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  • I've been watching this scam call center for a couple of days and now I'm going to expose them.


  • First, I'm going to hack into their computers, take a little peek into their office, and then give them a little scare. Step one, find the scammers. We're going to trace their exact coordinates and show you how we contact these fraudsters. I do know that an elderly person would try to find the phone number to Amazon Prime Support and that person will most likely come across a fake website that looks like this. Yes, this is a completely fake and bogus website made by these scammers to trick you and your loved ones into calling a phone number. You can literally type anything into this website. I can type you are scammers and it'll give me the same results every time, instructing me to call a toll-free number. But if you call this phone number, you won't be connected to anybody from Amazon or Roku, but rather a group of scammers in India. Click on add cash again. No ma'am, it's not gonna lock your card. I'm trying to secure your card, your cash app, your money. That lady, or rather Bhawana Bhar, is scamming people out of this apartment complex right here on screen. And not only do I have her exact coordinates, we have photos of her shopping with the same money that she steals from vulnerable people.

    首先,我要黑進他們的電腦,窺探一下他們的辦公室,然後給他們來點驚嚇。第一步,找到金光黨。我們要追蹤他們的確切座標,告訴你如何聯繫這些金光黨。我確實知道,一個老人會試圖找到亞馬遜 Prime 支持的電話號碼,而這個人很可能會遇到一個看起來像這樣的假網站。是的,這是一個完全虛假的假網站,由這些金光黨製作,目的是騙你和你的親人撥打一個電話號碼。你可以在這個網站上輸入任何內容。我可以輸入 "你是金光黨",它每次都會給我同樣的結果,訓示我撥打一個免費電話號碼。但是,如果你撥打這個電話號碼,接通你的不是亞馬遜或 Ro

  • Okay ma'am, so you use cash app on this phone, right? Do you have your debit card connected to cash app, ma'am? And along with her, we have some other scammers in a call center doing the exact same scam. Do you see the AnyDesk? Yes sir, install that. When it's done, just let me know.

    好的,女士,你用這個手機上的現金應用程序,對嗎?你的借記卡連接了現金應用嗎,女士? Do you have your debit card connected to cash app, ma'am?和她一起的還有呼叫中心的其他金光黨 也在做同樣的騙局看到AnyDesk了嗎是的 先生 請安裝裝好後告訴我一聲

  • Of course, when we saw victims in this type of situation, we decided to step in to make sure that there was no money stolen at all. Hello? Yeah, hello sir. I wanted to warn you, those people, they're trying to steal your money. They're not from Amazon. And did you install the

    當然,當我們看到這種情況下的受害者時,我們決定介入,以確保根本沒有錢被盜。喂?是的,你好,先生我想警告你 那些人 他們想偷你的錢他們不是亞馬遜的人你安裝了

  • AnyDesk on your phone? Yeah. Please remove that application as soon as possible, because they're able to see your phone. I'm assuming you're trying to activate your Prime TV? Yes. Okay, so what they were trying to do is get you to log into your Amazon account. I wanted to stop the scam before they can steal any of your money. So all you have to do is log into your Amazon account, and then you can activate the code yourself. Thank you, I appreciate that. No problem, sir. And even though you just heard me save those victims, we grabbed all of the scammers files and permanently stored them on a folder in my computer. And thanks to my friend Mike, we were able to trace the exact location of these scammers down to their city and their street name. Jennifer, or rather her real name, Buana, lives right here as seen on Street View, most notably scamming next to a school and a consultant office. Our next group of scammers aren't stealing from people out of New Delhi, India.

    手機上的 AnyDesk?是的請儘快刪除該程序 因為他們能看到你的手機我猜你是想激活 Prime TV?是的他們想讓你登錄亞馬遜賬戶我想在他們偷走你的錢之前阻止這場騙局所以你只需登錄亞馬遜賬戶 然後就可以自己激活代碼了謝謝,我很感激沒問題雖然你剛剛聽到我救了那些受害者 但我們抓住了所有金光黨的文件 並永久保存在我電腦裡的一個文件夾裡多虧了我的朋友邁克 我們追蹤到了這些金光黨的確切位置 精確到了他們所在的城市和街道名珍妮弗,或者說她的真名叫布安娜,就住在街景圖上看到的這個地方,最明顯的是她在一所學校和一個顧

  • I'm calling you from South Carolina, ma'am. You can write down the location and address. But actually an office in Patna, India, that looks like this. So now let's grab all this info and expose the scammers.

    我從南卡羅來納州給你打電話 女士你可以寫下地點和地址但實際上是印度巴特那的一個辦公室,看起來是這樣的。現在,讓我們抓住這些資訊,揭露金光黨。

  • Please go back to your Bank of America, ma'am. We are refunding thousand dollars into your Bank of America through Zelle, okay? Click on transfer and Zelle on the bottom. Now type 499.


  • Click on add, ma'am. Right now, Buana has access to someone's phone through any desk, and she's trying to steal their money. Ma'am, we are absolutely legit, ma'am. You can write down my phone number and my address, ma'am. And you called us, ma'am, so it's absolutely legit.

    點擊添加,女士現在,布安娜可以通過任何一張桌子 進入某人的手機 她正試圖偷走他們的錢女士 我們絕對合法 女士你可以記下我的電話號碼和地址 女士而且是你打給我們的 女士 所以絕對合法 And you called us, ma'am, so it's absolutely legit.

  • And since their scam isn't working out too well, I'm now going to call these scammers and give them a little scare. First, I'm going to let these group of scammers connect to this virtual computer, and they'll be greeted with a photo that I got from their webcams and a Google Earth


  • Street View of their exact location. So now it's time to call these scammers and confront them with all this info. Hello, this is the TV support, right?


  • Yes, sir. Try to hit on the two circles, the two small checkbox.


  • And where are you calling from? And then you will get an option of accept.


  • Hello, sir. Do you recognize this building right here? Now get back to the main menu.


  • How about this office? Hello? Hello, you're sca- yeah. Do you recognize this office, sir?

    這間辦公室怎麼樣?喂?你好,你嚇 - 是的。你認識這間辦公室嗎,先生?

  • No. Do you know what this- do you see this-


  • Which office? Do you recognize this place right there?


  • No. No, you don't know where this is?


  • Where is this office right here? Where are you sitting right now?


  • No. Are you sitting here?


  • Tell me where you are right now. Tell me where you are. You're not as- oh, he's scared. He's scared.

    告訴我你現在在哪裡?告訴我你在哪裡你是不是 - 哦,他很害怕。他害怕了

  • Of course, the scammers denied everything and shut down their computers and router, but now I'm going to scare this lady, Buona Par, by confronting her with her real name, details about her room, and the color of her shirt.

    當然,金光黨們否認了一切,並關閉了他們的電腦和路由器,但現在我要嚇唬這位名叫 Buona Par 的女士,讓她面對面說出自己的真實姓名、房間的詳細情況以及襯衫的顏色。

  • Then I'll interrupt one of her scams and give her a little scare.


  • Oh, no problem, sir. I will make sure. I will go ahead and check whether you're eligible for a new Apple device. I just need your name and your Apple ID, sir. That's it.

    哦,沒問題,先生。我會確保我會繼續檢查您是否有資格獲得新的蘋果設備。我只需要您的姓名和蘋果 ID,先生。就這樣

  • Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much for that information.

    好的 謝謝 Okay.Okay. Thank you.非常感謝你提供的資訊。

  • Hello, Buona Par. Buona Par, listen to me now. Buona Par, listen to me. Why are you scamming people, Buona? Why are you scamming people? Yeah, tell me. Why are you scamming people, Buona? I know where you are. I'm looking at you right now. You have a headset. You have a blue shirt on. You have pink walls. You have pink walls, right, Buona? You have pink walls.


  • Don't be all silent. I know you're scamming people. Why are you freaking out?


  • As you guys just saw, Buona was speechless and had nothing to say to me after I confronted her with her face and all of her information. Let's hope she keeps her mouth shut and hopefully not scam any more innocent people. If you did enjoy this video, I would recommend checking out my


  • Patreon or buy me a coffee as it greatly supports the channel. And if you want to press the like and subscribe button, it's totally free. So, yeah. Press it.

    Patreon 或請我喝杯咖啡,因為這將極大地支持我們的頻道。如果你想按下 "喜歡 "和 "訂閱 "按鈕,這是完全免費的。所以,是的。按吧

I've been watching this scam call center for a couple of days and now I'm going to expose them.


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