keeping confident.


  • Don't let it consume your life because I do not believe that women should be your goal in your teenage and early 20s because as a man your best years really are from the ages of around 26 28 all the way up until your late 30s, but nonetheless just learn how to carry yourself around the opposite sex.

    不要讓它吞噬你的生活,因為我不認為女人應該是你十幾歲和二十出頭時的目標,因為作為一個男人,你最好的年華其實是從 26 28 歲左右一直到 30 歲左右,但無論如何,你只要學會如何在異性面前表現自己就可以了。

  • The next lesson is keep your word and start learning this lesson from a young age.


  • If you say that you're going to give someone a certain percentage in your business.


  • Well, then give them that percentage if you say that you can show up to something well then show up to it.


  • Your word is your reputation and your reputation is the most important thing that you have so learning from a young age to show up to keep your word that will build trust and I will carry on for the rest of your life.


  • The next life lesson and once again, I know this relates specifically more to the men is in your 20s doesn't matter if it's your early mid or late 20s.

    下一堂人生課,我再次強調,我知道這堂課更多地與男性有關,那就是在你 20 多歲的時候,不管是早中期還是晚期。

  • These are your years to build if you do things correctly your 20s will set you up for the rest of your life.

    如果你能正確行事,20 多歲的年紀將為你的餘生奠定基礎。

  • So I made this video specifically for the teenagers, but it's really just to say that your 20s mentally prepare yourself because this truly will be your make or break period in your life.

    是以,我專門為青少年製作了這段視頻,但其實只是想說,20 多歲的你要做好心理準備,因為這確實是你人生中的成敗時期。

  • The next life lesson is learn to say no more than you say.


  • Yes, learn to say no when people want to go out learn to say no to business opportunities.

    是的,當別人想出去時,要學會說 "不",學會對商機說 "不"。

  • I know you have that friend watched a video has a business idea and they want to go 5050 with you, but your gut instinct tells you that it would be a bad business partner or why do I need a business partner in this I could just do it myself.

    我知道你有個朋友看了視頻後有了創業的想法,他們想和你一起去 5050,但你的直覺告訴你,這將是一個糟糕的商業夥伴,或者我為什麼需要一個商業夥伴,我可以自己做。

  • So just learn to say no learn to stand your ground.


  • I can tell you right now that yes has ruined more people's lives than no ever has people saying yes to getting in relationships.

    我現在就可以告訴你,"是 "毀掉的人比 "不是 "毀掉的人多得多。

  • They shouldn't be in people saying yes to starting businesses that they shouldn't people saying yes to going out when they shouldn't as I said learning to say no will be one of the most invaluable skills that you can learn from a young age.

    正如我所說,學會說 "不 "將是你從小就能學到的最寶貴的技能之一。

  • The next lesson is learn how to dress.


  • Well learn how to find good quality clothes.


  • I know that I'm wearing a shirt with a graphic right now, but I'm in the comfort of my own home.


  • I'm very relaxed.


  • But when you leave the house, you should be presentable no big labels.


  • And by the way later down the line once you found your style and what works for you, you can spruce things up you can get a little bit more funky with it.


  • But at first from a young age learn how to find clothes that fit you.


  • Well, not too tight and not too loose.


  • By the way, most people make the mistake of finding clothes that are way too tight for them and I can tell you something that's actually quite funny over the years.


  • I've noticed especially with my jeans and my trousers the more money that I've made the looser my trousers have becomes that's just I found that that holds true for most of the multi-millionaires that I know so learn how to find clothes that have no branding that fit you well that fit your style learn how to layer clothes and then also learn how to start getting stuff tailored.


  • You can buy trousers that are $30 or $40 and go take them to a tailor.


  • They'll get them tailored for you for $15 $20 $30 and I know that's an additional cost but you will look far better than the people spending hundreds of dollars on all this designer this and that Etc, Etc.

    他們會為你量身定做,價格為 15 美元 20 美元 30 美元,我知道這是額外的費用,但你會比那些花幾百美元買這些設計師設計的衣服的人好看得多,等等。

  • So I believe in your teen years.


  • It's very important for you to learn how to dress.


  • Well, obviously your style will morph and it will change as the years go by but in your teen years just learn the basics learn the classics and just learn how to dress in a classy elegant way and later down the line and especially once you have more money you can start sprinkling things up with you know, a graphic tee and you know, maybe some nice jewelry here and there whatever you want, but for now just stick to the classics and the simple things the next thing is you need to learn how to keep strong boundaries and this is probably one of the biggest reasons I've been able to have the success that I've had once again, I don't know maybe it's because I have a Russian mother Russian people are just very they have no issue saying no they have no issue keeping strong boundaries.

    顯然,你的風格會隨著歲月的流逝而改變,但在青少年時期,你只需學習基礎知識,學習經典,學習如何以優雅的方式著裝,之後,尤其是當你有了更多的錢之後,你就可以開始用你知道的圖形T恤和你知道的一些漂亮的首飾來裝飾自己,無論你想要什麼、下一件事是你需要學會如何保持強烈的界限,這可能是我能夠再次取得成功的最大原因之一,我不知道也許是因為我有一個俄羅斯母親,俄羅斯人就是這樣,他們可以毫不猶豫地說 "不",他們可以毫不猶豫地保持強烈的界限。

  • So maybe I was just raised a certain way but from a young age.


  • I knew how to have strong boundaries with my friendships with my relationships and I believe learning that from a young age has carried on for the rest of my life where I can honestly see that my friendships the people that I work with the people at my companies any of my romantic relationships.


  • We have such mutual respect for each other.


  • We have an understanding for each other's boundaries and that was all built off the back of from a young age learning to say no as I mentioned earlier on and learning how to have strong boundaries with the people around me the next thing that I want to talk about and I know that for some of you I have atheists watching.


  • So maybe you might roll your eyes whatever you want to believe in go for it build your relationship with the Creator whatever the Creator means to you, whatever religion you follow whatever it is, maybe you're just spiritual but build a relationship with whatever the Creator means to you because I can tell you you will have some of the highest highs in your life and you will have some of the lowest lows if you live life properly because the worst life you can have is just flatline.


  • So if you follow all of these life lessons, then you will have a life of incredible highs and incredible lows and as I said, that is what makes a good life and the only way to stay sane and not go crazy in those periods is to be humbled by the Creator as I said whatever that means to you is to understand that there is something bigger than you and the only way that you're going to get through this crazy turbulent tumultuous life is by having a strong relationship with the Creator.


  • I remember I was six or seven when I started praying to God and the reason that I started praying to God was because I had a very very difficult upbringing and it's funny the only people that I see that don't have a relationship with the Creator whatever that means to them is the people who have had a life like this the people who never went out there never took risks never fought for the life that they wanted for some reason.


  • They're always the ones that seem to turn to atheism so I can tell you from firsthand experience life will get crazy and the only way to stay sane when times are good and when they're bad is to have a relationship with God or the Creator or whatever you want to refer to it as the last and arguably the most important life lesson for teenagers is take ownership of your life something great happens in your life great you can take responsibility for it as well as the Creator something bad happens in your life great take responsibility for it radical ownership of your life no excuses it is only you and you to blame and I know sometimes it will be difficult I know sometimes there'll be a clear thing or a person or something to point to something else to blame outside of yourself but don't fall for that trap as I said take radical ownership of the things that happen in your life so ladies and gentlemen I genuinely believe that if you're watching this and you're in your teens or you're early to mid 20s if you follow these 17 life lessons these 17 principles you will live a life of abundance you will live a life of honor that you could never even imagine and as always I'll be watching from afar and I'll be rooting for you

    他們似乎總是那些轉向無神論的人,所以我可以用親身經歷告訴你,生活會變得瘋狂,而在順境和逆境中保持理智的唯一方法就是與上帝或造物主建立關係,或者不管你怎麼稱呼它。對青少年來說,最重要的人生一課就是 掌握人生的主動權 你的人生中發生了大事,你可以像造物主一樣承擔責任 你的人生中發生了壞事,你可以像造物主一樣承擔責任 你的人生中發生了壞事,你可以像造物主一樣承擔責任 你的人生中發生了壞事,你可以像造物主一樣承擔責任 你的人生中發生了壞事,你可以像造物主一樣承擔責任我知道有時這很難,我知道有時會有一件明確的事或一

So ladies and gentlemen, I grew up without a father.


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A2 初級 中文 美國腔

17 條人生經驗(我希望有人告訴我) (17 Life Lessons (I Wish Someone Had Told Me))

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    nori 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 22 日