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  • Where is she? Where is she? Mermaid! I don't think she's on this side. Look!


  • There's the mermaid! We found her! Hi! I've always wanted to be a mermaid. Can we be a mermaid with you? Of course! What do you think? What if I become a mermaid? Come on girls, let's go! I have a question. Sure. So when you're dry, do you transform into a human? No, never. Do you have parents? I do! I have a mom and a dad. And I have a little sister named Katie. Her tail is purple and red. Do you guys eat sweet salad? No. Well if you get a chance, you've got to try it. It's the best. Do you brush your hair with a fork? No, actually. I kept losing the fork, so I just use my fingers now. And our final question is... How do we become mermaids? All you have to do is say mermaid magic three times in your head. And if you already have some mermaid magic in you, you'll turn into a mermaid. All we have to do is say mermaid magic. Wait! We want to be mermaids too! Ready? Mermaid magic! Mermaid magic! Mermaid magic! We're mermaids! Well since we're mermaids, what do we do? Well we need to go swimming! Time to swim! It's cold! How do you swim like a mermaid? So either you hold your hands out in front of you like this for guidance, or you can let them hang behind you all flowy-like, and then you just kick your two feet together. Okay! I'm about to give it a try! You can watch me first if you want to. Okay. I'll go over there, and then I'll wait for you guys to swim over there with me, okay? Okay. Okay guys, smash that like button to give us good luck to swim like a mermaid! Ready? 2, 1, go! Wow! I'm the first one as a mermaid! You want to dive? Okay. How was that? That was awesome! You got any fun mermaid tricks you can show us? Sure! I can show you guys the bubble rings. Do you want to see? Yeah! Hey Jazzy, come here! She's showing us some tricks! Okay, are you ready? Can you guys see them? Yeah! Do they look like rings? Yeah. All you have to do is hold your nose, turn your head up like this, put air in the front of your mouth, and say, "poop"! Ready? I'll try it! Nice! Okay, my turn! I want to try! Wow! Guys, she's about to swim through the hoop! That's so cool! My turn, but I might only make it through two of them! Go for it, Pey! Guys, do you think I can make it? Ready? Go! She made it! Excellent! Let's go Jazzy! Three, two, one! Go! Yay, Jazzy! This is my first time going down a water slide as a mermaid! This is Mermaid Sarah's first time going on the slide too! Three, two, one! Oh no! I'm still going! That was so cool! First water slide as a mermaid, guys! Thanks so much for watching this video! This was awesome! Thank you to Captain Amanda, she was super fun! Thanks so much to our mermaid friends Sarah for joining us too! Thank you guys too! Thanks for being awesome! Bye!

    美人魚在那兒我們找到她了我們找到她了!我一直想做美人魚我們能和你一起做美人魚嗎?當然可以你覺得怎麼樣?如果我變成美人魚呢?來吧,姑娘們,我們走我有個問題 - 當然你幹了之後會變成人類嗎?不會你有父母嗎?有我有爸爸媽媽我還有個妹妹叫凱蒂她的尾巴是紫紅色的你們吃甜沙拉嗎?如果有機會,你們一定要嚐嚐那是最好吃的你用叉子梳頭嗎?其實不用我老是把叉子弄丟 所以我現在只用手指了最後一個問題是...我們怎樣才能變成美人魚?你只需要在腦子裡默唸三遍美人魚魔法如果你已經有了美人魚魔法 你就會變成美人魚了我們要做的就是念人魚

Where is she? Where is she? Mermaid! I don't think she's on this side. Look!


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佩頓和傑茲成了亞特蘭蒂斯的海妖! (Payton and Jazzy become MERMAIDS in ATLANTIS!)

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    食べましたビタミン 發佈於 2024 年 10 月 19 日