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  • Tom Cruise has reacted to Simu Liu calling out a bubble tea business for appropriation.

    湯姆-克魯斯(Tom Cruise)對劉思慕(Simu Liu)斥責一家珍珠奶茶企業 "盜版 "一事做出了迴應。

  • Toronto actor Simu Liu criticized a bottled bubble tea business pitch for cultural appropriation during his appearance on Dragon's Den.

    多倫多演員劉思慕(Simu Liu)在參加《龍穴》節目時責備了一個瓶裝珍珠奶茶企業的文化挪用行為。

  • And many people online agreed with his remarks.


  • I started this venture company primarily to uplift minority entrepreneurs.


  • And not only do I feel like this is not happening here, but that I would be uplifting a business that is profiting off of something that feels so dear to my cultural heritage.


  • In this week's episode, a pair of entrepreneurs from Quebec City pitch bubble tea business called Barba.

    在本週的節目中,一對來自魁北克市的創業者介紹了名為 "Barba "的珍珠奶茶生意。

  • The founders Sebastian Fies and Jess Frenette were seeking 1 million from the business tycoons in exchange for 18% share of their business.

    創始人塞巴斯蒂安-菲斯和傑絲-弗雷內特希望從這些商業大亨那裡獲得 100 萬美元,以換取他們企業 18% 的股份。

  • The founders claim they have transformed the popular Asian beverage into a convenient and healthier, refreshing drink.


  • Ready to drink experience.


  • They also said they introduced two new innovations to the boba industry.


  • The first alcoholic ready to drink bubble tea and it's grab and go popping boba.


  • However, Simu called out the entrepreneurs for not including any Asian representation or consultation in the creation or marketing of the product.

    然而,Simu 指責企業家們在產品的創造和營銷過程中沒有包括任何亞洲代表或諮詢。

  • Ultimately accusing them of cultural appropriation, he said, he is concerned with the company's idea of disrupting the bubble tea industry because it's something very near and dear to his Chinese culture.


  • This moment went very viral and attracted a lot of media attention globally.


  • One person to react to this story was Tom Cruise.

    湯姆-克魯斯(Tom Cruise)是對此事作出反應的人之一。

  • Tom commented underneath an article about it saying, very interesting perspective that I felt was a little shut down.


  • I think we should be listening to what he has to say.


  • So it seems like Tom is on Simu's side for this and thinks that people are not listening to him and are instead shutting down his opinions instead of valuing them and trying to learn from him.


  • The business did respond to the comment Simu made by saying, one of our partners for the product is in Taiwan and that's the cultural tie.

    對於 Simu 的評論,該公司迴應說,我們的一個產品合作伙伴在臺灣,這就是文化紐帶。

  • So they make all the recipes, all the boba.


  • We work really hard.


  • We travel to Taiwan.


  • We speak with them.


  • They are part of our team.


  • It's really important to us.


  • That's the cultural part of our product.


  • Despite this response, a lot of fans and Simu himself are not happy about this.


  • For this video's comment question, was Simu wrong to call the business out?


  • Before you go, be sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe for daily news updates on your favorite celebs.


  • Thanks a lot for watching.


Tom Cruise has reacted to Simu Liu calling out a bubble tea business for appropriation.

湯姆-克魯斯(Tom Cruise)對劉思慕(Simu Liu)斥責一家珍珠奶茶企業 "盜版 "一事做出了迴應。

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湯姆-克魯斯(Tom Cruise)在《龍穴》節目中迴應劉思牧的文化挪用指控! (Tom Cruise Reacts to Simu Liu’s Cultural Appropriation Claims on Dragon’s Den!)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 22 日