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  • From the top of the Empire State Building I mean is it is do we call is it Rose a Rosie was your childhood nickname?

    從帝國大廈的樓頂上,我是說,你小時候的暱稱是 "蘿絲 "嗎?

  • What should we call you girlfriend?


  • Well, my childhood nickname is Rosie, but I mean you can still call me.

    我小時候的暱稱是 "羅西",但你還是可以叫我 "羅西"。

  • I'm still Rosie.


  • Yeah, that girl hasn't disappeared I can't call you Roro Work yeah, whatever you want to We're so happy you're hanging out with us we know you have so much going on we just want to reset How are you doing?

    是啊,那個女孩還沒消失 我不能叫你羅羅工作 是啊,隨你怎麼叫 我們很高興你能和我們一起玩 我們知道你有很多事情要做 我們只是想重置一下 你怎麼樣?

  • How are you feeling today?


  • I am I'm a little like Jumpy because it's like all happening now.

    我有點像 "跳跳",因為現在一切都發生了。

  • Yeah, and but honestly like I'm really grateful at the end of the day because yeah, I have to enjoy it because you know Until the next album It's it's real.


  • It feels real.


  • And yeah, I mean as crystal is, you know wondering we're all wondering I mean it can be quite overwhelming at times, but the same, you know flip side of that token is like, you know How proud are you of yourself that you've been able to make it to this place in your your career and in your you know?


  • The fulfillment of your heart fam.


  • I'm super proud of my I'm actually I'm actually really proud of myself.


  • I'm like, thank you Rosie for actually pushing through all of that it was a lot of like just like confused times like I was a lot like I felt lost for like a little like a minute but it was only because I think I'd had some like I had an exact purpose like I wanted I wanted You know this album so badly in the shape and form that it is right now And so that's why there's a lot of trials and tribulations, but I'm really proud of myself Links are so proud of everything because I became a fan when your Netflix documentary came out with the group and then seeing from You now doing your your solo thing that you've been doing for a few years.

    我就想,謝謝你,羅西,謝謝你把所有的事情都推給了我,我有很多困惑的時候,我也有很多迷茫的時候,但那只是因為我覺得我有一個確切的目標,我想要這張專輯,我非常想要它現在的樣子和形式,所以才會有很多磨難、但我真的為自己感到驕傲 鏈接是如此驕傲的一切 因為我成為一個風扇 當你的Netflix紀錄片出來 與組 然後看到從你現在做你的 你獨奏的東西 你一直在做的幾年。

  • I mean you you came out Hard and now that the album is here and we're seeing these features and huge names I mean from there to now just the growth.

    我的意思是,你剛出道時很 "硬",現在專輯發行了,我們又看到了這些特輯和大牌明星,我的意思是從那時到現在的成長。

  • What are you most proud of?


  • Um I'm most proud that this album.


  • I've always wanted it to be a bit of me and I feel like I In my opinion, I'm happy with yeah And I feel like that's because it feels like a bit of a piece of me You've accomplished that you've yeah, you've been able to put your heart and soul into All things that you know, the fans are are loving your journey whether it's your solo stuff or it's it's with the girls These sounds are they the sounds that you heard in your head and they came together on this this new album here?


  • Like yeah, I feel like that vibe.


  • I knew that was gonna be a thing I think sounds like sound was more like I was ready to explore new things and be inspired there, but I think when it comes to like like lyrics and Like, you know the content of like what I would be talking about like that is something that I envisioned and I like How big that smile is?


  • New side of you I mean you're talking about how you've never been so vulnerable and opened up about so many things you haven't before and now this is Your time to do it or some of those themes that you found were a little harder to talk and be open about but you're Really proud that you ended up pushing forward But to be like to be honest everything that's in the album is like It's not stuff that's hard to talk about It's things that I want to talk about and that I always do talk about with my friends and family that's the Rosie that my friends and family knows and Because it's like a safe space.


  • Mm-hmm, and it's like the most utmost like vulnerable and open Anonymous conversations that have flipped into music and I feel like the past year has been the most Like, you know a lot of things shifted and changed and I was the most vulnerable So I think it was like perfect like I've contained the last year of my thoughts in the album and it's like they're all like Experiences from the past like four or five years.


  • I would say four or five years and you know, I still talk about certain things about the past and That's what the fans are so excited for is you being you and you being willing to go there and being brave enough you know, not only that to hop out on stage and to perform it and then Not only are the lyrics, you know powerful and so meaningful But the sounds of the sounds that you heard you're creating the bops that we just want to dance to as well You're giving us the drinking games and you know, I'm saying Towards this epic collaboration with a label mate now Fam Crazy How did that happen You're pitching these names these huge artists and then someone like Bruno Mars says yes, it was running through your mind I actually never thought of like pitching it to like people it was like it that was kind of like, you know Bruno Mars I became a like I found out that I was a huge fan of him when he came to Seoul to perform Last year.

    我想說,四五年了,你知道,我仍然在談論過去的某些事情,這就是歌迷們如此興奮的原因,你就是你,你願意去那裡,並且足夠勇敢,你知道,不僅是跳到舞臺上表演,然後不僅是歌詞,你知道強大和如此有意義,但你聽到的聲音的聲音,你創造的流行音樂,我們只是想跳舞,以及你給我們的飲酒遊戲,你知道的、我想說的是,現在與唱片公司的夥伴進行這種史詩般的合作,你是如何做到的?你向這些大牌藝人推薦這些名字,然後布魯諾-馬爾斯(Bruno Mars)這樣的人答應了,這在你的腦海中一閃而過。

  • Okay a year ago A friend was like, let's go watch it and I was like, okay Yeah, cuz I didn't have anything to do that day and I went I was like I could I couldn't I couldn't like process how Good.


  • He was and I was like, oh, I'm I am a fan I'm like a huge fan and I had been listening to his like Songs like cuz I just got my driver's license.


  • I had been listening to like his For like a year And then You know label meetings and then in the passing I hear that Bruno's signed to the label and I was like, oh my god I'm actually the biggest fan and I told him like all the stories you shot your shot.


  • Yeah Your shot you you got that call and you made that thing happen and manifested it well crazy and then he had asked For me to pitch three songs.


  • Oh, yes you Wow No, because we because of course I asked I was like, oh, do you think I said to the label?


  • Do you think he would want to do a collaboration and I say it like thinking like not like a hot 99% sure that's not gonna ever ever happen, but I'm just like whatever.

    你覺得他會想和我合作嗎?我覺得他不會想和我合作的,99% 的可能性都沒有,但我覺得無所謂了。

  • We'll see it.


  • We'll shoot the shot And then he's like send three songs So I'm like this is not gonna happen, but the fact that he's even gonna listen to three songs Yeah, and then yeah, and then he he'd like I'd met him by that time and he was like What does a PT mean and I was like, it's a Korean drinking game and he was like and I was like I was like really Freaked out I was like what is happening and then the rest is history.

    我們拍完照後,他就發來三首歌,我就說這是不可能的,但他竟然會聽三首歌,是啊,然後是啊,然後他就說,我那時候已經認識他了,他就說 PT 是什麼意思,我就說,這是韓國的喝酒遊戲,他就說,我就說,我真的嚇壞了,我就說這是怎麼回事,然後剩下的就是歷史了。

  • That was the one That was the one and it was a song you wanted him to be on.

    就是那首歌 就是那首歌,你希望他出現在那首歌裡。

  • That's kind of crazy to how that worked out Congratulations, how cool is it to see not only this song now But the fact that this song is based off of a drinking game that is close to who you are your culture fans and to See that be something that the world now gets to enjoy and wrap their arms around It's a part of who you are in your culture.


  • It's now something that everyone gets a feeling for Because like it's actually like when I first started drinking Yeah, like I was the day I turned 20 like that's when like I started drinking with friends and It's actually a game that I like everyone actually plays So I feel like for for Korean people, they probably feels like I've made a song and I'm like duck duck goose or something It's like what?

    現在,每個人都會有這種感覺,因為這就像我第一次開始喝酒一樣 是啊,就像我 20 歲那天,就像我開始和朋友喝酒一樣 這實際上是一種遊戲,我喜歡每個人都玩 所以我覺得對於韓國人來說,他們可能會覺得我做了一首歌,我就像鴨鴨鵝什麼的 這就像什麼?

  • Happening but I it's so much fun.


  • I Love shocking them be like I'm I have a song called up puts it and they're like what?


  • And I'm like, right Yeah, they're kind of like what I'm like, oh I love that reaction I did I did it Nothing like going back to your roots.


  • Yeah giving love to what's making you you That's awesome.


  • And now you're seeing that your fans are just so excited about your work here Have you thought about what you want to do on stage to be honest?


  • Cuz I haven't had 12 songs in my life before when they had to right I have I had to like kind of live it out a little bit and so but then like a few weeks back I did like a little like acoustic session just to like start the vibe and I sang all my songs acoustic and I was like I'm obsessed and I was like It got me so excited to perform it and I was like make it folkier Like I was like and it was I'm really excited to perform it now So like I mean at the right time though, I think it has to feel right.

    因為我的人生中還沒有過 12 首歌,當它們必須要唱的時候,我不得不像那種活出來一點點,所以,但就像幾個星期前,我做了一個小的像原聲會話,就像開始的氛圍,我唱了我所有的歌曲原聲,我就像我著迷了,我就像它讓我如此興奮地執行它,我就像讓它更民間,就像我就像,它是我真的很興奮,現在執行它,所以就像我的意思是在正確的時間,雖然,我認為它必須感覺正確。

  • But yeah, I have thought about it Yeah, cuz all the fans they're just ready for everything at one time So I must feel like a lot of pressure but we do see artists that are come on with the album and then the next Day, they're out performing all of it.

    是的,我想過這個問題 是的,因為所有的歌迷都在同一時間準備好了一切,所以我一定會覺得壓力很大,但我們確實看到過一些藝人在推出專輯後,第二天就開始演出所有的專輯。

  • What was your pinch me moment where you really were like, you know what?

    你是在什麼時候突然意識到 "你知道嗎?

  • I'm super blessed right now.


  • And wow, this is happening for me.


  • How special is this?


  • Yes, I'm so grateful to be invited to like so many great events sometimes oh my god, it's crazy But lately like recently I think it was I've definitely like had a pinch me moment when I was in like the studio writing songs that I I felt like it was just so like Fulfilling and I think just I felt privileged to be able to I was like wow I get to be in the studio with amazing talented people To write music that that that heals me as a person Yeah, so I enjoyed every minute of it Being in the studio and that's the only reason why I did it was because I remember it was like a time where I had to choose like my next like how am I gonna live my next year and I was trying to figure it out and You know the day I was like in the studio I remember it was like a day after an event and that day I was like this is what I need to be doing It's the only thing that makes me feel like a normal person.

    是的,我很感激能受邀參加這麼多盛大的活動,有時天哪,這太瘋狂了,但最近,比如最近,我想是我在錄音室寫歌的時候,我肯定會有 "掐死我 "的那一刻,我覺得這太有成就感了,我覺得我很榮幸能夠這樣,我就想,哇,我可以和才華橫溢的人一起在錄音室裡寫歌,寫出能治癒我的音樂、我很享受在錄音室的每一分鐘 這也是我這麼做的唯一原因 因為我記得那段時間 我必須選擇下一年的生活方式 我在努力想清楚

  • I feel alive.


  • I felt alive and I was like This is where I'm gonna place myself and the fact that I was able to do that It was like a bumpy road to get there cuz like I had to figure it out I was like flying out here all the time But the fact that you know, I pushed through and that I was like able to do that and I had the time Super grateful super grateful that I was able to do that We're so happy seeing that you're just glowing doing your own project now and putting all that you have into it And we also love seeing that your sisters from Blackpink are so supportive too Have you shared some music with who got the first listen who gives the most feedback?

    我覺得自己還活著,我想這就是我要去的地方,我能夠做到這一點,這就像一條崎嶇不平的道路,因為我必須弄清楚它,我就像飛在這裡所有的時間,但事實上,你知道,我推過去,我就像能夠做到這一點,我有時間、我們很高興看到你在做自己的項目,並投入了全部精力,我們也很高興看到你在 Blackpink 的姐妹們也非常支持你。

  • Um, I mean, we're all so support.


  • Everyone's so busy.


  • Yeah Like this and then we catch each other in the middle.


  • I've caught I caught up with Jenny in New York Like I think it was when she was at the Met and I was for a different event and we caught up and we had like the like the longest bonding session Like before like she was busy and we like caught up in the middle But it was like the best and we were talking about like bonding over like our experiences and everything So that was like the cutest moment like Lisa.


  • I've caught up with her like in Korea Like she was there and I was like, I'm here too.


  • Yeah, like I played her on my song She's like, oh my god, Rosie I can't wait for your album to come out because she's like make lots of I love your voice like you have to make like Oh my god, you're the best And I want to still talk about Jesus She's like always tunes in she's always like, how are you doing?

    是的,就像我用我的歌給她伴奏一樣,她說,天哪,羅西,我等不及你的專輯問世了,因為她會唱很多我喜歡你的聲音,就像你必須唱出 "天哪,你是最棒的","我想繼續談論耶穌","她總是在調音","你好嗎?","我很好","我很好","我很好","我很好"。

  • Like where are you in the world?


  • Come back to Korea?


  • I miss you The best gosh to have that bond to know that you are a part of this amazing sorority.


  • This is very special You know family and and yeah the love will forever be there that's that's just a part of your journey and now you're getting to write and create this chapter and Like like crystal said just us as fans as blinks we just really appreciate you being you and in having that be the way that you're you know, You're emanating your light.


  • So just thank you for taking a chance on you and and doing it Graciously and so grateful that you are filling those kinds of energies What about a message for all of the fans the blinks and a little Rosie's?


  • What does our fandom name?


  • Did you get one yet number ones the number one?


  • My number one what about for them?


  • What do you have to say to everyone that's been rooting for you?


  • I am literally like I'm I'm blown away every every day I'm so grateful for everyone who supports me and like believes in me and like and is excited for Things that I do.


  • I'm so grateful.


  • They're the sweetest Yeah, I don't like how do you even explain I'm so grateful for them and I'm so happy we have like a name number one I Literally, I don't think I'm I literally walked into the studio.

    他們是最可愛的人 是啊,我不知道該怎麼解釋,我很感激他們,我很高興我們有一個名字,我從字面上,我不認為我是我從字面上走進工作室。

  • I think every day thinking about them like a lot.


  • So Yeah, I'm always like I'm I always want to express it more but You will forever be enough let that be known you are enough and and and that's why we Again, that's why we come to you for the escape that we we want to catch that vibe to now Know a little bit more about the drinking game.


  • That is this banger of a song that you have with Bruno damn Mars It is you.


  • All right, so let's go ahead


From the top of the Empire State Building I mean is it is do we call is it Rose a Rosie was your childhood nickname?

從帝國大廈的樓頂上,我是說,你小時候的暱稱是 "蘿絲 "嗎?

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Rosé 談及 Bruno Mar 的專題報道、BLACKPINK 的反饋、新粉絲名稱等! (Rosé Talks Bruno Mar's Feature, BLACKPINK's Feedback, New Fandom Name + More!)

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    Robin 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 22 日