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  • Asia is full of wonderful airlines.


  • From ANA and Japan Airlines to Korean Air, Aegeana, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, and so many more.


  • With such an extensive assortment of world-class carriers, one sometimes forgets those that do not have the largest footprint on the world map.


  • And one of these carriers is Vietnam Airlines.


  • On our trip from Europe to Australia, we first chose to fly on China Airlines from Vienna via Taipei to Hanoi to see if their Airbus A350 is as great as it was before the pandemic, which it was, and we wanted to see if their new A321neo is as good as people say it is, and it definitely is.

    在我們從歐洲到澳洲的旅行中,我們首先選擇了從維也納經臺北到河內的華航班機,想看看他們的空客 A350 是否還像大流行之前那樣出色,而事實也的確如此,我們還想看看他們的新 A321neo 是否真像人們說的那樣好,而事實也的確如此。

  • The Brutally Honest episodes that I just spoilered are already available on our channel, so make sure to check them out.

    我剛剛劇透的 "殘酷誠實 "劇集已在我們的頻道上播出,請務必查看。

  • From Hanoi, we're now continuing on to Sydney aboard Vietnam Airlines' Airbus A350, and let's see if they can keep up with the rest.

    從河內出發,我們將搭乘越南航空的空中客車 A350 前往雪梨,讓我們看看他們能否跟上其他航空公司的步伐。

  • Hello, and good day from Hanoi's Noi Bai International Airport.


  • We're at the 2015 opened Terminal 2 right now, which handles all of the airport's international traffic, while the older Terminal 1 solely caters to domestic flights.

    我們現在所處的是 2015 年啟用的 2 號航站樓,該航站樓負責機場的所有國際航班,而老舊的 1 號航站樓則只負責國內班機。

  • Hanoi is Vietnam's second largest airport, having handled 29 million passengers in 2019, with Ho Chi Minh City's Tan Son Nhat Airport being the largest at 41 million passengers.

    河內是越南第二大機場,2019 年的旅客吞吐量為 2900 萬人次,胡志明市的新山一機場是越南最大的機場,旅客吞吐量為 4100 萬人次。

  • Despite that difference, both airports serve a similar role in Vietnam Airlines' network, and many of the airline's long-haul routes are available from both hubs.


  • Looking at Vietnam Airlines' long-haul network, they fly from Ho Chi Minh City to Frankfurt, London, Paris, San Francisco, Sydney, Melbourne, and soon also to Perth.


  • And from here in Hanoi, the airline offers the exact same network, minus San Francisco and Perth.


  • Check-in was super quick and easy, with many staff members proactively assisting you during every step of the way.


  • Unfortunately, baggage drop-off was only available from 4 hours before departure, which is why I had to begrudgingly take my little suitcase with me instead of checking it in, as I didn't want to wait in the departure hall for hours.

    遺憾的是,行李寄存只能在飛機起飛前 4 小時開始,是以我不得不勉為其難地帶著我的小行李箱,而不是辦理託運,因為我不想在出發大廳等上幾個小時。

  • Down here, you can already see our plane, a 2017-built Airbus A350-900, registered VNA-892.

    在下面,你已經可以看到我們的飛機了,這是一架 2017 年製造的空客 A350-900,註冊號為 VNA-892。

  • Our flight to Sydney is an overnight flight departing at 11.35 in the evening.

    我們飛往雪梨的班機是夜間班機,於晚上 11:35 起飛。

  • And ironically, our A350 flight has the flight number VN787.

    具有諷刺意味的是,我們的 A350 航班號為 VN787。

  • Vietnam Airlines has two different kinds of A350s.

    越南航空公司擁有兩種不同類型的 A350 飛機。

  • All the way back in 2015, they were the world's second airline to put the type into operation, and those old A350s feature the stelia solstice seats in business class, which offer full recline but limited space overall, and they don't have a real premium economy class, but rather just a section of extra legroom economy.

    早在 2015 年,他們就是世界上第二家投入營運該機型的航空公司,那些老式的 A350 商務艙採用的是 Stelia Solstice 座椅,雖然可以完全躺下,但整體空間有限,而且他們也沒有真正的高端經濟艙,而只是一段超大腿部空間的經濟艙。

  • The newer batch of A350s, which includes the one we're flying on tonight, has the more spacious and modern Saffron Zeros III seats in business class, which is a type of reverse herringbone business class seat that can also be found on Vietnam Airlines Boeing 787 Dreamliners.

    較新的一批 A350(包括我們今晚乘坐的這架)商務艙配備了更寬敞、更現代化的 Saffron Zeros III 座椅,這是一種反人字形商務艙座椅,越南航空的波音 787 Dreamliner 也配備了這種座椅。

  • These newer A350s also feature a real premium economy class with the Saffron 5810 seats.

    這些較新的 A350 飛機還配備了紅花 5810 座椅,是真正的高級經濟艙。

  • Overall, as of October 2023, the airline operates a widebody fleet of 14 Airbus A350-900s, 11 Boeing 787-9s, and 8 Boeing 787-10s.

    總體而言,截至 2023 年 10 月,航空公司營運著一支由 14 架空客 A350-900、11 架波音 787-9 和 8 架波音 787-10 組成的寬體機隊。

  • Economy class, though, is the same on all of their A350s, featuring a 3-3-3 configuration of Collins Aerospace's Pinnacle seats.

    不過,所有 A350 飛機的經濟艙都是一樣的,採用柯林斯宇航公司的 Pinnacle 座椅,3-3-3 配置。

  • My seat on this 10-hour flight to Australia is 33K.

    我在飛往澳洲的 10 小時班機上的座位是 33K。

  • Each seat features an adjustable headrest, as well as a personal entertainment screen with a USB port and an audio port right beneath it.

    每個座椅都配有一個可調節頭枕,以及一個個人娛樂螢幕,螢幕下方還有一個 USB 端口和一個音頻接口。

  • Coathooks are available on the side of the seats, and there's a tray table which can be used half-opened or fully opened.


  • Waiting on the seat for us already were a pillow and a cozy blanket.


  • The legroom is phenomenal.


  • Being 183 cm tall, it almost feels like premium economy, despite the overloaded seatback pocket in which you could also find a pair of headphones.

    身高 183 釐米,儘管座椅靠背上的口袋裝得太滿,你還可以在裡面找到一副耳機,但它給人的感覺幾乎就是高端經濟艙。

  • Beneath the seats, you'll find universal power ports, two per each three seats.


  • One thing to note is that there are hardware boxes for the entertainment system, which will slightly reduce leg space beneath the seats for aisle and middle seat passengers.


  • Parked right next to us is one of ANA's Boeing 787s.

    停在我們旁邊的是全日空的一架波音 787 飛機。

  • Did you know ANA actually owns a 5% stake in Vietnam Airlines?

    您知道全日空實際上擁有越南航空 5%的股份嗎?

  • While they're finishing the cargo loading, let's take a brief look at the in-flight entertainment system.


  • Vietnam Airlines' long-haul planes feature the Tally's AventUp system.

    越南航空公司的長途飛機採用了 Tally 的 AventUp 系統。

  • You will find a good variety of movies and TV shows, music, and games to view on demand.


  • A standard 3D mapping application is installed as well.

    還安裝了一個標準 3D 地圖應用程序。

  • Before takeoff, the crew handed out hot towels, and being a rather premium amenity, those are rare in economy class, so I appreciate it greatly.


  • I'm also really in love with Vietnam Airlines' safety video.


  • Right after takeoff, the crew handed out the immigration cards needed to be filled out to enter Australia.


  • The airline provides amenity kits, even in economy class, containing a toothbrush and toothpaste as well as a pair of slippers.


  • So far, this flight feels almost like premium economy, also because the seat next to us stayed empty, so we have even more space.


  • And now, dinner is served!


  • Two choices were given, either some fish with mashed potatoes, or what we've got, stir-fried pork with cabbage and white rice.


  • For dessert, a fancy-looking piece of orange cake, as well as a warm bread roll with some unsalted butter.


  • I also got a cup of water and some red wine, which came in a real glass.


  • And metal cutlery is provided too.


  • So all in all, despite the fact that the meal is lacking an appetizer, it was tasty and each individual element was very high quality, so overall, a phenomenal meal service.


  • While we're cruising above southern Vietnam, what might look like cities is actually the Before the lights were dimmed, the crew also handed out bottled water, which is a thoughtful I woke up after some turbulence near the Barataya Islands in southern Indonesia, shortly before East Timor.


  • The lavatories were kept spotlessly clean during the entire flight, and inside you'll find some air refreshers and a couple of additional amenities, such as razors.


  • Welcome to Australia!


  • After cruising over the outback for a while, around 90 minutes before landing, the crew handed out some more hot towels.

    在內陸巡航了一段時間後,大約在著陸前 90 分鐘,機組人員又分發了一些熱毛巾。

  • After that, breakfast was served, and the options being scrambled eggs with bacon, or beef noodles with vegetables, which I didn't even waste a second to pick.


  • For both meal services, the crew briefly handed you a card with pictures of the meals, similar to what ANA does on their long-haul flights, which makes deciding a lot easier.


  • So here we have the stir-fried beef with steamed vegetables and noodles, accompanied by some fresh fruit, and another warm bread roll with butter, as well as a cup of yogurt.


  • Metal cutlery was provided once again.


  • Another phenomenal meal service.


  • After that, it was already time to start our descent into Sydney.


  • Vietnam Airlines can certainly keep up with its competitors across Asia, and arguments can be made that they are even better than a lot of them.


  • The airline is unfortunately somewhat held back by the duality of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in that it has a limited network available from both cities, instead of focusing their entire fleet on just one hub like Thai, Cathay Pacific, or Singapore Airlines can.


  • But if you come across an itinerary on them, which are also often affordable at that, I certainly recommend you choose to fly with them.


  • From their professional staff, the great cabin, the delicious meals, and the wide range of all around phenomenal flight.


  • I would have to try really hard to even find something to criticize them for, and I'd only be able to fault them for the lacking appetizer during the dinner service, and possibly the content variety of the ISV isn't up to par with the likes of Singapore Airlines, but both of those are very pedantic things to even mention, so overall the journey was just fantastic.

    我甚至要費盡心思才能找到可以責備他們的地方,我只能說他們在晚餐服務中缺少開胃菜,而且 ISV 的內容種類也可能無法與新加坡航空相提並論,但這兩點都是非常迂腐的事情,所以總的來說,這次旅程實在是太棒了。

  • As we're welcomed to Sydney with this breathtaking view over the Harbour Bridge, I want to thank you for watching this episode of Brutally Honest.


  • I hope you've enjoyed it and will join us again next week on another trip.


  • If you want to help us support our mission to share first-hand insights into as many airlines as possible, please consider becoming a channel sponsor right here on YouTube for as little as 2 Euros per month.

    如果您想幫助我們完成任務,儘可能多地分享對航空公司的第一手見解,請考慮成為 YouTube 頻道的贊助商,每月只需 2 歐元。

  • It's thanks to people like you guys that we are able to pay for the most interesting way to get to places, getting window seats on every flight, and continuously expand the Thank you once again for watching, welcome to Australia, and I'll see you again for another trip very soon.

    正是因為有了像你們這樣的人,我們才能以最有趣的方式前往各地,在每趟班機上都買到靠窗的座位,並不斷擴大我們的服務範圍。 再次感謝您的收看,歡迎來到澳洲,我們很快就會在下一次旅行中再見面。

  • From Sydney we continue to Perth aboard Qantas Boeing 737-800, a domestic flight across the entire country, so if you're up for another flight, take a look at that video too.

    從雪梨出發,我們繼續乘坐澳航波音 737-800 前往珀斯,這是一次橫跨整個國家的國內飛行,如果您想再坐一次飛機,也可以看看這段視頻。

Asia is full of wonderful airlines.


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B1 中級 中文 美國腔

亞洲最佳?| 越南航空公司飛往雪梨的空中客車 A350-900 經濟艙!| 殘酷誠實 (BEST IN ASIA? | Vietnam Airlines Airbus A350-900 ECONOMY CLASS to Sydney! | BRUTALLY HONEST)

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    Bùi Quang Bach 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 21 日