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  • It seems like everywhere you look, people are buying Leica cameras.


  • In an era in which high-speed, high-megapixel, mirrorless cameras with AI processors continue to push the boundaries of what's possible, why is everyone turning to these technically inferior, simple little cameras from a 135-year-old camera company?

    在這個配備人工智能處理器的高速、高像素、無反光鏡相機不斷挑戰極限的時代,為什麼大家都轉而使用這家擁有 135 年曆史的相機公司生產的技術低劣、結構簡單的小相機呢?

  • Leica cameras are vastly more expensive than their Sony, Canon, Nikon, or even Fuji counterparts.


  • So why would anyone overpay for one?


  • The answer is both simpler and more complex than you might think.


  • There's also one reason that no one else will admit.


  • So let's get into it.


  • In our current age of fast-paced consumption of digital media, there's been a trend back towards old becoming new again.


  • Baggy jeans of the 60s and 70s are back in.


  • Vinyl album sales have risen for their 17th consecutive year, and film photography has actually returned to the forefront.

    黑膠唱片銷量已連續 17 年增長,而膠片攝影實際上已重回前列。

  • Well, no brand is better placed to capture this trend back to the future than Leica.


  • They've been making the world's best film cameras since the mid-1800s, and despite technology advancements and the transition to digital, Leica has always stayed true to their roots.

    自 1800 年代中期以來,徠卡一直在製造世界上最好的膠片相機,儘管技術不斷進步並向數碼相機過渡,但徠卡始終堅守自己的根基。

  • Leica had stopped producing film cameras in 2002, but they were always popular.

    徠卡於 2002 年停止生產膠片相機,但膠片相機一直很受歡迎。

  • That changed in 2022 when they decided to re-release their most popular film camera, the Leica M6.

    2022 年,當徠卡決定重新推出其最受歡迎的膠片相機徠卡 M6 時,情況發生了變化。

  • No doubt understanding this increased demand for the nostalgic feel of film, and offering folks another chance to buy one in a mint condition if they're willing to sacrifice one of their left kidneys to get their hands on one.


  • One of your left kidneys?


  • You only have one left kidney.


  • A kidney.


  • People love the Leica M6, a clone of the same camera that they released in 1984.

    人們喜歡徠卡 M6,它是徠卡 1984 年發佈的同一款相機的克隆版。

  • As an aside, if you love Leica film photography, give my man Jacob here a follow before he blows up and you can say you were there before it was cool in true film hipster fashion.


  • Now, film aside, even Leica's most recent digital cameras still give the feeling of shooting film.


  • They still give that feeling of nostalgia, both in the images that they produce and the act of shooting with them.


  • Whether it's the newer Leica M line sticking with their range finder focusing system, or even the compact Leica Q line, they still give you the opportunity to capture that nostalgia while keeping you grounded in the digital age.

    無論是堅持使用測距儀對焦系統的較新徠卡 M 系列,還是結構緊湊的徠卡 Q 系列,它們都能讓你在數字時代立足的同時捕捉懷舊之情。

  • Now, I can already hear you rushing into the comments saying, but Cal, what about Fuji?

    現在,我已經能聽到你們在評論中急切地說:"但是 Cal,富士怎麼辦?

  • Fuji has film emulations.


  • Fuji has a similar dial layout and feel to film cameras.


  • Yes, I agree.


  • Fuji does have all of those things.


  • I've made a video about this and I certainly will be making more.


  • Many people are buying Fuji cameras.


  • Interest in Fuji is at an all time high.


  • Fuji is technically the highest selling camera from manufacturer, but that's only if you include their Instax cameras.

    從技術上講,富士是銷量最高的相機制造商,但這是在包括 Instax 相機的情況下。

  • I get all of that, but this video is about Leica and I'm sorry, but if you've ever shot with a Leica, you know that it's worlds above Fuji in all of the intangibles.


  • So let's talk about that.


  • So the further you get into photography, the more it becomes a job.


  • I don't know about you, but when I first started photography, it was purely as a creative outlet.


  • I was working 50 hours a week at a demanding tech job and photography was my escape.

    我當時每週工作 50 個小時,從事著繁重的技術工作,而攝影就是我的解脫。

  • Maybe that resonates with you.


  • Now, photography and videography and making these videos on the internet is my full-time gig.


  • And even if it's not your full-time gig, the rat race of social media has undoubtedly made you feel like it's more of a job.

    即使這不是你的全職工作,社交媒體的 "老鼠賽跑 "無疑也讓你覺得這更像是一份工作。

  • So whether it's actual professional work or just the social media grind, the more work you're doing in the world of photography, the more you're going to gravitate towards having the best tools to help you get the job done.


  • The best tools more and more are these high-end mirrorless cameras, the Sony A1s, the Canon R5s, the Nikon Z6s, or even their Pro Cinema Lines.

    索尼 A1、佳能 R5、尼康 Z6 甚至專業影院系列等高端無反相機越來越多地成為最佳工具。

  • These are all fantastic cameras, but they're tools.


  • They're like a hammer.


  • They help you to get a job done.


  • They help you to build something, but they aren't particularly inspiring and they aren't what you want to gravitate towards when you're looking to escape the day-to-day grind of your job.


  • Cameras are kind of boring these days.


  • There was a time not so long ago that many of them were not so great.


  • So we had to fiddle with them and make them work for us to get that extra 10 to 15% out of them.

    是以,我們不得不對它們進行改裝,讓它們為我們工作,以獲得額外的 10%至 15%的收益。

  • Nowadays, they all just work really well.


  • And like a hammer, you might even say they've become stale.


  • Now, Leica, on the other hand, a Leica isn't really a tool.


  • I mean, technically it could be, but I like to think of it more as an instrument.


  • Leicas are simplified, easy to use, have no frills, and allow you to focus on the art of photography rather than menus and frame rates and dials and burst modes.


  • In the same way that your favorite guitar might inspire you to go out and play a tune, a Leica inspires you to go out and make some art.


  • It even inspires you to look for art at times where you'd otherwise not be looking for it.


  • And the compact nature and rugged build quality of them allows you to take them with you everywhere.


  • I've said this before on the channel, but I call my Leica Q2 my moments that matter camera.

    我以前在頻道上說過,我把我的徠卡 Q2 相機稱為 "重要時刻相機"。

  • It's meant to capture the moments in between, the moments with my friends and family.


  • Most of them aren't ever published anywhere, definitely not social media.


  • They're more likely to go on this little digital photo album on our bookshelf or hung on the wall.


  • Using a Leica brings back shooting for the fun of it.


  • It's a departure from that work that you're so inundated by, the backlog of client edits that you have to get to.


  • Those kind of disappear when you're shooting with a Leica, partially because Leica colors don't really require much editing anyways.


  • Now, the Leica gear itself won't make you a better photographer in the same way that a one-of-a-kind Stratocaster isn't gonna turn you into the next Jimi Hendrix.

    現在,徠卡設備本身不會讓你成為更好的攝影師,就像獨一無二的 Stratocaster 不會讓你成為下一個 Jimi Hendrix 一樣。

  • A Stratocaster is like a nice guitar, right?

    Stratocaster 就像一把漂亮的吉他,對嗎?

  • I haven't played guitar since high school.


  • I don't know why I keep on going on with this analogy.


  • A Leica isn't gonna allow you to get more work.


  • It isn't even going to improve your ability to capture things you otherwise couldn't, except insofar as you'll have it with you more often.


  • But it isn't supposed to do any of these things.


  • Instead, it reignites your desire to take photos again.


  • Not because you have to, or because someone's paying you to, or because you have to feed the little like junkies of Instagram, because you want to.

    不是因為你必須這樣做,也不是因為有人付錢給你,更不是因為你必須餵飽 Instagram 上的 "點贊狂",而是因為你想這樣做。

  • And to all you Fuji bros out there, I'm sorry, I tried the X100V and it just didn't do it for me.

    對不起,我試過 X100V,但它不適合我。

  • Okay, we're gonna have to talk about the 5.5 million pound elephant in the room that everyone's thought about, but no one has outright said it.

    好吧,我們得談談房間裡那頭重達 550 萬磅的大象,每個人都想過它,但沒人直說。

  • Whether you're one of the PM fanboys or not, his aura is undeniable.


  • Pete is the biggest influencer in the space.


  • So when he started shooting on the Leica Q2, and then the Leica SL2S, and then the M6, and then the Q3, it was bound to have an impact.

    是以,當他開始使用徠卡 Q2、徠卡 SL2S、M6 和 Q3 進行拍攝時,必然會產生影響。

  • Peter McKinnon has inspired an entire generation of creators to pick up a camera for the first time.


  • So now that he started talking about Leica, it's bound to get many more folks interested in trying the system.


  • You can lament this all you want, but I think it's great that it's reintroduced a historic brand, a new way of shooting, and a return to tradition for an era of creatives who previously only thought about shooting the same old bangers, or making things cinematic, or getting that crispy, epic B-roll.

    你可以對此嗤之以鼻,但我認為這是件好事,因為它重新推出了一個歷史悠久的品牌、一種全新的拍攝方式,讓那些以前只想著拍攝老一套、或把事情拍成電影、或拍出清晰、史詩般的 B-roll 的創意人迴歸了傳統。

  • Now, Leicas aren't without their downsides.


  • While all of the Japanese camera manufacturers are focused on the cutting edge chips and autofocus technology, Leica isn't having any of that.


  • Their autofocus in their cameras are pretty poor or even non-existent.


  • Their video specs don't leave anyone inspired, and their image stabilization looks like something out of the early DSLR days.


  • There's plenty of reasons for you to rage in the comments about why Leicas are stupid and a total waste of money.


  • I get it.


  • For one thing, they're fucking expensive.


  • I've sat here and lectured you about the feeling, and the nostalgia, and getting inspired, and you might think to yourself, why on earth would I pay $5,000 to $10,000 for a feeling?

    我坐在這裡給你們講感覺,講懷舊,講獲得靈感,你們可能會想,我究竟為什麼要花 5,000 到 10,000 美元來買一種感覺?

  • And like, you're right.


  • They're overpriced.


  • They're an aspirational brand, and you're paying for that.


  • They are incredible cameras, and they bring you back to the roots of photography.


  • Should you get one?


  • Probably not.


  • But if you want to relight the spark, and you have the budget for it as a fun camera, I think you're gonna be pretty pleased.


  • And if you're pleased with this video, click on the like button and consider hitting subscribe.

    如果您對這段視頻感到滿意,請點擊 "喜歡 "按鈕並考慮訂閱。

  • I make new videos about cameras and content creation every week.


  • So until next week's video, I bet you'll like watching that one next.


  • Peace.


It seems like everywhere you look, people are buying Leica cameras.


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為什麼大家都在購買徠卡? (Why is EVERYONE Buying a Leica?)

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    kashing chan 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 20 日