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  • I usually got 20 points out of 150 in my high school English test and I was hugely addicted to video games in college. I still remember that there was a game called League of Legends that was really really popular at that time. Almost everyone in my class were playing that game including me. And the worst thing was I sometimes even forgot to take a bath or eat dinner due to the video games addiction. I kept muddling like that until I graduated.

  • Then I got a job at a construction company in Guangzhou. The pay was low but it was enough for me to live on. As usual, I played video games after work in my tiny apartment. And some of my colleagues, they were hedonists. They thought pleasure is the most important thing in life. As soon as they received their salary every month, they would go to the restaurant, get a massage or play video games and things like that, you know, muddling along and enjoying life. So they asked me to join them. I said yes, why not? I felt lost. I didn't know what to do with my life. So I joined them. I muddled along with them. We searched for instant gratification everywhere all the time. And everything was normal until one day I was playing video games as usual in my tiny apartment. Suddenly, I wanted to go to the bathroom. So I walked through the living room. Then all of a sudden, I collapsed. I fell to the ground with dong sound and lost my consciousness completely. I was lying on the ground for at least five minutes. Fortunately, I wasn't hurt badly. Why? Why did I collapse? I'll tell you later.

  • Then I stood up with a massive effort. I approached the chair, sat down and checked the time on the clock on the wall. It was two and a half p.m. It had been almost 20 hours since the last time I ate. I forgot to eat breakfast and lunch because I couldn't stop playing video games. I couldn't get myself out of it. That was the moment when I realized that I didn't want to live like this anymore. I told myself, okay, I've had enough. Everything is done. I want to change. I want to get my life back. I'm so sick of being a failure at everything. I began to work hard. I tried my best to lose weight and quit video games. Then four months later, I lost 40, okay, from 160 to 120. And I spent less and less time playing video games. During that period, I also read so many books and learned how to play guitar because I didn't have time to hang out with my colleagues.

  • So they asked me, hey dude, what are you doing recently? Why didn't you hang out with us anymore?

  • But I didn't respond to them properly. They didn't understand me, but I understood. This is the life

  • I've always wanted to live. When I played guitar, I found that the best guitar tutorials are all made in English. So in order to learn guitar, I began to learn English. And the funny thing was, I've grown to like English slowly over time. But I can't do anything. I can't do both at the same time. So I was torn between English and guitar. At the end of the day, I chose English. I'm so glad that I made that choice. So I sold my guitar on the Xianyu app because I want to focus on learning English.

  • As an adult, I knew nothing about English. All I knew was 26 letters.

  • But never mind, because I desperately want to change my life. I can learn. I was motivated, even though I wasn't sure if I can get to the destination I want. I learned English like a madman. I spent all my time studying and researching because I was a complete novice.

  • So in order to succeed, I tried almost all of the learning methods I heard, such as memorizing words, learning grammar, learning phonetic symbols, reciting new concept English, watching TV, watching children's TV, watching movie, listening to the news, and reading out loud, dictation, extensive listening, and intensive listening. I was even learning a few online courses.

  • I even tried all kinds of ways to memorize words, such as buying vocabulary books, using the app, using the forgetting curve, using the root and the affix, using comics and stickers to memorize vocabulary. But a few months later, I didn't make any progress, except for the fact that I can only recognize a few words. That's it. Nothing has changed. That was the winter of 2017. I felt like

  • I ran into a dead end. It was not very cold in Guangzhou during the winter, but my heart was as cold as ice. But later, I read a book by Chance on the internet called Peak, Secrets from the New Science of Expertise, which talks about lots of scientific research. This is a straight to the point book describing how deliberate practice can make ordinary people like me successful. I don't know much about you, but I was ordinary in English. Don't kill me. The book is easy to read, but it is also meaty, full of meat, with so many actionable tips, but not as many actionable tips as my course.

  • I especially like that this book is very research-based. The authors give you the science behind the ideas they present. So I renewed my hope after reading this book. I realized not only do I need to learn English very hard, but I also need to learn how to learn English. So I decided to binge read books about studying and learning. I read loads of articles and watched so many videos on the internet about how to learn English. I bought a few online courses, even though my salary was low, but I wanted to figure out the truth about learning English. After paying the rent and buying the food, I would spend the rest of the money to invest in education. Living in a big city is not easy, so I always ran out of money, but I was feeling fulfilled at the same time because I was making progress. I have counted in order to learn English. I read 39 books, 15 online courses, watched hundreds of videos, and so many articles. In order to save money, I sometimes even hesitated about buying a 2 yuan pirated e-book, but I would also spend a month's salary on an English online course. I ended up spending more than 30,000 yuan on books and courses. In order to figure out how to learn English, I would stay in the apartment all day long, using my computer to read e-books, listening to the audio on my phone, cramming tons of useful information into my head. That was really hard work, but it was worth it.

  • I learned a lot. I was feeling motivated every single day. In order to improve my productivity to reach my limits, I even studied while I was eating and commuting. I didn't want to waste any time. I still remember one time I was eating. I was too focused on watching video on my phone, and I did something funny. I accidentally put my leftover into the toilet. I thought that was a trust bin, trust can, trust bin. So it's safe to say I've almost tried everything to improve my English.

  • I've tried every trick in the book. At the end of the day, I find the key to success in English is listening. Listen a lot. And the best way to listen to English is to watch American TV series.

  • The main reason why is because you can easily find the resources with a good translation, so that you can easily understand and absorb it. So after about half a year of training, I can fully understand the American TV without any subtitles. And after another four or five months, I passed the IELTS exam. I got a point. It just took me one month to prepare, and my story was spread throughout the whole company. Some colleagues asked me to help them learn English. So I decided to try an experiment on them using my methods, and it did well. Some of my colleagues passed the internal interview after using my methods for a few months, and they were sent to Africa with an annual salary of 250,000 plus. And one of my friends, he couldn't speak English, and he didn't understand a single word before. But after he studied with me for just less than one year, he can 100% understand the basketball TV programs because he is a basketball fan. Okay, I'm not saying this is going to be easy.

  • You still need to study hard, but we can get more things done in less time just because you use a different approach. Okay, pause. Story time is over. I'm going to use Chinese to introduce my good. Our American time is the most important, and it teaches you how to move step by step. The time is completely real. You see the double-letter words here, and then we press it. You see, it becomes an English title. Then we press it again, and the title is gone. In this case, we can achieve understandable input. If we understand it first, then turn off the title and listen to the whole process. For example, how to operate these software, how to set it, how to listen to it a few times, or what are those guys all going to teach you, and then you don't have to watch the whole video at the beginning. You can start right away after you watch the first chapter.

  • You can take action to change your own practice and change your life. You can say that. Then you see, for example, if you don't know at the time, you can take a look. I'll check it out, right?

  • You see, after checking it out, wow, look at the high-level English and double-letter words. Wow, what is this?

  • Wow, it's a real person's pronunciation. This is an English pronunciation. This is an American pronunciation. It's a real person. You can see that there are examples here.

  • Examples are actually real people's pronunciations.

  • Wow, there is also a lexical explanation. How can you not understand? These things are all time-honored.

  • Then if you want to say a sentence, for example, if you listen to it many times, you can see that you can see that Zhou is repeating it over and over again. It's very convenient to operate. Specifically, as I just said, how to listen, how to operate, how to set up, how many times to listen to all these things, all those processes, including how to review, how those don't understand what to do, or say you meet some sentences are difficult, all those things will teach you. In addition, when it comes to the stage of oral reading,

  • I will really show you the whole practice process. To put it bluntly, there are a lot of people on the market.

  • I teach you how to read the tone, how to read this sentence, right? But how do they internalize it? How do they become their own skills? In other words, how do they turn those theoretical knowledge into their own real skills, their real level. I will show you the whole practice process.

  • All right, you can just refer to it and practice it. This is not on the market. And then the most important thing is actually not the things above, because the things above you can practice by yourself.

  • The most important thing is that we have a high-quality community. Why do we have to charge? We want to charge this price in order to create a high-quality community. If it is free, then whoever comes, it's actually meaningless. So you waste a lot of time on that. After we raise some thresholds in terms of charge, so that the problems inside, including those of us who help each other, meet a lot of problems, accompany each other, grow together, learn together, become excellent together, such a community is the highest quality, the most valuable. You see, we don't have a lot of people. In the case of not having a lot of those friends joining, we have asked a lot of high-quality questions, and then we all help each other, including some computers that don't operate, and some sentences that don't understand. You see these screenshots, they are all there to discuss. I think this high-quality community is worth the price, or even more than the price.

  • And you have heard of a skill called waste technology. After your level is high, we have the first batch of users. Their level may be a little higher, and then they can take you with them. In fact, it is not to say that you have a problem after you go in. We will help each other, and then if we really can't do it, I will also help you.

  • This is the real value of this charge. If you learn it yourself, I will give you this information.

  • In fact, you are all useless. To be honest, if you come by yourself, it's not that it's completely useless, it's just that the effect will be much worse. You see, I will also give you all my resources, which are some high-quality resources, just like what I said just now. You see, my beautiful sentences are all like this, I don't know what other beautiful sentences are like, anyway, I press it, I play it out, it's a bull's-eye, I'm all like this, it's all real sentences.

  • That dress of hers is too short, right? If you want to learn, you may want to learn this kind of real English, real listening, right? If you don't understand, you can still do this, right? If you think it's too fast to listen, you can still listen to it quickly. I will teach you how to operate the keyboard very quickly, and then we will take a look at the outline of the whole course, which is probably like this.

  • As for the price, my advice is that you go out less for a meal, that's it, you don't have to pay for this thing for a lifetime, just pay for it once, and then you don't have to pay for it once, and then we enter an organization, just like a mysterious group, we do things in there, do things, if you have any questions, you can ask directly, I will often appear there to answer, because other places may not have the energy to answer.

  • And my practice can keep you practicing, making it very convenient for you, just like I just said, you see, I said, people say, understand a sentence is very slow, you have to check, you have to understand, you see, I understand it like this, how slow do you think it is, 0.5 seconds, 0.3 seconds, I think you see, I can't do this, okay, let me take a look, you see, that's it, okay, I understand it, why do you have to get rid of it then, why do you have to get rid of it then, why do you have to get rid of it then, you see, I just understood it in 10 seconds, and then I listened to it three times, can you do it somewhere else, I don't know if I can do it somewhere else, right, you say that these efficiencies are constantly accumulating, and at the same time, when you encounter a problem, we have a high-quality community, and then only in this way, you continue to learn, learn, it may be more difficult in the early stage, and then you get used to it, or you get on the track, you can keep learning, and then you'll be able to talk, I don't want to stop, ok, that's probably the introduction to the course, more specifically, you can go to my public account, which is my name, public account, and then it's convenient to find it, then you can go to the introduction, that is, the presentation page to see the more specific introduction, while you can listen to, if you say, I don't have the ability to pay for the time being, or I think you should give it a try, 嗯,我就是不想付费,那怎么办呢?没关系,好,我告诉你,就是之后呢,我会讲解,用真实的例子来讲解那个语法,包括自然拼多,我知道市面上有很多讲解语法的那些,呃,课程也好,或者说什么系统,他们他们会跟你说,哎,哎,我们来讲一下,呃,五大巨型,对不对?然后要五大巨型,然后说,哎,我们讲一下实态,对不对?然后会给一堆东西,然后来,你看这个例子是这样子的,呃,哎,什么?

  • 哎,呃,然后,嗯,阿婆,对吧?等一下哈,那他就说,呃,就是过去时,对吧?然后干嘛干嘛之类的,然后说说说,哎,我们不要这么说,我们说的就是在电视剧中,或者说那些外刊杂志当中,真实的句子,它是怎么提取出来,它是怎么说出来的?因为一个语法的话,它其实说白了,你看,它有文字,对不对?就说这个文字嘛,你看这26个字母组成文字, 它有意思,对吧?然后呢,它还有声音,它们基本上讲语法是很难兼顾这些东西的,而且讲的那些例子呢,基本上都是很奇怪,就自己自己想出来的,可能有些老师讲的比较好的话会比较正确,讲的那些句子讲的比较全面也有,但是呢,我们会用直接来真实世界当中,真实的英语世界当中出现过的那些句子,好,比如说我们要讲过去时嘛,我们来看一下这个真实的句子,呃,呃,fell out of a tree, a bird fell out of a tree,你看这就是过去时,然后呢,我会跟你解释,并且给出实际的例子给你看,给你去训练感受,会把所有你能用到的语法点最从最基础的到最难的那些长安句啊,包括他们的那些发音现象,包括一些可能没有发音的,就是一些比如说外看上面的,我也会解释给你看怎么理解,所以这就是我之后会讲的语法 就说我会上传到视频网站上,这是我会讲的,如果你呃暂时还没有能力付费的话,那就你可以可以等一下稍微耐心点,或者说你自己按照你这方式先学着,然后还有就是自然拼读这方面,这拼读吗?就说人家会讲跟你讲一些规则,什么呃,你看到这个单词能读出来,或者说你听到之后能把它写出来吗?那么我们到底该怎么训练呢?还有我们到底我们要用那些实际的单词去讲他,就不要去 说哎,我讲个规则给你听啊,这个规则是怎样怎样讲,但是除了这个规则之外,还有一些例外人家跟你说那你你说这些有什么意思吗?我们直接拿单词来来去学不就行了吗?来去训练呢?同时呢,我也会在付费的那个课程里就是也会是这个真人演示这个吗?就说我们练习自然拼读到底是跟口语或者说跟听力一样,到底是怎样将这些理论知识或者说这些已经存在的这些,比如说美剧当中的 这些句子,包括你去看电影也好,或者说读呃文章也好,怎么把它内化出来,怎么怎么训练的?到底那些时间的安排,比如说我练习完之后我累了怎么办?我明天怎么办?我不仅仅是理论吧,我就直接是超给你看,对啊,你看,比如说我练跟读口语的时候,我我累了,呃,我口干舌燥,我练习的,然后我就呃怎么喝水,对吧?我我读读那个英语的时候,我读多大声音,然后我读几次,我怎么把它录音下来,然后跟真人 进行对比,然后我怎么那些时间的安排,练习的具体怎么安排,怎么反正那些都会讲的很细,就演示给你看,你就参照模仿,说白了就是这个课程就是你不用看完,不用等看完,我可能你就在看第一张地铁的时候,你就马上跟着开始就行了,一开始的时候我就教你怎么设置这些软件,怎么设置这些东西,反正就是马上开始,你买完课那一刻你看,你就可以改变了,你就可以改变你的自身的行为了,就这样,你就可以开始练习,

I usually got 20 points out of 150 in my high school English test and I was hugely addicted to video games in college. I still remember that there was a game called League of Legends that was really really popular at that time. Almost everyone in my class were playing that game including me. And the worst thing was I sometimes even forgot to take a bath or eat dinner due to the video games addiction. I kept muddling like that until I graduated.


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